
Chapter 923: Unlocking the Secret (I)

"Ka...kaka!!" The door to the main control room shattered, revealing the shocked eyes of many, at least thousands of people behind.

I'm coming! Death comes to the beat of a drum, right in front of them!

"Ta" Xu Yangyi turned over and landed on the ground. This kick almost used all his strength, but it did not kill the opponent. Now tens of millions of spirits in the entire ship are concentrated in the main control room and transmitted to the King of Martial Spirits. The opponent is not that easy to eliminate.

However... the moment the main control room opened, everyone's eyes turned red. There was no longer the King of Martial Spirits in their eyes, only the main control room behind them.

That's where the devil's flower finally blooms!

The defense of the Star Destroyer Mothership built by gathering the power of the planes is so powerful. There are countless talismans on each floor and between each wall. They are weakened layer by layer. They are not sure that the King of Nuclear Weapons is somewhere else. Explosion, whether it can completely blow up this training weapon, has come to this point, they don't need "possible", only "absolute".

At the same time, as long as the control system in the main control room is destroyed, at least Renmian will no longer have Nascent Soul to rescue!

"Kill!!!!" Malorne roared up to the sky, turned into white light and rushed away, turning into a human form in an instant. Tianzai's eyes flashed, and as he rushed forward, his hands quickly formed a hand gesture, and a Tai Chi had already appeared in his palms. Xu Yangyi had just landed, and with his feet using all his strength, a violent shock wave suddenly erupted, the God King Pattern unfolded, and he rushed towards the main control room at full speed.

Winning or losing, one goal, one point, one second!

"Who dares to come here!!" Crazy, crazy, both sides fought until the last moment when the bayonet saw red. In front of the gate, the Wuling King, covered in blood, roared and stood up, letting the remaining thunder snakes scurry around in the seven orifices. Its consciousness has dissipated, leaving only instinct. A huge mountain blocked the door of the main control room. The green spiritual power spread like tentacles, sealing all the doors nearly a kilometer away!

"Quick! Send the spiritual power of the entire ship to His Excellency King Wu Ling!!" Behind him, in the main control room with flashing auras, the monks from the real martial arts world were also crazy. Life and death were only a few hundred meters away from them. This kind of thing was enough to make people's scalps explode. The fear of death made them all run.

Death knocks on the door, life and death are on the line.

"All spiritual power is adjusted, and we are ready to repair the body of His Excellency Wuling King at any time! Block it! Block it no matter what! Activate the defense talisman in the main control room! Turn it on to the maximum!"

In an instant, brilliance flashed behind the giant beast, and streams of extremely rich spiritual energy rushed into the body of the King of Martial Spirits like rivers flowing into the sea, madly devouring the remaining thunder light on the opponent's body.

Xu Yangyi's heart sank.

Can't get through...

How accurate is Yuanying's judgment of the situation? As soon as you start, you can almost see the results. The King of Martial Spirits, with more than nine million souls, guarded the open door with his life, and tens of millions of spiritual energy in the entire ship repaired his body. As long as he could not be killed with one blow, it would not be difficult for the opponent to survive twenty minutes. However, the strongest Tianzai now only has eight million spirits.

There is no possibility for them to kill each other with one blow.

However, his speed did not slow down at all.

The momentum of charge is forward but never retreat!

The brave will win when meeting on a narrow road. A narrow road of a thousand meters provides the opportunity for victory or defeat. The main control room has been completely opened to them. Victory or defeat, life and death, success or failure are only separated by a door! Even if the chance is slim, why not be afraid to give it a try!

"You...are looking for death!" His eyes were already red. As the black light rushed forward, Mistertin sighed slightly, as if she sensed his thoughts. Countless phantoms of gods began to flash beside Xu Yangyi. A spiritual energy soared into the sky that frightened the three blue lions!

Hymn to the Norse Gods, Sword of Odin, Ragnarok.

After Malorne, Lord Wolfsbane’s killing moves exploded in full force!

Frigga, Odin, Hela... the phantoms of the Holy Spirits became more and more solid, the space echoed with the dirges of the gods, and countless ancient symbols appeared in the sky. The three green lions were stunned for a moment, and instinctively wanted to retreat. But as soon as they took a step back, a fierce light shot out in their eyes. They actually took a step forward despite the pressure of the gods, and roared to the sky, with great power!

"Roar!!!" In front of the sealed thousand-meter gate, three figures faced three giant beasts three hundred meters away. Twelve eyes intertwined with each other coldly. In the bright green light, there was a murderous intent.

There was a loud sound, and just as Mistertin was unsheathing, Malorne's voice suddenly came: "Let me come."

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, and as soon as he turned around, he saw Maloun taking out a ring.

A very simple ring with a line of elven inscriptions engraved on it, "To His Excellency the High Priest."

"This is..." His eyes flickered, and the alchemy spirit with a photographic memory immediately remembered what it was! The infinite ecstasy in my heart rushed over without any warning, like a volcano erupting!

The shadows of the gods gradually disappeared, and he had absolute confidence in this thing.

"I, the protector of the elves, Malorne, the King of the White Deer, order you in the name of God..." Malorne's spiritual power poured into the ring crazily, and the ring turned over in his hands, bursting out with mysterious white light: " disappear!"

"Brush!!!" The next second, the giant beast in front of the door suddenly disappeared, and they had already appeared at the door!

God’s alibi!

When Xu Yangyi escaped from Jerusalem and escaped from the pursuit of Bai Samu of the Sand, the most important magic weapon was!

Within a kilometer, the positions are swapped!

They stood at the door of the main control room without any obstruction.

Eighteen minutes.

In the last eighteen minutes, the God of Death pushed open the rotten door and glanced at the trembling creatures inside with his gloomy eyes.


At this moment, time seemed to slow down. The giant beast was stunned, and in the next second, it let out an earth-shattering scream of despair: "No!!!"

Tianzai was also stunned, but then, three figures rushed into the main control room without hesitation, and behind them, giant beasts rushed towards them like crazy.

In the main control room, thousands of Zhenwu monks looked at the three people, dumbfounded.

how so?

Where is their patron saint, King Wuling?

Why did these three people suddenly appear here?

"Spare..." The monk at the head was shaking all over and was about to kneel down. Before he could say the word "spare", Malorne waved his hand and the head was already flying into the sky. It was only then that his body knelt down with a thud. , and then fell to the ground with convulsions.

"!! Stop!! Stop!!" The giant beast screamed crazily. Tianzai's eyes flashed and he stood at the door. And Xu Yangyi and Maloun were already killing each other without a word of nonsense!


The black field filled the entire space in an instant, and barbs rushed up without mercy. I don't know how many people died instantly, and their blood flowed into rivers. After a few minutes, only ten people were left shivering and hanging on the barbs. superior.

"The Breath of the Red Dragon!!" In the ancient forbidden land, a fifty-meter red dragon roared up. It had a close connection with Xu Yangyi. The other party was responsible for killing the enemy, and he was responsible for destroying it.

Fifteen minutes later, the God of Death broke in and started killing people wantonly.

With the loud roar, dragon's breath splashed out, and the ground was covered with gunpowder smoke. The blood was evaporated, forming scarlet smoke in the air, rolling out the black smoke, and the thick bloody gas that could not be dissolved rushed into the chest and lungs. Compose a glorious chapter of killing.

At the door, Tian Zai and Wu Ling King started fighting again. A terrifying wave of impact rushed in here, but was firmly blocked by the majestic spiritual energy inside.

Just after the smoke cleared, Malorne's pupils shrank and she shouted at Xu Yangyi: "It can't be broken!"

Xu Yangyi turned around suddenly, and Malorne's extremely anxious eyes were reflected in his eyes.

Unbreakable... They know very well what these three words mean.

There are only ten minutes left...

Once they cannot be defeated and the army of the real martial arts community comes back for reinforcements, they will have no choice but to die together with the Renmianhao!

Withdrawing his gaze, spiritual energy surged throughout his body, and the muscles on his body bulged one by one. Infinite black energy lingered for an instant. Asura appeared, and the dense forest was filled with stars. In an instant, Asura, wearing ancient armor, reappeared and punched a building without hesitation. The console smashed down.

"Boom!" The white light exploded. In this state, Xu Yangyi could hold on to the hundreds of tons of Martial Spirit King. His power was so terrifying. But after the white light, the console remained motionless.


Deathly silence.

No one expected this situation. After crossing this door of life and death, all the spiritual energy gathered here, forming a natural protective shield. Even the Nascent Soul could not shake the gathering of tens of millions of spirits in the entire ship!

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, feeling so clear in his heart every minute.

Twelve minutes...

He opened his eyes, his eyes were red with bloodlust, and with a wave of his hand, ten people, shaking as if they were having a stroke, knelt in front of him. They suppressed the violent murderous intent in their hearts, looked into the eyes of the first person, and spoke word by word. , the voice was very calm: "How to stop the resonance network?"

The first person's lips trembled, his eyes looked at Xu Yangyi blankly, he trembled for a few seconds, and suddenly shouted: "Wu Laoxing will not let go..."

Before the next words were finished, a head flew up with a brush.

No mercy.

There was no hiding, blood sprayed on him, and the distance between the two was less than one meter. Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly, and he quietly put the ring of the King of Nuclear Weapons into the opponent's body.

Even if he can't leave in the end, then... he still has to have the Star Destroyer Carrier come down and bury him with him!

Covered in blood, like a hellish Shura, he looked at the second person and asked the same thing.

Also emotionless, just as mechanical, just as long as the answer and nothing else.

"How do I stop the Resonance Network?"

The second monk, Xu Yangyi, who was like a slain god, was so frightened that he shook several times and stammered: "I...I..."

"Brush!" He waved the knife and the head flew up again.

Kill one person with one step and leave no trace behind for thousands of miles.

Once the luxury product called mercy appears in this gathering place of blood and sweat, it forms a derivative called childishness.

They kept asking one by one, and by the last person, the other person's face was already livid. Facing the flames that were about to burst out from Xu Yangyi's eyes, that invisible pressure, Yuan Ying's spiritual pressure, he screamed hoarsely before he could speak: "Engrave Buttons with lion heads! Three from the left and four from the right!”

Before he finished speaking, the head flew up again.

The other party still had disbelief in his eyes, why? He clearly said...

No reason.

Because they are enemies.

It was the Star Destruction Gate opened from here that destroyed place after place on the earth. They had no right to live.

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