
Chapter 925: Unlocking the Secret (Part 3)

"What is this...?" In the imperial capital, a young man looked at the sky in astonishment. This vision was too terrifying. Even if he was a mortal, he felt his heart beating rapidly with the white giant that had not yet appeared.

"My god..." In New York, Times Square, countless people looked at the slowly torn sky in the flashing neon lights. For some reason, everyone felt creepy.

In countless places and cities, the visions that appeared in the dark night shrouded their eyes. The oppressive force that crossed the sky, the terrifying spiritual power that somehow slowed down the heart, no one could say a word in front of this invisible and unknown terror.

In the most core underground bases of major countries, almost all the heads of state stood up.

The French Prime Minister's hand trembled, stroking the edge of the table, his cracked lips seemed to want to say something, but in the end he said nothing. He just sat down dejectedly, stroking the black box in front of him, gritting his teeth.

They all knew what this was. These things had appeared three or four times during the Seven Years' War, but never like this time, so many, so fast!

The Star Destroyer Gate, and the Zone Destroyer Weapon.

Today, at this moment, all of them have turned into blooming demon flowers, covering the outer periphery of the Earth.

"Everyone..." Chairman Gao closed his eyes, unable to bear to watch any more, and said in a deep voice: "Launch the nuclear weapons... We don't have time to hesitate. Qiankun is the last protective screen, but... we can't watch our people disappear in front of our eyes."

Several scenes were changed on the screen, including the imperial capital, Paris, and New York. Most mortals looked at the sky in astonishment, pointing at the sky and talking about something. Their faces were confused, ignorant, but nervous, which hurt everyone present at this moment.

These are all their people... They are not only not well protected by sitting in this position, but... now they have to open this Pandora's box.

In particular, once the devil in the box cannot break the Star Destroyer Gate, the rest is to use most people as bait helplessly to open the last trump card of the Earth.


Passed down from thousands of years of legends, sealed, existing only in myths, dead or alive... ghosts and gods.

"Everyone..." The German Chancellor leaned on the sofa, his eyes red, unable to bear to watch these scenes. He spoke hoarsely: "The distance... is just outside the atmosphere. Have you ever thought... so many nuclear weapons are fired, even if the earth wins, is this victory valuable..."

As soon as the voice fell, with a "click", China's black box was already placed on the table.

"If it can continue, it is valuable." Chairman Gao closed his eyes, his hands were also shaking, took a deep breath, and finally pressed the password of the black box.

"If you are worried, let me be the sinner."

Everyone's eyes looked over, nuclear weapons... the biggest trump card of earth mortals, sixteen Yuanying fighting on the moon, can't they defend the ground?

"Beep beep..." The sound of the password input was extremely clear on the screen. After a few seconds, the input was completed. Chairman Gao's trembling fingers gently rested on it. After a few seconds, he opened his bloodshot eyes: "For the civilization of the earth."

He gritted his teeth and pressed it with all his strength!

In a tunnel in Qinling Mountains, countless monitors were facing the cloud hole that was getting bigger and bigger in the sky. Below the cloud hole was Xi'an, the ancient capital of more than a dozen dynasties. On the monitor screen, a series of red numbers were jumping desperately.

"What the hell is this!" A colonel rarely swore and punched the table: "Star destroyer weapon? It has never been so large-scale before!"

"Commander!" The soldier in front of the screen moved his fingers quickly, and cold sweat kept dripping from his head: "Five thousand meters above Xi'an City, outside the atmosphere, the spiritual power fluctuation exceeded 80 million!"

"Still growing! 85 million... too fast, this growth rate is really too fast... No! 90 million! 95 million... 8 million... this... this is!"

The next second, everyone's voice stopped.

Whether it was the colonel, or the officers and soldiers inside, they all looked at the screen in shock. The piercing alarms around them made the place even more silent.

"Alarm, red alarm, red alarm."

"Outside the atmosphere, in 36 places, the spiritual power has exceeded 100 million, and in five of them, the spiritual power is as high as 200 million or more..."

"100 million? 200 million?" After a few seconds, the colonel swallowed his saliva, only to feel that the alarms around him were so piercing.

This is equivalent to more than a dozen or more Yuanyings attacking at the same time! Not to mention a city, a province, a small country will be wiped out!

What is this? Why haven't the higher-ups given any instructions yet? How to deal with this supernatural phenomenon?

"Ding!" At this moment, a prompt sound came from the screen. The stunned soldiers immediately looked over reflexively.

This is a code.

But it is a code that they have decrypted countless times, but never thought they would receive or see.

"Open the nuclear arsenal..." The soldier's hoarse voice was floating, resounding throughout the room like a ghost: "The Imperial two-thirds of China's nuclear arsenal..."

"The black box has been ten minutes...prepare for launch..."

At the same time, in the top-secret meeting room below the Imperial Capital, hands opened the black boxes one by one.

"For the civilization of the earth...for the continuation of mankind."

Determination in hesitation.

Determination in the midst of reluctance.

With this finger pressed, there is no regret.

"Swish, swish, swish..." In the mountains and deserts, the mountains left, the Gobi moved away, and the nuclear arsenals that countries once tried hard to hide now stand on the surface of the earth.

This is the sword of mortals, the counterattack of mortals.

Immortals and mortals are not separated. At this moment, they are one and the same.

In countless bases, whether in China, Europe, or America... pairs of eyes, from politicians to prime ministers to soldiers, all looked at the bright red numbers in front of them.

"Countdown, ten seconds."

"Nine, eight, seven, six..."

As the countdown in each secret base approached the end, the thirty-six closed buds outside the earth's atmosphere opened silently.

Green, the brilliant green color, illuminates this 4.5 billion year old planet. The tens of thousands of meters of death green lotus bloomed silently, venting the light of killing.

At the same time, on the surface of the earth, all the magic weapons of the protective formation began to flicker at the same time. The sleeping magic weapons seemed to wake up from their dreams, forming an endless golden ocean over several continents on the earth.

The needle and the wheat spike, Zhenwu against the earth, no one is holding back at this moment, and a super-large-scale planetary attack is coming!

"It's so beautiful..." In New Delhi, India, a little girl looked at the bright blue behind the layers of black clouds in the sky, ran into the house, and took her mother's hand: "Mom, come and see, the sky is so beautiful!"

In Ottawa, the capital of Canada, an elderly woman, smiling, leaning on a cane, holding her husband's hand and sitting on a black chair. Beside them, there was a scorched earth, and billowing black smoke rushed straight into the sky in the dark night.

"I haven't seen such a beautiful scenery for a long time..." The woman held her husband's hand and looked at the sky with some obsession: "I really hope this war will end soon."

The swaying blue of death and the rich darkness of destruction intertwined the lonely figures of two old people on the ruins of the battlefield. New York, the Pacific Ocean, the sky above the Statue of Liberty, blue clouds are rolling. Not far away in the Connor Cemetery, a middle-aged woman holds a bouquet of white flowers and places it on the tombstone in front of her.

Her son died silently in the war to defend the Port of New York.

There are no remains, because the entire Pacific Ocean is full of corpses, and there are no ashes, because there are no remains.

"May the war end soon." She made a cross on her chest with tears in her eyes, and at this moment, the sky was covered with blue light.

"What is this? It's so beautiful, I've never seen it before... What happened?"

Countless people, ignorant citizens, looked up at the sky in the capitals of major countries around the world. This may be the most beautiful night they have seen, and also the bloodiest night.

They don't know that on the distant moon, the blood of the Zhenwu Realm has dyed the Star Destroyer red.

They also don't know that next, their blood will also dye the ground red.

"Five, four, three, two, one..."


At the moment when the zero fell in all bases around the world, thousands of rocket tails of light cut through the air! The sword of the mortal finally came out of its sheath and slashed at the crazy demon outside the atmosphere.

At the same time, thirty-six blue lotuses opened completely, and thirty-six ten-thousand-meter-long destructive auras poured down!

The next second, on the surface of the earth, the protective formation pulled out a sky-wide light curtain, doing its best to weaken the star-destroying weapons.

"Boom!!!" The intersection of blue and gold, countless talismans were destroyed in an instant. The protective formation weakened at least half of its power, but the remaining thirty-six blue rays representing death still rushed through the protective formation and sprayed towards major cities and hubs on the earth!

In Ottawa, the old woman and her husband were stunned. They all saw several rockets rushing into the air, with the roar of death, and in the huge cloud hole, the blue aura almost instantly bombarded the ground!

Countless nuclear weapons were swallowed up in an instant!

At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

They saw... caused by the green light, huge waves of mud and rocks up to a thousand meters high burst from the ground, saw several mushroom clouds rising into the sky, and saw the high-rise buildings of the past shattered in an instant under these terrifying shock waves, scattered like glass, and swallowed by the wings of the god of death in an instant.

It was a gray ocean, and the whole of Ottawa began to cause unimaginable explosions from the center. At first, it was gray mud and rocks, the ground cracked, and then it was easily lifted into the air by an invisible giant hand, forming a thousand-meter-high smoke and dust wave. Then, it was a red explosion that tore the fig leaf of this layer of mud and rocks, revealing the fangs of death.

The high-rise buildings were instantly reduced to ashes, and the majestic overpass collapsed in the blink of an eye like a sand castle. Cars, people, ground, squares, monuments... thousands of years of relics, traces of civilization, were torn into pieces by barbarism and violence at this moment.

Light, only light, infinite light.

It seemed that countless suns rose between heaven and earth, swallowing everything. The old woman's eyes suddenly became blind. This was a phenomenon of light radiation. The brightness of thousands of suns burning in an instant was enough to vaporize everything and pierce the retina.

She understood what this was, and then silently clenched the hands of the people around her.

"Boom boom..." On the trajectory of death, there was no preferential treatment or special treatment. In a blink of an eye, the seemingly slow shock wave had rushed in front of them and quietly swallowed up the figures of the two.

Not a trace of dust was left.


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