
Chapter 926: Unlocking the Secret (IV)

On the earth, countless big explosions occurred crazily at this moment. People who didn't know why died unconsciously, and the civilized buildings of the past turned into debris on the ground in the blink of an eye. However, it was not over. The power of the Star Destroyer weapon was much more than that.

Layers of shock waves divided countless cities into three parts. The bottom layer was made up of gray-black mud and rocks, the upper layer was a black and red mushroom cloud, and the top was a red sun.

In countless bases, too many soldiers watched this scene helplessly, clenching their fists tightly, and their eyes filled with oppressive moisture. Too many people saw their homes, but there was nothing they could do.

"We are sinners..." In a country's top-secret base, the Prime Minister muttered to the light screen: "We will be recorded in history and tell everyone that we pressed these buttons..."

No one answered.

No one knows whether nuclear weapons have any effect. Now all the projection screens are filled with a terrifying blue sea.

Death comes from the sky and leaves only destruction after walking.

"This is what we have to do." A prime minister raised his bloodshot eyes and hissed: "I have no regrets."

"Chairman Gao." He suppressed the tearing pain in his heart and said in a deep voice, "Where is the weapon buried in China?"

"It hasn't started yet?"

Chairman Gao's face was twisted, his teeth were biting his lips, and his fists were clenched. He saw... the entire imperial capital was a sea of ​​fire, the Forbidden City disappeared, the Summer Palace disappeared, most of the Great Wall collapsed... Thousands of years of civilization disappeared before their eyes.

Also disappearing at the same time were countless people who were not notified and had no time to escape.

living person.

"It should be soon..." His voice was hoarse, and he closed his eyes to hold back the moisture in his eyes. After taking a few deep breaths, he suddenly opened his eyes. He, who was always calm, slammed the table hard: "The Chinese army... is all on standby! After the Star Destroyer weapons, all the true martial arts world will surely come!"

"The monk's power attacks on the moon, and on the ground... we will protect it ourselves!!"

"In the name of humanity!"

No one could see that just as thirty-four cyan light pillars rushed into the earth, the world-protecting magic weapons above each continent buzzed, forcibly weakening the power of the cyan light pillars by half. Otherwise, this is a so-called star-destroying weapon. How could it be so simple to simply destroy a city?

In the sky above China, the broken ancient sword shined loudly, endless white spiritual energy spurted out from the broken sword, and golden runes loomed. These spiritual energy formed a buffer zone between the sky above the earth and the Death Green Lotus. But... as the green light became more intense and crazier, the runes on the broken sword slowly receded.

The earth's last layer of defense, almost no one knows its existence. It has stood above the earth for thousands of years. Now, it has finally reached the point where it has run out of fuel.

"Palace Master, their world-protecting array is still in operation." The reporter from Hanhai Immortal Palace reported to Yueying Immortal Grandma Hui.

Grandma Yueying didn't speak. The white spiritual light on her body was becoming more and more intense, and there were always signs of becoming feathered and ascending together with the light.

She looked at the hourglass.

In five minutes, they will return to the moon for a life-or-death Nascent Soul battle. But... once they lose, the crippled earth will be their final bargaining chip.

Take one step and think three steps. As the rulers of a world, they must do this.

"Increase spiritual power." She said without hesitation: "Increase it to three thousand times. No matter what... before I ascend, I must break the earth's protective circle! Let them face our planet-destroying weapons. Down!"

"Boom!!" Following her command, the green lotus blossoms outside the atmosphere instantly bloomed to the maximum! Layers of lotus flowers symbolizing death are in full bloom, and the stamen in the center has become a red sun.

The sea of ​​clouds rose, and with this strongest light, all the magic weapons that protected the world dimmed.

"Rust, rustle..." The broken sword and talisman in the sky over China finally peeled off like gold leaves, and the thousand-year-old formation was declared dead at this moment.

The endless golden light slowly faded from the earth. The earth finally took off its last layer of defense and appeared in front of the enemy spanning countless light years.

In the True Martial World, all the True Lords stood up, with unabashed greed and plunder shining in their eyes.

"Immediately give the order..." The chest of Tang Wuzu of the Eastern Tang Dynasty rose and fell gently, he took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted: "All the Dongtian Paradise belonging to the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the entire army descended on the ground!!"

"Zhu Rong Shen Zong ordered that all fifty-two sects affiliated with Zhu Rong Shen Sect descend to the ground! No garrison troops were left behind! The Lord of the Hanhai Immortal Palace issued an order! All forty-nine sects under the Immortal Palace descended! The imperial edict of the Beiming Dynasty arrived! Seven subordinates The large army, the five expeditionary armies, and the two imperial guards are all coming! Twelve caves, forty alliances! Any place captured is yours! Kill the golden elixir, and the Taoism will be improved by one level!"

"Boom, boom, boom..." Finally, the brightest light disappeared, and in the sky, the Zhenwu world showed all their fangs and their final madness.

Holy lands, caves, and armies, following the afterglow of destruction and cyan tracks, silently emerged from the sky, appearing in front of everyone without any concealment.

The next second...the sky is full of excitement.

Endless black tides, covering the sky and the sun, are ejected from every paradise in the cave. They are countless floating boats, endless sword-wielding monks, war puppets, and mobile fortresses like hills.

After the protective formation was broken, several continents and dozens of major countries in the world, the Zhenwu Realm directly descended on the land, and in an instant, the frontiers of the army pressed on the border!

The black tide was like the sea, pointing directly at the capitals of various countries. From now on, this battle has shown the trend of the final decisive battle.

"British 1st Army, Royal 7th Army, attack! US Marine Corps 47th Division, 10th Division, Third Army, North American Theater... All troops are dispatched! Defend Washington! German Third Army, all divisions and brigades numbered from one to thirty-two, immediately move towards Berlin! Immediately! Immediately!"

On the earth, orders from countless countries were issued. In the hidden mountains and ridges, under the command of the flag, countless planes also roared and took off, hundreds and thousands, tens of thousands, pulling out the figure of an eagle under the sky.

On the ground, tanks gathered into a torrent, artillery fire roared, and advanced at full speed towards the political centers of various countries.

Armored vehicles, missile launchers, no country can hold back, the survival of the country, the inheritance of the earth, all depend on this!

At the same time, in the ruins, the monk families hidden among the mortals joined the war in full force. At this moment, these aristocratic families that had been hidden for hundreds of years could no longer hide, let alone stay out of it!

"Swish!!!" In Romania, an ancient villa with a cold atmosphere, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres, all the doors and windows suddenly opened, and like a black cloud, human-sized vampires soared into the sky and rushed towards the black cloud flying in the sky without hesitation.

In the Middle East, the ground was covered with a well-organized tank army that rushed quickly towards Jerusalem. Countless yellow sand arched up, and then tens of thousands of mummies roared and stood up from the yellow sand, rushing quickly in the same direction.

A river of corpses!

In China, all the tombs of emperors of all dynasties exploded, and zombies, driven by countless monks holding copper bells, rushed towards the imperial capital like rivers and seas.

India, Taj Mahal, with a sharp bird cry, the clothes of tens of thousands of women kneeling around were torn apart, and they turned into harpies and rushed to the sky.

At this moment, there is no good or evil, no each other, only survival and destruction.

The spiritual power statistics instruments of all countries instantly counted the current data.

Zhenwu Realm... one billion spirits!

It is really a full army, leaving no way back!

Earth... 500 million spirits!

The Zhenwu Realm, which is three times larger than the Earth, breeds a direct double of real combat power!

This is truly a full out.

No one spoke, this is also the full combat power of the Earth, success or failure depends on this battle!

With the plane as the battlefield and the planet as the chessboard, the future of the two planes is at stake, the monks and mortals, the heroes and the mediocre, give their all, and no one can retreat.

On the surface of the earth, a battlefield of killing formed in the blink of an eye. Both sides did not hide anything, nor did they leave any backhands, and directly entered the hand-to-hand combat stage. No one had the leisure to care about the war situation outside the ground, and could only pray in their hearts that the war on the moon would go more smoothly.

Therefore, they did not see that after the outer protective magic circle of the atmosphere was broken, all the talismans transformed into the protective magic weapons did not dissipate, but dispersed into a whole, condensed into a strange rune at the place where the magic weapon was, and flickered quietly.

Then... these runes seemed to be attracted by something and rushed towards China frantically!

Then, there was a short period of silence.

The hearts of all the prime ministers of major countries sank.

"The gap is a full 500 million spirits..." The head of a country closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay... It must be okay... Even if this battle is not favorable, we still have the power of the mortal army, which can at least make up for the gap of 300 million. Moreover, in the next city battle, we have the advantage of terrain."

No one answered.

This kind of pale self-consolation, who among you is not a hero on Earth? Everyone knows that the gap of a full doubling has brought about a qualitative change caused by quantitative change!

"God bless..." Countless prime ministers in the West closed their eyes at this moment, and it is very likely that they prayed devoutly to the non-existent God in their lives.

"Five hundred million gaps... Even if the last card is revealed, there is still a decisive gap. Bless us... Allah... May the mystery reach at least 150 million spirits!"

At this moment, there was a bright light in the sky, and with a loud "boom", the stars fell, and the stars fell into the Qingling Mausoleum!

Chairman Gao's face was already extremely solemn, and at this moment, when he saw these lights, his eyes suddenly brightened!

Not only him, but all the prime ministers of all countries almost jumped up from their chairs.

The eyes that had just darkened were fixed on this light curtain. The next second, the prime ministers of all countries shouted without caring about their image, "Quick! The monitors are mobilized to the Thirteen Tombs! Mobilize immediately! Immediately!!"

Chairman Gao also stood up. The old man in his sixties was shaking like a stroke at this moment.

Is it finally here?

Is it activated?

Even if it is activated... can it really make up for the overwhelming gap of 500 million?

Five minutes... ten minutes... fifteen minutes later, with a loud bang, the ground of the entire Thirteen Tombs, the thirteen imperial tombs, all arched up! The ancestral temples and tombs above slid down from the ground like toys and broke into pieces. The next second, a pillar of light rose from the Thirteen Tombs!

Majesty beyond description, sacredness beyond words!

It was like a bow that broke through the air, pointing straight to the sky, and the endless mythical phantoms seemed to escort it, rising slowly. It illuminated the faces of all the prime ministers in front of the screen, making their faces, which had already tended to despair, sprout with hope.

A dark cauldron was spinning in the light column. At this moment, the black exterior was peeling off piece by piece, revealing the colorful cauldron body inside. Suddenly, a stream of colorful light shot out from the mouth of the cauldron, like a firework, towards the far north, across thousands of mountains and rivers, and rushed to northern Russia!

When the earth can no longer bear it...

When the situation has become the most critical...

When the protective formation collapses.

Qiankun, start!

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