
Chapter 927: Unlocking the Secret (V)

Oymyakon, northern Russia, is the coldest permanent place for human beings to live.

On the edge of the North Sea, far away from the sea, an extremely huge iceberg stands here, and it has been thousands of years.

Above Oymyakon, Tianluo Dao, a small sect under the Beiming Dynasty of Zhenwu Realm, is harvesting here.

It is too cold, tanks can't drive over, and planes can't fly. This place is almost abandoned. The Tianluo Dao Palace is over the North Sea. Here, without mortal troops guarding and monks supporting, they are like gods.

"Massacre!" Tianluo Dao Zong, standing proudly in the clouds at this moment, looked at Oymyakon with thick smoke below, and waved his big hand and shouted.

Tens of thousands of Zhenwu Realm monks pressed down like a black cloud. However, at this moment, a stream of light flew from the sky and crashed into the huge iceberg.

"Boom!!!!" The deafening sound shook the sky, everyone was stunned, and the residents of Oymyakon were also stunned.

The leader of Tianluo Sect looked at the iceberg in astonishment. Just after the light fell, the iceberg fell silent.

Five minutes, ten minutes... Twenty minutes later, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Nothing unusual.

"Massacre the city." He turned his head and looked at the unarmed mortals below with bloodthirsty eyes: "Leave no one alive."

But... at this moment, a loud bang came from the iceberg behind.

When the leader of Tianluo Sect turned around, he felt that he might have gone to the wrong place, or he was still dreaming.

Layers of ice fell, and a huge figure of 500 meters appeared from the iceberg, and layers of ice fell suddenly.

"Roar!!!" The huge figure spread its wings and roared, and the surrounding sky was shaking!

"This... this... this is..." The leader of Tianluo Sect took several steps back, trembling all over, looking at the behemoth: "Meet the enemy... Meet the enemy! Meet the enemy!! Set up the formation!!"

"Boom!!" Before the words fell, a pale breath came in the blink of an eye, and in an instant, the entire Oymyakon, as well as the tens of thousands of people in front of him, immediately turned into ashes.

No distinction between each other.

Complete killing!

This is the price of the secret activation!

"Roar!!!" The giant beast spread its wings and roared to the sky. Then, it slowly flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

Bone dragon...

It has been sealed for an unknown period of time, and it may even be like Xiaoqing, a bone dragon that has been sealed since the beginning of civilization!

"This is!!" In the sky, in the Tianluo Sect Palace, the deputy leader's hair stood on end, and he immediately shouted at the top of his lungs: "Activate the sect-protecting magic weapon! All the monks who can move are on the battlefield! Fight it!!"

The bone dragon roared and rushed towards the demon in the sky.

The war between legend and demons.

"One million... two million! Two hundred and fifty, eighty! Three million souls!!" At this moment, on the screens of various countries, people were noisy, and it was hard to tell whether they were regretful or excited, all looking at the huge red dot in northern Russia!

The power of the Nascent Soul!

All the heads of state had a slight relief on their faces, but immediately became solemn again.

Indiscriminate killing...

Even if they win... even if the Moon's Nascent Soul True Lord returns to clean up the secrets, the price of this victory... is really too high...

Earth, after this battle, how many civilizations can be passed down?

How many civilizations will disappear in the long river of history?

No one knows, but now even if it is poison, they must drink it!

Because they still have hope, the hope of the Moon!

"Boom boom boom!" At the same time, on all the light screens, the giant tripod of Qingling was seen to explode.

One after another, streams of light sank into places that were rarely visited. Qiankun... gushed out!

Fireworks bloomed, meteor showers!

The entire earth, in all directions in the universe, burst into an overwhelming colorful light!

Dazzling and colorful.

No one spoke in front of the screen. Even if these monsters were killing each other, there was only one voice in their hearts.



In any case, before the last card was revealed, the mystery could not reach nearly 200 million spirits, and failure was only a matter of time!

"Swish, swish, swish!!" A series of sky-high lights broke through the atmosphere and erupted from the interior of the earth. At one end of the light, in a bottomless trench, a piece of broken tiles and a magnificent ancient wreckage suddenly burst into thousands of golden lights.

On the ground, there was a shabby stone tablet with a few words written on it in characters that humans could not understand.


At the moment the light fell, an ancient seal in the center quietly fell under the light.

The next second, in the ancient hall, tens of thousands of meters in radius, every dark place suddenly lit up with countless red lights!

That was... eyes.

At this moment on Earth, it is visible to the naked eye that a huge vortex is forming under the South China Sea. It is getting bigger and faster!

One of the biggest mysteries on Earth, the ancient city of Atlantis, is revealed!

There is no sound on all the surveillance screens.

They saw... Under this huge ocean vortex, endless black shadows rushed out in all directions underwater, that is... mermaids!

Mermaids holding steel forks and six arms swarmed out from the sea that had sealed them for thousands of years!

"Beep beep beep..." The prompt sound of the soaring spiritual power rang throughout the room, but now no one can let go of their eyes and watch the moment when the earth reveals all its true faces.

"Alarm, alarm, x life form, cannot be detected, a large number of unknown life forms appear under the South China Sea, target: Zhenwu Realm Chiluan Cave Heaven..."

"Reminder, reminder, the earth's spiritual power has increased by 50 million, reaching 553 million..."

Several Western prime ministers, with red eyes, drew a cross on their chests unnaturally, watching the moment when the two sides unveiled their cards.

Not only them, but also China, India, and all heads of state, have extremely complex emotions in their eyes.

That is hesitation, determination, killing intent, fighting intent, and a resolute mood.

All intertwined together, converged into a sea, and flowed into a river.

"As one of the biggest ancient mysteries, it has just been revealed, and the spiritual power has soared by 50 million." Chairman Gao's fingers almost neurotically tapped the table, and his voice was hoarse: "Everyone...we have a chance...we must have a chance!"

"The strength of the earth...has quietly moved towards the Zhenwu Realm!"

Although it is small, it is actually shortening.

"Boom!" In a ray of light, under the world's largest Angel Falls, the thousand-meter waterfall suddenly reversed, as if someone had pulled the gate of the waterfall.

In the mountain behind the waterfall, a face made of rock appeared, covered with seals and locked with unknown chains. It was a thousand-meter-high mountain giant.

The mythical creature, the mountain giant Bikus, was beaten back to his original form by an unknown god because of his greed, tyranny, and endless expansion of territory, and was sealed under Angel Falls.

"Boom!!" Another stream of light fell directly into the Hukou of the Yellow River. At this moment, a battalion of troops was patrolling along the banks of the Yellow River.

"Look, what is this?" Just after the stream of light fell, the battalion commander suddenly pointed at the screen, frowned and said to the instructor: "In the Yellow River... am I dazzled?"

He was not dazzled.

The next second, all the soldiers were stunned. Just two kilometers below the surface of the Yellow River, two lights of tens of meters suddenly lit up.

"My God..." A soldier pointed his gun at the bottom of the river. This unimaginable and supernatural scene made the iron-blooded soldiers shudder: "What the hell is this!?"

"Splash!" No need to answer, the next second, under the eyes of hundreds of people, a huge fish tail flew into the air, raising waves tens of meters high.

"Fish?! How can there be such a big fish!? What on earth is this?!"

The gun rang out, and in the camp, the battalion commander and the instructor looked at the spiritual power detection instrument in astonishment, already dumbfounded.

Two million spirits!

The power of the Nascent Soul!

"Retreat... Retreat... Retreat!!" After being stunned for three seconds, the battalion commander suddenly shouted.

But, strangely, the fish did not attack them. In the vast Yellow River, it suddenly raised a fin as big as a sail, and a golden fish back burst out from the water, breaking through the Yellow River and heading straight for Hukou!

Mysteries also have different attributes.

Some are violent, some are gentle, not every mystery is bloodthirsty.

However, even though they are bloodthirsty, the biggest enemy they are facing now is the Zhenwu Realm! Because the number of people in the Zhenwu Realm far exceeds that of the Earth, with more than 500 million spirits! The Zhenwu Realm is also the one they encounter the most!

"Roar!!!" In the Amazon jungle, a mountain collapsed, and three golden behemoths roared out of it. Their blood-red eyes looked around and immediately aimed at the two surrounding blessed places.

The golden behemoths are extremely rare in mythology!

Like the sharp teeth of a white bone sword, the ground they stepped on was shaking while running, and a python more than ten meters long would be a meat paste with one kick. Running like the wind, and above the two blessed places opposite them, two spiritual treasures of the sect have risen in the distance.

When they meet on a narrow road, they can only advance and not retreat!

In the holy land of the elves, between the towering trees, suddenly, a group of black elves, riding unicorns, covered with spiritual light, rushed out of the forbidden land of the elf king's court. The wind swept out.

Taboo dark elves.

Guns fell and people died. The cavalry rushed straight to a cave outside.

In Northern Europe, a volcano suddenly erupted with thousands of flames. A black dragon roared and rushed out. As soon as it flew out, it spit out rolling dragon breath with wild laughter. Everything around, whether it was the Zhenwu Realm or the Earth Army, was turned into scorched earth.

In front of the screens of various countries, all prime ministers, think tanks, and politicians were completely stunned.

No one expected that the images from various countries would be so terrible after being transmitted.

"Is this... the so-called mystery..." A prime minister said dryly: "It's terrible... Half of them are killing... regardless of enemies and friends, the South China Sea, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, Egypt... have all formed an absolute forbidden area that no one can enter... This... This is even an ancient country..."

"Beep beep..." At this moment, the endless prompt sound sounded again, and this time the prompt sound was extremely high.

"Alarm, red alarm."

"Too many unknown creatures have appeared on the surface of the earth, and the spiritual energy is being counted..."

All heads of state closed their eyes and listened to the moment that determined their fate.

As long as it's close to 200 million... at least over 150 million...

Then... the Earth will also show its fangs! It will tear the enemy across light years into pieces!

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