
Chapter 928: One Billion vs. One Billion!

One hundred and fifty million means persistence, and two hundred million means counterattack.

Now is the moment to pronounce your fate.

"Beep!" Tiandao Fenbrain paused for a moment, and finally started: "The statistics of spiritual energy are constantly rising, and the base number is 100 million."

"Ha..." Countless prime ministers breathed a sigh of relief silently.

"One hundred and twenty million, thirty million, forty million..."

"One hundred and fifty million!"

Several prime ministers suddenly opened their eyes.

There was incomparable ecstasy in his eyes!

One hundred and fifty million...

Enough...enough to reveal that card!

But it's not over yet!

"Sixty million, eighty million...ninety million! Two hundred million!!"

"Brush!" Chairman Gao and the presidents of several superpowers opened their eyes at the same time, and the hot flames of war were burning in their pupils.

Two hundred million...two hundred million!

Enough...enough to sound the clarion call for counterattack!


Just when the Indian Prime Minister started to speak, the voice of God actually sounded for the third time!

"The statistics are complete."

"Total spiritual power, 300 million. Repeat. The combined spiritual power of all unknown life forms, 300 million!"

"Wow!!" The President of the United States suddenly stood up, and his movements were so violent that the coffee cup in front of him fell over. The brown coffee poured on the blue suit was so conspicuous, but he didn't notice it at all.

"Three hundred million... three hundred million souls?!" His voice changed a bit, his breathing was rapid, his chest rose and fell sharply, and his eyes immediately looked at Chairman Gao: "Chairman Gao... what are you waiting for... what are you waiting for!"

"New York is destroyed, San Francisco is gone... Only Washington, the capital of the United States, is left! Let us give the real martial arts world a big surprise!"

"Three hundred million... three hundred million souls..." The Prime Minister of India also stood up tremblingly. The surprise came so fast and was so unexpected that he didn't know what to say. He also looked at Hua Xia: "Chairman Gao, start it..."

"We will start the counterattack that risks the fate of the earth!"

One billion souls...800 million souls. Even if you see countless unknown lives on the screen, myths and legends are destroying the Zhenwu world and destroying the earth at the same time, but this number also gives everyone a powerful shot in the arm!

At this moment, the next reminder made everyone's eyes sparkle.

"Reminder, urgent reminder, the concentration of spiritual energy on the earth's surface has risen sharply. It has now reached 170 of the total amount of spiritual energy contained in the earth before the war, and it is still rising."

The secrets are sealed with spiritual energy. Together with the world-protecting formation in the sky, they consume too much spiritual power, making the earth seem to have entered the Age of Ending Law. But now all the secrets are unsealed, the world-protecting formation is broken, and the spiritual energy returns to the earth. As long as the earth survives...

The earth might have a chance to return to its former glory!

Following this reminder, everyone turned their attention to Chairman Gao. The last card is in China's hands.

Chairman Gao did not speak. The more times like this come, the more cautious he must be.

Eight hundred million versus one billion, the earth still has the strength to fight. But with the last card, the earth can be firmly invincible! it worth activating that card now?

With the mystery fully erupted, the earth has become a battlefield without distinction between each other. Is it still necessary to reveal this last card?

"Open it..." The German head of state's eyes were already red, and his voice was trembling slightly. On the screen behind him, Berlin had been reduced to scorched earth under the attack of the two caves. His voice was suppressed, but he slowly burst out: "Open it! It must be opened!"

"Look here... Everyone, Berlin is destroyed, but the German spirit is not destroyed! How can we let these bastards return to the other side of the galaxy alive after paying such a high price!!"

"Open it now! Now!!"

All the heads of state looked at each other, and everyone saw the fire hidden in the other's eyes.

That is the desire for revenge, that is the unrelenting fighting spirit, and that is the dignity of being a human being on earth.

"Everyone..." Chairman Gao took several deep breaths, made up his mind, and finally said: "Get through this."

"As long as we get through it, we will have a wonderful tomorrow!" He opened his eyes, suppressed the dancing flames in his eyes, and hissed: "I believe we can do it."

"Humans can."

"Earth, the same can be done!"

He looked at everyone behind him and nodded: "Give an order to the earth plane."

"All the small thousand worlds, all mobilize!!"

In the Zhenwu world, everyone in the major caves, blessed lands, dynasties, and holy lands has the same solemn expression.

Yueying Immortal Grandma, Tang Wuzu, Beiming Emperor, Moyun Patriarch...the only four remaining Five Old Stars all looked at the earth with expressionless faces.

"Up to 800 million souls..." Ancestor Moyun's figure had begun to fade away, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The Realm of No Return actually has such a trump card!"

" doesn't matter." His eyes flickered: "The gap of 200 million is also a qualitative change!"

"They are no match for us!"

In the Cold Sea Immortal Palace, Grandma Yueying pursed her lips and looked at the moon tide in the sky. It was a bit strange. She was supposed to go back in ten minutes, but now it has been at least thirty minutes and she is still adjusting.

The earth is anxious, and they are equally anxious. She tried her best to calm down and looked at the light curtain around her: "Nothing... The gap of 200 million, 100 million souls is enough to determine the victory. We... are sure to win."

"Each major sect and the guardian spirit treasure have their own trump cards. Even if the earth awakens the ancestors, they will not be their opponents! It's just a matter of time!"

At this moment, a panicked voice suddenly sounded outside the Ice Palace: "Palace Master! Palace Master! Something terrible has happened!"

"Why are you panicking?!" Yueying Xianlao glanced over and said: "We are about to enter the battle on the moon, which is the key point to determine the outcome of this battle. This True Lord is not panicking, so why should you panic?!"

"Bang!" The man knelt on the ground with one knee, kowtowed with a trembling voice and said: "Palace Master... Something terrible has happened! The spiritual power count of the No Return Realm... has risen to 950 million! And it is still rising!"


All the True Lords of the Zhenwu Realm received this report at the same time and stood up in shock.

How is it possible!

How can the No Return Realm have such a deep foundation! ?

The mystery outbreak has ended, this is the last wave of the No Return Realm! The last card! It suddenly increased by 150 million? !

It was like a basin of cold water poured down her heart, and Yueying Xianlao clenched her fists and made a crackling sound. How could... how could this happen?

After planning the war of annexation of the planes for thousands of years, they have repeatedly calculated the strength of the Bugui Realm, which is at most 600 million spirits. It is only a matter of time for the Zhenwu Realm to win. It is normal for the plane war to last for decades. Even if they win the Earth now, there are still decades to finish. Prevent the Earth from counterattacking, strengthen the strength, etc.

It will not be over until the last force of the Earth surrenders.

But... there is no option to win now! The moon was secretly attacked, and the Earth actually has a few trump cards! How did 950 million spirits do it? ! This is too unbelievable!

There are too many calculations beyond thousands of years!

"How is this possible!!" Zhurong Divine Sect, Mo Yun Patriarch shouted angrily, and with a loud bang, the scorching flames rushed into the sky. The surrounding area of ​​a thousand meters turned into a fiery hell in an instant, and the air was blurred. He gritted his teeth and looked at the light screen around him: "What went wrong?! Where is the picture! Coordinate it immediately! This True Lord wants to see what's going on!!"

They didn't know that at this moment, the ground below Shennongjia collapsed layer by layer, and countless floating boats and sword-riding monks rose into the sky with infinite fighting spirit.

"Gentlemen." The strongest cultivator of the small world stood at the head, his voice shook the sky: "We have also seen the strength of the big world."

"The two strongest cultivators came forward that day to tell us not to act rashly. Moreover, we are subordinates of the world of no return! When the nest is overturned, how can the eggs remain intact?"

"Fight hard! Once we win, the world of no return promises us to open all the classics and classics, and to recruit disciples, and most importantly, to open up trade in the plane! Take the world of no return as the benchmark! Gentlemen... what are you waiting for!!"

He turned around, waved his hand, and hundreds of floating boats flew up: "Fight bravely!"

"Yes!!" The roar of the landslide and tsunami below.

As the small worlds entered the teleportation array one by one and joined the plane war, the spiritual power of the earth rose rapidly!

The small worlds of thousands of years, at this moment, came as promised with the order of the earth, and the Zhenwu world was separated from its own plane, and there was no small world to summon!

On a battlefield, a space passage of several thousand meters twisted and opened. The few remaining mortal troops were stunned. Before their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley, they saw hundreds of floating boats and tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of cultivators rushing out in a mighty manner! Carrying sky-wide banners and rolling crowds, they formed countless large formations and rushed towards the Zhenwu Realm.

"Kill!!! Fengge Realm came to join the battle! Jiuxiao Realm came to join the battle!! Julingdi joined the battle! Kuyun Realm joined the battle!! Bixiao Realm joined the battle!"

Shouts and kills tore through the sky, and at the same time, the spiritual power index of the entire earth rose rapidly!

All the heads of state in the underground bases of various countries stared at the screen.

Still rising... Still rising!

The indicator representing the spiritual power of the earth is still rising!

Don't stop... Don't stop... This is the call in everyone's heart. The indicator has crossed 950 million and reached 60 million... 70 million... 90 million!

All the Zhenjuns in the Zhenwu Realm were also shocked by this scene.

Impossible... Absolutely impossible! But this impossible scene suddenly unfolded before their eyes.

At this moment, the top leaders of both sides were silent.

995 million... 6 million... 7 million... 8 million...

No one dared to speak, and everyone stood up silently, fearing that a word would disturb the jumping of the numbers.

One billion!!!

When the earth's spiritual power jumped to one billion! The entire underground conference room, all think tanks, and politicians cheered!

"One billion... one billion!!! Hahahaha! The small world has made up for the last shortcoming! One billion against one billion! We will not lose!!"

Chairman Gao opened his mouth to the sky, his lips were cramped, and a low gasp came out of his mouth.

I can't describe my mood just now.

More than 950 million, the strength is on par. But the number of one billion... represents transcendence! Represents counterattack! Represents hope!

"Beautiful." After a long time, he punched the table hard.

After the revelry, he cleared his throat and coughed: "Everyone. We can't take it lightly."

Everyone fell silent, and he forced himself to suppress his excitement and ecstasy, and said word by word: "Don't forget, our Zhenjun is still fighting a desperate battle on the moon."

"If the star destroyer mothership is not shot down and the earth's protective formation is broken, the Zhenwu Realm can force us to surrender outside the earth. In addition, if the Zhenjun dies in the battle, the Zhenwu Realm Zhenjun is still there, and everything we do now is just a mirage."

He looked solemnly at the sky: "Now, we have done everything we should do. We can only wait and pray for them."

"I pray that in this final decisive battle, we will be the winner."

"We will also tell them that we will protect the ground, but this battle on the moon is about the earth, and we must win it no matter what!"

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