
Chapter 929: Battle of Yuanying (I)

The earth was a sea of ​​fire, and all the True Lords of the Zhenwu Realm were stunned.

No one could imagine that the earth actually gathered 1 billion spirits! As powerful as the Zhenwu Realm! Both of them are the top worlds!

"This is impossible... How is this possible..." Beside Tang Wuzu, the two ministers on the left and right looked at the light curtain in a daze, then turned their heads to look at the earth that was devastated and full of smoke: "Obviously... We have collected data for a thousand years, and the Unreturning Realm will never break through the limit of 800 million spirits... Now... How is it possible to have 1 billion spirits now?"

Tang Wuzu's eyes seemed calm, but no one could see the turbulent waves hidden in the flickering.

Crossing countless light years...

Arriving on the earth... The Great Jin Dynasty was destroyed... And it ended up like this?

The Unreturning Realm itself can't be defeated? And after a full outbreak, it will be as powerful as the Zhenwu Realm?

The sky was full of red fireworks, and below was the vast black clouds. Tang Wuzu suddenly said: "Right Prime Minister, are you in charge of the interrogation agency of the Eastern Tang Dynasty?"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me!" The Right Prime Minister immediately knelt down, sweating coldly: "I... really don't know... how can the Unreturning Realm have such a powerful force!"

"Not only this old minister, even the two holy places and other dynasties, the estimated spiritual power is less than 800 million... This, this... This old minister really can't think of it!"

Tang Wuzu looked around, and his heart was desolate.

Between the black clouds, there were black dragons flying, angry dragons circling in the sky, and pieces of floating boats were firing. He looked neither sad nor happy, gently grabbed the Right Prime Minister and pulled him in front of him. Looking into the other's eyes, he said word by word: "Now, you go down to supervise the battle."

"If the moon is defeated, you will die to apologize!!"

The last few words, boundless rage, murderous intent, madness poured out from the gap between his teeth, without waiting for the Right Prime Minister to agree, he slapped the other party down from the clouds with a slap. At the same time, he suddenly looked up at the sky, at the bright moon.

"Has it finally begun..."

"Come on, let's make an account of the final battle that will determine the two planes, the thirty-one people we have heard of for a long time but never met."

As soon as the voice fell, a thick purple tide suddenly erupted on the moon, and his figure finally merged with the projected white light.

Fourteen moonlights fell from the moon to the ground, and then, fourteen stars, without any concealment, had no intention of avoiding the earth's monitoring equipment, just like the earth monks who rose to the moon before, rising slowly in the dark night.

Ancestor Mo Yun looked at the smoke-filled land below, then took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy burst out, looking at the sky.

In the white light, Yueying Xianlao was like Guanghan Fairy, with long sleeves fluttering, and dozens of Yuanying magic weapons lingering around.

Fourteen True Lords, with solemn appearances.

The last battle.

The battle on the moon!

The battle that determines the trend of the war!

Yuanying vs. Yuanying, good horse vs. good horse, general vs. general!

Langdu, Tianzai, Malorne, Baisam, Alamuhan, Saint Peter, Dirang Jawara, Harvey, Shahruk, Uryen, Caesar, Augustus Tagul, Ophir Covenus, Xuanyuan Sword Master, Xu Fangyuan, Phoenix.

Yueying Xianlao, Moyun Patriarch, Tang Wuzu, Beiming Great Emperor, Chaolong Patriarch, Langya Zhenjun, Kongyun Fairy, Soul Devouring Boy, Dongzhen Daozu, Tianyazi, Right Prime Minister Nangong Ao, Bixue Xuanshe, Zhuyue Palace Master, Kongwu Cave Master.

A total of more than 300 million spirits in the master-level duel!

The great monks who usually stomped their feet in their own planes would shake the planes at this moment, for their own responsibilities and their own responsibilities, went to the battle brazenly!


Yunmian, Renmianhao, and Xu Yangyi ran wildly. The spiritual power of the group of people brought out a hot tail of light in the air. Everyone looked solemn, but after so long, they still didn't see the entrance and exit on the map.

"Dong... Dong..." As they rushed forward, the ten-meter-thick, shining gates with talismans in front of them fell down with a bang, but were immediately smashed. The whole mothership was humming, like a heart beating.

On the road they rushed through, in the kilometer-wide passage, there were already rays of light cast on both sides. It was like the moon blade chasing them. Five meters in a pair, neatly arranged, in the white light, one can vaguely see a shadowy figure, all wearing armor and holding a spear.

Just like running in the corridor of Valhalla, a series of spiritual light phantoms stood like blades, and the silent moon fell as pale as a knife, chasing the night traveler in front.

"Super-large-scale space-time transmission..." Zhao Ziqi's eyes moved, black and white yin and yang appeared, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Who is coming... Such a big battle..."

"No matter who it is, the specifications must be very high." Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy carried several people forward quickly: "When the moon tide erupts, the spiritual energy is completely out of control. Not only can our spiritual energy and the world not communicate, but more importantly, our senses will be distorted."

"Swish!!" As if to confirm his words, the light columns on both sides fell madly, running in the projections of thousands of troops that kept falling. People walked in front, the moon fell silently on both sides, and the sword light was like snow. Just like the imperial army waiting for inspection, waiting for their king to arrive in the dead silence.

Tianzai looked calm and frowned slightly: "Although our speed has been reduced a lot, it is at least at the foundation building level. The foundation building level is almost the same as a car. It's only 10,000 meters. It's impossible that it hasn't arrived in half an hour."

"And..." He paused and said in a deep voice: "This time the Moon Tide is not right. The previous outbreak was so fierce. According to reason, the monks of the Zhenwu Realm below should have returned to help immediately. But it was delayed so much... It's not like the Moon Tide that broke out naturally."

Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth and whispered: "Can we... really get out?"

"Whether we can get out or not, how can we know if we don't try?" Malorne had turned into a white deer, with white hair flying all over his body while running. He was almost unable to control his murderous aura. He sneered: "The prince with more than 300 million spirits is fighting. I really want to see what strength the prince of the Zhenwu Realm has!"

"Really?" Just as he finished speaking, a calm female voice suddenly sounded in the air: "I will not let you down."

"Puff!" The moment the last word fell, Chu Zhaonan, Zhao Ziqi and others spit out blood and their speed dropped sharply. Then he immediately swallowed a pill and looked around with great solemnity.

In front of them, Xu Yangyi's three Yuanyings' eyes flashed, and they all stopped in their tracks with an emergency brake.

Here they come...

Finally here...

In this decisive battle that determines fate, the fifteen Yuanyings of the Zhenwu Realm have finally arrived!

Everyone felt that three magnificent spiritual powers, like a tsunami, rose up and surrounded them in a triangle with them as the center.

The surging murderous intent filled the stagnant air. At the same time, purple moonlight penetrated the surface of the mothership and penetrated the hull. With "boom boom boom!!!" three lights that were hundreds or thousands of times more magnificent than the two sides, and even made him feel frightened, suddenly gathered behind them.

The dagger was revealed!

If the Son of God descended, the white light in the sky would be so majestic that even the surrounding space would tremble rapidly. That was the magnificent power of the Yuanying, which roared out without suppression at the moment the transmission ended. With a "boom!", a fierce white light flashed between heaven and earth. There was only light, only light. All that was seen and heard was pure white. The three light beams all exploded, and a tsunami of talismans of tens of thousands of meters came, forming a Shura hell at the peak of the Nascent Soul.

Ten thousand meters behind them, in the infinite light, a woman dressed in pale green, with pearls and jade on her head, a golden phoenix step-shaking, a fan with broken lotus in her hand, and a green lotus on her forehead, walked out first.

Her feet did not touch the ground, and with every step she took, the green lotus bloomed, and lotuses grew with every step. With every look, her eyes were full of autumnal waves, as if a banished immortal had descended, so beautiful that it was beyond description.

"A paradise on earth, the Moon-chasing Palace in the deep sky." She opened her red lips slightly, her eyes were like ice, and she waved her round fan slowly: "On the list of Yuanying heroes in Zhenwu Realm, ranked seventh, two saints and three dynasties, four caves and six palaces, the current palace master of the Moon-chasing Palace in Wanhua Valley."

She slowly raised her hand: "The moon rises over the sea, and the world seems close."

The moment the last word fell, a thousand-meter-long bright moon phantom shone for thousands of miles. The people in the moonlight were like Lingbo Fairy and Guanghan Chang'e.

With the appearance of the moon, the two spaces were actually rapidly closed. Tianzai's eyes were stern: "Domain!"

"Swish!" With just two words and a breath of time, the two sides had approached only a few hundred meters, and the distance of ten thousand meters was directly wiped out! The entire passage was illuminated by the moonlight, and the killing intent was fierce in the white light. Don't look at the Moon-chasing Palace Master behind them. The distance of hundreds of meters is a flash for Yuanying.

They have been completely sealed in the human-faced number.

"Pah, pah, pah!" At the same time, the soldiers on both sides gathered in the white light, and they were neat and tidy. They immediately half-knelt on the ground, neat and tidy, with extremely excited faces, and shouted with all their strength: "Welcome to the ancestor!"

These four words kept echoing in the thousand-meter-wide cabin.

The fierce spiritual pressure blew the clothes of everyone present. Xu Yangyi looked at Malorne and Tianzai in a telepathic way, and everyone saw a trace of regret and determination in each other's eyes.

I can't leave...

Then...let's fight!

Who is afraid of whom in the battle of Yuanying!

"Just you?" With a relaxed state of mind, Xu Yangyi took a step forward and raised his eyebrows: "Daoyou, you are not qualified."

"Then, what if I add this real monarch?" A cold voice appeared like a shadow in the moonlight.

Behind the master of Zhuyue Palace, a hunchbacked old man stepped out like a poisonous snake. He was only about 1.6 meters tall, wearing a nine-dragon robe and a jade crown. He looked short, but his spiritual energy was even better than that of the Moon-Chubbing Palace Master!

"Welcome to the Black Snake Ancestor!! I wish the Black Snake Ancestor a thousand wins! Ten thousand wins! Ten thousand wins!!! Invincible! A victory!"

The Zhenwu Realm cultivators who knelt respectfully on both sides were excited and blushed.

This is their king, their supreme, the sixth on the Zhenwu Realm Yuanying Yingling List, the master of the Xuankong Cave Heaven in the four caves, the Black Blood Snake!

The deafening shouting made even Chu Zhaonan, Zhao Ziqi and others look a little pale.

The cheering had no spiritual power, but there was a kind of oppression that was deeply trapped in the army. From all directions, it eroded their hearts in every possible way.

Wang Chen secretly glanced at his master, only to see that Xu Yangyi looked normal, and he was already extremely impressed in his heart.

How big a heart, how strong a self-confidence, how great a courage, can you stroll leisurely in the roar of the enemy's home ground?

Five pairs of Yuanying looked at each other like swords, and the sound of swords clashing could be heard faintly in the void. Any of the True Lords looked gloomy, but in fact, their spiritual power had been transported all over their bodies. The calm sea surface may be a rising tide in the next second.

"Please come out, the real master." Tianzai said lightly: "One Yuanying in the middle stage, one Yuanying in the late stage, you are not enough."

Chu Zhaonan took a breath.


The last person... is even stronger?

These two Yuanying are not the real masters?

What level... is the one coming!

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