
Chapter 934: Battle of Yuanying (VI)

Malorne shook her head hard, her breathing quickened, and she looked with all her strength, Tianzai was still Tianzai.

Where is the Great Wall?

"Is this... an illusion?" He looked at his hand in disbelief: "Or... is his defense so strong that it is as towering as the Great Wall?"

"How could..." Ancestor Moyun's eyes went straight: "How could there be such a monster!"


Not just Malorne... Ancestor Moyun also saw a wall, a continuous and indestructible giant wall!

The scene fell silent for a moment, looking at the calm Tianzai. That's right...that's the attitude...this kind of look that seems to be calm but actually has no eyes left behind, like a needle, has picked out the most sensitive piece of tender meat in Patriarch Moyun's heart.

A burst of backfire exploded, and with a long roar, the white hair on his head turned into flames. Divine flames billowed in the seven orifices. The three-meter fire man suddenly rose to a height of ten meters, flying into the air. The Balrog was reincarnated, and his voice changed. It's like a demon roaring.

“I don’t believe that I can’t capture you today!!!”

"Fire!!" He suddenly stretched out his left hand, his spiritual light was like a sea, and in the deep sea of ​​flames, a statue of a flaming wild goddess hundreds of meters high slowly rose up. The intertwining fire and light pulled out the dark realm of the abyss.

"Wind!!" Spreading his right hand, a strong wind blew up. The wind helped the fire and the fire borrowed the power of the wind. Countless red light points roared and condensed, turning into a blazing tornado. As long as it was within a hundred meters of the tornado, regardless of cabins or talismans, all Turn into ashes. A few seconds later, endless three-legged fire crows had formed a crimson sea tide around the goddess statue.

The flames burn the sky and consume everything!

"You can block the Blazing Heavenly Soldiers and Ten Thousand Beasts Atlas, can you even block the magical power of the domain?!" In the sea of ​​​​thousands of feet of fire, Moyun Ancestor was like a titan of purgatory, his voice was like thunder: "Burn the Nine Heavens!"

"Swipe!" The Suzaku flapped its wings and the phoenix bathed in fire. As Patriarch Moyun roared with thunder, thousands of three-legged fire crows screamed and rushed towards Tianzai, pulling out a 10,000-meter path in the human face. Red Milky Way.


No. 1, Xuanyuan Sword Master was completely unscathed, sitting cross-legged in the vast sword field. Slowly closed his eyes.

Not far in front of him, two men wearing golden crowns and dragon robes looked at the old man with great caution.

"Everyone who needs to leave has left..."

"What should be left behind has been left behind."

"Then... let you see the true strength of this old man who is revered as the number one Nascent Soul in both worlds!"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of swords sounded in a radius of thousands of miles!

"Buzz buzz..." The ancient swords trembled slightly, causing the whole room to tremble. Each ancient sword bloomed with a golden light, and the sea of ​​light composed of talismans gathered in front of the Xuanyuan Sword Master, and the waves surged. Shoot the shore.

"Crash...crash..." The resonance of the sea of ​​swords echoed from all directions. Emperor Beiming, Tang Wuzu took a deep breath, and without any hesitation, his domain exploded!

On one side, a flying dragon is in the sky, with nine golden dragons circling behind it, devouring everything. There are endless clouds all around, and the nine dragons pass through the clouds and create clouds and rain.

On the other side, there was a black tiger with a radius of one kilometer, roaring continuously. As the black tiger passed by, the wind roared, sand flew, and everything under the tiger's claws was cut away out of thin air, becoming the black tiger's absolute territory.

The wind follows the tiger, the clouds follow the dragon!

Sword Master Xuanyuan stood up for the first time.

Wearing a long robe, fluttering with the wind and clouds, it seemed that he would be submerged in the violent storm of the two emperors in the next second. But no matter how strong the wind or rain, he is like a small boat, standing firm and unyielding.

"Brush!" The wind and clouds were moving, and the clouds were assisting the wind. The cloth band binding Xuanyuan Sword Master's hair seemed to have been sliced ​​off by a sharp sword, and his white hair was scattered. At the same time, there was a terrifying and loud "dang-dang-dang" sound from all directions. With a radius of tens of thousands of meters, the central space of the Supreme was cut into pieces by these invisible storms.

He narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "The cultivation level is good."

"Unfortunately, it's not enough."

Before he finished speaking, a red light flashed in the endless wind and clouds. Then, Master Xuanyuan Sword sheathed his sword, his hand so steady that there was no trembling or bulging veins. But after the ancient sword was sheathed, the entire scabbard buzzed crazily.

No one can describe this sword.

It seems to be light, but not light. Because the opponent's movement of taking out the sword and putting it into the sheath can be seen dimly.

It’s just because it’s too fast, too pure, and too extreme that it’s impossible to tell the difference!

At this moment, time seemed to stop, as if even time was marveling at the ultimate beauty of this sword. The eyes of Tang Wuzu and Emperor Beiming suddenly opened wide, and no one could see them. A drop of cold sweat flowed down their foreheads.

The roaring wind and clouds stopped at this second. The black tiger and golden dragon that roared in the previous second were suddenly choked by someone's neck, and there was silence.

"Plop!!" A second later, two blood marks burst out from the arms of Tang Wuzu and Beiming Emperor! The bones were visible, and the body-protecting aura was of no use at all, it was cut open like paper!

With two muffled groans, the two emperors quickly retreated a thousand meters away and looked at the standing old man in shock.

One person and one sword, but they are like Mount Tai, a mountain that stands tall.

"How is it possible..." Tang Wuzu's vest was covered with cold sweat. He looked at the old man in great amazement. He touched his wound with trembling hands: "You can't see it... you can't see it at all! There are no other tricks... not even me. Feeling the movement of spiritual energy...what kind of magical power is this?"

His chest rose and fell sharply, and he immediately looked at Emperor Beiming, but what he encountered was the same shocked expression on his face.

One sword shakes two emperors!

It was an ordinary sword, but it was a peak sword. With the power of this sword, the two emperors' domains were fully opened, and they did not dare to get close!

"This is not a magical power." As if seeing their doubts, Xuanyuan Sword Master slowly said: "This is the sword."

"Hmph!" Bei Ming Great Emperor adjusted his mood and looked at Xuanyuan Sword Master coldly: "Deceiving the emperor is a capital crime."

"The power of a sword can break the domain, break the protective aura? Break the body's defense? Daoist friend, do you think I am a three-year-old child!"

Xuanyuan Sword Master had no joy or sadness on his face: "People..."

"Always infer the impossible based on what you can't do."

"Once, I saw Master draw his sword and cut the bright moon with his sword. I also thought it was impossible." His turbid eyes looked at the two emperors with cramps in the corners of their eyes: "Just like you saw me today."

"Practicing swordsmanship for hundreds of millions of times will make its meaning clear. Ordinary slashes can also become a unique skill to defeat the enemy if you have killed tens of thousands of people."

No one spoke.

The two emperors looked extremely gloomy. As two of the Five Elders of the Zhenwu Realm, they had so much knowledge and experience. Now they were injured by this dying old man with one sword! I was even laughed at for not being good enough! How could I bear this anger when I was pampered and self-centered for years!

However, before they could speak, the Xuanyuan Sword Master had already come over with a sword. The two of them had flashing eyes and retreated hundreds of meters in a row.

Cloth clothes, hemp shoes, ancient sword. Shocked back the dragon robe, jade belt, and golden crown.

"I have a total of seven swords."

"After the seven swords, if you can still live, I will recognize you as a hero."

"By the way, no one has ever seen my fourth sword." He gently raised the nameless ancient sword, his white hair flying, his clothes dancing wildly, and his left index and middle fingers slowly wiped across the tip of the sword. The nameless ancient sword actually made an extremely comfortable buzzing sound.


That was the joy of meeting someone who could bring you to the extreme, fighting in the hands of such a person, and the weapon itself.

"Are you ready?"

On the opposite side, the Emperor Beiming and Tang Wuzu were facing a great enemy, and their domains were fully opened. This ordinary posture was definitely not ordinary in their eyes!

The man and the sword are one, the world is natural, the opponent's sword can't see the trace of the rise, nor the direction of the fall. It rises without a trace and falls in silence, and what is taken away in the middle is their lives!

"Is this the strength that is only one line away from the next realm?"

The two of them are already like a taut string, and the other party is still in the mood to chat. This gap in strength makes them feel cold in their hearts.

The first Yuanying in the two worlds... is such a terrible monster!

He hasn't drawn his sword for hundreds of years, but once he draws his sword, no one can stop him!

At this moment, a ray of light flashed in the cabin, like a midnight night flower, and then there was a sound of a sharp sword returning to the sheath.

"The first sword, no self."

Time seemed to stop at this moment. The two emperors didn't have time to mobilize their spiritual energy, and they felt a flash in front of their eyes. In front of them, there was no Xuanyuan Sword Master, no Supreme Title, but a piece of...

Sword Tomb!

The place where ten thousand swords return to the void.

"Tick-tock..." A drop of cold sweat quietly dripped down Tang Wuzu's forehead. He looked around with great vigilance, put his hands behind his back, and said in a deep voice: "This is..."

"Domain... Ten thousand swords return to the clan." Beside him, Emperor Beiming also looked uneasy. Facing the number one in the two realms, no one could be relaxed: "His domain... is too strong, at least compared to ours, so he can instantly pull us in when our domain has no reaction."

Before he finished speaking, a white light suddenly burst out in the dark sky. At the end of the abyss, the vast white light was like a tide, like the first ray of morning glow in the dark night.

With the appearance of this light, thousands of swords in the sword tomb rang together, and the murderous intent was fierce in the beauty. Tang Wuzu and Emperor Beiming suddenly woke up and bit their tongues hard. The mind rang, and the sword tomb in front of them disappeared suddenly.

It's terrible...

In an instant, he could actually pull himself into the other party's domain, and his spiritual consciousness and self were completely immersed. This state... is only one step away from the next realm!

However, they had no time to think about it, because... right in front of them, a magnificent sword light appeared.

The rain in the night fell, and the morning glow broke through the night, like fog, and like the aurora. There was no source, and no end, covering the sky, the light was vast, and it cut through the clouds.

"Boom!" There was a loud sound that shook the earth, and the two of them were directly knocked thousands of meters away without even a cry.

"Stand up." Xuanyuan Sword Master held the ancient sword and walked slowly step by step: "Since you dare to come here, I guess you are ready to die."

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