
Chapter 935: Battle of Yuanying (VII)

Hualala... pieces of the bulkheads turned into pieces and fell down, raising dust all over the ground. "Puff!" Tang Wuzu spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the jade pendant on his chest in disbelief. There was already a crack on the jade pendant.

"Ka Ka Ka..." Before he finished thinking, the entire cabin burst into a loud clacking sound within a radius of 10,000 meters. Then, with the Xuanyuan Sword Master as the center, a visible crack appeared around with a heart-shaking sound. The regular circle divided the entire cabin into two halves with a thrilling vibration. The upper half collapsed in all directions with a rumble.

Tang Wuzu, the Great Emperor Beiming, who was in this circle of collapse, was like a mortal in the center of the collapse of Mount Tai. His face was ashen and he said nothing.


Too strong...

One sword pacifies the world. This old man really has this kind of momentum! At least they couldn't find a chance to escape in front of him!

Amidst the collapse, Feng Xu, the master of Xuanyuan Sword, stepped forward slowly, pointing the ancient sword at the necks of the two men: "Second sword."

"Boom boom!" As the four words fell, the pupils of the two Yuanyings in Zhenwu Realm suddenly shrank, and a sense of crisis that spread all over their bodies, like needles, suddenly struck their minds. The spiritual energy in their bodies burst out involuntarily. The black and blue spiritual energy condensed into a sea, and in less than half a second, a golden dragon and a black tiger formed around them, spreading hundreds of meters in radius, protecting the two people tightly.

However, the eyes of the two were all extremely shocked. They looked at their hands in disbelief.

"I..." Tang Wuzu's voice was hoarse: "I didn't activate the domain..."

"I didn't..." Bei Ming Emperor's lips trembled slightly: "This is...extremely strong pressure, the domain automatically appears and automatically protects the master!"

"The body's instinctive reaction to an irresistible external enemy?"

"He is so strong? He doesn't need us to trigger it, and force us to activate the domain!?"

"Boom boom boom..." There was no answer. Behind Xuanyuan Sword Master, thousands of swords rose into the sky, and a golden splendor swallowed the world. The holy, unparalleled, and extremely sharp sword light cheered and roared, boiling in the kingdom of swords, the holy kingdom of God.

"Kai Yang." As these two words fell, a brilliant sunlight enveloped the surroundings. This has transcended the sword way and is using the sword way to evolve the avenue. The sword light can actually turn into sunlight, and the sunlight shines everywhere. The two emperors gritted their teeth and put their hands into their underwear at the same time.

Unable to stop...

I thought that the two emperors could at least defeat each other by joining forces, but when they really fought, they found that what they lacked was not spiritual power, but understanding, ideas, and persistence in their own great way.

The other party has reached the highest realm of no sword in hand, sword in heart, and unity of man and sword.

It is called the sword master!

Just when a piece of sword sunshine was about to cover the two emperors, suddenly, a green light filled the three people. Tang Wuzu, who had no power to fight back, and the Emperor Beiming were stunned at first, then suddenly raised their heads and took a breath of cold air. Even the emperors raised their voices suddenly.

"Please ask the world spirit?!"

A piece of green light was like a veil, transforming into thousands of green lotuses, like the Milky Way separating the three people. Tang Wuzu's eyes shone, but his voice trembled with disbelief: "Who is it? That fellow Taoist invited the world spirit? This... How is this possible? It's only been a few hours?"

"The world spirit of Zhenwu World has been dormant since the last war between the two worlds. Only our Five Elders can invite the world spirit... That is to say..." Bei Ming Emperor pursed his lips, squinted his eyes, and his eyes were trembling: "Ancestor Mo Yun... Fairy Yueying... These two masters of the holy land were defeated? And they were defeated miserably. If they don't use this last trump card... They may be seriously injured and killed?"

"Who on earth can do this?"

"Boom!!" With a shocking green color, Xuanyuan Sword Master's eyes became alert for the first time.

A power...even stronger than his, suddenly descended here, as if possessed by a god.

On the mothership, Yueying Xianlao also raised her head and looked at the sky in astonishment: "How is it possible!"

"One of the Five Elder Stars...was defeated so quickly?"

She lowered her head, sighed, and looked at the two Nascent Souls of Islam opposite. Under the joint attack of several of them, the other side was evenly matched and slightly declining, but at this speed, it could at least support for a few days.

"It seems that someone wants us to end it early." With these words, a green rune floated on her forehead, sacred and indescribable, with thousands of rays of light, as if a green star was born.

"Then, unfortunately, you guys should go down early."

"Swish!!" As the last word fell, the three motherships, Supreme, Human Face, and Killing, sky-high light columns suddenly rose up, directly penetrating the entire mothership, forming three earth-shaking green light columns on the moon.

Half of the moon turned blue, and all the earth monks on the six star destroyers raised their heads. Everyone felt the majestic spiritual power and the murderous aura of the devil.

The Zhenwu Realm's trump card was finally revealed!

This is why they dared to return to the moon and fight to the death.

"Boom boom boom..." Xuanyuan Sword Master calmly looked at the two blue light pillars with a radius of one kilometer in front of him. There were endless talismans flying in them. Tang Wuzong and Beiming Emperor were spinning in them. One after another, talismans lingered on them desperately. Their clothes, hair and beards were flying, and their faces could not be seen clearly, but a kind of spiritual energy that made him extremely vigilant began to permeate the Supreme.

Layers of shock waves crushed the ground like an invisible giant hand. Xuanyuan Sword Master spread his hands, and the remaining sword in his hand flew into the sword tomb. Immediately... the entire sword tomb behind him began to buzz wildly.

Thousands of swords roared together, silently like puppets. In the next second, all the ancient swords flew backwards towards the center and condensed. In a crimson light curtain, the holy sword Chixiao suddenly appeared.

The majesty is unattainable, the emperor's majesty shines brightly on the universe.

"It seems that I may be able to use all seven swords today..."


"Boom!" In the galaxy, the human-faced horn trembled violently, and a billowing black smoke rose from the gap created by Xu Yangyi. An hour, another hour...two hours! Three hours!

After three full hours of indiscriminate bombardment, however, there was no cheering or joy inside the Human Face, but silence.

If they were shocked three hours ago, now they are desperate!

Ancestor Moyun's lips were dry, his hands were shaking unconsciously, and he looked thousands of meters in front of him.


He's still there! !

For three whole hours...nearly a thousand magical powers were bombarded, even if a whole province was reduced to ashes, yet...the figure in front of him was still alive!

It's like Wudang's eternal pine tree. It has been exposed to wind and rain for thousands of years. It seems that the pine tree will be broken every time, but the opponent just holds on!

His spiritual consciousness had penetrated the billowing smoke, but he couldn't see Tianzai. He could only see a city wall with no end in sight, as high as the sky, no end in sight, and as long as the ground.

Wall of Sighs.

In Greek mythology, the endless wall that separates the Pure Land from the Underworld. It consists of the three sighs of Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. Now, he seemed to be standing under this endless wall, trying to break through this indestructible wall with his puny human body. He suddenly understood something.

Manpower is sometimes poor.

These words flashed across Patriarch Moyun's mind. He couldn't help but take a step back, and for the first time, he had the intention of retreating.

But when the kick stepped back, it stopped immediately.

Can't retreat!

Just like behind Tian Zai are hundreds of millions of people on the earth, behind him are also countless living beings in the Zhenwu world.

No one can afford to lose.

At this moment, a voice finally came from the billowing smoke.

It was still calm and leisurely, as if the previous few hours had never happened.

"Fellow Taoist, is it over?"

"Then, is it Pindao's turn?"

Ancestor Moyun was stunned for a moment, then looked up to the sky and laughed.

The laughter formed a raging wind wave, blowing away everything that had been burned by the flames. With his cold snort, the black smoke dissipated where Tian Zai was, revealing the old Tao who maintained the same posture.

"It's ridiculous." Calming his mind, he knew that his heart was in confusion. Facing such an iron wall made by gods, even if he was the first person in the true martial arts world, he could only marvel. Being shocked by the other party, this kind of feeling must not appear now.

"I was attacked continuously by Ben Zhenjun for three hours and couldn't even fight back. How can I dare to speak nonsense?"

Without answering, Tian Zai leaned down slightly, as if he was ready to shoot out a sharp arrow at any time. It was obviously an impact, but it was also like a white crane spreading its wings, fluttering about to fly.

here we go again……

here we go again! It’s that damn weird feeling again!

Ancestor Moyun has never felt that a battle is so difficult. He has never heard of this kind of Tai Chi that uses stillness to stop and slow to hit fast!

In the world of martial arts, speed is the only thing that can't be broken, and the same goes for magical powers. The faster you form the seal, the faster you can kill the opponent before he completes the seal. Your magical power is faster and you run away far away. How could you have such inexplicable magical power!

He could see the opponent's moves because they were so slow. He could also see the direction of the other party's spiritual energy, and he was equally unhappy. but……

I just can’t avoid it!

"Be careful." Tianzai's white-haired long beard moved slightly, and the next second, lightning flashed, and Patriarch Moyun's irritable and frantic mood suddenly felt like a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and the pores all over his body tightened.

So fast!

As fast as lightning, as fast as light. If Tianzai is a bow, the bowstring was slowly stretched to its fullest length before, but at this moment, it suddenly shot out.

Tianzai's figure expanded rapidly in his pupils. He took a deep breath and charged forward with an angry roar.

Nascent Soul also has the pride of Nascent Soul.

"Boom!!" The ten-meter-large flame giant punched out. Before it could reach Tianzai's chest, the giant's fist was clamped diagonally between the backs of his two hands.

"As if closed." Tianzai's eyes were neither sad nor happy, and a magnificent force that he had felt before suddenly appeared in the hands of Patriarch Moyun, and he spun involuntarily again. But this time, Tian Zai turned around leisurely and kicked out a lightning-fast kick from his old figure, hitting the flame giant in the chest.

"Boom..." A simple martial arts move, but the moment it was kicked out, a kilometer-long black and white halo swayed in the chest of Patriarch Moyun. Patriarch Moyun's eyes widened, and he was kicked straight away. rice.

How can this be! !

Ancestor Moyun stared blankly at the smaller and smaller figure below. He didn't feel the other party's spiritual power, as if he was fighting back with his own power. He couldn't figure it out, he was too aggrieved, and he refused to accept it!


It should be the 2nd update today and tomorrow. Speaking of which, the voting for the 3rd update is not fierce. It is no different from the 2nd update.

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