
Chapter 936: The Battle of Yuanying (VIII)

Below, Tian Zai looked up at the sky. It didn't look like he was dueling with an equal master at all. Instead, he looked like he was watching the moon in an old Taoist temple and listening to the falling flowers.

Malorne, several hundred meters away, was already stunned. This kind of magnanimity, this kind of grace, is this the so-called Taoist charm in China?

How long have you been practicing and under what circumstances can you reach this point?

Are all Chinese monks so immortal? No wonder it is called the largest country in spiritual practice... No! etc!

He suddenly remembered the figure of Wolf Venom, and the words "Xianfeng Daogu" were immediately erased from his mind.

Yes... there should be only one person like this. He is special, unique, and unique...

"Meteor chasing the moon." Tianzai's figure shook slightly, and in an instant, he appeared on the back of Patriarch Moyun, and for the first time in his dim old eyes, a fierce murderous intention that did not belong to Daoyun burst out.

It’s not about not killing.

Not what I want.

"Seven stars gather together!" Thunder roared in mid-air. Ancestor Moyun quickly turned around, grabbing the mid-air with his giant flaming claws. There was a crashing and shattering sound, and the space was shattered layer by layer, but there was no trace of Tian Zai anywhere.

"The first star, Dazhui!" A cold voice came from behind. Ancestor Moyun's eyes were a little red, and he grinded his teeth: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, a ray of black light came out of his body. Below him, Tian Zai pointed at the Dazhui point. The hundreds of meters long black light carried the heart-rending scream of Patriarch Moyun and resounded throughout the sky.


This must not continue!

Ancestor Moyun could feel that the other party must have used some secret method. This moment was definitely not the other party's true strength! However, in these few seconds... just a few seconds, the opponent can definitely defeat him!

The feeling of life and death passed through my heart, and the time was counted in a few tenths of a second. Without hesitation, he shouted loudly with all his strength, and hundreds of magic weapons all over his body suddenly burst out. A sea of ​​precious light forms in the sky.

However, he did not hear the voice he wanted to hear, but heard the second voice of death.

"The second star, the spiritual platform!"

"Pounce!" The second light made Patriarch Moyun's eyes immediately turn red and his teeth clenched. He heard the whine coming from his spine.

"Explode...explode! Explode!!"

There was no time to seal the secret. Patriarch Moyun screamed in agony and threw his head back, roaring hoarsely: "Blast it to my sect master!!"

"Boom!" Hundreds of Nascent Soul magic weapons exploded at the same time. The power was amazing, but... it was still useless!

Tianzai is like a wisp of breeze, flying between life and death. The fingers of luck are like flying, and they have been tapping one after another.

"The third star, Tianzong! The fourth star, Mingmen! The fifth star, Zhiyang! The sixth star, Fengmen!"

His fingers fell like rain, and after thousands of precious lights flashed, Patriarch Moyun's body was filled with six black and white rays of light, and his white hair was scattered, dancing by himself without the wind. He was panting like a bellows in his chest, and was pinned to death by six spiritual lights. There are blood stains hidden in the seven orifices.

He had a hunch that with the last finger, if he couldn't guard against it, he could completely detonate the six spiritual energies buried in his body, and the consequences would be death or injury!

"Seventh Star." A calm and chilling voice came from above his head. He gritted his teeth, and just when the word "Baihui" came, he finally spit out three words from between his teeth.

"Invite the world spirit."

At the same time, two fingers fell on the top of his head, less than one centimeter away from Baihui point. But it stopped abruptly.

"Brush!" A thousand-meter air wave spread crazily from the top of his head, and his white hair flew. Ancestor Moyun closed his eyes. A green lotus with spiritual light slowly grew out of his head. The flowers fell in colorful colors and the petals opened layer by layer.

In the center of the lotus, there is a nine-headed green lion, which is very naive and is playing with the hydrangea in its hand.

It raised its eyes that seemed to have no intelligence, glanced at Tianzai lightly, and flicked the hydrangea randomly.


Under everyone's unbelievable gaze, Tian Zai's index finger and middle finger, which he pointed toward Patriarch Moyun's Baihui Point, broke without any warning, and blood spilled into the sky.

At this moment, under the earth, under the Chinese Dragon Veins, in the abyss, the Lord Jin, who was trapped by the Broken Dragon Lock, suddenly raised his head.

"Invite the world spirit!?"

"Has it reached this point?" His white hair was disheveled, and his expression sank into the shadows. Then, he let out a burst of midnight laughter. After a few seconds, the laughter became louder and louder, shaking the entire water prison.

"Well done...well done! Hahaha!"

"Die...die...all of you...don't even think about coming back!"

With the human face, Tian Zai took a deep breath, and his figure quickly disappeared. When he landed on the ground, his hands were covered in blood.

"What?" Malorne said in astonishment. It was too fast just now. Tian Zai erupted in the lightning and flint, completely gaining the overwhelming upper hand. Suddenly, Tian Zai was injured and returned?

"You..." Before he could finish speaking, Tianzai's spiritual consciousness had already sounded in his mind: "This is their trump card."

"I've been wondering why they have so much confidence in returning to the moon to fight a life-or-death battle with us if their individual combat abilities are not as good as mine."

"It is true that if the six Star Destroyer Motherships are breached, we can directly threaten the true plane of the Zhenwu Realm, and we can eradicate the threat of Star Destroyer weapons from the Earth's outer resonance network in one fell swoop. But once the Nascent Soul is damaged on the Star Destroyer Mothership, They can't afford it either."

"Just now, it seemed that I had the upper hand, but in fact it was not the case..." His spiritual voice seemed to have weakened a lot. When Malorne looked carefully, her eyes suddenly shrank.

Just on Tianzai's hand, a layer of black quickly filled the air, and his hand was already shaking unconsciously.

"Secret method?" Malorne asked.

Tianzai nodded silently, hesitated for a moment, and said calmly: "A person can only use the secret method once in his life. Just now, my real state was actually close to the next state of virtual status. And he was half Take the next step.”

"Originally I wanted to kill him in one fell swoop... It seems that I was too reluctant. He has cultivated to his level and I don't know how many trump cards he has. Forget it, it's useless to talk more. Let's just watch... The trump cards of all Nascent Souls in the Zhenwu world are finally here. Pulled out."

Malorne looked at the sky. The flames all over Patriarch Moyun's body were fading away at this moment, and the green lotus above his head burst out with thousands of green lights. The blue light was like a sea, and everything was swept into the blue ocean.

The decisive battle between the top monks in the two worlds has finally begun.


Across the vast galaxy, a black kingdom rushes away, behind it, a bright moon pursues it.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly. Not to mention the strength of Zhuyue Palace Master, her pursuit ability was like that of the moonlight. Everything caused by the moonlight could not reach her. As long as he stops, a ray of moonlight will shine down from above his head, and the next second, the figure of the other party will immediately appear in front of him.

No wonder I asked her to chase me...

"Brother Xu, what should I do with the piece of brown candy at the back?" Chu Zhaonan's spiritual consciousness appeared in his mind: "You must ask us to go with you. I believe you have your intentions and will not harm us, but she has been If you chase us, something might happen."

Xu Yangyi did not speak. How could he not know what Chu Zhaonan said? It was the first time I saw the super-high-level Taichu, a truly perfect life form. If the Lord of Zhuyue Palace was still there at that time...

"Don't worry..." He gritted his teeth: "If the firepower is full, I'm not afraid of her. The outcome is between 50 and 50."

As soon as he finished speaking, his speed increased sharply and he flew towards the other side of the moon.

"Want to run?" Behind him, only three thousand meters away, the Lord of Zhuyue Palace had a cold face. This junior Nascent Soul is so difficult that it makes her sick! The spiritual power seems to be endless. He has tried to launch several attacks without the need to pinch or use spiritual power, as if the spiritual power has been integrated into his body.

It can't be rubbed to death, it can't be beaten to pieces, it's oily and slippery, and the pursuit across the moon has made her full of rage.

"Even if you end up in poverty and fall into hell, you can't escape the hands of me!"

Just when she was about to rush out, she suddenly paused.

"Wait a minute..." Her eyes turned cold: "This direction...he is going..."

Suddenly, she gasped, her spiritual energy exploded, and she chased him crazily!

After going around half the moon, she originally thought that the other party was going to return to the earth, but... Xu Yangyi was going in the wrong direction! Here, she finally saw it.

The other party is going to the real martial arts world!

This thought almost made her break into a cold sweat!

How bold to take millet from the fire! Now only the most extreme sects and families are left in the Zhenwu world, and they can all be called elders in the later stages of foundation building. If this god of death is allowed to enter the Zhenwu world...

She almost trembled all over.

What will follow is probably a one-sided massacre!

"Did you find it?" Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness scanned around, faster. Going to the Zhenwu Realm, as long as you are in the Zhenwu Realm when Taichu comes, then it will definitely be the Zhenwu Realm that takes the first blow from Taichu!

Open the Star Destroyer Gate?

Use all domain-killing weapons?

Then, I will give you a big one! Let me show you what the real Star Destroyer is!

Even Nascent Soul only had half an hour to be active in space. After crossing the bumpy side of the moon, he finally saw the culprit who started this battle.

The majestic and boundless plane, surrounded by white clouds and flying fairy beasts, covers the entire sky, becoming a real planet outside the earth. Its area is more than three times that of the earth. From this point of view, the earth is the other party's planet.

In the vast sea of ​​clouds, hiding in the Milky Way, its existence makes the surrounding stars lose their color. However, in Xu Yangyi's eyes, it is just like a naked girl, and he, a thug, will soon take advantage of it.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the black light was like a tide, heading towards the outer reaches of the Zhenwu Realm.

Where no earthling has ever been, I, Wolfsbane, am here!

"You're looking for death!!!" Thousands of meters behind him, the Lord of Zhuyue Palace was masked with frost. He was so bold. Who would have thought that the other party would go straight to the base of the Zhenwu world without returning to Earth? Only she can stop the other party now. Wherever my mind falls, a bright moon behind me reflects the Milky Way, and thousands of moonlights rush out like rivers, roaring out.

"So many times, you still don't understand?" Xu Yangyi burst into laughter and transformed into a demon: "With such a range of several kilometers, what is the difference between this and itching?"

"Boy." Yuchang's voice appeared in his ears: "You are about to enter the crystal wall system of the Zhenwu Realm. Use all your strength to break it. You can do it. It is much easier to break into other planes with physical cultivation than with legal cultivation! Legal cultivation is only If you can rely on spiritual power to resolve it bit by bit, it can take as little as a month or as long as a year. With you, you can defeat all laws with one force!"

"Smash it! Get in there!"


Today, the class teacher returns to the court... Go home and start the renovation

ps: In the past few days, the average number of individual orders has dropped, which is inexplicable. The overall average number of orders has increased, and it is even more inexplicable... There must be no problem with the daily chapters, why are they dropped?

It really dampens your enthusiasm for writing~

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