
Chapter 937: Riding Alone into Zhenwu (Part 1)

Xu Yangyi has already done this.

The figure is like an arrow, with spiritual energy running all over the body. He twists his waist slightly, and the black spiritual energy condenses in his right fist, causing every inch of space to burst. In his retina, endless light blue hexagons suddenly appeared. This is the rule of the world, the lowest defensive code in the world, the first layer of network that prevents him from entering the true martial arts world.

Getting closer and closer, one thousand meters, five hundred meters, compared to him, the huge Zhenwu World was like a giant dragon and an ant, and this ant was about to break through and devour the giant dragon.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters!

"Broken!!!!" Xu Yangyi roared angrily and punched down. Immediately afterwards, the sound of shattering glass was heard, and a small hexagonal crystal wall in front of him turned into fly ash and dissipated in an instant.

At this moment, he turned his head.

Facing Zhuyue Palace Master who was speeding up from behind, he pulled on his neck with his thumb, then laughed up to the sky and rushed into the Zhenwu Realm.

"You are looking for death..." Zhuyue Palace Master's eyes were full of murderous intent. He came to his lair and dared to provoke him? As the supreme being in the world, how can I endure this?

After the crystal wall system, there is a meteorite belt all over the sky. Just like the planetary belt outside the earth, meteorites and fragments are suspended in the air. There are also some broken continents, slowly floating in space. After this planetary belt , is the true body of Zhenwu Realm that is covered by clouds and fog.

Xu Yangyi's murderous intention is strong in his heart, and he wants to kill the earth, right? Across light years, right?

Today, in a place where no one has been before, I, Wolf Venom, am here to kill and turn everything upside down!

In the true martial arts world with all its elites, who else dares to stop me! !

Transformed into a stream of light, the speed was so fast that it pulled out a red fire wave in the vast galaxy. It was the frictional heat that was about to enter the atmosphere. And he also saw...behind the outermost planetary belt, dozens of slightly larger continents, about the size of an Earth county, were locked by a dark iron cable, and the necklace generally surrounded the Zhenwu Realm.

The corner of his mouth raised a bloodthirsty arc, two talismans flashed on his left and right hands, and both swords were unsheathed.

Zhenwu Realm, Plane No. 36 Outpost, thousands of sergeants staying here are leaning boredly behind a huge puppet. It is a giant snake puppet, covered in black, with a radius of tens of thousands of meters, surrounding this outpost. indestructible.

"When will this war end?" a sergeant yawned and asked lazily, leaning against the serpentine wall.

"Who knows." A middle-aged veteran next to him sneered: "According to the records of Zhenwujie, in any World War, if the interface is weaker for more than ten years, it seems that we have never conquered the No Return Realm. Historical records They have been fighting for decades.”

"It's a pity that we can't go to the battlefield. Haha, you are in the middle stage of Qi Refining and you want to go to the battlefield of Senior Foundation Establishment? The Five Old Stars will personally go out and the Fifteenth True Lord will attack in full force. Why can't I? Just follow behind and check for leaks. . I see, I’m afraid Wu Guijie has been beaten to pieces..."

A group of people around them joined in the discussion about the war. At this moment, thousands of golden lights suddenly flashed in the center of the entire outer base! Immediately afterwards, a harsh buzzing sound spread throughout Base 36 in an instant.

"Kui thirty-six, total martial law, repeat, total martial law..."

The majestic voice resounded through the space, and everyone who was discussing was stunned.

The two looked at each other with incomprehensible looks in their eyes.

How is this going? No...why martial law?

This is the moon! It is impossible to attack without returning to the realm!

"Foreign enemies are coming, repeat, foreign enemies are coming, spiritual power statistics are being calculated..."

"One million... two million... three million... five and two million souls!"

"Identification of the intruder, True Monarch Wolfsbane of the Unreturnable Nascent Soul, police..."

Wow! ! !

Before he finished speaking, Kui No. 37 Base instantly boiled!

"Where is the spirit-killing cannon!! The God-Breaking Bow team is ready! Prepare!! How is this possible! How could the True Lord of No Return Realm come here?! Stop talking nonsense! Form an formation! Form an formation! Do you want to die! This is the one who kills God! He, the devil who killed hundreds of thousands of people, is related to the destruction of the Seven Great Cave Heavens and the Jin Dynasty! He is a devil!"

"Bang!" In the attic in the center of the floating continent, a man in a wheelchair stood beside the bed in shock, his lips trembling.

The garrison officer of Kui Thirty-Six Base, Lin Buer, was too weak in the early stages of foundation building, but had good coordination skills. He was specially selected from Yaoxing Cave to guard one of the 300 floating fortresses on the outskirts of the Zhenwu Realm. However, he never thought that one day he would face the impact of True Lord Nascent Soul!

When he heard Wolfsbane's name, not only him, but everyone trembled.

If it were other True Lords, they would just be afraid, but Wolfsbane can really make them lose their will to fight.

In the Battle of Bohai and the Battle of Qingcheng, none of them were killed by Star Destroyer weapons! Yuanying is the youngest on the bounty list and has the highest price!

"Start, activate..." He stood by the window like a wooden man, and was stunned for two seconds before screaming like crazy: "Notify this plane immediately! Activate all defense devices! Don't take the initiative to attack! Immediately..."

However, his voice disappeared.

Not his voice, but the sound of the entire base, disappeared.

A black tide came from outside the sky, like hell unfolding. As the black tide passed by, only a scream of fear could be heard from the garrison base below, and then it immediately turned into ashes in space.

"Bold...bold!!" After the black light, a magnificent white light shot past, and the angry voice of the Lord of the Moon Palace filled the sky, but he did not look down at all.

There was only the will to kill in his eyes. He destroyed the defense of Zhenwu Realm and killed the people of Zhenwu Realm in front of her... It didn't matter if these people died, but this silent provocation was very deadly.

"I want to see... where you can hide!"

"After entering Zhenwu Realm, with my reputation, I will search the whole world for you. You... just die here for me!"

Xu Yangyi didn't care about the killing intention of Zhuyue Palace Master at all. Wasn't his killing intention towards Zhuyue Palace Master at the peak? They are all Yuanying, why fear a fight!

However, all he needed was a place.

"Boom boom boom!" His body was like a hot stream of light. The defense base of the outer Zhenwu Realm was like paper to him. He rushed directly into the atmosphere and rushed towards Zhenwu Realm like a falling meteor.

Diling Sect, a small sect in the northern part of Zhenwu Realm, a third-rate sect, whose master was only in the late stage of foundation building, was affiliated with Tiangong Qingling Fudi. As a logistics sect, hundreds of people were loading supplies for attacking the earth onto eagle-shaped magic weapons. The entire mountain road was filled with flying eagles, nearly a hundred of them.

A new disciple was controlling a magic weapon to transport war supplies. He looked very relaxed. As a third-rate sect, he was not qualified to go to the battlefield. However, as long as the logistics were in place, they could still have a share of the earth's table.

Moreover, is there a safer place than here? Far away on the moon, even the terrifying weapons of the earth's mortals could not hit them at all. They didn't have to worry about the dire situation on earth.

He raised his head and breathed a sigh of relief. The control of spiritual power made him a little weak. But at this moment, his eyes froze.

"What is this?" He looked at the sky in amazement. There, the clouds rolled back together, forming a huge cloud hole with a radius of one kilometer. In the cloud hole, a meteor-like fire was rushing madly.

Hearing his voice, everyone looked over. The strange phenomenon in the sky became more and more intense. As the meteor entered the atmosphere, broke through the atmosphere, and came to the sky above the Zhenwu Realm, what followed was... a terrifying aura that they all felt frightened.

"Swish..." The disciple trembled suddenly. The moment the meteor completely rushed in, he seemed to see a dark Shura, opening his bloody mouth at them.

"What's going on? What is it? Haha, don't tell me it's a new weapon of the No Return Realm. They just wait to be beaten. Interesting, what's wrong with the outer garrison base? It wasn't annihilated outside the Crystal Wall System?"

"Boom!!!" With a loud bang, the meteor fell in front of the mountain. Suddenly, thousands of streamers flew out of the mountain, ignorantly and fearlessly running to a thousand meters in front of the mountain gate, pointing at the hundreds of meters of large pit on the ground.

"Silence." A majestic voice came, and the leader of the Earth Spirit Sect took a light step and flew out from the peak of the Earth Spirit Sect. There were also three streamers, all of whom were the only three foundation-building cultivators of the Earth Spirit Sect.

The master looked at the quiet crowd below with satisfaction. He enjoyed this feeling. It is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. Even flying can enjoy so many hot eyes. This is cultivation.

The wind was howling. He looked at the center of the pit with cold eyes, and then his whole body trembled. A feeling of life and death crisis came from his brain.

At that moment, he seemed to see hell.

But it disappeared immediately. He shook his head. He must have seen it wrong. The Zhenwu Realm is extremely safe. How could other things come in?

"Second Elder, go and see what's going on?" He smiled and said to a middle-aged man beside him. As soon as the voice fell, the crowd below was completely boiling.

Like a monster standing up in the crowd, the crowd waved and took a step back involuntarily. The edge of the giant pit that was originally surrounded was cleared in an instant. The four foundation builders looked over immediately. The next second, the four people's eyes almost fell out!


There was actually a person in the center of the giant pit!

And he was definitely a person from the Unreturning Realm! The clothes he wore were very strange, but he couldn't feel the spiritual energy all over his body!

"Is this the Zhenwu Realm?" Xu Yangyi raised his head and looked at the Zhenwu Realm. It was no different from the Earth, except that the mountains were higher and the trees were denser. Thousands of years old trees could be seen everywhere, and wisps of fairy mist lingered between the mountains and ridges, which was a bit of fairy air.

He stretched his muscles and bones, creaking, and looked at the dying people in all directions without any emotion, but smiled and said, "Tell me, where is this place?"

No one answered. Although they could not feel the spiritual energy, everyone looked at him as if they were facing a great enemy. With a shout of "Draw the sword!" in the sky, people from all directions came forward to draw their swords, clanged out of the sheaths, and the cold light reflected the snow, surrounding Xu Yangyi.

"Surrender, I will spare your life!" The leader of the Earth Spirit Sect stared at the cultivator on the ground: "True Man Chaoyang guards the neighboring province, if you dare..."

Before he finished speaking, something seemed to move in the void. The leader of the Earth Spirit Sect looked at his abdomen in shock. A huge hole had appeared there, and blood was flowing out without money.


According to readers in the reader group, someone is leading the discussion in the app book review?

Shrug, don't bother to care, write the book seriously, have a clear conscience, anyway I don't read the app, only the PC, jumping clowns, dedicated haters, it's a pain to care

No matter how much they criticize, just have a clear conscience, whether the writing is good or not is a question of level, whether it is written seriously or not is a question of attitude, readers who follow this book can see the progress, as for haters, China/China has nothing much, just a lot of people, the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds

Authors without big hearts can't write books. They don't dare to come to the PC to criticize. It's meaningless. It's just right for them to come. The permanent ban package just happened to be sent to few people.

Finally, I wish all readers a happy reading. I have tried my best. After all, this is the first fantasy book. It took 140w words to feel the pulse. The previous problems have passed. I can only write slowly in the back~try my best~

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