
Chapter 938: Riding Alone into Zhenwu (Part 2)


Everyone was stunned.

No one could see how he made the move, as if they could see what it was, but... their leader was gone in an instant?

"This... this..." The other three foundation builders were stunned for three seconds as if struck by lightning, and then screamed three times and ran in all directions like crazy: "Nascent Soul!!!"

"This is the True Lord of the Nascent Soul!!! Run!! Run! Immediately inform the whole world!! The True Lord of the Nascent Soul of the Unreturning Realm is attacking!!!"

At the moment when Xu Yangyi made his move, his spiritual energy had leaked.

Like a sea and a tide, covering the sky and the earth, the black purgatory instantly covered the entire Earth Spirit Sect. Here, he is the king, he is the master!

One person faced thousands of people without changing his face. On the contrary, the faces of everyone opposite him changed from surprise, to shock, to immediately covered with cold sweat and trembling.

The shrill screams went away with the strong wind and entered everyone's eardrums. Every cultivator of the Earth Spirit Sect was stunned, and then, "thump..." A Qi Refining cultivator knelt down with a pale face, followed by the second, the third... A few seconds later, thousands of people knelt down trembling all over.

It's not that they don't want to run.

But they don't dare to run!

Just like a lion walking into a flock of sheep, before the roar, the flock will not and dare not run away, but only kneel on the ground and worship the king of beasts tremblingly.

"Spare..." Before a word was uttered, there was a rumbling sound under the ground, and countless barbs rushed out madly. In an instant, there was a sea of ​​blood and corpses outside the Earth Spirit Sect. The entire sect that didn't dare to escape was destroyed in an instant.

"You deserve to die!" At the same time, the clouds in the sky turned, and the crazy clouds twisted into a huge cloud hole. The next second, the moonlight shot down from the sky.

"Boom!" Xu Yangyi was like a wild goose, and he laughed and left at the moment when the moonlight shot down from the sky.

"What are you doing?" Yu Chang said in a deep voice: "No one has discovered it now, aren't you going to fight her to the death? The war on the moon has reached its final moment, and more than a dozen True Lords are stalling for time on the six motherships..."

"No need." Xu Yangyi licked his lips, with a hint of iron and blood in his words, and a sentence floated out from his teeth: "Asura phase, the state of dense forest fighting stars is unsealed, I am sure to defeat her body with one blow!"

He narrowed his eyes, and the cold light flashed: "This battle royale... The moment we came out of the mothership, both sides were testing each other. Now, I almost know her details, and she also thinks she understands my strength."

Surface strength.

Yu Chang's eyes flashed slightly, two great magical powers and one forbidden technique, the superposition of three layers of power has reached an incomparable level, this is not a simple addition, this is multiplication!

This kind of multiplication... It is really possible to break through the limit of two million spirits!

"How are you going to protect yourself?" Mistydin frowned: "These three moves consume a lot of spiritual power, and the spells are complicated. If one move is okay, it will take at least three seconds to use all three moves at the same time. Three seconds is enough for the Nascent Soul to do a lot of things."

"Soul Guard." Xu Yangyi sneered: "The Soul Guard made by the Stargazer himself is not as powerful as you think."

"But why don't you fight her in advance?" The two weapon spirits spoke in unison. They all felt that Xu Yangyi seemed to be pulling the curtain, pulling open the curtain of the Zhenwu Realm. They didn't know how big the other party wanted to pull this curtain, and they didn't know why they did it.

Xu Yangyi didn't continue to speak. He could feel... that extremely terrifying existence, after traveling through the planes for decades, finally approached the earth. He... didn't have much time to stay on the earth.

Yes, more than a dozen True Lords were all going all out on the six motherships. Since he had a little confidence in completely defeating the physical body of the Moon-Chasing Palace Master, he would never let this opportunity go easily!

He wanted to let the whole Zhenwu Realm see how their Nascent Souls were killed in one blow in his hands!

The brilliance was only a moment, but before the brilliance, there were too many preparations.

Use everything he has to prepare.

It can also be regarded as... his last battle for the earth.

After this battle, he ascended to heaven with a clear conscience.

"Hua La La!!" The black light streaked across the sky, without any concealment. At this moment, no one in the Zhenwu Realm could stop him. He was like a greedy demon king who came to the feast of demons and the table of the king, invincible.

"Alarm, alarm, 5 million-level spiritual energy is approaching. Judgment, the True Lord of the Wolf Poison of the Unreturning Realm, all the northeastern regions of the Zhenwu Realm are in full combat readiness. Alarm, alarm..."

In the northeast of the Zhenwu Realm, there is a continuous mountain. This is the famous Million Black Stone Mountain in the Zhenwu Realm. There are 27 fire-worshiping religions, 2 cave heavens, 6 blessed lands, and 54 side sects in the mountain.

However, when these one million people heard this voice covering the northern part of the Zhenwu Realm, they were completely panicked.

"Hua La!" In the Fire Cloud Cave in the Million Black Stone Mountain, a foundation-building cultivator suddenly opened his eyes wide, and then rushed out with a bang.

Boom, boom, boom, not only him, dozens of lights around him have risen to the sky, and the ancestors of the major sects are dumbfounded, looking around like panicked rabbits, like frightened birds. Exclamations come one after another.

"True Lord!? Yuanying True Lord! He, how did he get here!! This is impossible... This is totally impossible! How could Yuanying True Lord come to the moon! And come to the main body of the Zhenwu Realm! Why did he appear in the northeast area! Gather! Gather! Gather everyone! Fight him to the death!!"

Before he finished speaking, a sect leader who shouted to fight to the death suddenly felt that the atmosphere was wrong, and his voice suddenly became low. People from all directions looked at him as if he was an idiot.

That's the top cultivator in the Great Thousand Worlds!

Millions of spirits, are millions of spirits fake? Now the Zhenwu Realm is empty, with only a bunch of ant-like Qi-refining cultivators! Who can stop this tiger from coming out of the cage!

"Could it be... could it be that we just let our century-old foundation be destroyed!?" The leader who said that he would fight to the death was stunned for a moment, then his eyes turned red, and he said in a trembling voice: "Gentlemen... this is a million Black Stone Mountain! There are seven large and small alliances! There have been caves and blessed lands! Now there are dozens of sects! Just let him..."

"Here comes Wolf Poison." Before he finished speaking, an old man stared at him, his face pale: "Don't tell me you haven't heard of Wolf Poison's name! Bohai, Qingcheng Mountain, both defeats are related to him!"

"How many Zhenwu Realm cultivators has he killed? He cares about killing more. Black Stone Mountain? Report to Shenwei City that there is none! Ask for support from the real person immediately! The Lord of Shenwei City, the largest city in the Northeast region, has activated all defenses in Shenwei City. I wonder if they can stop him. "

Escape and fight, almost no resolution is needed. In just two minutes, 99 of the clan leaders shouted to the bottom, "Pack up the clan's foundation! Escape from Black Stone Mountain immediately! It's too late! Don't show up! Activate all the hidden magic arrays! Don't attract the attention of this real person! All monsters are shut up, and the wolf poison will move underground as long as it doesn't leave!"

One person went north alone, and no one dared to fight! No one wanted to fight!

"Boom boom boom..." Just when dozens of resolutions resounded in the air, a loud sound like a sea tide suppressed all their voices.

The dozens of clan leaders who had just been as loud as a bell and extremely majestic, at this moment, were like chickens with their necks pinched, and like wood struck by lightning, and were stunned in place.

It stopped for two seconds before turning around like a robot and looking at the sky with a "kakaka" sound.

A thin black line rolled slowly from the horizon, seemingly slow but actually fast. In the blink of an eye, one could clearly see the wings of the god of death, and... the devil-like god of death in the wings!

"Swish!!" The ten thousand meter black tide rolled, dark clouds covered the world, and the devil devoured the sun. Before the black tide arrived, the strong wind had already made the black stones of the Black Stone Mountain and the smaller rolling mud and sand form circles of shock waves, like the pioneers of the god of death, impacting the fragile hearts of this group of people layer by layer.

The earth quickly became dark, and everyone was silent. At this moment, they forgot to escape, but only remembered to worship. The feeling of having their hearts tightly pinched, and it was impossible to speak or scream, was forever engraved in their minds.

The next second, a sect leader screamed extremely sharply: "Run!!!"

The voice was distorted and sharp, and it was no longer like a human voice.

In an instant, including the sect master who was discussing the war just now, there was no nonsense. Dozens of sect masters turned into dozens of streams of light and rushed in all directions with all their strength.



Leave here!

Leave this kingdom of the god of death!

"Don't you think it's too naive to want to run away in front of this true lord?" Xu Yangyi's loud laughter came from a distance, and then the sound shook the sky: "Stay for this true lord!"

"Pah pah pah!!" As soon as the words came out, dozens of blood flowers suddenly exploded in the sky, and the sect masters who were fleeing in all directions fell together!

It only took one second.

No one could see why.

Below, tens of thousands of people were stunned.

Those ordinary Qi-refining cultivators looked at the dark sky and watched all the sect masters die together. Looking at the demon-like man, a middle-aged cultivator "dang" and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground.

"Oh my God..."

"What kind of monster did we provoke..."

He was like this, but more people were completely crazy.

"Run! The Sect Master was killed! The Sect Master was killed! He is a devil! Wolf Poison is here! Run! Run to Shenwei City! He will not pity us at all! We must all die... Hahaha! We must all die! We must all die here... Bohai slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Zhenwu Realm martyrs, run! Otherwise, Black Stone Mountain will be destroyed!"

Massive escape.

From the air, groups of Qi Refining monks, like ants, screaming like a tide, shouting in collapse, swarmed out of the millions of Black Stone Mountains. Everyone was frightened to the point of red eyes and hoarse voices, as if crazy. Some people simply forgot to run away, and laughed crazily on the spot like mortals who encountered an irresistible natural disaster.

One person chased the deer!

And it was a herd of deer.

As the dark clouds pressed down in the sky, Xu Yangyi laughed loudly. Wherever the black tide passed, no cultivators survived. Screams, exclamations, desperate and collapsed screams resounded throughout the Black Stone Mountain. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of cultivators left their nests like ants, and were so scared that they had no thoughts at all to escape from the Black Stone Mountain.

"Beep beep beep..." At the same time, in the major cities in the northeast, the overwhelming alarm sounded in every corner.

"Crash!" A bronze wine cup fell to the ground, and a majestic man in armor sat on the throne. The golden elixir spirit swept the whole place, and his voice was like thunder: "Gather... Order all sects to move closer to Shenwei City! Be sure to stop him here!"


Yesterday, a reader said that the previous Nascent Soul was written wrong? I will correct it after I finish writing this paragraph... There is a problem with not making a character file... Pay attention to the next map...

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