
Chapter 940: The final responsibility

One side held two swords in his hands, with an unruly smile on his face, and the tip of the sword slowly dragged in the sky. The needle-like space crack was brought into a thin thread by the tip of the sword, as if you could hear the crackling sound in the sky, like ice skates stepping on glass.

On the other side, white hair was flying, and the sleeves were dancing without wind, just like a fairy under the moon. Silver-white talismans were wrapped around the crystal-like jade skin, and the whole person seemed to be cast in white jade, flawless.

"Shua La La..." On both sides of the narrow sky, countless birds flew up to the sky in fear in this silence, turning into layers of black clouds.

No birds flew in the thousands of mountains, and no people were seen in the thousands of paths.

The distance between the narrow sky was only one thousand meters. The two sides were getting closer and closer, one thousand meters... five hundred meters... Just when they reached within one hundred meters, the master of the Bright Moon Palace raised his hand first.

"The chaotic moon shines!" The voice is like a faint orchid in the valley, like a fairy in the Moon Palace. The sky is covered by the moonlight, and the shadow of the waning moon spreads ten thousand meters. The darkness covers the earth. Pure white moonlight is projected from the dark sky. Within ten thousand meters, the bright moon shines, just like a lunar eclipse.

At this moment, the eyes of the two suddenly shine, and the lake surface, which had no murderous aura just now, is surging with raging waves!

The eclipse is like a tide, and the wind is like a knife. Xu Yangyi puts his long sword at his waist in the whistling wind, and his spiritual consciousness is released, capturing every movement of the master of the Moon Palace.

Half squatting, like a cheetah drawing a sword, hunting and chasing the throat of its prey, Yuchang and Misteding's spirit floated on the left and right, and said in a deep voice: "There are no loopholes."

"These moonlights are like the eyes of heaven. All your actions are under the control of the other party. Even the twitching of muscles can be felt by the other party. After all, she is a Nascent Soul for many years, and her mastery of the field is perfect." Yuchang pondered for half a second and said: "In fact, you don't have to go head-to-head with her."

"That's right, if you can contain her attack, you will have a great chance." Misteding also said solemnly: "Boy, you haven't advanced to the Nascent Soul for enough time, you haven't accumulated enough, you lack vision and experience, even if I unseal and destroy her body, the Nascent Soul will not die if it is not destroyed in the Nascent Soul battle. At most, you will stop at this realm."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. The stormy sea surface and the tide were already superimposed. The murderous aura collided in the air in silence, and even the clanging sound of swords and knives could be heard.

"I... don't have time to go around with her." After half a second, he smiled bitterly.

"Why not? What are you hiding?" The two asked at the same time.

Since entering the Zhenwu Realm, they felt that Xu Yangyi was hiding something, perhaps concerns, and very big concerns, and, in this concern, there was a determination that had never been seen before.


The wind was even more fierce, and the Moon-Chuling Palace Master also did not make a move. In the chase, she learned a truth, this new Yuanying was very strange, very strange, the so-called body cultivation, she could not figure it out.

So, she did not allow herself to fall into a disadvantage.

Especially in front of Shenwei City, in front of this important town in the north! Once she fell into a disadvantage, it would be the face of the entire Zhenwu Realm! And if she lost the battle, no one could stop this tiger and wolf.

This gave Xu Yangyi time to communicate.

One side was hiding a needle in cotton, and the other side had made up its mind. No matter what, there was only this sword. No need to think, no need to consider, when the sword was swung, it was over.

She slowly paced around Xu Yangyi in the void, no matter where she went, the other side did not look back. However, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that the other party was one with the sword, without any flaws.

The mountain in front of her was rooted in the earth, returning to its original state.

This was the state where the mind reached its peak.

The sound of the second hand seemed to be heard in the space. Xu Yangyi was silent for a full five seconds before he said with his spiritual consciousness: "There is a terrifying monster that has rushed past Jupiter and is at most a few hours away from the earth... maybe... faster."

"You worry too much." Misteding shook his head: "You don't understand the horror of Taixu. There are four Taixu outside the earth now..."

"Can't stop it." Xu Yangyi looked at his hand, holding the hilt of the sword, without a trace of sweat or trembling.

"Since you know... what?" Misteding took a breath before he finished his sentence: "What... did you say just now?"

"Four Taixu can't stop the other party." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "It is a real devil, a demon that shocks the seven realms. I... only have one sword."

"Only one sword time."

The two weapon spirits were stunned.

In the Ten Thousand Worlds War two thousand years ago, they knew the horror of Taixu. Now they actually told them that the four Taixu couldn't stop it?

Who is coming?

Where is it coming from? Where can such a monster be produced?

In the silence, Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness continued to sound: "Remember the Tower of Babel?"

"In the tower, there was a monster that devoured the entire tower. Senior Mistin, you are one of the spirits in the tower, you should feel it. It was it... and the one in the tower that day was just a nascent body. Now it is rushing across the solar system... It is a complete body. They call themselves "perfect life forms," ​​and they are the common enemy of the seven realms... no, the entire upper realm, and the killer of civilization and life."

Misttin couldn't help but shiver all over.

It knows... In the Tower of Babel, there was indeed an extremely evil monster devouring the spirit. If it weren't for the Quetzalcoatl finally waking up, flying on the spot, and killing the monster with a light snort, I'm afraid the consequences would be disastrous.

It didn't know what it was. He didn't have a close relationship with the stargazer, so he didn't ask. He thought it was normal for the relics of the last cultivation civilization to have some magic, but... now it seems that this is not magic.

But the Shining.

"Isn't it the complete form at the beginning?" He murmured with some difficulty, and then raised his head suddenly: "Then, you must go now!"

"You don't know how terrible Taichu is. I say it again, Taixu is beyond your imagination! Since the four great Taixu can't stop it, you have almost no chance of escaping from him..."

"They dare not enter the origin land. And I can enter the Tower of Babel at any time." Xu Yangyi licked his lips. He felt that the other party was almost unable to hold back. While the other party was feeling him, he was also catching the other party's loopholes. And now, the murderous intent in the air has settled down.

Not depression.

But repression.

For the full outbreak of the next moment.

The Lord of Zhuyue Palace really couldn't help it.

Since you are the mountain, I will pry open this land!

Just now, her domain completely sealed off the surrounding 30,000 meters, eliminating the last possibility of the other party escaping.

Her eyes drooped slightly, like a cold star, and all the talismans on her body lit up, rising into the air in the infinite moonlight.

"Why haven't you started yet..." The monks of Shenwei City around were anxious.

"There is no way. The two sides may be similar in strength. The first move is too important. Everyone wants to strike back. Although there seems to be no attack, their spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness should have been tested for no less than tens of millions of times. The Nascent Soul is not a realm we can understand. If it were us, I am afraid we would have been crushed by the murderous intent of this True Lord of the Unreturning Realm."

At this moment, Xu Yangyi turned around, his eyes looked at his nose, his nose looked at his heart, his heart was as calm as water, and he maintained the same action to face the Lord of the Moon-Chasing Palace.

Eyes collided, sparks flew.

No one escaped.

Mistedin and Yuchang sighed, and did not dissuade Xu Yangyi from leaving the moon now.

This is responsibility.

The responsibility of being a cultivator on Earth.

This is a knot in his heart, an obsession that he cannot go anywhere else unless he strikes this sword.

This is the explanation of the Nascent Soul who fought hard for the six motherships.

This is the final sacrifice of the plane that gave birth to him and raised him to nurture life.

In any case, he cannot avoid the battle.

"Dang..." At this moment, a bell seemed to ring in the air, as if the heaven and earth were applauding his action.

"Dao Xin Da Xiao?" Yu Chang was stunned and looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment: "He... made a Dao Xin Da Xiao to end the war of all realms, or to defeat the Zhenwu Realm?"

"Now the heaven and earth respond? He has never thought about what to do if the earth loses the war?"

However, there is no time for them to continue thinking.

"You have worked hard to escape here." A moonlight of hundreds of meters rushed straight into the sky, and the Lord of Zhuyue Palace flew in it, sacred and incomparable, and raised his hand slightly: "Moon turbidity."

Here it comes...

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and he felt that the crazy spiritual energy from all directions rushed towards him. If he was trapped in the sea of ​​swords, he would have no way to retreat.

If the killing intent before was still looming and suppressed like the sea, at this moment, the last layer of fig leaf was truly torn off. He wanted to kill the Moon Master with one blow, and the other party seemed to be the same.

"Thousands of lights sway, thousands of flowers rise!!" The Moon Master suddenly closed his hands, and the next second, the dark sky pulled out a dazzling silver-white.

The beautiful picture scroll unfolded in front of her eyes, the waning moon faded, like Pangu opening the sky, the black clouds slowly split from her head, divided into two halves, the full moon was reflected in the sky, and the sea and sky were one color. And as the shadows covering the bright moon dissipated, the pale moonlight instantly poured down on the earth!

"Boom boom boom!!" The tyranny in the softness, the killing in the silence, caused by the moonlight, except for the Moon Master himself, the surrounding 20,000 meters collapsed.

That was the end of the world, the end of the world under the moon. The space was broken into pieces and collapsed. The moonlight was like a sharp sword in the sky. Countless cracks cut by swords appeared on the ground. The two mountains that reached the clouds were like tofu cut by a knife. They were instantly divided into small pieces.

The next second, rocks fell all over the sky.

"My God..." The monks in Shenwei City who were originally planning to watch were completely stunned when they saw this scene. Endless rocks fell like rain, and the sky disappeared in an instant. The horror beyond natural disasters was like the suffocation of ancient siege catapults, which made them scream and run away like crazy.

"Boom!" A huge rock fell into Shenwei City, and a tall and ancient attic collapsed instantly, followed by the second, third and countless rocks!

The whole Shenwei City was in a mess. It was really a collapse of the sky and the earth!

The white death light curtain was getting closer and closer. Xu Yangyi did not dodge. His spiritual energy and consciousness reached the highest point at this moment. The huge rocks in front of him collapsed. He just stared at the other person's figure from the cracks of the rocks.

The other person was also looking at him.

A huge rock fell between the two people with smoke all over the sky. At this moment, his pupils suddenly opened and whispered: "Asura phase."

The next second, his spiritual energy exploded! Three heads and four arms, three meters tall, the big Asura appeared again!

At the same moment when the boulder fell, he had already rushed out with the sword as one!


There will be two more updates later. I said three more updates. I posted it in the main text that I will update it later today. I don’t know if you have seen it.

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