
Chapter 941: The True Perfect Lifeform

The boulder stayed between the two of them for only 0.1 second.

After 0.1 second, the pupils of the Moon Master suddenly shrank.

She saw a ray of light.

A pure, spotless black light. It stabbed at her with the momentum of a dragon and a tiger.

Without wavering, it pointed directly at her throat. It seemed to split the moonlight, break the moon barrier, and take her head.

She was not nervous.

The three waves of moon turbidity, her killer move, was only the first fold now, and the opponent could not rush to her.

However, just when this thought just emerged, countless greens suddenly bloomed around the black light, like a blue lotus on a moonlit night.

The moon was not stained with dust, blazing and unadorned, and dazzling for a moment.


In her heart, the alarm bells rang loudly, she felt something was wrong, but she was stunned for a moment.

She recalled her repeated vigilance, which was not normal. It was not that the early and middle stages of the Nascent Soul could not have a killer move that threatened the late stage, but if he had one, why did he save it until now?

Is it just to defeat her in front of the Zhenwu Realm?

She didn't believe it was such a childish reason!

So, she hesitated. Was this just like the previous tiger skin? Or did the other party really have a killer?

It was this hesitation that she felt the overwhelming murderous intent, which spread to the extreme in an instant, and also blocked the surrounding 20,000 meters!

Domain to domain!

You are in me, I am in you, and we are inseparable!

The domains are entangled to this extent, and only one of them can walk out alive. This is like the internal strength of the ancient masters of internal skills, and no one dares to withdraw first.

In Shenwei City, more than 100,000 people screamed, ran, and avoided the outbreak of the Zhuyue Palace Master like a natural disaster, but after running for two seconds, suddenly, they were all stunned.

No more?

The meteor shower disappeared?

Just when everyone looked up at the sky in astonishment, they saw a picture that was enough to make them remember for a lifetime.

The boulders that fell from the meteor shower actually stayed in the air! A long golden river was like a boiling dragon, and it was like a golden dragon flying in the sky among the rocks. All the boulders within 300 meters of the golden river slowed down, and the terrifying moonlight shining on the river could not penetrate it!

The golden river was like an egg. In the center, a group of green spiritual energy was rotating around, and star-like light spots were dotted in it. In an instant, the moonlight and starlight in the sky shone together, and the three colors of white, black and green intertwined into a country that only the Nascent Soul could set foot on.

In the center of the green light, Xu Yangyi's Asura phase had appeared, but it was not over. Those green light spots desperately attracted to him, and a layer of antique armor was looming on him.

When the armor appeared, the soul guard hummed, as if this trick belonged to the inheritance of the lantern keeper and was recognized thousands of years ago.

The dense forest fights the stars!

"Boom boom boom!" The violent spiritual energy directly smashed the nearest meteorite, and the layers of moonlight fluctuated. The Moon-Chu Palace Master took a breath of cold air. She finally recognized that this was not a bluff, but a real killer move!

The opponent wanted to decide the outcome with her in one move!

And... this move was very strong, very strong! The screaming vigilance in her heart was proof of this!

The stars and the moon shone in her eyes, and countless thoughts flashed through her mind, "About five seconds, no, after seven wonders, he will have completed the seal."

"Don't give him this time!"

The sudden explosion of the stormy waves instantly pulled both sides to the center of the vortex. The Moon-Chu Palace Master no longer dared to hold back a trace, and her body turned into lightning and rushed out!

The bright moon body exploded in full force, and the infinite moonlight turned into layers of white gauze behind her, with the annihilation of death in the mist. At the end of these white gauze, like rivers flowing into the sea, a slender ancient sword formed in her hand. And the moonlight in the sky gradually dimmed.


The ancient sword was unsheathed, the bright moon came out of Tianshan, and between the vast sea of ​​clouds, a ray of light that could be called the first appearance of the bright moon cut a thin line between the heaven and the earth. Then, the upper and lower parts were dislocated.

"Moon turbidity... the second one." A sword came from the west, the white hair of the master of Zhuyue Palace flew, and the white dragon danced in the moonlight: "Flying Fairy!!!"

The sword came out of Guanghan Palace, shining brightly in the world.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. This invisible sword actually cut directly into the protective aura, then cut through the indestructible ** of Asura phase, and broke through the unfinished dense forest fighting stars. Blood immediately pooled on his lower abdomen.

How to do it?

At this moment, he was extremely hesitant in his heart, but his face was extremely calm.

Now is not the time to attack.

The opponent has no flaws. She is the moon, and the moon is her. The moonlight shines everywhere. It is the king's land. She is the queen here.

It is too difficult to kill the queen who is completely alert with this sword.

But if he doesn't come out and mobilize the aura to protect his body, then the momentum will be dispersed. It is unknown whether he can condense this selfless attack next time.

The other party's purpose was to make him choose. The game of Yuanying, every move is not as simple as that of a low-end cultivator. In every move, there must be a backhand. She saw the horror of Xu Yangyi's sword, so she surrounded Wei to save Zhao and pointed south to attack north.

Just as he hesitated, suddenly, the two of them were stunned.

Not only them, at this moment, the star destroyer mothership, the main body of the Zhenwu Realm, including the major monitoring stations on Earth, were all stunned.

"Beep beep" the sound of the phone rang in the top-secret conference room of Huaxia. The Minister of Defense was observing the damage to the mystery of the earth in an all-round way. He frowned and answered the phone, saying softly: "Hello!"

No one around him paid attention to him. The most urgent thing now was the outcome of the battle on the moon. But the next second, the Minister of Defense suddenly stood up, his face trembling: "You... what did you say?! Say it again! At this time, you should know the consequences of reporting an error!!!"

Everyone looked over, even Chairman Gao was stunned.

A few seconds later, the Minister of Defense put down the phone in despair, his voice was trembling, and his throat was choked several times without speaking.

"What's going on?" the Prime Minister asked anxiously: "Has a new mystery been solved? Or is there something wrong with the moon?"

The Minister of Defense shook his head, then bit his tongue and said in a trembling voice: "Everyone... listen to me... don't get excited..."

There was silence.

He took a deep breath and choked up: "The area... is about one fifth of the size of the earth... about the same as the moon..."

"A planet similar to the moon is rushing towards the moon! No, I don't know if it is the moon or the earth!"

The Prime Minister breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, where are you? Mars still has several of our space stations that can intercept it. Moreover, such a big comet, whether it is us, the real martial arts world, or those in the legendary upper world, will not be able to intercept it." It must not be allowed to fall on earth."

"No!!!" Before he could finish speaking, the Minister of Defense had already covered his face, sat slumped in his seat, and hissed: "Spiritual power...cannot be counted..."

"The final measurement is... 1.2 billion... This is the largest aura detection instrument capacity currently on Earth... Now, the detection instrument in the United States has stopped operating due to overload, and it is still rising... It is still rising! "

Dead silence.

The whole place was dead silent.

Everyone understands, this is a monk, this is a plane!

Earth, Zhenwu Realm, and Xu Kunlun, the two major planes took action directly. Xu Kunlun except Shen Shenyang just stood by and watched, but now, the fourth force actually came!

At the same time, everyone in all the surviving bases on Earth stared blankly at the huge shadow approaching Mars.

"Boom, boom, boom..." With rumbling flames, it traveled through the universe and pointed directly at the moon!

"What kind of monster is this..." A scientist looked at the monitor with trembling lips: "More than 1.2 billion spirits... no... this is, wait! Wait!"

At this moment, an incredible scene appeared on all the monitors!

The red color representing the comet faded, and then a layer of green spread.

"Biological response..." No scientist could say anything else.

I don’t know what to say. A planet with more than 1.2 billion souls is not a planet! But a living thing! Observatories as far away as Mars have detected biological reactions!

And it’s not a gathering, it’s a whole!

This planet itself is a huge creature!

In the universe, Shen Shenyang and Xia Hou suddenly raised their heads and looked at the center of the universe in disbelief.

"This is..." On the other side, a woman riding a deer, covered in green clothes, raised her head in astonishment, with a flash of shock and deep fear in her eyes: "How... is this possible?!"

Shen Shenyang stepped off the golden chariot. There was no wind in the universe. At this moment, the wind rose from the abyss, and an invisible storm actually blew his hair and hair.

"It's it... it's it..." The calm state pope had only a solemn face at the moment, and no one could see it. His hands hidden in his sleeves were actually shaking a little.

"The real perfect life form...must be him!!"

"Chain of the Seven Realms, I killed two of their corps, I will definitely not mistake its aura!"

"Under Emperor Senluo...the commander of the Void Legion...Tengebal...codenamed Red Snake, actually visited the moon in person!"

"Qiang..." On the other side, Xia Hou silently pulled out his long sword, looked coldly in the direction of Mars, then raised his hand, and a stream of light rushed out of the universe.

There should not be fire, smoke, or air in the universe, but at this moment, the stream of light exploded in the void, and the phantom of Kunlun Mountain slowly emerged.

"Shen Jiaozong, the third princess, Zhou Taizong. You should understand what this is."

"The highest alert order in Xukunlun has been activated. Immediately, notify Xukunlun and stop the war of all realms!"

"Tengebal has come in person, our old rival..." He paused and said in a solemn tone: "There must be something necessary for him in these two planes, and it is something that is absolutely necessary! Otherwise it would be impossible to really Come forward and dive through the chain of seven realms."

"One, fight it off."

"Two, find out what it is! Get him at any cost!"

"Seeing an order is like seeing the emperor. I give the order with the order of the head of the Jiuyin Saint Sect!"

The woman riding on the white deer pursed her lips and pondered for a few seconds, then walked out calmly: "That's fine."

"I and this old monster have been gone for almost a thousand years."

On the other side, a bearded man put down his wine bottle and sneered: "Did you come here specifically to seek death?"

"The four great Taixu, even if they can't kill you, they can still stop you. An old monster with a lower level of virtuality looks down on us too much!"

Shen Chenyang breathed a sigh of relief, his old eyes flashed under his white eyebrows, and after a long time he snorted coldly and disappeared into the universe.

"Haha, maybe you really dare to do it?"

"Once we take action, we are even more sure that you have something incredible in the place of origin. No matter who it is or what it is, he can't escape Kunlun's Skynet Huihui."


Third update before 10:30

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