
Chapter 942: Void's Personal Visit


A huge shadow passed over the red earth. Red fireworks fell as it passed. It was a reconnaissance satellite from the Earth.

So... no one could see this scene that shocked them.

The planet was originally full of yellow sand, but the yellow sand disappeared. Instead, there were golden eyes and big mouths full of sharp teeth!

If you hear the word "Leader of the Legion", everyone thinks it is a person. No one thought that the high-level Taichu is the real Chimera, a monster that devours everything, and the ultimate enemy of all life.

Waves of indescribable evil thoughts were revealed from the huge mouths covering the surface of the planet. It was a combination of evil, greed, appetite, and all other extreme malice. Wherever it passed, even if no spiritual power was used, the void was blurred.

Around the planet, golden eyeballs flew out one after another, each of which was tens of meters in size, surrounding this strange life form like a honeycomb. They looked around, looked at everything with greedy eyes, and guarded against all uninvited guests.

"It's finally here..." A hoarse voice came from the planet, and then the whole planet cracked, and in a deep gully in the center, the representative golden pupil of Taichu appeared, and like the master, there was a big mouth standing on it.

"Decades of plane shuttle are just a drop in the ocean for me. If I can figure out why Emperor Senluo is suddenly interested in this place... why my subordinates suddenly disappeared, these decades will be more than a thousand years of harvest."

"Don't try to run, little guy, you can't expel my mark, I see you... hehe... wait for me..."

"Boom..." The huge planet accelerated again, and soon it flew over Mars and rushed straight to the moon.

However, just as it bypassed Mars, it suddenly stopped.

"" A graceful hoofbeat, accompanied by the sound of silver bells, a slender figure riding a white deer, has already stood in the universe.

"It's you." The woman in palace dress said lightly: "Tenggebal... the most disgusting existence in the entire Seven Realms. I haven't seen you for a thousand years, and you are still so disgusting."

"It turned out to be the third princess." The planet seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "Do you think you can stop me with just you?"

"We are all in the Taixu realm, and the Taixu realm is also divided into three, six, and nine levels. I have approached the last realm after ascension, but it is only one step away from the virtual position. Aren't you afraid that you will die here and no one will collect your body?" It seemed to remember something, and said with some nostalgia: "If you die, my old opponent should cry bitterly. I really want to see this picture..."

Before the voice fell, countless tentacles stretched out from the cracked mouth of the entire planet, as fast as lightning! Although the body is so huge, the movement is like the top swordsman, and in an instant, it crosses the universe. Pull out a huge flesh-colored net in front of the third princess.

"Fire." The third princess said calmly, without making any gestures. In all directions, raging fires burst forth, the flames were raging, and even the sparks were red.

"The initial words are in accordance with the law?" Tenggerbal was stunned for a second, then smiled and said, "I have made progress."

"But it is not enough."

As the last word fell, all the tentacles disintegrated again. This time, small openings appeared on the tentacles, and more tentacles grew in the small openings. In just a few minutes, the giant net with sharp teeth covering a radius of 100,000 miles rushed towards the third princess head-on.

"How dare you!" An old voice exploded, and just in front of the third princess, a thousand-meter-wide void crack burst open, and then two huge ice hands opened the crack, and a nearly thousand-meter-tall ice giant walked out.

"Donghuang!" The giant's voice was like thunder, and he opened his mouth and spit out a small bell. When the small bell was struck, all directions...even the sparks were creaking, and the planetary belt outside suddenly collapsed!

"Zizi!!" Tenggerbal screamed sharply, and all the tentacles retracted immediately. He looked at the giant solemnly: "Old ghost Shen? You are not dead yet?"

"You are not dead yet, I can't bear it." The ice giant sneered: "Besides, it's not just me."

As he spoke, the void opened a crack again, and two figures tore through the void and walked out, one was a nine-foot big man with a black beard, and the other was a royal noble with an extraordinary temperament.

"Xiahou? Zhou Taizong?" Tenggerbal finally restrained his smile: "A mere war of the ten thousand worlds actually attracted the four great voids to move together. It seems that something extraordinary has appeared."

"I also want to ask, a mere war of the ten thousand worlds actually made the commander of the Void Legion with a hundred billion troops come in person, it seems that something extraordinary has happened." Xiahou blew on the azure long sword in his hand and looked over with a smile: "Is that right?"


The atmosphere seemed to solidify, everyone wanted to test the bottom of the other party, but the other party was a thousand-year-old monster, how could they hear it?

"I don't want to fight you." After a long time, Tenggerbal finally spoke: "Make way."

"You want to try?" The big man drank the wine gourd in one gulp and wiped his mouth: "Okay, I haven't been good at fighting for nearly 1,700 years. What is the level of the rumored commander of the Void Legion? I also want to try it."

Silence again.

After a few minutes, Tenggerbal sighed: "If it weren't for the rush, today... you would all die here."

Just after he finished speaking, all the eyeballs on the outer periphery of the planet exploded and flew in all directions!

"Not good!" Xiahou was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted: "I know, the thing or person he is looking for has determined the other party's location. The Origin Land absolutely prohibits monsters of its level from entering, no... or it would cost too much for him to enter. However, no one in the Origin Land is higher than the Nascent Soul! The closest one is only one step away!"

"They are no match for this monster's clone!"

No one answered, everyone looked at the golden eyeballs flying in all directions. No matter what the opponent wants to do, just intercept it. But these eyeballs turned into golden galaxies and rushed towards the moon frantically. There are thousands or tens of thousands of them, and they can't be intercepted at all!

"Chase!" Shen Chenyang gritted his teeth.

"Insolent." The same two words came from behind, and at the same time, a spiritual power that made the surrounding stars tremble rose up.

Behind them, Taichu finally bloomed its complete appearance.

The planet split open, revealing a huge eye in the center, with countless tentacles on both sides, covered with runes. These tentacles were overwhelming, and had already covered the surrounding hundreds of thousands of meters into an absolute domain.

"In front of me, you youngsters just left without saying anything. You don't take me seriously."

"Don't you want to know the true strength of the legion commander? Haha... Come, let me show you what the ultimate evil is."

"Domain... Swallow the Three Realms, start."

Boom boom boom... Countless black auras gushed out from hundreds of thousands of meters, mixed with unspeakable evil. The four Taixu took a deep breath and turned their heads back.


Because of anxiety, they were hit.

They had never seen such a huge Taichu a few times, and they didn't expect that with the opponent's perfect life model, they could actually differentiate so many clones! Now the opponent's main body is holding them back, and the clones are looking for what they want... At this moment, they know that they are in trouble this round.

"Okay." Shen Chenyang turned around with a sinister look: "We have been fighting for ten thousand years. Let me see what realm the Taichu commander who is superior to this heavenly domain is in."


Zhenwu Realm, Shenwei City.

Xu Yangyi and Zhuyue Palace Master both looked up at the sky. Even they felt that an indescribable evil thought comparable to the sun was completely vented in an instant, and then returned to silence.

"What on earth is this?" Zhuyue Palace Master looked at the sky: "How could there be such a monster in this world?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with brilliance. He knew what this was.

This is also the most important reason why he must come to Zhenwu Realm!

Kill their Yuanying in front of the people of Zhenwu Realm?


It is not convenient to seduce her to the ground, afraid that he will be besieged?

Or not!

The real reason... is that he is also leaving a way out for himself. The time for cultivation is short, but facing this kind of life and death choice, he is definitely not stupid.

As long as he shows up here, Taichu will definitely chase him to the Zhenwu Realm. Not harming the Earth is one of the reasons, because according to the description in the Tower of Babel, the other party may not be able to enter the Origin Land, and may even have to pay a huge price.

The second is... he can return to the Tower of Babel instantly.

With the seeds given by Quetzalcoatl, this real monster that has devoured Taichu is the pass to the Tower of Babel. At that time, he only needs to return to the Tower of Babel immediately. The gap in between, even if it is Taixu... it will take one or two hours, right? At least dozens of minutes, right?

That's enough.

This is his most perfect calculation method. The only imperfection is that Taichu came too fast... Maybe the other party distorted the cognition of both parties, because in his current perception of the other party, the other party has not yet reached Mars.

"The last sword..." He suddenly felt a sense of relief in his heart, and his originally cautious and somewhat anxious mood suddenly relaxed.

In the few seconds that Zhuyue Palace Master was stunned, the dense forest and many stars had already attached to his body. He looked at the moon again, the moon in space, and the six vibrating star destroyers. Then he pursed his lips and sent a trace of spiritual consciousness.


"I'm sorry."

"I'll come back to find you."

Mistintin's spirit weapon was not surprised at all, and said with some emotion: "Originally... I wanted to accompany you for a hundred years, or even longer."

"You are a good host. With time, you may be able to reach Odin's level."

"Yuchang is more suitable for you. He is my predecessor and understands Chinese cultivation better... Go there... You should work harder."

As soon as the voice fell, Mistintin burst into thousands of rays of light.

The simple spirit weapon knight, at this moment, was surrounded by thousands of golden lights, and the mark of Odin appeared on his forehead. It closed its eyes, took a deep breath, and then grasped the sword.

This is Xu Yangyi's last sword.

Isn't it his?

"Unblock..." In the shocked eyes of the Moon Master, divine wings suddenly sprouted from Mistin's back, and he looked as majestic as a god.



Three more updates! I should ascend tomorrow, either 3 or 2 because I'm not sure if it's 3 or 2 ascension cards~

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