
Chapter 943: Saint, incarnation

A ray of divine light burst out from Mistydin's body, and the ancient knight's sword cracked inch by inch, but it was not broken. From the bottom of the crack, a ray of green light burst out, as if winter had gone and spring had come, and all things were growing.

The Parasite Sword was fully unsealed.

"This is..." The Moon-Chasing Palace Master was stunned. This was the fear that had made her retreat suddenly before, and because of her previous loss of consciousness, seven seconds had passed.

Asura, with red hair and blue face, was covered with a layer of ancient and inexplicable armor, like bark, and like gold and iron. A ray of golden talismans kept wandering in it, making this three-meter-tall giant look extremely majestic. But this could no longer attract her attention, because the other party pressed one hand on his waist, as if drawing a sword, and that sword... was enough to make her thrilling!

"Six million... six hundred and fifty... more than that!!" She stared at the giant, her heart pounding. Under the eyes of the infinite moon, she felt... the figure of the other giant, when the Asura phase appeared, instantly climbed to nearly six million! Then, seven seconds later, it was close to seven million!

Infinitely close to her!

"What kind of magical power is this!" She took a step back. The spiritual power that was fully exploded on the opposite side had formed a typhoon eye visible to the naked eye. She still couldn't believe it. How could this be possible? Facing the overwhelming evil thoughts that were enough to devour people's ideas, this kid was actually indifferent? ! He... actually continued to use his magical powers without feeling anything. How big a heart does this have to be?

She didn't know that Xu Yangyi was not indifferent, but because he was familiar with it. He knew Taichu better than anyone else.

Familiar, so he ignored it.

Ignoring it, so he gained a few seconds to kill the Lord of Zhuyue Palace.

A series of sacred voices filled his ears, and Xu Yangyi also felt it. A power that could be called divine power surged from Mistydin. This was a power he had never felt before. The power of the holy sword is related to one's realm. If the golden elixir is a lake, then the Nascent Soul is the sea. The lake can only cause waves, but the sea can cause a raging tide.

"Come... my people... my glory shines on you. The power of the Nordic gods will last forever, in the name of Thor. Spread my glory, and I will give you power."

The magnificent voices that he had never felt before suddenly rushed into his spiritual consciousness. At this moment, he seemed to see Odin's magnificent palace, the residence of the gods. It was as if he saw the death goddess Hela walking in the lonely underworld, with a desolate scene under her feet.

He closed his eyes.

This sword must be different.

"Boom!!" Endless green light burst out from behind Xu Yangyi because of Xu Yangyi's sword-drawing action. As he closed his eyes, the sky was instantly bright. The appearance of the Knight's Sword was like a dead tree sprouting, spreading out layer by layer, and inside... was a sword made entirely of runes!

Odin's Sword, the Sword of the God King, the Sword of God Killer!

Everyone in Shenwei City was stunned.

Twenty thousand meters in the sky, the Bright Moon Realm was completely squeezed out of sight. What appeared behind Xu Yangyi... was not a cloud, but... all the clouds gathered into a golden palace! On the door, the figures of the Nordic gods were carved. And the Sword of Parasite was the key to open that palace, inserted in the door hole!

The residence of the gods, the palace of the God King, Valhalla!

The highest palace in Norse mythology!

At the same time as this vain palace appeared, the Moon-Chasing Palace Master looked around in disbelief. At this moment, she heard the sound of her own domain breaking.

She didn't know what this was. It wasn't Xu Yangyi's domain, but this sword... or the domain of someone who had held this sword. This domain... was almost divine power! It was too terrifying, so she had no intention of resisting it at all!

I don't know how many years ago, someone touched this sword, and then this sword shattered her domain after thousands of years.

It was too mysterious... Her heart almost stopped beating, and a sense of life and death crisis filled her heart. At this moment, she suddenly felt... Xu Yangyi's spiritual power... had surpassed her! And it was still going up!

Seven and a half million... eight hundred thousand... eight million!

It hasn't stopped yet!

She shook her head lightly in disbelief, took two steps back, three steps... Then she turned around suddenly, and a ray of moonlight crossed the sky and flew towards the horizon.

Everyone in Shenwei City was stunned.


The famous Zhuyue Palace Master actually escaped?

Escaped in front of hundreds of thousands of people in Shenwei City?

The other party hasn't drawn his sword yet?

At this moment, Xu Yang Yi moved.

Qi, force, and spirit, the three are connected as one, like the midnight orchid, like the dawn sun, a startled appearance, an antelope hanging its horns.

This sword, silent.

As the sword fell, Misteding collapsed. And the temple behind him slowly opened, and the endless wind surrounded it at a speed several times faster than the Moon-Chasing Palace Master. There were countless divine shadows in the wind.

In less than two seconds, the Moon-Chasing Palace Master was already wrapped in the howling wind. Then, within 20,000 meters around, a... world suddenly appeared!

The sun cast flames, the land was spreading, the forests on the ground were dense, all things were growing, the gods performed their duties, and between the rotation of day and night, rain and dew fell, and thunder flashed.

After the Nascent Soul, this sword actually evolved a 20,000-meter world! The entire Norse mythology system, created by the gods, is condensed in one sword!

The power of creation!

"How is it possible..." The Moon-Chasing Palace Master looked around him in a daze: "The third of the Moon Turbidity..."

"Boom!!!" Before he finished speaking, a pure golden light exploded in the sky, covering an area of ​​30,000 to 40,000 meters, just like the sun exploding in the sky.

One after another, terrifying golden shock waves raged in the sky, clouds in all directions, the anger of the gods, the explosion of the palace, and a complete mythological system exploded beside the master of the Moon-Chasing Palace. The shock waves gathered into a sea, but condensed into flowers, circles and layers, from the center of 30,000 to 40,000 meters, spread to 60,000 meters, 70,000 meters, and 100,000 meters!

All the northern lands can see this sun in the daytime.

"Boom..." In Shenwei City, I don't know who knelt down tremblingly first, followed by the second, and who knows how many.

Not respect.

But fear.

The fear of the god of death knocking on the door made them express it in the most humble way, spare my life.

Xu Yangyi retracted his sword with sweat on his head. This sword seemed easy, but in fact his spirit had reached the peak, because this sword consumed most of it. Now, although his spiritual power is full, a feeling of fatigue rises from the bottom of his heart.

"This guy... is very strong." Yu Chang said with mixed emotions: "This attack... is almost as good as the sword master's attack at his peak..."

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but took the elixir to regulate his spiritual energy. Yu Chang glanced at him and said in a deep voice: "But if I am completely unsealed, I will be stronger than him."

"Boom boom..." After five minutes, the shock wave completely dissipated. Before Xu Yangyi could breathe a sigh of relief, his eyes suddenly became cold.

Not dead...

At the center of the explosion, the Moon Master was still alive!

The body had disappeared, and a one-foot-tall baby curled up in the protection of a one-meter-long nine-headed lion. There were countless fragments of protective magic weapons on his side, his chest rose and fell sharply, his eyes widened, and he looked at Xu Yangyi in shock.

She couldn't imagine what kind of mood the other party was in when he swung this sword.

She couldn't imagine how the other party had broken through the gap of two million spirits and killed her!

Her body fell, and her life ended here. Her hatred for Xu Yangyi was overwhelming. But now, she could only look at Xu Yangyi deeply and fly towards the sky at full speed.

"Do you think you can leave?" The elixir had circulated for several reincarnations. Xu Yangyi was refreshed and sneered: "Leave it to this True Lord."

Just as he was about to turn into a black light and chase, the void in front of him flickered, and a person he had never expected appeared.

Su Xingyao.

"Get out of the way." He looked at the other party coldly: "In three minutes, I will kill her."

Su Xingyao was also cold, without saying a word, grabbed Xu Yangyi, and flew to the other side at full speed, while quickly pinching the seal in her hands.

Just as they left the original place, a tentacle several meters thick, which could not be seen at all, fell from the cloud with a bang, and then, puff, puff, the hand fell like rain, and the place where they were standing suddenly became a sea of ​​tentacles.

Under the command of Emperor Senluo, the commander of the Void Legion, Tenggebal, finally arrived!

Time seemed to be silent at this moment, and everything seemed to slow down. Xu Yangyi turned his head and saw countless tentacles hanging from the sky, a huge cloud hole slowly appearing in the sky, and... a golden eyeball nearly 100 meters in size in the cloud hole.

Distortion, terror, evil, greed... unspeakable evil thoughts instantly filled the entire earth.

The eyeball turned and immediately located his position. A sound like a cat's claw scratching glass resounded through the earth: "I found you."

"It's really not far. I have traveled hundreds of thousands of light years to come."

Below, everyone in Shenwei City had just woken up from the big explosion just now, and instantly fell into chaos in the city.

A female cultivator was stunned for a long time, and the next second her eyes suddenly turned red, and the long sword in her hand pierced the body of the man next to her without hesitation.

And the man's eyes were also bloodshot, and he completely ignored his injuries, threw himself on the woman, and bit off the other's throat with all his strength.

On the other side, a white-haired old man was biting his hand frantically, and a man was screaming and waving his weapon. The entire Shenwei City, which had just maintained a minimum order, collapsed instantly when Taichu descended.

The ultimate evil is simply not something that a Qi-refining cultivator can bear.

"What on earth is this!" Zhuyue Palace Master looked behind her in shock. She couldn't believe it. It just appeared. It was obviously at the Nascent Soul level. Why... In the blink of an eye, the entire Shenwei City was facing collapse.

At this moment, her Nascent Soul felt a black head, and when she looked around, a huge mouth had appeared in front of her.

"Dang..." The teeth closed, and the second eyeball fell from the cloud, the waving tentacles were firmly nailed to the ground, and the eyes also nailed Xu Yangyi.

Zhuyue Palace Master's last thought, why... these things can't feel the spiritual energy?

I can only feel chaos, nothingness, disorder...

"You don't have three minutes." Su Xingyao's face did not change at all, and she said in a deep voice: "Ten minutes ago, I started the plane shuttle."

"If we can't reach the Nantianmen of the Tiangong List in half an hour, then, let's die together."

Time turns again.

Xu Yangyi turned back suddenly, here it comes... finally here... This terrifying existence really found him accurately, he gritted his teeth: "It doesn't matter, the other party can't enter the Tower of Babel."

Su Xingyao turned her head and said calmly: "Who said that?"

"Don't forget, the Tower of Babel is in the crack between the virtual and the real, and it has never belonged to the world of no return."

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