
Chapter 944: Ascension to the Seven Realms (I)

This sentence made Xu Yangyi stunned.

Yes, the Tower of Babel is indeed on Earth, but from the beginning, the other party used a key to hang it out, and it does not belong to Earth at all. It is more like a plane torn off from Earth.

If Taichu can enter the Tower of Babel... He thought about it and was sweating coldly.

"It will take at least three minutes for the stargazer to summon us back, after all, this is the moon." Su Xingyao said lightly.

"Boom boom boom..." As soon as the voice fell, the sky of the Zhenwu Realm was torn apart.

Huge cloud holes formed in the air, at least dozens or hundreds! In the distance, there are more and more! There is no end in sight!

"How many are coming..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. At this moment, the mood of killing the Moon Master just now disappeared, and there was only one voice in his heart, faster, faster! Before these monsters catch themselves, we must return to the Tower of Babel!

The former residence of Quetzalcoatl, how can the legion leader run wild!

The white clouds were startled and the birds flew back, as if they all felt the arrival of this extreme evil thought. The Shenwei City below instantly became a sea of ​​blood and corpses. Fear, nothingness, disorder, and chaos enveloped this northern city. With a loud rumbling sound, the second, third... dozens of hundreds of eyeballs all appeared, and even the huge white bones and teeth on the eyeballs could be clearly seen.

Thirty seconds, just thirty seconds, Xu Yangyi was already in the eyes of dozens of golden pupils.

The world was silent, with only Fang's crazy shouting and killing. It made the place look more terrifying like hell.

"Tenggebal, the commander of the Void Legion." The eyeballs in the sky opened their mouths and made a harsh sound: "We finally meet."

Xu Yangyi did not answer, and his spiritual consciousness was already sweeping all around. Each eyeball is equivalent to a Nascent Soul, and coupled with the terrifying habits of Taichu, it is more difficult to deal with than an ordinary Nascent Soul. Although they are all in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, so many clones have sealed them off on all sides.

"Perhaps according to human habits, I should say hello. So, hello." The eyeballs covering the sky spoke slowly like old friends who had not seen each other for a long time.

That was not politeness.

Rather, it was the absolute advantage, the confidence of victory as if an alien fleet had descended, and the strong confidence in turning the hand to the clouds and rain.

"Then, die."

Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly shrank. As soon as the other party's words fell, he grabbed Su Xingyao's hand, and his spiritual power burst out, rushing towards the seemingly weak place!

Three minutes.

Just three minutes!

He can say goodbye to this demon forever.

"Boom!!" Just as he moved away, countless tentacles in the sky stabbed down like swords. Taichu did not need a living person. Any memory, any blood, any difference, could be obtained from the other party's corpse. It only needed to eat, and eat endlessly to reach the pinnacle of history.

Moreover, if Xu Yangyi could not be dealt with as soon as possible, the four great Taixu would never be vegetarians, and he would not be able to stay in the solar system for too long.

Let alone the suppression of the Origin Land, let's talk about the Upper Seven Realms that built the passage between the two realms. As long as an hour passes, the real immortals from the Upper Seven Realms will probably come in person.



The swords of killing were densely scattered like rain, the stars fell, and the Shenwei City on the ground was instantly reduced to dust. Countless Qi-refining cultivators died without a groan. Dozens or hundreds of Yuanying attacked at the same time. The power was so terrible that the ground cracked with huge cracks due to the tentacles, and even the whole sky was shaking!

What's more terrifying is that above the sky, behind the blue sky, endless black snake shadows danced like black dragons. It was impossible to see how many there were. They were endless!

"This monster..." He gritted his teeth fiercely, not letting go of Su Xingyao's hand, and had no time to experience the body temperature and taste of this stunning woman. He turned around suddenly, and a row of flesh-colored lightning fell on his side, splashing countless gravel and smoke on the ground.

"How long will it take!" he asked loudly. Su Xingyao closed her eyes for a second and answered affirmatively: "Two minutes and thirty seconds."

Damn... He turned his head and looked at the flesh-colored sword rain falling from the sky. This won't work... Even though it's only 150 seconds, he is extremely afraid of Taichu. The other party has been hunting for tens of thousands of years or even longer, and will never leave them a loophole to escape.

Taichu cannot be touched, which makes it extremely difficult for them to dodge. Yes, the seed given by Quetzalcoatl did devour Taichu, but using this thing now is just a drop in the bucket. There are too many clones, and it will definitely make Taichu completely crazy!

If the other party's real body comes in person... the consequences are simply unimaginable!

He also had a vague premonition that the other party came here just for this seed.

"Boom boom!" The body turned sharply, and rows of flesh-colored tentacles rubbed into the ground, and the sky above was completely boiling! In a radius of 100,000 meters, only blood-colored light and shadows could be seen falling madly. They were like petrels in a rainstorm. If they were not careful, they would be swallowed by Taichu immediately.

"Why bother?" A majestic voice came from the sky: "People will always die."

"Come on, child, come to me, I will give you eternal life, and I can be tolerant and give you independent thinking."

Dozens of eyeballs spoke at the same time, like Buddha chanting, spreading throughout the sky. It was originally great compassion, but now it was a great killing. Xu Yangyi clenched his fists fiercely, feeling his palms full of cold sweat, and shouted loudly: "What do you want!"

All the tentacles suddenly stopped.

At this moment, two minutes.

The next second, the tentacles moved again, faster than before, thousands of snakes danced wildly, swallowing the sky and the earth, the sky began to crack layer by layer, and a tens of thousands of meters of void crack was torn apart.

"What I want is 'absolute.'"

"No matter why you attracted the attention of that person, I will know everything as long as I swallow you."

"Want to delay time? No need, your little tricks are as transparent as fireflies in the dark night in my eyes."

"Let me go." Su Xingyao suddenly spoke.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, but did not let go.

Smart people don't need to talk too much. He knew that Su Xingyao was going to pinch the formula, but now once the traction gate is opened, they can only wait for the next few minutes if they separate, and now, every minute represents life.

He spun his hand, and his strong arms tightened, and he had already held Su Xingyao in his arms.

His chest was cold. This woman had no body temperature, but she was like the finest soft jade, with a cold fragrance.

"You are not fit for fighting right now. The sword just now has cost you too much energy." Su Xingyao lay in his arms, her black hair spread out like black velvet on her chest. She didn't mind the smell of blood and sweat on the man behind her, and didn't express any reaction to this action.

"We seem to have some misunderstandings, but we have a common goal, and I can also help you."

"Swish!" Just above their heads, tens of thousands of tentacles hissed and attacked, and with a burst of snapping sounds, countless small cracks appeared on the tentacles. As long as they were touched, they would instantly turn into minced meat.

Su Xingyao quickly made hand gestures with both hands, but she was not fast enough. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, and the soul guard whistled out, and the golden river lingered outside his body. At the same time, Taichu came.

"Zizizizi!!" There was a thunderous roar, and outside the golden river, there was actually a circle of white moonlight, a peony under the moon, which was completely made of talismans, jumping in the river.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered: "The Moon-chasing Palace Master's Bright Moon Realm?"

"It's not as powerful as the original owner, but the Soul Guard actually has a little effect of the Bright Moon Realm?"

Originally, the Absolute Realm only slowed down the opponent's speed, but now it has a little more killing power because of the addition of a little Bright Moon power. He didn't have time to care about why this happened. Now, no matter what can save his life, it's good.

At the same time, Su Xingyao's hands finally stopped, and a circle of pure white light slowly exploded from her hands. Just like the sky dragon pool, in the pure white, a white dragon roared out of the sea.

"The third of the hundred solutions."

"Dancing Cloud Dragon."

"Roar!!" The dragon roared and the white dragon rushed out with a raging wind. She suddenly broke free from Xu Yangyi's arms and pulled the other party's hand away at full speed.

"Boom!!!" Behind him, a magnificent white light exploded instantly, and the terrifying shock wave raged for tens of thousands of meters. Xu Yangyi silently calculated in his heart that there was still one minute.

"Is this a deal?" He spoke in a deep voice.

"This is a deal." Su Xingyao answered without emotion.

This was just a momentary episode. Behind them, endless tentacles tangled up and did not chase. All the eyeballs lingered together and slowly rotated. A golden rune appeared in the center of each eyeball.

As they rotated, a black hole in the center became larger and larger! Several meters, hundreds of meters, thousands of meters! Ten thousand meters! One hundred thousand meters! In just thirty seconds, it was already pitch black above their heads!

The sky was not the sky, only the most primitive pitch black remained, and a suffocating aura was slowly condensing in it.

Circles of runes fluctuated from the center and spread to the edge. Xu Yangyi took a breath and took this opportunity to escape from here at full speed!

This is... the arrival of the body!

Tenggerbal was too willing to do it. In order to catch him, for a "possibility" that he didn't even know, he actually descended to the Zhenwu Realm!

Once the other party descended, he would have no chance of escape!

"How long will it take!" He asked loudly, his figure like black light, rushing forward rapidly.

"Ten seconds." Su Xingyao closed her eyes: "Don't worry, he can't catch up with us."


At this moment, the dark sky suddenly rippled.

Circles spread out, ripples spread over, countless stars, and the dark sky in the daytime reflected the starry sky.

Here it comes...

Even Su Xingyao, whose feelings have not been completed, couldn't help but gently squeeze Xu Yangyi's hand at this moment.

Not only them, but the entire Zhenwu Realm felt it at this moment...A majestic and boundless spiritual power, as if facing the universe, is slowly descending over the Zhenwu Realm.

Compared with him, people are insignificant, with a full 1.2 billion spiritual power, that is the power of a plane, and one person can destroy a large world.

"This Saint said..."

"This Saint doesn't have much time."

"You actually played this cat-and-mouse game with me, then, I will completely wipe out your remaining hope."

Five fingers as big as the sky slowly stretched out from the ripples, and in the center of the palm, countless black souls surrounded it. A black spiritual ball that was a hundred meters in size rotated with a heart-shaking spiritual power.

"All things in the world."


Still three updates... What's more tragic is that tomorrow may also be 3... Damn it, why hasn't the ascension been completed yet... My hands are so cheap...

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