
Chapter 945: Ascension to the Seven Realms (Part 2)


Unparalleled calamity.

At this moment, the stars in the sky were shining brightly and shaking together. The ground seemed to be ravaged by an invisible giant, cracking every inch. Then, a shock wave hundreds of meters high was set off, layer by layer, layer by layer, rushing towards the outside!

Destroy everything, devour everything, this is the magical power of the 1.2 billion spirit level. The real Taixu magical power!

Everything was reduced to nothingness in this big explosion. Whether it was living things, heaven and earth, or the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, everything was swallowed up at this moment.

"Damn it!!" Xu Yangyi's eyes were red, there were three seconds left, the last three seconds!

But... they will be swept away by the tail of the shock wave!

"Whatever life-saving things you have...use them all." He licked his lips and gritted his teeth: "I can't protect you."

He didn't need to remind him. Su Xingyao opened her mouth and spat out a golden seal. The golden seal was dazzling and powerful. It turned out to be an imperial weapon!

"Swipe!" Next to Xu Yangyi, the soul guard was fully activated. At this moment, he regretted in his heart, thinking that physical cultivation no longer needed magic weapons, but not to mention that Asura Xiang's three hands were empty, just this kind of heaven-destroying thing A big explosion is absolutely impossible without a defensive magic weapon.

One soul guard is not enough.

Boom boom boom... The crazy explosions behind him were getting closer and closer, and the ground was reflected in a bright light. He saw... In the dark sky with no end at all, a planet full of devastation revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Tengebal's true form has arrived!

What a twisted picture it was... The planet was filled with countless eyes and sharp mouths, filled with inexplicable desires. In Xu Yangyi's eyes, what was revealed was not the true body, but a mixture of evil thoughts.

The most primitive human desires in his heart were erupting. He wished he could hold Su Xingyao under him and do whatever he wanted, but he bit his tongue hard to keep himself clear.

"The last second." Su Xingyao said softly as if she was not affected at all.

When these four words fell, the shock wave spread behind them!

"God bless you." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and spiritual energy filled his body. Then, his eyesight went dark, as if he was hit by a giant's palm. The next second, there was another flower in front of him, and a huge skeleton had appeared. In front of you.

He suddenly fell to the ground, held his chest, and spit out blood without any money.

It was just the tail end of the shock wave... He had already escaped tens of thousands of meters, but he still had such power!

Stars were flying in front of his eyes, his legs were weak, and his skin was torn every inch. He supported the ground with one hand and tried to stand up several times, but he couldn't do it at all.

The spiritual energy was completely shaken away, and he bit his tongue to prevent himself from passing out on the spot.

Between Asmodeus...

Everything in front of me was so familiar, but the next second, a great sense of doubt and crisis rushed into my heart.

Why are you here?

Not in front of Nantianmen?

"Someone interfered with our void teleportation." As if she saw his doubts, Su Xingyao calmly grabbed his thick arm to prevent him from passing out, and did not care about the bloody hands, and said lightly: "In addition, I feel There is an extremely powerful spiritual force coming after you."

Before he finished speaking, a black mark suddenly erupted on Xu Yangyi's forehead.

Senluo road sign!

Tengebal, who was hiding in Liu Mingyang's body, set the roadmap for Xu Yangyi!

There is no escape in all the worlds!

"Shu Lala..." The black light poured out like a sea, and actually began to outline a three-meter-large door in front of them!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi just spoke, and he almost choked with blood. He took out the elixir again and swallowed it. Without hesitation, he pulled Su Xingyao and rushed towards the Lingshu.

This is Tengebar!

He...can indeed enter the gap between virtuality and reality!

Here, the original place cannot refuse the other party, because this is not the earth in the first place!

The pursuit has not stopped!

Lingshu, the stars all over the stargazer's body flashed sharply, and he suddenly looked outside, his voice finally revealed the disbelief that he had after hundreds of thousands of years.

"What a terrifying spiritual power!"

"Calculated in units of hundreds of millions... This, this is the Taixu realm! Damn it... what kind of terrifying existence has this kid provoked? No, why can this Taixu come here?!"

After half a second of shock, the stargazer quickly made a seal with his hands. Suddenly, all the doors to the spiritual hub were opened. From the place where Quetzalcoatl ascended, green aura rushed out, rushing towards Xu Yangyi like a tornado.

Then, he walked to the Heavenly Merit List and stepped onto the plane shuttle.

Taixu is coming...

It was no longer safe here. He could feel that this Taixu was full of endless evil thoughts. He should be Taixu who belonged to "that side". He was the level of deputy commander, or even higher!

Legion commander...

Thinking of these three words, he shuddered.

He couldn't stay any longer. The mission of monitoring the earth for 100,000 years was completely over. If the time came and the two people hadn't arrived yet, he couldn't wait any longer.

True martial arts world.

This is already an extremely shocking picture.

Over the Zhenwu Realm, which is three times larger than the earth, a dark planet has appeared. Twisted and twisted, the place where it is located is thousands of miles in radius and turns into a dead zone.

It shouldn't exist in the world.

The real martial arts world and the legion commander are like twin stars adjacent to each other, with endless black energy polluting the real martial arts world. And in the planet, a huge eye has opened.

"This is extremely advanced teleportation."

"Little guy, you really surprised me... While I was distorting your perception, you also led me here, just to let yourself return to Earth instantly?"

"If you are really on Earth, I dare not go to the origin, but... Senluo Daobiao told me that you are not there."

"You... are in a fragmented plane that was cut out and exiled by the gods. Let me see where you are..."

The pupils kept flashing, and after a few seconds, a bright light suddenly lit up.

Saw it...

It found it. In a tall tower, the green spiritual energy repaired Xu Yangyi's body that was on the verge of breaking, and the two rushed to a giant tower outlined by light lines in the center.

The moment it saw the giant tower, its body trembled slightly.

"What is this?"

"I can feel that there are some secrets that are extremely relevant to me... No, it is something that is extremely relevant to the Taichu clan! It is very ancient, even from the same era as Emperor Senluo!"

"Really... That's great."

Before he finished speaking, the huge eyeball in the center of the planet opened its mouth, and a black door suddenly appeared in its mouth, exactly the same as the door outlined by Xu Yangyi's Senluo Dao Marker.

Golden light shone, and a golden figure instantly sank into the door.

At the same time, at the bottom of the Tower of Babel, the black door made a sound of karaoke and finally cracked a crack.

A pale hand rested on the door and opened the crack a little bit again. Endless black spiritual energy, with extremely evil desires, flooded out like a tide!

For tens of thousands of years, no one could reach it. Today, it was finally contaminated by the devil.

The entire Asmodeus quickly turned black. Except for the skeleton of Asmodeus in the center, the whole room was dark in just a few seconds.

"Damn it... Although it is not the origin, it has existed in the origin... It still has a strong oppression on this saint..." The door was pushed open, and an old man with a white body and skinny as a bone stepped out. As soon as he walked out, he snorted in disgust.

He had no body hair, not even eyebrows, bald, huge head, a circle of white hair hanging around, skin as pale as snow, golden eyes, and wearing a very tattered clothes. As if he was very uncomfortable with this form, he moved his body, and there was no cracking sound of any joints in his body, but a sound of liquid splashing.

A series of dark spiritual energy leaked out from his seven orifices and pores. He raised his head and looked at the top of his head, and then with a bang, he rushed upwards like a meteor!

There was no dodging, but a reckless charge, breaking all laws with one force. Wherever the meteor passed, the layers of the Tower of Babel collapsed. Countless boulders, gunpowder, and tools rumbled down as the layers of the tower's ground broke.

The Tower of Babel, which had stood between the virtual and the real for tens of thousands of years, finally ushered in the moment when it was completely broken.

Above, Xu Yangyi and Su Xingyao were as fast as lightning. The stargazer had mobilized his highest authority. The remaining spiritual energy in the Tower of Babel surged like a tide. From the slow and difficult beginning to the full effort now, he almost restored the power of the eighth floor in his heyday.

No matter how fast they were, they could hear the rumbling sound like thunder below. The battle between life and death was fully launched in this ancient tower. If they were a step late, they would fall into darkness.

"What realm is he in now?"

"Yin Zun... Early Yin Zun, or Early Yang Sheng. The Tower of Babel was at least on Earth, built by Earthlings, and suppressed him by almost two realms." The anxious voice of the Stargazer sounded in his mind: "Now is not the time to talk about this. There is still some defensive capability in the tower. You hurry up! There are still twenty minutes before the plane shuttle will start. If you haven't arrived by then, I won't wait for you."

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and rushed over at full speed.

The Rubik's Cube-like Tower of Babel began to slowly assemble, and familiar portals appeared again. They rushed into one of them without hesitation. The flowers of all realms flew, and the pure white lotus appeared under their feet, taking them to the broken star destroyer.

Just after flying about 10,000 meters, there was a loud rumble in the back, and a figure full of black air had appeared there.

"Want to leave?" The black shadow sneered: "In front of me, Tenggerbal, if I let you go, I will be unworthy of being called the legion commander."

The three looked at each other from a distance. Tenggerbal hesitated for a moment, and still stepped on the white lotus to catch up.

This is the endless void, the cracks in the plane, even he would not dare to rush through here rashly.

The white lotus floated gracefully, and the three people above were all anxious. The extreme stillness contained extreme movement, and the moment it landed, it was an earth-shaking impact.

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