
Chapter 946: Ascension to the Seven Realms (Part 3)

However, they were still 10,000 meters apart.

Step... As soon as Xu Yangyi and Su Xingyao stepped onto the broken star destroyer, they immediately rushed to the center at full speed. The spiritual consciousness spread out, and the phantom that taught Wuxiang Guanyin at the beginning slowly rose in the void again.

Countless lines formed an endless plane vortex behind him, and the two immediately rushed into it. Just behind them, the star destroyer exploded layer by layer, and Tenggerbal was like a prehistoric behemoth, with no resistance at all. After the entire star destroyer collapsed, his figure also appeared in front of the phantom.

"Accept the inheritance or leave."

He couldn't enter, and the phantom slowly spoke.

Tenggerbal's face showed a sneer: "A mere shadow left in the lower world, is it worthy of me to accept the inheritance?"


As this word fell, he suddenly turned into a giant of ten thousand feet, with his upper and lower jaws opened for thousands of meters, swallowing the phantom in one gulp.

Behind the phantom, the vortex expanded rapidly, and then exploded, turning into a deep passage.

"You can't leave..." He stepped into the passage with a grim smile on his face: "Today... everyone must die!"

"You, along with this tower, will become the food of this saint!"

Laughing wildly, when everything in front of him became clear, Tenggerbal saw that he had come to a strange place.

One platform after another, candles on top, stars flickering in the sky, in the distance, the figures of Xu Yangyi and Su Xingyao were flying at full speed.

The Hanging Lantern of Ten Thousand Worlds.

"Sha..." He squatted down low, and then, with a slight sound, his trace had completely disappeared from the original place.

"Boom!!" Like a bomber passing by, the void was broken layer by layer wherever his figure passed, and Yin Zun's speed was so fast! He was about to approach the range of the two.

At this moment, on the plane shuttle, the stargazer took a deep breath, placed the Machu Picchu Sun Card in front of him, and slapped it with one palm.

"Kakaka..." In the Hanging Lantern of Ten Thousand Worlds, except for Xu Yangyi's road, all other roads were spinning desperately. Tenggerbal, who had just flown up, was forced to fall down, his eyes flickering.

"There are others in the tower."

"His realm is not enough to control this tower. Even this saint can't do it. Someone is helping him."

"They dare to escape here. This must be the other party's last resort. Here... There are cracks all around. If you don't follow the rules here, even I will be torn to pieces. Although I won't die... But I can't chase him down. After this battle, the seven realms will definitely completely block the gap leading to here."

"Kara..." Just when the idea was determined, the Ten Thousand Worlds Hanging Lantern was assembled again, and in his eyes, Xu Yangyi and Su Xingyao had come to the center, like a lotus blooming layer by layer, at the entrance of the huge Tower of Babel!

An unspeakable anxiety finally appeared in his heart.

The great monk believed in premonitions very much. This is an intuition accumulated from experience. He suddenly had a premonition that if he didn't catch up with these two people quickly, he might really return empty-handed today.

Just when he hadn't finished thinking, one magnificent voice after another had already resounded in his ears.

"Gra, Holy Sword Gramer, you gave me light, I repay you with loyalty. Excalibur Broken Steel, your sharpness is invincible. Caliburn Sword in the Stone, I bless you in the name of the king. Fragarach, Soul Chaser, your existence makes evil nowhere to hide. Daming Lisa, I defend you with my blood."

"Dang!" Eight long swords formed a holy sword triangle, magnificent golden light shining, all the worlds are connected.

Holy Sword Platform!

Except for the Sword of the God King Mistydin and the Sword of the Great Knight swallowed by the beginning, the other eight swords gathered together! And... every sword spontaneously activated the runes all over the body, and in an instant, the divine light burst out, shining thousands of miles.

However... the demons under these ancient holy swords are so powerful and so terrifying.

So terrifying that the heavens and the worlds are subdued by it, and so terrifying that the original owners of these swords have to be cautious.

Glancing around coldly, Tenggerbal sneered: "Not bad sword."

"Not good for the holder."

He took a deep breath, and the stone statues of the eight great European and American heroes seemed to have spirits, all ready for battle. With this breath, his chest swelled rapidly, and instantly swelled to about ten meters, like a pufferfish.

"Get out!!!" With a roar, a strong wind blew across the universe, and the lights of the hanging lanterns in the entire world swayed wildly in an instant. It was like billions of ghosts passing through the world.

After the strong wind, there was silence. However, after the eight heroic stone statues stood still for a second, they were completely weathered, and the eight holy swords wailed and returned to their positions again.

The holy sword cannot be blocked!

The black shadow spread its wings like a giant eagle, rushing across the holy sword platform at full speed, but on the next platform, his eyes paused for a second.

"Here is the smell of his tribe..."

"He has killed a Taichu here. No wonder he knows me so well. I have a hunch that this is the place where everything is passed down, and the origin is before this. He... should know something."

His eyes were gloomy, and his hunch was getting stronger and stronger. For some reason, he always had a feeling that the other party was about to escape from his palm.


He didn't know. He couldn't figure out why the other party could escape? If this is the exiled plane cut out by the gods, it is a closed space. The top of the tower should be the last place in the space. Where can the other party escape to?

There was no time to think carefully. Two black wings grew on his back, and he rushed into the center of the Tower of Babel like a demon.

Inside, there was a deep blue.

Countless silver-white spiritual lines, in the boiling blue spiritual energy, formed a tower of light.


Just as he stepped into this place, he groaned and looked up in disbelief.

So scary...

The top of the tower... the top of Lingshu, there was a terrifying breath.

Extremely scary... even... even surpassed the last realm of the middle three realms! Reached the realm of flying immortals!

Feixian, ascending, a word difference, but it is the difference between immortals and mortals!

Maybe not as good as Emperor Senluo, but for him, it is an absolute crushing!

Fortunately, that terrible existence has been deserted, and only the other party's domain consciousness remains here.

"Is this your last resort?" After being stunned for a few seconds, he came back to his senses and looked up at the two small figures in the sky fiercely: "Then, you will be disappointed."

The black gas flowed all over his body. In just a few seconds, countless tentacles grew around his body, with large and small suction cups on the top. He rushed up suddenly, like a meteor chasing the moon!

"Snap!" Countless tentacles attached to the sides of the Tower of Babel, and he rushed up from below like a giant spider!

In the Lingshu, you cannot fly.

This is the rule set by Quetzalcoatl, and even he cannot surpass it.

"The hanging lanterns of all worlds did not stop him..." Inside the Nantian Gate, the stargazer was flashing with starlight, gritted his teeth, fumbled on the sun disk for a long time, and finally pressed it down with a ruthless heart!

In an instant, the entire Tower of Babel trembled slightly, and the next second, countless blue spiritual energy surged out like a tide.

Hula la... After a long time, the figure of a tall giant tower appeared again in the Eye of the Sahara. And Africa has long become the logistics position of the Zhenwu Realm. I don’t know how many sects watched this scene.

"This is..." A cave master stood in the cave in astonishment, looking at this giant tower carrying the oldest secrets of the earth.

Countless Zhenwu Realm cultivators looked here, and then, with a loud bang, endless green spiritual energy sprayed wildly in all directions!

Rolling up the yellow sand all over the sky, forming a terrifying shock wave, and then, these shock waves just swept out ten thousand meters, and immediately reversed, forming hundreds of millions of green small swords outside!

The oldest relic of civilization sprayed out all the spiritual energy in an instant. It has completely lost the qualification to enter the crack between virtual and real, and has become an ordinary mortal tower.

There is no time to care about these, and there is no time to feel heartbroken. The stargazer held the sun disk tightly and said in a hoarse voice: "Kill!!"

"Swish swish swish!" The swords fell like rain, and for a moment, the sky was full of blue clouds. All the Zhenwu Realm cultivators were stunned, looking at the green sword rain that filled the sky on the Eye of the Sahara, and were shocked beyond words.

What happened?

What is here?

No one cared about their shock. In the center of the spiritual axis, below Xu Yangyi and Su Xingyao, endless green spirit swords rushed in from outside, and each sword pointed directly at Tenggebal's throat!

"Go!" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. There were still 10,000 meters... Entering the South Heaven Gate, as long as the plane shuttle was activated, he would be completely safe.

Under his feet, there was already a green ocean, and bursts of muffled hums came, and the green light was intertwined and could not be seen clearly. He didn't have time to look.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The sword shadows were like the sea. In an instant, all of Tenggebal's tentacles broke together, and his figure fell down immediately. Countless green swords pierced his body, but he didn't look at them at all, his eyes were fixed on the figure above.

The premonition became stronger and stronger. A voice in the dark told him that it was not impossible to devour that kid and surpass Emperor Senluo. However, another voice said, this time, you can't catch it.

Why can't you catch it?

I, Taixu, can't catch a mere Yuanying?

"Damn it..." He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes had completely turned white, and the whites of his eyes were pitch black. He roared: "Damn it!!!"

The sound shook the sky, and the entire Tower of Babel trembled slightly. All the monks in Africa heard this heart-wrenching shout.

The blue spirit sword was frozen by this sound, and it was impossible to enter for a moment! The next second, he suddenly opened his mouth, and a flesh-colored lightning shot up and accurately wrapped around Su Xingyao's arm!

With a flash of light in his eyes, and with a burst of wild laughter, his figure was quickly pulled up!

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

Xu Yangyi turned his head and looked at Su Xingyao's left hand in astonishment. The Taichu on it was swallowed quickly. Even if she was once the Zhenwu Saint, she could not be spared.

Su Xingyao's black hair was flying, and she looked at her hand coldly.

Below the two, Tenggebal, who was laughing wildly, was approaching madly.

Raise your hand, like a knife.

Hand falls, knife falls.

The knife flashed like snow, Su Xingyao's left arm flew neatly, and there was no wavering on her face.

Time turned again.

Tenggerbal's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he fell a hundred meters in an instant. At the same time, the broken tongue blossomed in all directions, and turned into hundreds of them, all stuck to the Tower of Babel!

"You really pissed me off..." The killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense, and his body swelled up completely. Three seconds later, a huge figure like a master appeared below, roaring and rushing towards the two!

But... he was too late.

One block may be enough.

Twice, maybe a little slower.

Now the crucial third time, the Tower of Babel released all its spiritual power, and he finally missed the target by a hair's breadth.

Time passed minute by minute, at the speed of life and death, Xu Yangyi pulled Su Xingyao and finally stepped onto the top of the spiritual axis!

The South Heaven Gate stood tall, and inside the gate, there were thousands of rays of light. The black snake-like shuttle had already raised its head high, ready to launch at any time!

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