
Chapter 947: Ascension to the Seven Realms (IV)

Without a word of nonsense, the two rushed towards the shuttle at full speed.

Such a short distance now seems so far. Just after the two rushed out a hundred meters, there was a loud rumble behind them, and a behemoth had roared to the top of the spiritual axis!

"You... damn it." Tenggebal looked at the two with red eyes, and then looked far away, seeing the majestic Nantianmen, and then...

He saw the plane shuttle.

At this moment, a cold feeling and a feeling of being fooled rushed to his heart at the same time.

So that's it...

So that's it!

Being fooled...completely fooled! He finally understood why the other party was desperate to rush here.

Because...the other party chose to ascend!

Once entering the plane channel, the seven realms responded, even he could not rush in!

"You...are looking for death!!!" Worry, reluctance, **, three complex emotions intertwined into a river called rage, and at this time, at this moment, here, it completely broke out!

Don't let the other party go up!

He could feel that the opportunity for his evolution was in the other person!

Once the other person entered the ascension channel, it would be difficult to find the other person in the vast seven realms, even if the Senluo Dao Mark was imposed on him?

Moreover... he didn't dare to let other Taichu find him. He believed that the other person must have a big secret. Other Taichu could also devour the other person. He wanted this secret!

Of course, he himself had long been on the most wanted list of the seven realms. How could the other person hide in the seven realms and get through?

As long as he ascended, it would be an unsolvable problem!

He dared not delay any longer. Endless tentacles burst out. At the same time, countless tentacles twisted into human hands and quickly formed seals. In an instant, dozens or hundreds of Taixu Realm magical powers burst out with great power.

Even if this place collapsed, he couldn't let the other person step on the shuttle!

Xu Yangyi felt the surging spiritual energy behind him. It was not the sea at all... but the sea of ​​the universe!

But he couldn't do anything, nor could he look. He could only try his best and rushed towards the Nantianmen with a somewhat ferocious expression.

There are only three or four seconds left!

"Magic power... Galaxy Starburst. Magic power Senluo Hell. Magic power, the void of all things. Magic power is unforgivable. Magic power kills gods."

One by one, they murmured and suddenly burst out behind them! The aura that made a plane tremble was as brilliant as the sea, and it was like the purple air coming from the east for 300 million miles. At this moment, Xu Yangyi felt that he was about to turn into ashes!

But at this moment, all the magic powers stopped!

With a sharp scream, Tenggerbal's voice even carried unspeakable fear, and he trembled and shrank back into the passage.

Because at this moment, a huge snake-shaped phantom appeared on the ground, as if it was traveling through time and space, like a fairy descending. It actually made the dignified legion commander dare not move at all!

A snake in the cup.

The moment the snake disappeared, Tenggerbal was almost mad!

Break away...

He saw the future direction.

Sun Wukong walked out of his palm, and originally... he had a chance to stop the other party.

After a few seconds of his pause, Sun Wukong finally walked out of the Five Fingers Mountain and went to the South Heaven Gate.

When Xu Yangyi and Su Xingyao stepped into the South Heaven Gate, they felt a strong protection standing at the South Heaven Gate at the same time. And the stargazer in the plane shuttle breathed a sigh of relief silently.

It's over...

It's finally over...

This long battle royale, from the Zhenwu Realm to the decisive battle on Earth, finally came to an end here.

"Are you still reluctant to leave?" The stargazer sat cross-legged in the air and asked Xu Yangyi.

This sentence made Xu Yangyi feel mixed.

He remembered a lot, a lot.

From his graduation, to joining the Yulin Guard, to Danxia Palace, the blessed land of Dongtian, step by step, slowly, step by step, he walked to the foundation.

Then Kaiyun Realm let him know the small world of the earth, and then the trip to Europe and the United States let him know the various cultivation civilizations on the earth, and also saw the background of several major sects. Then, he found the items that changed his life and saw the people who changed his life.

The Sixth Prince Sima Tuo, the prince imprisoned under Jerusalem.

There is also the sun disk of Machu Picchu and the key to the Tower of Babel.

He entered the Tower of Babel and learned everything about the world, then learned about the Ten Thousand Worlds War, and finally, he broke through the Nascent Soul, and found all his causes and effects in the Ten Thousand Worlds War, and finally, he stepped on this road that no one had walked for nearly a thousand years.


Leaving the earth.

He pursed his lips, silently took out the Soul Guardian, and gently wiped it, and suddenly, Chu Zhaonan, Wang Chen, Zhao Ziqi and several others appeared.

"It's over?" Zhao Ziqi breathed a sigh of relief and looked around: "Is this... a spaceship?"

"Soon, we will enter the plane journey..." Xu Yangyi looked outside with some emotion, the planet that gave birth to him, raised him, and brought him to where he is today, his heart was surging: "I have regrets... Of course I have regrets..."

"I came to the Tower of Babel, but I couldn't see Angel..."

"I participated in the Ten Thousand Worlds War, but I couldn't see the moment when the King of Nuclear Weapons exploded..."

"My hometown, my plane, can't see the moment when it writes the word victory..."

"I, definitely have regrets."

Mixed feelings.

I don't know if Xu Kunlun will announce the end of this Ten Thousand Worlds War. However, the moment the King of Nuclear Weapons exploded, the Zhenwu Realm had no chance of winning.

The location where Taichu's body returned was still in Zhenwu Realm, and the Tower of Babel was in the African base camp. He had no control over how this destructive maniac would vent after he left, but at least it was not on Earth.

It's over... It's really over...

He closed his eyes, feeling all kinds of things in his heart, and he didn't know where to start.

However, he had never considered not ascending.

A bigger world, more secrets, the war between the two realms tens of thousands of years ago, Emperor Senluo, Xiaoqing, Jiang Shang, and even the Qin Emperor Wu Zhao, are still overlooking the earth from a higher plane. He really wants to ask them, why don't you take action?

He also wants to reach that realm, feel this feeling, and see the reality of the universe.

"Let's go!" He opened his eyes and said without hesitation.

At this moment, the entire Nantianmen shook violently.

"What is that?" Wangchen asked in confusion.

"Just a crazy man who lost his mind." Xu Yangyi smiled, but his eyes were calm. He knew that he would see him again... The upper realm is the real battlefield between Taichu and the seven realms.

After playing a trick on Tenggerbal here, they will really face each other in the upper realm.

"Boom boom..." A series of powerful magical powers hit the South Heaven Gate, and the crazy roar of Taichu resounded outside. Su Xingyao calmly pressed a button engraved with a talisman, without any emotional fluctuations for losing a hand.

"Then, let's go." Amid the roar of the plane shuttle, the stargazer looked around with emotion: "The mission of hundreds of thousands of years... is over..."

"Go and see a wider world..."

"That's where you geniuses belong..."

"Buzz buzz buzz... Boom!" Golden light appeared in the black snake's eyes, and then a mysterious call seemed to come from the sky. The black snake soared into the air, as if being pulled, and the whole body was shrouded in a mysterious light column, flying towards the sky.

At this moment, all the monks and mortals in Africa and Europe saw this shocking scene.

In the sky, countless spiritual energy gathered silently from all directions, pure white, and then, madly condensed together, forming a towering gate in the sky.

Only a hundred meters in size, simple and simple, engraved with talismans, the next second, the gate opened silently.

A dark yellow light column shot into the Eye of the Sahara, and then a small black snake responded, and disappeared in the light column with just a flash.

"What is this?" Countless cultivators looked at this scene, only a few Jindan showed extremely eager eyes.

"This is ascension..."

"Yes, it's exactly the same as the legendary ascension. Which cultivator ascended?"

No one could see, and Xu Yangyi's name slowly dissipated on the monument of heroes.

"No... No! No!!!" Outside the Nantian Gate, Tenggebal, who also felt this scene, went completely crazy.

A door separates, blocking the opportunity. It's clearly in front of you, but you can't catch it.

The moon in the well and the flower in the water are nothing more than this.

"Don't let me see you again..." He looked up at the sky with red eyes, his heart was full of anger: "I spent so much energy to come here... The place where the world of no return ascends is Xu Kunlun... We will see each other again... Don't worry, we will meet again one day!"

"When the time comes... I want you to be in a dilemma between life and death!!"

The anger in his heart gradually subsided, he gritted his teeth and suddenly smiled.

"Maybe, I don't need to do anything."

"Xu Kunlun, do you think I will let you go?"

In the universe, the four Taixu of Xu Kunlun were all stunned.

They were standing above the moon, on the surface of the Zhenwu Realm. At this moment, above the earth, a dark yellow light column rose slowly and disappeared into space.

"Ascend?" Shen Chenyang looked at the light column with deep eyes, squinting his eyes: "Is there anyone ascending now?"

"Taichu went to Zhenwu first and then to Earth. Someone is ascending immediately?"

"Is there no connection between them?"

"And... this person is likely to be the same person who killed Chihong, otherwise he would not be so wary of Taichu." After a few seconds, he relaxed: "Forget it."

"Once you are in the upper realm, it is our territory. No matter who you are, no matter what you know, you have to obey."

On the other side, several Taixu looked thoughtful. After a long time, the third princess slapped a blue phoenix and flew away slowly.

"Three things. First, find out who owns the innate spiritual treasure and whether it is still on the battlefield. If you can't feel it, ask the monument of heroes immediately."

"Second, order Xu Kunlun to be on high alert in the next ten years and question the ascenders with the highest standards. There are not many people who ascend, maybe only one in a hundred years. All detailed information must be recorded."

"Third, find out where this person ascended and where he entered."

Xu Yangyi didn't know these.

The plane shuttle had risen out of the earth, and he looked at the blue planet again.


But I will always come back.

This is his home, his roots.

"Let's go." He leaned back in his seat, sighed and uttered two words softly, and the shuttle hummed, turned into a black shadow, and completely sank into the gate of the sky.

Enter the road to ascension.


Ahhhhhhhh... I finally finished writing this paragraph. There are good and bad parts. I used to write urban ** in one go, but fantasy is different. There are dozens of pictures at a time, and I can't hold on even with high passion.

I am so tired... After a month and a half of hell, I finally finished writing this big chapter. I finally have an explanation for myself.

Thank you readers for your tolerance of the poor writing. In addition, I will enter the new map below. I hope you can subscribe to the genuine version, haha

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