
Chapter 948: Journey to the Planes



Bang... The ancient door closed quietly, and everything had nothing to do with Xu Yangyi.

Su Xingyao worked carefully on the operating table for an hour, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Without speaking, she sat cross-legged on a seat and meditated to repair her left hand.

No one spoke. They could see that Xu Yangyi was not in a good mood, and their mood might not be better?

Even if Grandpa Chu Zhaonan dies, he still has his family and descendants. Who can be completely relieved to leave the land where he was born and raised?

The same goes for Zhao Ziqi, and so does Wangchen. I'm afraid only Mao Baer is sleeping soundly and heartlessly.

Xu Yangyi tried his best not to miss everything on earth, nor to think about the outcome of the World War. He began to look at the plane shuttle to relieve his homesickness.

It is said to be a shuttle, but inside it is the integration of technology and spiritual practice. Similar to the Star Destroyer Mothership, there are talismans all over the inside, but there are traces of technology, but very little.

The seat is a bed chair as wide as a bed, integrating meditation, cultivation and rest. You can't see the material, but sitting on it, you can actually feel a little bit of spiritual energy gathering. He looked carefully in astonishment and found that a medium-sized spirit gathering array had been burned into it.

On the ground, a huge star map was laid out, with a blue thin line and a green light spot on it. It should be them, heading towards the vast universe. We are at the bow of the ship, surrounded by a starry sky. It seems we have to reach the stern to reach our destination.

The cabin roof is completely transparent, and now everything is dark, with no stars.

It is in the passage of plane folding. As if the stargazer could feel his mood, he slowly spoke: It will take about three months. After three months, he will break through the plane channel and enter the ascension channel of the Seven Realms. Then came several years of plane travel. Fortunately you have a plane shuttle. Otherwise, you can only fly physically, which will not be achieved even if it takes decades, and it will be extremely dangerous.

Forcing himself not to think about the earth anymore, Xu Yangyi turned around, only to find that Chu Zhaonan, Wangchen, and Zhao Ziqi were sitting cross-legged on the bed and chairs, with white air emanating from their bodies, while Mao Baer's belly was turned up to the sky without any concealment, and his mouth was Li seems to be still muttering: Pomeranian mother...

they are?

Have you forgotten that you used the flower in the mirror to wash your meridians? After going to the upper realm, the concentration of spiritual energy was completely different from what it is now. Not to mention that there were as many golden elixirs as dogs and Nascent Souls walking all over the place in the upper realm, but there were indeed quite a few.

oh? Xu Yangyi finally regained his energy and asked.

The stargazer did not continue talking, but continued the previous topic and said: Because of the different richness of the spiritual energy, after the lower world reaches the upper world, the spiritual energy will automatically cleanse the meridians and cut the marrow. You think, the extremely rich spiritual energy rushes into the body instantly, the monk Can you bear it?

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to answer, he continued: "I definitely can't bear it. Therefore, several ascended people have exploded on the spot." Therefore, every ascension point must have an organization distributing flowers in the mirror. Oh, it is called Lingyu in the upper world. It replaces Lingshi and is a universal currency. Top grade spiritual jade is extremely rare. To cleanse the meridians and cut the marrow, at least high-grade spiritual jade must be used.

He glanced at Xu Yangyi: The higher the level of spiritual jade, the more obvious the effect of washing the meridians and cutting the marrow. The flower in the mirror I gave you was of the highest grade. They use top quality. This will ensure that you will not be in too much pain after reaching the upper realm.

Xu Yangyi nodded, and in the incomparable darkness, people became depressed.

The best way to relieve depression is to chat. Stargazer obviously knew it, and so did he, so the two started talking again.

Any other taboos? Xu Yangyi looked at the cabin roof and asked as if talking to himself.

He doesn't want to practice now, not at all.

The mind has something to think about, so the day has something to think about.

If your mind is not peaceful and your mind is not calm, forcing yourself to practice now will have no effect. Even entering samadhi cannot be achieved.

There are so many taboos that I can’t finish them all at once. However, we also have a few years. The stargazer seemed to smile. In the clouds and mist, the body dotted with stars flickered. With a simple move, an ancient scroll appeared in his hand, and at the same time, there was actually a tea set.

Do you understand this? Xu Yangyi was quite surprised. This pot of tea was not extraordinary. Threads of white mist wrapped around it and slowly dissipated. The aroma was refreshing and lingering for a long time.

After taking a gentle sip, the overflowing spiritual power was like a white dragon entering his body, invading his limbs and bones, making his meridians feel a trace of... hunger?

He thought about it, and yes, it was hunger. It was the desire for higher levels and higher concentrations of spiritual energy.

Great tea!

Definitely. The stargazer poured him a cup again: This tea comes from Qinxiang Garden. There are only female disciples in Qinxiangyuan, and the sect has been established for three thousand years. Do you know... why no one touches her?

Xu Yangyi shook his head. Cultivation is not about vegetarianism. This tea is absolutely extraordinary. According to the price of the earth, it would not be able to buy it without tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones.

Female disciples, a huge industry, it is impossible for no one to touch this kind of power, even if several major forces unite, they also want to divide this cake.

Because it belongs to one of the Five Kings and Two Queens, the ‘Snake Mother’ Wan Shedian, and is directly subordinate to her. The stargazer's voice became solemn: This is a taboo. Remember, the last thing you can't mess with in the upper world are the five kings and two queens. Their direct bloodline must not be provoked, and their direct industry must not be touched. Once touched, the consequences will be endless.

Xu Yangyi's expression also became cautious. He went to a new world, and it was the upper seven realms that commanded all the realms in the sky. He understood that there were hundreds of benefits and no harm.

The five kings are the king of the sky, the king of the sea, the lord of the void, the god of evil, and the lord of the mountains.

The second queen, Snake Mother, Fairy Lingbo.

It can be said that the power of these seven people spread across the seven realms, and there is exactly one person in each realm. Even if the four Taixu come, they are by no means a match for these people. They are the top ones among Taixu. With seven of them coming together, even the legion commander must think carefully.

Xu Yangyi nodded deeply: The upper realm... how many Taixu are there in total? How many yin and yang sages?

I still communicate with the Dark Dragon Clan, about once a thousand years. The stargazer was thoughtful and said: "The last time we communicated, there were twenty-eight people in Taixu, including five kings and two queens." Remember, they are the real controllers of this star field, not only the seven realms, but also all the heavens and realms.

Everyone has dozens or hundreds of worlds in their hands, and almost all living places have been developed by them. This also makes it difficult for future generations to advance to Taixu, because advancing to Taixu requires too many resources, which cannot be supplied by countless worlds. The Zhenwu world belongs to the King of Jiehai, and it is a famous world.

Xu Yangyi tapped his knees with his fingers and immediately crossed out the strength of Jiehai King from his choice.

It is impossible not to join forces.

He knows how difficult it is to be a casual cultivator. He came from the bottom and knows very well that not joining is equal to freedom. Seems wonderful? No, don’t forget, the upper realm built the Chain of Seven Realms in order to resist Tengebal.

Perhaps there are other upper realms opposite the Chain of Seven Realms, but with the Taichu Legion lying in the middle, this area of ​​heaven cannot communicate with each other at all.

This leads to a crucial question.

There is no peace in the upper world.

Years of war and head-on confrontation at the border with Taichu. So, who will fill the shoes of so many monks who die every year?

There must be someone, but when it comes to catching strong men, there is no power to protect them. Freedom is freedom, but it is equivalent to being sent to the most dangerous place.

He had just arrived in the upper realm and was not familiar with the land, so he could not die in confusion.

After all... his eyes swept over the people meditating on the side, as well as the stone in the Tower of Babel in his heart.

He still cares.

The stargazer did not expect that his Huahua intestines would change so much in an instant, and continued: "Yin Zun monks, about five thousand people, seven realms in total." Yang Sheng...

He paused: Thirty people.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed. Although he had known for a long time that Yang Sheng entered Taoism in a physical body and Yin Master was a typical Dharma cultivator, he did not expect that there was such a terrifying gap, which was almost the same as Taixu.

Yang Sage is too difficult... The stargazer sighed: First of all, Yang Sage cannot advance to Taixu without cultivating the top ten immortal bodies. There is no Yang Sage in the current Taixu, so you know how difficult it is. Do you think you can afford the resources required by the top ten immortal bodies?

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to answer, he continued: That's because the lower world cannot bear the ten immortal bodies at all, and they are sealed by the will of the world. Not only the top ten immortal bodies, but also some supernatural powers that transcend planes will all be sealed, and they can only display the strongest state in line with this plane. You have at least three or four such magical powers.

After reaching the upper realm, all the seals in your body will be lifted. This is called unblocking. Not only do you have magical powers, but also your domain, which is extremely powerful. This is a step that every ascended person must go through. At the same time, once you enter the seven realms and one light year, the ascension platform will report immediately.

His voice became weird: Believe me, when the time comes... it will be very interesting.

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: Why?

It's very simple, because... every ascended person has an ascension time of five hundred years. average.

Sometimes it happens once in a hundred years, sometimes it happens once in a thousand years. However, anyone who ascends will be competed by the five kings and two queens, as well as other dynasties and top sects. Because any monk who can ascend from the lower world is definitely not a good person.

Although there are wars in this plane, they are matters on the frontier. Compared to the lower realm, most monks are born with a silver spoon in their mouths. The number of golden elixirs and foundation building bases is very large, and the Nascent Soul is not too small. In the Seven Realms, Yuanying can be the lord of a city, with a total of about 100,000 people, and Jindan can be the lord of a county, which is even more. Only Yin Zun can be the leader of a state. And Yang Sheng...with the same realm, he can be the lord of a region, or even the founding king of a country!

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and sketched the blueprint of the upper world.

In other words, there are about 100,000 cities in the Seven Realms. He doesn't know how big the cities are, but compared to the Zhenwu Realm, it is three times larger than the earth. The upper realm... is probably as big as Jupiter. It is still an upper realm, not the Seven Realms.

The city it belongs to is definitely not small.

The haze in his heart was gradually dissipating. Five kings and two queens, the chain of seven realms, city lord, domain lord, country lord... Step by step, he had already painted a magnificent map in his mind.



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