
Chapter 949: Unique

Stargazer said he listened without interrupting.

"Perhaps you think that five thousand Yin Lords are too few?"

"But don't forget... Any upper realm, such as Kunlun, has a population of tens of billions. The population count a thousand years ago was 46.2 billion, of which 44 billion were in the mortal world. A full 2.2 billion monks, this is just the ruins of Kunlun. The crucian carps crossing the river are all begging for the fish to jump over the dragon gate. This is a real battle for the great road. Just like this, the chance of coming out is one in a thousand. "

"As for Yin Zun and Yang Sage, they are already one in ten thousand, one in one hundred thousand and one million. And Taixu is even one in ten million among these outstanding people!"

The stargazer's voice was extremely heavy, and Xu Yangyi nodded silently.

He knows that any Nascent Soul is definitely not simple. He can take another step forward and become a Yin Zun Yang Saint, and he is a dragon and a phoenix among men. As for Taixu...

To describe it as superb is no exaggeration.

In the pyramid of cultivation, the higher you go, the narrower the road becomes, and the real great monks are the near-immortals in mythology.

"So, you don't have to belittle yourself." As if he was afraid that he would not be able to think clearly, the stargazer smiled and said: "You can reach Yuanying, and you are a popular monk in the eyes of most people. I forgot to tell you, except for the realm of no return, the realm of true martial arts, There are several other equally special planes, and the golden elixir from other planes can ascend. The Nascent Soul's ascension is really a once-in-a-thousand-year event, and I'm afraid the forces trying to snatch you will start fighting on the spot."

"Once you join the sect, you will be at least a quasi-Daoist level after passing the studies and trials."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Second generation cultivator, this is too cheap. You are a quasi-Taoist as soon as you join the sect. Does this benefit me, or does it cause me trouble?"

As soon as a quasi-Daoist disciple joins the sect, I don’t know how many people are dissatisfied. I’m afraid challenges will arise every day.

The terrifying number of people in the above seven realms is probably too many to cope with even without practicing.

"No." The stargazer shook his head: "First, you are a physical cultivator. Each of the future Yang Saints is a treasure."

"The your age."

"The ascension platform will accurately reveal your age and training time. I bet that the people who come after hearing the news will definitely go crazy."

At this point, he sighed: "A two-hundred-year-old Nascent Soul... Who dares to believe that even if the aura of the upper world is so rich, a two-hundred-year-old Nascent Soul... is definitely the favorite of all sects, especially since you are from The lower realm is rising... Tsk, I'm afraid even fighting won't solve the problem."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi smiled and waved: "I'm off topic, let's continue. What are the taboos?"

Stargazer nodded: "Also, you have to enlist in the army once every three hundred years. As long as your name is called, you must go. You can't shirk it."

Xu Yangyi suppressed his smile, narrowed his eyes slightly, and revealed a dangerous light: "Taichu?"

"Yes, once the chain of the Seven Realms collapses, the total population of hundreds of billions in the Seven Realms will be completely reduced to ashes within a thousand years! This is the most important part of the Seven Realms. It can be said that most monks will never have the opportunity to go there in their lifetime. On the battlefield, they are born in peace and happiness, and they die in wealth. Anyway, there is such a large group of mortals to support them. However, any supreme person in the Seven Realms has made great achievements in the Chain of Seven Realms."

"Only those who have experienced the war of the Seven Realms Chain can become a true monk, know how to fight, know how to snatch, know how to speak the truth, and know how to compete on the road."

"So, they will value the ascended monks so much, because every ascended monk comes here like this, with a poorer environment and a lack of skills. Any ascended monk who comes to the upper world is a person who can call the wind and rain, the Five Kings and Two The three in the back, Fairy Lingbo, Evil God, and Lord Kong Kong, are all ascended cultivators from the lower world. It is an unwritten rule to do whatever it takes to win over the ascended cultivators. "

Xu Yangyi held the tea cup and said thoughtfully: "Isn't it more than that?"

The stargazer smiled and said, "Of course."

"The upper realm adopts a five-hundred-year grade. Any practicing sect or dynasty can be promoted. It is divided into four levels of heaven, earth, black and yellow. The most important evaluation for promotion is the performance of the chain of seven realms."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, completely killing the casual cultivator.

Without power and support, it is difficult to survive in the chain of seven realms. Only with real support can one survive and fight against the Yin Zun Yang Sheng. While bringing glory and ratings to the sect, the sect will definitely reciprocate the favor, forming a virtuous circle with the monk himself.

It has to be said that after hearing only the tip of the iceberg, he understood that it was not unreasonable for the cultivation civilization in the upper world to be so advanced.

The strict division of levels and the use of war scores to win over various factions. It goes without saying that the five kings and two queens must be the makers of this game's rules. Otherwise, it is impossible for the whole world to agree on this division of war to improve the rating of the forces it belongs to.

"The pinnacle..." He took a sip of tea and suddenly asked: "If the resources of the upper seven realms have been divided, then it is impossible to obtain new resource planes. Is it too futile to advance? ?”

"No." The stargazer shook his head and said, "Actually, the upper seven realms only have 70% control over the surrounding star fields."

"Seventy percent?" Xu Yangyi's eyes sparkled. He felt that if he wanted to compete for the sixth king's position in the future, this would be the key.

"You should have seen the map of the Star Vault Ancient Road. That is only the area that has been mastered."

"The other 30% belong to the Borderlands. They are very dangerous. I don't know how big the rewards are. Some of them have extremely harsh environments, and some have extremely ferocious astral beasts, even those in the Yang Saint realm. They will not return to the True Martial Realm. One hundred thousand years have passed since the battle between the two immortal worlds. After that, in the 20,000 years, the Seven Realms rose."

"After another 10,000 years, the civil strife was quelled, the seven realms were unified, and finally began to launch a plane war against the outer star field."

"For a full 70,000 years, most of the galaxies within the star field with a radius of one million light years were controlled. The rest could not be detected, and the seven realms themselves were lazy and exhausted. So, these were used as a means to reward those who had made great military achievements."

He seemed to see through Xu Yangyi's ambition, but he did not laugh at all. The two hundred-year-old Yuanying was still very immature in terms of cultivation. But no one was qualified to laugh at him.

Who dared to laugh at this talent and this kind of mentality?

He had thought that even if Xu Yangyi aspired to become the sixth king of the seven realms one day, it was not impossible, but the possibility was very small. So, whatever Xu Yangyi asked, he picked up the important things to say.

Ten thousand carps leaping over the dragon gate, whether it was a dragon or a fish, a thousand years later, we would be able to see the clues.

"What means?" Xu Yangyi asked with interest.

"You will know when the time comes." The stargazer did not say much, but changed the subject: "That's basically it. Take this dossier. This is the map of the seven realms given to me by the Nether Dragon Clan last thousand years. It includes the population distribution of the seven realms, and the important things are marked. Take it and have a look. What I tell you are things that you can't see in books. It can be called the 'Survival Manual of the Upper Realm.'"

Xu Yangyi took it and pressed the dossier against his forehead. Suddenly, countless information flooded into his mind, and he almost wanted to jump into this gorgeous ocean.

A living cultivation civilization.

A top plane that controls the surrounding millions of light years.

A real upper realm that has not fallen for tens of thousands of years in the face of the Taichu offensive.

No matter which one, he is obsessed with it.

What the stargazer said just now is just a drop in the ocean. However, he has plenty of time. A few years of flying is enough for him to understand the upper realm. Who to associate with and which force should not be hostile to, are all clear, which is much better than being in the dark.

He was about to search for the name of the Yuanxue Realm first, but he stopped. He asked in confusion: "Star Beast?"

The stargazer flickered a little.

"Su Xingyao once said that there are also dangers in the plane ascension. You just said that the star beasts occupy the plane. They... are the danger in the ascension?"

The stargazer's voice was a little heavy: "Yes."

"You can think of them as alien creatures in Earth science fiction movies. But they are more dangerous than alien creatures. They are all bloodthirsty and ferocious. Some of them can devour Taichu, while others often attack the Seven Realms. So far, the historical records of the Seven Realms have recorded 72 invasions of star beasts in the Taixu Realm and above. They have no good or evil, only likes and dislikes. They will attack Taichu and us."

"They are mythical creations of the universe. They are all different in form. Some are a group, but very few. Most of the star beasts roam the Milky Way and live alone. Each one is as big as the earth. They are truly top-level life."

He smiled bitterly : "If we meet, it's just bad luck. That girl didn't lie to you, but she didn't tell the truth either. After all, this kind of chance is lower than the six combinations and lottery on Earth."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi interrupted him sharply: "Taixu and...above?"

"In the middle three realms, Taixu is the second." The stargazer said slowly: "But not at the top."

"Tenggerbal is so strong, but he dares not come to the Seven Realms in person, because...there are two legends in the Seven Realms, any one of them is comparable to Tenggerbal!"

There was pride in his voice: "Bulao Mountain..."

"Guanghan Palace!"

"The two immortal legends in the Seven Realms! Above the Taixu realm! Touching the threshold of 'immortality'! The two supreme beings, they...are the operators of the entire Seven Realms order! They have not come out of retreat for a thousand years, and once they come out, they will shock the world!"

A ball of flame ignited in Xu Yangyi's heart.

Five kings and two queens, two legends...

The top of the Seven Realms Pyramid!

Will he...enter the ranks of legends?

He doesn't know, but he is willing to work hard and strive.

Isn't it to stand at the highest point and see the true face of the universe that I left the earth?

I don't want to stay on the earth, like an ordinary person, who can only see the sun above his head, but doesn't know how big the universe is.

"No need to thank me." Xu Yangyi nodded to the stargazer and said, "I know what you think."

"Only forces with Taixu can be called top forces, right?"

The stargazer didn't answer.

"And the Minglong clan obviously doesn't have Taixu, and it may not even be as strong as Yinzun, and there are more troublesome opponents, right?"

"I remember your help to me. I also promise that if one day I step into Yangsheng, I will protect your Minglong clan."

The stargazer's body was shining with stars. After saying so much, he just wanted this promise.

As for Taixu... even if it was Xu Yangyi, he could only say to take a look.

"Thank you." He didn't say anything more. Just as he was about to leave, Xu Yangyi asked the last question.

"The last question."

"Above Taixu... What is the last realm of the middle three realms called?"

The stargazer turned into a shadow and sat cross-legged in the air, his voice sacred, as if mentioning this name was full of awe.


"The middle three realms, Yin Zun Yang Sheng, Taixu, Unique. Unique in the seven realms, listening to the immortal fate. It is also the last step."

"Among the hundreds of billions of cultivators, from ancient times to the present, there are only two legendary people. There is no other semicolon."

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