
Chapter 950: Bright Stars

The plane shuttle fell into silence.

Everyone was meditating. Su Xingyao was repairing her left hand. Stargazer had become accustomed to silence. Others were digesting the spiritual jade. He finally picked up the file and placed it between his eyebrows.

Countless information rushed in, and he immediately began to search for the Yuanxue Realm.

Angel will always be his most important promise.

If he could turn into a stone sculpture for himself in that situation, it would be impossible for him to let go of the other person. He also thought about it, what else would he choose for a woman who was so good to him? Although Angel is a little bit slutty at times, she is pretty good.

A supporter who can fully devote himself to himself, and he is not Pan An Songyu, so what is there to pick? Moreover, it’s not like I don’t have any heart-beating feelings, right?

After searching for about half an hour, his eyes finally lit up.

found it.

The eighth realm outside the seven realms, the Yuanxue Realm, is about the same size as the moon and is the smallest among the seven realms. He looked at the history above carefully, but his brows furrowed slightly.

This Yuanxue a bit weird.

"Before the Seven Realms were formed, the Yuanxue Realm stood in this universe... No one knows when it was formed or when it came into being."

The first sentence reveals endless fog.

Just imagine, a plane where civilization was formed so early did not expand, and allowed the Seven Realms to catch up. It is true that there are reasons for Taichu, and there are reasons for the war between the two immortal realms of Bugui Zhenwu, but... the Seven Realms have already controlled such a wide area around them, why only let the Yuanxue Realm be spared.

There must be a reason to let it go.

He continued to read.

"The ancestor of the Yuan Blood Realm, the so-called Blood Demon Lord, has never been seen by anyone, has never left the Yuan Blood Realm, and refuses all communication. The number of people in the Yuan Blood Realm is extremely rare, and the entire plane, There are only 100 million people, 90 million mortals, and 10 million monks. They rarely get involved in the affairs of the seven realms, and never participate in the chain of the seven realms. Taichu, the astral beast, has never attacked the Yuanxue Realm, not even the commander of the Void Legion. Tengebar, they all bypass it.”

Xu Yangyi rubbed his chin, thoughtfully.

Burao Mountain, Guanghan Palace, Five Kings and Two Queens... In other words, none of these people can do anything to the Yuanxue Realm?

There was no attack at the beginning?

"Interesting." After a long time, he mused: "This Yuanxue Realm must hide a huge secret, which is why it has become a blind spot in the eyes of countless people."

Although the records of this dossier can be directly entered into his mind, he is still prepared to take a look first, since he has nothing to do anyway.

"Brush..." At this moment, countless words appeared in his mind, and the golden words jumped, forming a sentence, "One of the seven secrets of the upper world: the secret of the Yuanxue Realm."

Strangely, there are six more below, all hidden in darkness.

After watching it carefully for several minutes, he finally understood. The Seven Great Esoteric Sects are the seven unsolved mysteries of the seven realms. They are like gods walking through the seven realms. Only when you truly encounter them will you discover them. Of course, most monks will probably never be able to touch them in their lifetime.

An hour later, he rubbed his swollen temples and finally had some understanding of the Yuanxue Realm.

This is a plane where the whole world has unified techniques.

Everyone practices the bloodline technique. This technique is not powerful, but it can discover the power in everyone's bloodline. It is not a legal practice or a physical practice, but a bloodline practice.

Every five hundred years, when the seven realms are rated, the Yuanxue Realm will also open their sea of ​​blood that opens every five hundred years and lead outside monks in for one hundred years. After one hundred years, they must leave.

"There are still five hundred years left..." He sighed and continued to indulge in the knowledge of the upper seven realms.

Time passed day by day, and since he closed his eyes, he never opened them again.

One month, two months, three months, I don't know how long, maybe one year, two years, he finally opened his eyes again.

This feeling of walking in the ocean of knowledge was so good. He was allowed to swim through the gorgeous paintings, and he saw a magnificent painting. Periods of history, celebrities, countless top sects, the establishment and fall of dynasties, tens of thousands of years of war... everything, when he opened his eyes, seemed to be still immersed in the ocean of war and iron horses.

"It's been so long and I've only seen a few superficial things." He smiled helplessly. The history of the Seven Realms is too long and the place is too big. Every small place may be an ancient city tens of thousands of years old. The long History and culture are intertwined with the current situation. Countless forces have shadows of the past behind them, and there are countless new forces, such as the newly promoted Taixu, who are working hard to create their own world.


How could An be without his shadow on such a big stage?

How could such a gorgeous Seven Realms not leave traces of him?

There is no need for ambition, it is just the adventurous spirit inherent in men.

The scenery in front of him gradually came together. Chu Zhaonan, Zhao Ziqi, and Wangchen were looking at him with concern. Mao Baer gained weight again on the bed, twitched his ears, and lay down again.

As a shit-sweeper, having your ears straightened is already the greatest favor to you.

Without speaking, Xu Yangyi looked around.

The top of the plane shuttle is completely transparent. The Milky Way is like a sea, and the stars are like a tide. Countless stars are shining around, and you can even see the cosmic vortex in the far distance. This feeling of walking in the Milky Way is enough to make people feel relaxed and happy. Sometimes when you go around huge planets, you can even see the mottled planet belts on the planets.

"It's so beautiful." He sighed with emotion, and Chu Zhaonan was the first to speak: "How do you feel?"

"Very good." Xu Yangyi replied with a smile, then paused: "It's a pity... We saw the beginning of the battle on Earth, but we can't see the end."

Everyone was silent for a few seconds. Xu Yangyi restrained his smile, looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, now we are going to a completely unknown new world. I hope that here, we can all reach the final realm."

"High-level cultivators, a dream of a thousand years, I hope I can see you before I wake up from the next dream."

Everyone was slightly moved, and after a long time, the three nodded deeply.

Ascending together, it can be regarded as sharing weal and woe. The pressure and tension from the new world are like a huge net. They can only go further if they support each other.

"In addition, I don't want everyone to be in the same force as me."

"Why?" Chu Zhaonan frowned and asked.

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket." Xu Yangyi said carefully: "The forces in the upper realm are more complicated than you can imagine, with historical origins. This is the first reason. I hope we can join different forces. You are very talented, and the only thing you lack is luck."

"My realm should be taken seriously. It's too conspicuous to be in the same sect. It's too hateful to form cliques before you become a big climate. Moreover, I hope everyone can stand out, rather than being protected by someone."

Zhao Ziqi nodded thoughtfully, and Chu Zhaonan was silent.

"Your qualifications should also be valued. Second, if any of us makes a big mistake, at least we still have a place to belong to, and we won't be uprooted."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "We are also a small force. In order to leave a way out for everyone, I hope everyone can understand and separate."

"When did you become so literary?" Chu Zhaonan was silent for a moment and then smiled: "This is not like your style."

"This is the third point." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, and then said with a serious expression: "For so long, I have roughly looked at the power structure of the seven realms, Only then did we realize that we had already drawn fire to ourselves before we even reached the Seven Realms. "

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued, "Except for the Guanghan Palace, which does not appear in the world, the Bulao Mountain, the Five Kings and Two Queens are the peaks of the Seven Realms, and the Zhenwu Realm is under the command of the Realm Sea King, and is a famous large realm. The Great Xia Dynasty and other two dynasties and three top sects also belong to the Realm Sea King. Don't forget that there were four Taixu watching the battle of the Ten Thousand Realms. "

In the past few months, the stargazers have also been popularizing science to others, so they also understand the so-called Taixu, the general power of the Seven Realms.

"These four Taixu are in the same realm as the Realm Sea King, but their individual strength is not as good. The Realm Sea King has its foundation in Xu Kunlun, and it can be said that two-fifths of Xu Kunlun is under the absolute control of the other party. They know that I have an innate spiritual treasure. If you were with me, I'm afraid you wouldn't know how you died. "

He couldn't forget the scene in the video where the four Taixu attacked at the same time. At that time, he was still going through the Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation.

I haven't arrived yet, but I'm afraid there are already countless people paying attention to me.

"What should we do?" Zhao Ziqi almost jumped up: "Brother, you want us to leave? No! I won't leave!"

Before Xu Yangyi finished speaking, Chu Zhaonan hit him on the back of his head: "Sit down quietly, Brother Xu is right."

He looked at Xu Yangyi deeply, but said to Zhao Ziqi: "We really have to separate. Our ability cannot be compared with those top forces. Once Brother Xu gets into trouble, only we will fully accept him. We are not leaving, but leaving seeds for the Earth lineage. Be careful that someone will pull out the radish and bring out the mud."

"Isn't it pulling out the big bird and bringing out the body fluids?" Mao Baer's ears pricked up again, and he said something very inappropriate.

In one sentence, he scolded everyone present, and everyone's eyes were a little unfriendly.

The weather is getting colder, is dog meat hot pot better? Or is dog meat hot pot better?

"For me, Liu Wangchen and Mao Baer are enough." Xu Yangyi was not angry either. He got used to it... Habits are really scary...

He pondered and said, "Next, we have a lot to do. I will ask Miss Su to slow down and arrive within a hundred years. We can't let Xu Kunlun connect me with the people who ascended in the war of all realms. In these hundred years, we must learn to completely control our own spiritual energy, even hide and change it, and we have to change our appearance."

"I have a few good magic weapons to cover up here. It is impossible to see below Taixu." A stargazer who listened to them quietly said, "You really can't let the upper realm People know your identity, and you have too many secrets. A hundred years... Although it is not long, it is not bad. "

"You have just entered the Nascent Soul stage, and many things have not been fully understood. I will explain it to you."

"The other few people are all at the peak of foundation building. These six months are also the hundred years of impacting the Golden Core. I have seen that they have excellent foundations. With you and me, it is not too difficult to achieve the Golden Core. If you require 100%, I have a secret technique of the Dark Dragon that can seal the vitality of life. After reaching the Seventh Realm, the body transformed by the spirit jade, the more abundant spiritual energy, plus the foundation of this hundred years, will definitely form a pill on the spot. "

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