
Chapter 951: Star Beast: Magnificent

"Finally..." The stargazer paused and said solemnly: "Remember, there is no cultivator from the Bugui Realm and Zhenwu Realm in the upper realm."

He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "You know... why the Seven Realms rose up, they are very wary of the cultivators from the Zhenwu Realm and the Bugui Realm. Maybe there is, maybe there is also the Taixu on Earth who hides his identity, but he has not found it yet, you may meet him. After all, the foundation of the Earth is longer than that of the Seven Realms, and it is not an exaggeration to have a brilliant cultivator sneak into the Seven Realms."

"So... be extra careful... once someone finds out that you are from Earth, your cultivation path in the Seven Realms will come to an end."

Xu Yangyi looked outside the shuttle and murmured: "How long has it been?"

"Four years. I have already left the folding channel and am now heading towards Xu Kunlun."

Nodding, he entered into a communication with the stargazer. Everyone else realized the situation that was about to happen, and everyone practiced with all their strength.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, thirty years have passed.

There is no time in the universe. The brilliant Milky Way feels gorgeous when you first enter it, but year after year, five years, ten years, it is almost the same scene when you open your eyes. No matter how curious you are, it will fade away and return to calm.

In this calmness, Xu Yangyi's strength is accumulated bit by bit. Although the stargazer has no realm, he is at least a high-level cultivator from tens of thousands of years ago, and his vision is also here. The analysis of the field, the application of the field, and his advantages and disadvantages are analyzed one by one.

Yuchang also flew out. The two visionaries are considered top-notch in all walks of life, filling in his almost blank knowledge of the Nascent Soul.

It's just that the two of them don't know much about the field. After all, they are not humanoid and don't have a field. The most important knowledge of the Nascent Soul still needs to be made up in Xu Kunlun.

In the blink of an eye, fifty years have passed, and there is no sun rising and moon setting in the galaxy. This long journey has already gone halfway.

Twenty years ago, Xu Yangyi had stabilized his realm. Before leaving, he asked Mao Baer to exchange all his spirit stones for spirit plants. In the past twenty years, he has been obsessed with alchemy and improving his alchemy.

The stargazer told him that in the upper realm, there are many kinds of elixirs, and the proportion of side doors is much heavier than on Earth. For him, alchemy is cultivation. The more difficult the recipe is, the more significant the cultivation effect is. The stargazer has several good recipes in his hand. He can feel his strength advancing bit by bit.

In sixty years, he has reached the peak of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. He only needs to kick through the threshold of the late stage of the Nascent Soul, but he can't make any progress.

Spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy is insufficient. Although there is spiritual energy in the universe, it is in a free state and is not high in itself. At this level, it is no longer possible to improve his cultivation.

"Don't worry, when you reach Xu Kunlun, high-level spiritual energy will swarm in, and you can enter the late stage of the Nascent Soul right away." The stargazer said.

"There are still forty years..." Looking at the scenery above his head that seemed to have never changed, he sighed, but he did not regret it. Coming to the new world, everything must be cautious and careful.

Su Xingyao had not spoken a word to him for decades.

His eyes swept across the interior of the shuttle, which he could already memorize, and the green line on the ground had already passed halfway. He was about to close his eyes, and at this moment, the entire shuttle suddenly flashed with endless red light.

"Alarm, alarm..."

"Signs of super giant life forms appeared in the back, and spiritual power is being calculated..."

"Ten million spirits, thirteen million... four million... five million..."

"Eighteen million... twenty million spirits!"

"Reminder, hide, otherwise you will be destroyed."

The long journey was boring, but this voice suddenly sounded, and everyone suddenly opened their eyes.

Su Xingyao was the first to wake up. Her left hand had been repaired. She walked to the control console with a calm face. After taking a look, she said coldly, "Star Beast."

"Star Beast?" The stargazer was stunned for a moment, and immediately said in disbelief, "How far is it from Xu Kunlun now?"

"There are still two-fifths of the way. In 50,000 light years ahead, there will be a cultivation civilization. This is the outer edge of the Seven Realms, so it is not difficult to understand the appearance of star beasts." Su Xingyao turned back calmly, "Our luck is too bad."

"I have adjusted the route of the shuttle. From now on, it will fly at full speed and reach the Seven Realms Star Region within a year and a half. Please be prepared."

"Can't adjust it afterwards?" Xu Yangyi frowned.

"No." Su Xingyao replied coldly, "Once the full-speed navigation rune group is turned on, the original slow-speed navigation rune group will be transformed into energy and gathered into the new rune group. Otherwise, where do you think our spiritual power that can sail for decades comes from?"

Before the voice fell, the whole ship shook slightly.

Green runes that had never shone before slowly lit up in the shuttle, and then... with a bang, a light tail of several thousand meters spurted out from the tail of the shuttle, and the entire shuttle rushed forward at a speed that exceeded the speed of light.

As the shuttle accelerated, everyone felt that a vague feeling fell on the shuttle.

"Enter the ascension channel... Xu Kunlun's will has seen us..." The stargazer sighed: "Its will lead us to Xu Kunlun, everyone... hold on tight."

"Boom!!!" As soon as the last word fell, a red light curtain instantly enveloped the entire shuttle, rising from the tail of the shuttle, like the breath of a red dragon, covering the sky and the earth.

Xu Yangyi turned his head.

For the most dangerous astral beast in the galaxy, no one will let go of this opportunity to win the jackpot.

Behind the shuttle, behind a planet comparable to the sun, a huge black shadow slowly squirmed out.

It is like a worm, with endless holes drilled all over the huge planet. Visible to the naked eye, the surface of the planet is full of pits and ashes.

Its body is divided into sections, covered with scales and pure black. On each section, there are countless red eyes forming a ring. On top of its head is a huge mouthpart with a ring of teeth inside.

"Zhi!!!" The monster was as big as a planet, roaring up to the sky, all its red eyes lit up, and a piece of crimson spray sprayed out again.

Scattered all over the Milky Way, like starbursts in the Milky Way, stardust blown up by strong winds. The scene of a lonely universe and a giant reptile was unforgettable for everyone.

"Astral beasts, ranked seventy-six, are impressive." Xu Yangyi thought for a moment, and the elixir spirit with a photographic memory immediately remembered the other party's name: "Invaded Chiyangding 10,000 years ago, and was repulsed by Xiaoyao Sect. Holy early days.”

The rolling red mist was just about to touch the shuttle when it was immediately blown away by an invisible will.

"It can't catch up with us." Su Xingyao said lightly: "The highest level plane shuttle is the top magic weapon. Moreover, we have been noticed by the will of the seven realms. The rules of the seven realms do not allow attacking monks in the ascension channel, so it Unless one person is above the Seven Realms, we are safe."

The red mist was dispersed again and again, and the plane shuttle was covered with a layer of golden light, speeding like a meteor chasing the moon. After three red mists, Zhengrong, who was lying on the huge star, finally became angry.

"Roar!!" With an earth-shattering roar, although no sound could be heard in the universe, circles of shock waves visible to the naked eye could be seen. These shock waves spread wildly from the star, like ripples, and pieces of planetary belts around the star were shattered. Immediately afterwards... it lay down, the carapace of each section of its body opened simultaneously, and countless pairs of transparent wings flew up.

Hurrah! With its wings flapping, the giant insect of unknown size and length suddenly chased out of the star!

"Ha..." Zhao Ziqi, Chu Zhaonan and Wangchen all took a breath. Among the stars, astral beasts comparable to the size of the plane were fierce and powerful. Monsters hundreds of thousands of miles away and millions of miles away rushed madly. Stars emerge, like galactic snakes. In front of its huge mouthparts, a bit of golden light rushed out at full speed.

Even though Stargazer and Su Xingyao both said they couldn't catch up, this illusionless scene in the universe still made everyone stare behind, reluctant to let go.

This is the universe.

This is the true face of the sky above mankind.

There are not only stars here, but also other civilizations and extremely ferocious star monsters.

At this moment, the worry and anxiety gradually dissipated, replaced by an uncontrollable passion.

It is this kind of world that makes them leave the earth and come to this larger stage.

Zhengrong is huge in size, but extremely fast. The golden light in front of it seems to have stirred up its real fire. Countless wings are buzzing, and the distance between monsters and shuttles seems to be only 100,000 meters.

"Boom!!" A meteorite the size of the moon blocked the front. The shuttle passed by lightly, and then exploded immediately. The towering tower behind broke through the "moon" with a shocking roar and showed no mercy. The eyes of the whole body had reached the level of blood. red.

However, no matter how hard it chased, it could not catch up with the shuttle in front.

After chasing and escaping, time passed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

The huge tower at the rear was still there, and it had been chasing this golden light for who knows how long, allowing Xu Yangyi and others to fully experience the terror of the astral beast.

The terrifying destructive power, the terrifying endurance brought by its huge size, and the even more terrifying tyranny, all in all, it is worthy of being the top life form in the starry sky.

As for this kind of life form, hundreds of them have been discovered so far, and among them, more than fifty have attacked the Seven Realms.

Zhengrong is just one of them.

In the shuttle, everyone had already felt relieved. What to do, what to do.

And the atmosphere was unknowingly extremely solemn.

Almost there...

In the last year, they will end this long plane journey and come to their real stage.

The Seven Realms, all the heavens, millions of light-years, and the Chain of Seven Realms are waiting for them there.

"Buzz buzz..." A few days later, the entire spaceship suddenly burst into light, and then the shuttle completely twisted.

"Reminder, reminder..."

"Entering the Seven Realms of Heaven, connecting with the spiritual energy of the target Xukunlun, the one-year space shuttle rune set will be opened. After 360 days, it will enter a light-year distance of Xukunlun."

"Sand..." The appearance of the shuttle became more and more distorted. Finally, with a "swish" sound, it turned into a cold star and suddenly disappeared into the universe.

Behind him, the huge tower was stunned for a moment.

After half a year of chasing, there was a lot of wreckage behind it, but at this moment, it actually didn't catch up.

The little wisdom told it... the front was not the place it should go. It had attacked there ignorantly and fearlessly, but failed. There, there is power that can kill it.

"Roar!!!" It flapped its wings and roared, making the galaxy tremble. One day later, it was sure that the prey would not appear again, and then it raised its wings and flew towards where it came from.

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