
Chapter 952: The Suspended Holy Mountain: Xu Kunlun! (I)

Everyone sighed with regret.

Such a huge creature is rare in ancient times, but there are already 160 of them in the endless universe.

This is danger and challenge, and the excitement of adventure stimulates every cell in their body like adrenaline.

Everything unknown is in your own hands. From here on, you can create a new history by yourself.

This feeling, just thinking about it, makes them excited.

"Get ready." Xu Yangyi's eyes were dark and unclear, and he clenched his fists: "The Stargazer has sealed everyone away. In the last year, everyone should make all preparations."

Time passed very quickly, three hundred and sixty days passed quickly, and Xu Yangyi could no longer make any progress. His thirst for spiritual energy made his expectations for Xu Kunlun reach its peak.

After completely entering the ascension passage, everything in the outside world was blurred, and boundless darkness enveloped the shuttle. The stars could not be seen, and the Milky Way disappeared. Three hundred and thirty days later, he opened his eyes again.


He breathed a sigh of relief, stood up slowly, and made a magic spell. The space in front of him rippled slightly, and a water mirror quietly appeared.

In the mirror, he is tall and muscular, with sharp eyebrows and eyes like bright stars. However, what is different from a hundred years ago is that the customary camouflage uniform has disappeared and been replaced by a black robe. Her black hair was shawled over her shoulders, and her hair was tied up in a bun with a white cloth belt, making her look unruly and chic.

It looks simple and elegant, but in fact there are several dark dragons engraved on the black robe. It is low-key and luxurious, and it is wrapped with a jade belt, as if a plainclothes general is in the house.

Do as the Romans do. Since they cannot be exposed as earth monks, they must be distinguished from the earth.

"That's right." The stargazer never seemed to rest, and said slowly: "The information you have now is: a monk from a declining sect in Feiliu Sea. You should have all the information about the Feiliu Sea plane. Keep it in mind. It is located at the outermost edge of the Seven Realms and is the closest world to the earth. Due to the severe invasion of Taichu, this world has been shattered and no one dares to ask Feiliu Hai. "

After a pause, he continued: "The most important thing is that no one has ascended to Feiliu Hai for five thousand years, and the relationship with the Seven Realms has been severed early. It defaults to the abandoned plane. Seven thousand years ago, all the people stationed in Fei Liuhai All the monks from the Seven Realms were recalled. We originally wanted the Fei Liuhai monks to merge into the Seven Realms, but they were not willing."

"Five thousand years have passed, and no one will care about whether it still exists or how many monks there are. The ascension passage can roughly infer the path of your ascension, but the ascension passage of the Earth and the Feiliu Sea is the same. As long as you don't leave Error, it was safe and sound for a long time..."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly. This feeling of wearing ancient clothes made him feel very novel. He waved his sleeves and robe, sat down cross-legged, and said with a smile: "As long as I rush to Yangsheng or Taixu at the fastest speed, where do I come from? It’s not that important anymore, right?”

"Yang Sage is not enough." The stargazer muttered: "Only Taixu is foolproof."

"If you don't enter Taixu, you will eventually become fish meat."

The last month passed quickly. One month later, the entire plane shuttle was in full swing. Even Xu Yangyi looked at the bright scene in front of him with hot sparks in his eyes.

The darkness in all directions finally disappeared, which proved that they had flown out of the plane passage. A little bit of illusion, a trace of haziness, and after a long time, a gorgeous galaxy appeared in front of them again.

But... what is even more dazzling than the galaxy is a pure white planet in the far distance, at the end of the universe.

Seventh Realm Plane, Ruins of Kunlun!

The long plane journey is finally coming to an end, and everything in front of me is so psychedelic and convincing.

Starting from here on the road to Kunlun, the Milky Way is divided into countless light belts. It is a road composed of stars, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, connecting into the colorful Magpie Bridge road. In these light bands, endless plane shuttles travel through. The big one is as big as a provincial capital, and the small one is about the same size as the one they ride on.

The shapes were all kinds of strange. He saw a gecko-shaped shuttle, covered in talismans, with a hundred meters of light shining out of its eyes. There was a flag on top of its head, with a fox head on the flag. He looked intently, his expression flickered, and he saw a woman in palace attire, smiling slightly at him, with three fox tails swaying behind her, looking very charming.

"The Sky Fox Clan and the Qingqiu Plane belong to the same universe." Seeing him as Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden for the first time, the stargazer proudly explained: "He comes from 920,000 light-years away and is a B-level plane. Not warlike, but equally powerful. This aspect cannot produce Yang Saint, but it is the genius of Yin Zun, and its bloodline talent is particularly powerful. It blooms once every thousand years, and harvests every thousand years. On the day of harvest, The whole plane is covered with red glow, and it’s an excellent outing plane only once in a thousand years.”

Xu Yangyi suppressed the emotion in his heart and looked at the other flying boat.

It was a round flying boat, and it seemed to be full of cracks, with flames shooting out, and countless talismans shining brightly.

"Hua Yan Pond. The Great Thousand World, Plane B, has been attacking the Plane A, but I don't know if it has succeeded."

"Seven hundred thousand light years away from here, in a sea of ​​fire formed by the universe, is the Flame Pond. Everyone of them is an elf in the fire. The specialty Samadhi Crystal Essence is the most indispensable fire control auxiliary treasure for refining weapons. Under the command of Fairy Lingbo."

"This is the Changqing plane. The entire plane is on a huge ancient tree of the starry sky. People who live on this tree have very short lives, but they have strong reproductive ability. They can only increase their lifespan by breaking through Yin Zun and Yang Sheng. Otherwise, both cultivators and mortals only have 500 years. However, due to racial reasons, the chance of breaking through is very small. It is a plane like Dingzhong. However, the brothels and brothels in this plane are unique. It is only 300,000 light years away from the Seven Realms. Countless wealthy people from the Seven Realms have purchased a large number of industries in the boundless sea of ​​flowers at the top of the Changqing plane."

"This goldfish-like shuttle is the Qionghai plane. The entire plane is in a drop of water. This drop of water is only the size of a meteorite, but the inside is twice as large as the earth. It is a true one water one world, a plane that was discovered only two thousand years ago and is under the command of the Lord of the Mountains."

The stargazer introduced slowly, and Xu Yangyi's eyes were shining.

Trade in all realms!

Such a magnificent scene slowly opened up in front of him. One by one, races that had never been heard of, races of extraterrestrial life, and unique cultures gathered from the millions of light years ruled by the Seven Realms year after year, day after day. Importing their own specialties and cultures into the Seven Realms, and then taking away what they needed from the Seven Realms, this cultivation civilization has reached the peak of this era.

He was never proud of the glory of the Earth in the past. That was in the past. The important thing was to focus on the present and see if he could revive the glory of the Earth in the future.

After all, only a group of them came out.

Three people and a dog, not many, but they represent the status of the Earth in this celestial domain. When he reached the status of five kings and two queens, or even two legendary ones, who dared to say that the Earth was not the upper realm? Who dared to block the trade between the Earth and the Ten Thousand Realms?

"Hurry up..." He looked around and murmured.

"Can't wait?" The stargazer smiled and said, "I understand."

Su Xingyao silently pinched a spell, and suddenly, a white light burst out from the faraway Xu Kunlun, and a road hidden in many colorful channels quietly flashed. Endless white light spots gathered from all around the Milky Way, forming a pure white road between Xu Kunlun and them.

This road is unique, because it is right in front of the main gate of Xu Kunlun! And on both sides, all are the channels of the Ten Thousand Worlds. And this white channel is above all the channels!

The road to the upper world is open, welcoming ascension!

This is the honor of ascension, fighting out of countless hardships and reaching the supreme praise of the upper world.

There was a brilliant light on both sides, and only a white line in the center was extremely clear, surpassing all the channels. The real meeting is to climb to the top and look down on all the mountains.

The shuttle trembled slightly, and then the speed increased again, and it landed on the white road with a bang and shot away.

"Grandpa." On the shuttle of Qingqiu plane, a beautiful woman looked at the passage and said in astonishment: "What is this?"

"Yes, I have never seen such a passage! Very beautiful, which plane is this?" Everyone was talking about it.

On the shuttle of Qingqiu, an old man looked at it and showed an extremely envious look in his eyes: "Isn't this a plane passage..."

"This is an ascension passage... Of the millions of light years controlled by the seven realms, only half of them have prosperous cultivation civilizations, and the other half, although they also have cultivation civilizations, because the road is too bumpy, or the geography is special, etc., they can't walk in the plane passage like us, so the seven realms specially opened the ascension passage."

Looking at the children and grandchildren who were listening carefully with their fox ears erected below, the old man shook his fan and said in a deep voice: "Remember, when you reach the upper realm, you must not provoke the ascending monks from these places. Not even one!"

The tone was so heavy that everyone was stunned.

On other shuttles, the consuls were also conveying: "Remember, this is your first time in the upper realm, and you must not mess with the ascended monks and the people of the Five Kings and Two Queens."

"Why? I heard you say that they are just monks from the declining planes. Can they compare with us? Yes, we have opened the door to the Seven Realms, and they can't even reach the Seven Realms. They still use this method. They are just a bunch of country bumpkins."

"Nonsense!" The consul slapped the armrest suddenly: "Do you know how much the top forces in the upper realm sects value these ascended monks!"

"Can you imagine how outstanding these 'country bumpkins' are to fight their way out of such a harsh environment! They...may be the emperors and leaders of a great sect or a dynasty a thousand years later! They don't even have time to curry favor with them, and you still say 'country bumpkins?' Let me tell you, there are several ascended monks among the Five Kings and Two Queens! You...are so ignorant and fearless!"

Xu Yangyi didn't know anything about the above, and he just stared at what was in front of him.

Closer... Closer...

The white passage was extremely fast. After one day, he had seen the whole picture of Xu Kunlun.

The divine light was shining, like a sacred mountain in the sky!

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