
Chapter 954: Top forces gather together

Dead silence, deathly silence.

The shock was so great that they could hardly express it in words.

They are both Nascent Souls. Although the other party was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, his starting point in the Seven Realms is destined to be countless times higher than theirs!

"Quickly..." When the fat monk came to his senses, his voice was hoarse: "Immediately, inform all the sects of the news!"

"I have a hunch... If any sect doesn't notify us this time, we will be skinned later!"

The tall and thin monk hesitated: "Those who didn't take care of us..."

"If you think you are their supreme elder's opponent, you won't report it!!"

A few minutes later, Xu Yangyi's name, cultivation level, and place of ascension were tied under all the bells. The two of them waved their hands anxiously, and there was no wind and spontaneous combustion.

It is quite now.

It was as if nothing had ever happened. Except the two of them were still as restless as ants on a hot pot.

I never thought that there could really be a Nascent Soul cultivator who could ascend, and be a super genius who surpassed ordinary geniuses by more than two million souls! These lower realm monks... are really too fierce! They, they didn't do this kind of psychological construction at all!

I don’t know how many big forces will come by then. How can they forge such a good relationship?

After sitting restlessly for several minutes, the two of them stood up together and shouted: "Where are the people! Where are the people! Where are they all dead! Come out, Lord Ben! Someone has ascended! There is Lord Yuanying who has ascended!!" Welcome immediately with the highest standards! ”

"Quick! Where's the star blanket from the Xinghai Realm?! Take it out, take it out! Where's the nectar and jade liquid? Bring over the five-hundred-year-old nectar and jade liquid that the Immortality Realm paid tribute to! You idiot! Use the spiritual jade cup! Just do it! For Yuanying Zhenjun’s Xuan-level treasure Jade? Are you ready? Bring out the top-grade spiritual jade!”

The two of them were very busy. They really didn't expect it at all. This was not a surprise, but a shock! No one dares to judge the status of the ascended monks. Once they fail to entertain them well...

I really don’t dare to think about it!

In just one hour, women in palace attire were well trained to carry trays, cups of wine, sets of clothes, and pieces of spiritual jade, all pouring out like running water.

Everyone has a trace of nervousness on their faces. Most of the people here have never received Nascent Soul. The last one was more than 700 or nearly 800 years ago... Most of these people are foundation-building monks who have lived for less than a hundred years. , came here after a fight, but not for the sake of forming a good relationship.

If... that ascended monk takes a fancy to him, he will really reach heaven in one step!

Just when the Ascension Platform was fully busy, messages were flying to the hands of major sects and dynasties all over Kunlun.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, a man wearing a golden dragon crown was listening to reports from various officials in the Jinluan Palace. At this moment, a jade slip appeared in the flames burning beside him.

An interesting look appeared on his originally bored face. A white-browed eunuch next to him made a move, and the jade slip fell into his hand. His spiritual sense scanned it carefully for five seconds before presenting it to him.

"Finally, there is an ascended one." The Golden Crown Emperor made a gesture of stopping, and all the civil and military officials with fiery eyes below fell silent. Everyone looked at the jade slip carefully.

However, the emperor took one look and immediately let out a sigh.

Everyone thought he was about to make a decision. However, the next second, the emperor actually looked at it a second time!

What's the matter?

No one knew that they all looked at the eunuch in charge next to them, and then... something even more surprising happened.

The unimpressed chief eunuch actually opened his mouth slightly at this moment, with a look of disbelief on his face, and... he couldn't help but murmured something.

A pindrop could be heard in the hall, and everyone in front heard it.

"An extraordinary genius... actually... actually broke through the siege from a place like this..."

"Bang!" Before he could finish his words, the emperor had already pressed the jade slip hard, his eyes like a torch were scanning the ministers, and finally, it fell on the face of an old man.

"Old Zhongge."

"Go in person, our Daxia Dynasty wants this person!"

"Yes!" Mr. Zhongge was slightly shocked. Not even the ascendant eight hundred years ago had seen Emperor Xia Ling adopt such an attitude. Let him, who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, go there in person... Who is this person who has ascended?

Brush... At the same time, a jade slip burned in the palace complex on the top of a large mountain.

The entire mountain is green, with countless Taoist temples nestled among it. There is a sculpture of a white deer at the mountain gate, and the four characters "White Deer Academy" are engraved next to it.

In the palace, an old man received the jade slip. He only glanced at it, took a breath, and turned into a stream of light and flew towards the back mountain.

"The Patriarch is in retreat." Before anyone arrived, the two boys at the door spoke immediately, but were thrown away by the old man and rushed over.

Tens of minutes later, everyone in White Deer Academy saw a ray of light filling the academy. The voice that had not appeared for a hundred years sounded again, and at the same time, there was a trace of... excitement?

Did they hear it correctly?

"Where are the Five Masters?"

Every sect, every force, all started to move at this moment. A person's name affects the hearts of those in power in Kunlun. At this moment, they cannot calm down at all!

"Daozi, you immediately board the long-distance teleportation circle and go to the ascension platform. Someone extraordinary has ascended... I have a hunch that this person can ensure that our sect remains undefeated for a thousand years!"

"Huaiyangzi, you immediately open the treasure house, select a few B-level magic weapons, and immediately go to the ascension platform. I will calculate the price that should be paid to the opponent. You must stabilize the opponent no matter what!"

"Even if we can't get him, try not to let this person join the opponent. Do your best to sign him. This person... is not bad! Now we should arrive at the same time as the other party! Remember, leave a good impression! Even if there is no contract, we must not be enemies."

In just two or three hours, the ultra-long-distance teleportation array that is usually not used in the Xu Kunlun land, the light rises and falls, all aimed at the ascension platform.

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this, two days have passed completely, and everyone stood in front of the shuttle. The speed of the shuttle slowed down, and in front of it was the huge ascension platform.

The white starlight road collapsed here. On the ascension platform, there were two monks, followed by hundreds of beautiful ladies. Except for the two, all the others knelt on the ground with trays.

A road as bright as a starry river was paved from the palace in the back. In the sky, there were flying flowers all over the sky. It seemed that this place was cut off from the world. Waves of melodious fairy music filled the sky, the clouds covered the sun, and a ray of light was projected from the clouds. White deer and green lions walked in between, making this place seem like a fairyland.

Finally here...

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then looked at everyone and nodded vigorously.

The starting point of the king's plan is today.

"Let's go." He said in a deep voice, and the stargazer smiled slightly and disappeared in the air.

He couldn't go down with Xu Yangyi, otherwise he would be exposed. When he came to Xu Kunlun, he had plenty of ways to return to the Nether Dragon Clan.

The plane shuttle that had been sailing for a hundred years slowly opened. When several figures appeared, the fat monk and the tall and thin monk laughed loudly and bowed together: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist for coming to the upper realm! Fighting out among thousands of troops, I wish fellow Taoists great success and great magical powers."

"I wish you to ascend to the sky and be invincible in the universe." As soon as the voice fell, the hundreds of ladies behind him said in unison.

In unison, in unison.

Xu Yangyi smiled and was about to answer, but suddenly frowned.

The two Yuanyings all looked at them. Seeing him frown, they trembled in their hearts. Could it be that the other party felt bad? The specifications were not enough?

Not only Xu Yangyi, but everyone else frowned, sometimes relaxed, sometimes painful, as if they were trying their best to endure something.

"What happened?" As the two looked at each other, Xu Yangyi's voice finally rang out: "My two Taoist friends, I'm sorry."


Before he finished speaking, a magnificent light rushed straight into the sky! Getting bigger and brighter! Finally, it enveloped the entire ascension platform!

"Boom boom boom..." The terrifying spiritual energy made the two Yuanyings almost instinctively protect their bodies. At this moment, they seemed to see...


Yes, it was Shura. In the light column, they seemed to see the boundless hell. The murderous aura, the arrogance, and the sharpness of the sharp edge spread out like a raging tide in the river and sea at this moment. The two of them exclaimed in unison and flew backwards for thousands of meters!

"Heh..." After five thousand meters, the shock wave could be felt. The tall and thin monk wiped his sweat: "He... used the spirit jade..."

"Maybe there is a legacy from Xu Kunlun..." The fat monk looked bitter and trembled: "Daoyou... didn't you realize anything?"

"What?" The tall and thin monk was puzzled.

"You... you feel it carefully..."

The tall and thin monk carefully scanned with his spiritual sense for a few seconds. The expression on his face changed from astonishment to shock, and finally, he opened his mouth wide and looked at the other party in disbelief: "All... all broke through?!"

Yes, from the beginning of landing here, Xu Yangyi felt the call of the spiritual power in his blood. He could not make any progress for a long time, just like a dry river that had been dry for a long time and met with rain. This place itself is a place with extremely rich spiritual energy in Xu Kunlun. The layer of separation from the late Nascent Soul was broken.

It's not just him. Chu Zhaonan, Wang Chen, Mao Baer, ​​Zhao Ziqi, four people broke out together and ascended to the Golden Core!

The richness of the spiritual energy made their journey to form a pill extremely smooth. Everyone could vaguely see a golden pill glowing in the Dantian.

At this moment...

Boom boom boom! ! !

Dozens of lights fell from the sky, completely surrounding this place!

In the light, famous figures in the Zhenwu world stepped out one by one, walking like a dragon or a tiger. The two Yuanyings were stunned for a second, and immediately half-knelt and shouted: "Greetings to the Saint!"

There were only five thousand Yinzun Yangshengs...

Six of them appeared here!

And the others were also half-step Yinzun!

All of them were powerful factions of major sects. However, they did not look at the kneeling of the two Yuanyings, because their eyes were all focused on the ascension platform with a bright light!

"One, two, three... six people in total!" A middle-aged man in the Nascent Soul stage had a bright light in his eyes, and his voice was trembling: "Six people in total... The leader is in the late Nascent Soul stage! Oh, God... Do you also think that our Huaqiong Sect deserves to prosper!"

"Hehehe..." Before the words fell, an old woman next to him sneered: "Tian Lingzi, what you say is really ridiculous."

"Your Huaqiong Sect deserves to prosper, but our Luoyue Sect should not prosper?" She turned her head and looked at the sky-high light column with a fiery gaze: "This person... I must get him!"

There is a 4th update today~

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