
Chapter 955: Shocks one after another (I)

"Silence." Just as the two were arguing, an old voice sounded. The two of them stopped talking immediately after their eyes flashed. They bowed and said, "Hello, sir."

Behind the dozens of people, there were six chariots, made of neither gold nor jade. The body of the chariot was covered with exquisite carvings, and each chariot was pulled by four red dragon horses. A veil was hung on the top of the chariot, and no one could see inside clearly.

Although it was not clear, the feeling that was dozens or hundreds of times stronger than the Nascent Soul swept the whole scene like a storm.

"You all usually see each other when you look down, so what's there to argue about?" A woman's voice came out with a touch of suppressed heat, and a white hand lifted a veil. The next sentence made all the Nascent Souls change their faces: "Dear Taoist friends, there are exactly six of us. We have six Yin Lords here. It's really a fate."

All the Nascent Souls looked unhappy.

Usually, there is only one person who ascends. This time, who would have thought that the Nascent Soul ascended and brought five Jindan members! There were exactly six Yin Lords on the scene.

Originally, if there was only one person, no one would give in to the other. Now there were six people against six people. The woman's intention was to exclude the others as soon as she opened her mouth! She actually wanted to form a Yinzun Alliance!

"How vicious!" An old Yuanying glanced at the woman's carriage fiercely, but did not dare to say it at all. He bowed and smiled: "Is this the Canglang City Lord of Canglang City? I am honored."

"Who are you?" The woman asked casually.

"I am Li Mu, the Prime Minister of the Dragon Bird Dynasty. I am here on the order of the Lord of the Dragon Bird Dynasty to take back this ascender." The old man bowed to the north and smiled: "My dear sister, Fellow Daoist Lianhua, has been married to the third prince for more than a hundred years. I am really overjoyed to see you today."

There was silence in the carriage.

This is the unique ecological environment of the Seven Realms. Cultivation is certainly a high level, but don't forget that the Seven Realms have been developing for tens of thousands of years, and various forces are intertwined. As a person with top strength and power, he certainly respects Yin Zun, but he will not be unprincipled like the lower realm.

There is no other reason. After tens of thousands of years of development, various forces are intertwined, and you are in me and I am in you. Eight hundred years ago, they might have been one family. The direct disciples of this force married into other sects, and the direct descendants of that force married into this sect. They broke bones and connected tendons. Unless it is a person like Taixu who transcends everything, many times it depends on the power and realm behind them, and the two go hand in hand.

As the Taizai of the Dragon Bird Dynasty, Li Mu is obviously qualified to be looked up by Yin Zun.

He also secretly reminded the Lord of Canglang City, who doesn't have a time of trouble? Our Dragon Bird Dynasty is enough to be your backing, right? In case you are in trouble in Canglang Sect, we have a way out here in the Dragon Bird Dynasty. Do you have to be so ugly now? Although this True Lord is a Yuanying, he is more of a Taizai.

"Why are you talking about this now?" Seeing the woman stop talking, a whisk lifted a curtain in another carriage and said lightly: "No one has come out yet. When the time comes, everyone will rely on their own abilities."

Everyone nodded slightly, and no one spoke again, just staring at the light column with fiery eyes.

It's useless to say anything now. When people come out later, no one can guarantee that they won't be too ugly in the face of huge interests.

People are so contradictory.

The light column lasted for a full hour, and no one was impatient. Just when the light column gradually weakened, everyone at the scene looked solemn and nervous.

It's coming...

The rush to snatch people that breaks out every few hundred years is coming soon...

Everyone is a veteran, and at this moment, they reviewed their words again in their hearts and adjusted their facial expressions.

The beam of light gradually faded. Ten minutes later, Xu Yangyi appeared. Su Xingyao, Zhao Ziqi, Chu Zhaonan, Mao Bayi, and Wang Chen all bowed to him. Xu Yangyi took the lead and smiled, saying, "Meet all fellow Taoists. Senior, I am Xu Feng, a cultivator from the lower realm. I am polite."

"Hahaha, the young are to be feared, the young are to be feared." As soon as he finished speaking, a big monk with bare breasts and a red gold rosary around his neck rushed out at a speed that ordinary people could hardly imagine. A golden light instantly fell in front of Xu Yangyi, and his broad hands held Xu Yangyi's hands warmly.

"My friend, you are too polite. Since you have come to the Seventh Realm, you are a cultivator from the Seventh Realm. How can there be a distinction between the upper and lower realms? Why should you be so polite? The cultivators from the Seventh Realm are originally one family."

Fuck! !

Everyone cursed in their hearts.

Tianyahaijiao Temple... These bald donkeys are too shameless! As the saying goes, a biting dog doesn't bark. Just now, this chariot didn't speak, and everyone thought that monks from the Buddhist sect would not fight or grab. Who knew that someone else would rush out first.

With the body of Yin Zun, he personally received the ascended Yuanying, personally supported him, and personally asked him about it. Is this a big honor!

"This old man..." The Lord of Canglang City was so angry that his face turned green. He was bitten for no reason, and he felt a sense of grievance in his chest.

Although it was a robbery, everyone had to take some eating manners into consideration. First, everyone would meet each other in the future, and second... If this person really entered his sect and really reached a high position, which was very likely, then sometimes he would talk about how shameless he was when he robbed people that day, then would he still have shame?

So everyone still maintained a little reserved, but unexpectedly, this monk from the Buddhist sect who was full of compassion rushed out first.

Almost gritting his teeth to watch the bald monk's performance, the big monk pulled Xu Yangyi in an extremely friendly manner, smiled at the others, and the Buddhist compassion was carved on his face. As he walked, he said: "My name is Ji Ling, you can call me Ji Ling Venerable. I come from Tianya Haijiao Temple. This temple has a history of 50,000 years since its establishment. It is definitely one of the best old forces in Xu Kunlun."

Xu Yangyi and him walked slowly on the carpet that looked like the starry sky, smiling and nodding, neither arrogant nor humble. He knew that while he was listening, Ji Ling was also observing him.

This is the real Yin Zun!

Although the other party suppressed all his strength, he also felt... Under this layer of compassion, the surging and majestic spiritual power, he had no doubt that if he faced this big monk, he might be able to suppress him with one hand.

The absolute gap in realm.

The other party held his hand, as if he was holding the surface of the sea. That feeling, people with a slightly worse mind would definitely not be able to stand.

His performance was seen by Ji Ling and everyone else. They secretly praised him in their hearts. He was indeed an ascended monk. This kind of bearing was rarely possessed by the local monks of the Seven Realms. When they heard Yin Zun, those monks who had no backing almost knelt down immediately, except for the powerful factions of various sects on the scene.

But this person did not.

Of course, almost all ascended monks are like this. They fought their way out of such a difficult place in the lower realm. They are the only ones who are supreme. Who is not the tyrant of the lower realm? Whose name can't be shaken in the lower realm? If you want to really dig up the other party, you have to thoroughly understand the other party's mentality. Any force that comes to dig people has already done enough homework in the process of receiving ascended people for tens of thousands of years, and will never do stupid things like bullying others.

What we want is talent, not to establish future strong enemies.

"Kakaka..." In a carriage, hearing Ji Ling Zun continue to talk, almost halfway through the carpet, a man with a beard on his face finally couldn't help it, and the handrail shattered with a bang, and several waiters around him were frightened and knelt on the ground.

"Old man..." The man gritted his teeth: "Are you not going to give us time to talk?"

"Then I'll give you a face!"

But they still didn't move.

Because... there was too little information. They knew that there was one last light card before the palace of the Ascension Platform.

At that time, they would fight for it without any shame. Now that you have the first place, just take it... Wait and see who has a deeper family background! Who offers better conditions!

The scene was very strange, like the sea before a storm. Zhao Ziqi looked around in amazement. Wherever he looked, the Yuanyings smiled one by one, like spring flowers. Even the curtains in the carriage were lifted a little, revealing goodwill.

A big monk led them forward, and the others seemed to be watching the ceremony. This scene was too strange.

"Brother Chu, this...exactly..."

"I don't know." Chu Zhaonan looked calm: "If they don't move, we won't move either. Who knows what they are doing?"

"It's none of my business."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Mao Baer shaking his head around: "What are you doing?"

"Where is the Beast Taming Sect?" Mao Baer was very dissatisfied: "I want to go to the Beast Taming Sect!"

What on earth do you want to do!

The two looked at it with disdain and didn't say anything.

Xu Yangyi and Ji Ling walked to the front of the palace. Ji Ling smiled and said: "My friend just ascended. According to convention, you have to look at the Return to Heaven Mirror. There is no other meaning. The information received by the Ascension Platform before was one-sided. What is shown here is the real information of my friend. It will be of great help to my friend's choice of forces in the future and the invitations of major forces."

Xu Yangyi nodded without comment.

The fat and thin monk who was almost transparent in the group of Yuanying stood up and pinched his hand. A hazy green light shot out from the hall and shone on Xu Yangyi. Suddenly, a piece of handwriting began to appear hazily.

"Spiritual root: single wood spiritual root."

"Zi..." The first line of words, many people in the sky instantly brightened their eyes. Even Ji Ling next to him took a deep breath.

Single spiritual root, also known as heavenly spiritual root. The cultivation speed is several times faster than others! Not to mention anything else, just based on this spiritual root, the identity of a core disciple cannot escape.

However, they didn't know that their shock had just begun.

Xu Yangyi felt that everything about him was illuminated, but the seed of the feathered serpent in his chest shook lightly, covering up the innate spiritual fire in the dantian, and the green light just flashed slightly, and he ignored it.

"Domain..." The two words appeared, and everyone was silent. Because the words behind were hazy and unclear, it seemed extremely difficult to judge.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the subtitles. The degree of the domain was related to the future path of the cultivators and was also the embodiment of the cultivators' own Tao. This had a great impact on whether they chose each other.

"Killing Domain, Level: A-level!"

"What!!" As soon as the words fell, exclamations broke out from all directions at the same time.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Five figures flew out of all the carriages and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief: "A-level... the highest level domain?!"

"How is this possible... How is this possible!" On the other side, the eyes of the old man Zhong suddenly widened: "Even if the five kings and two queens are only in the A-level domain... He... Has he been recognized by the Feiliu Sea plane?! A-level... Daozu, that is the domain of the two legendary people of Guanghan Palace and Bulao Mountain!"

"For tens of thousands of years, there have been no more than a hundred people at the A-level, and now there are seven people alive... He... He is actually in the highest level domain?!"

"What on earth is his domain?"

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