
Chapter 956: Shocks one after another (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi noticed that the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

Not only the people around him, but also Ji Ling looked at him in shock.

Others almost had fire in their eyes.

"High?" he asked uncertainly, "or very low?"

Ji Ling shook his head and recovered from the unbelievable shock. Just as he was about to speak, five rays of light fell in front of Xu Yangyi.

"Very high... very high!" An old woman's chest rose and fell sharply, staring at Xu Yangyi: "I am the second elder of Shura Dao, Du Gulan! In the middle stage of Yin Zun, little friend, yours should be the way of killing, and this big fat man It doesn’t fit at all!”

"Come to Shura Sect." She looked at the other party like a dog looking at flesh and bones, the fire in her eyes almost came out, and her voice was a little waggish: "Little friend, Shura Sect is located in Huoyu Pond, Chishan, Kunlun, under its command There are thirteen major B-level sects, and there are countless Bing- and Ding-level sects! It is perfect for our sect to enter the Tao!"

"As long as you nod your head, you will immediately become a direct disciple. After thirty years of assessment, you will become a core disciple! After that, you will be a true disciple. With your qualifications, it is not a problem to enter the Taoist sequence! Moreover, Shura Sect is willing to sponsor you with a start-up capital of five hundred Ten thousand top-grade spiritual jade..."

She paused, not allowing others to interrupt at all, and even used a secret technique to cover her and Xu Yangyi. She paused on her crutch and looked at each other carefully, pursed her lips and said: "In addition, the magic weapon for self-protection, the second-level treasure trove for you Open it, you can choose as you like! If you want to choose the side door, Tiancai Dibaobao Level 3 is up to you!”

"Fart!!!" Before he finished speaking, Lord Ji Ling shouted angrily. Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness was shocked, and he suddenly felt that something was shaken in all directions. Then he was quietly surprised, and unexpectedly... there was already Lord Yin using his magical power. What?

Scary... very scary, silent. Even though they are robbing people now, if they start to take action, they may have been injured just now.

Venerable Ji Ling, who was so amiable just now, is dancing in his robes without any wind at this moment, as if he is the reincarnation of King Kong. He is staring at the old woman: "Old woman, don't think that our Tianya Haijiao Temple is afraid of you! This person will be appointed by this temple!"

"Get lost!!" Dugulan and Jiang Gui's nature is old and spicy. After using the crutches, he shouted back: "You people in the Buddhist sect, what do you want to do in the murderous field!! This child's character and field are completely suitable for our sect!! He is The man of this sect!”

As soon as she finished speaking, she scanned the surroundings fiercely. The spiritual energy of the middle stage of the Yin Lord quietly filled the air, and her voice was already filled with evil: "This son is too suitable for this sect... Who dares to compete with this sect, we will fight in the forbidden area later. Let’s take a walk.”

The lips of the fat and thin monks were already trembling.

They guessed the beginning but not the end.

Ascension to the Nascent Soul...the Heavenly Spiritual Root...the highest level realm...I don't care if it's suitable for you! Get it first and then talk about it! Whoever says that our sect's techniques are not suitable will be killed by this sect!

Starting from the first realm, they knew that today would never be gentle. The Nascent Soul ascends once in more than seven hundred years, and ascends to the upper realm. This... I am afraid that the five kings and two queens will be dispatched!

Fortunately...according to the rules, the Five Kings and Two Queens are not allowed to select ascension monks.

Of course, the rules are set by people, so these people are so anxious now because they know that once the Five Kings and Two Queens know about the First Realm, the rules will no longer be rules.

People, there are always some shameless things to do.

Which Yin Zun Taixu is not supplied by thousands of sects below? They want to practice. His sect is enshrined below, and his own power also needs to practice. What if his disciples, disciples, and grandchildren are taken over by someone after he is gone? The only solution is to absorb talents in the long term.

"Hehehe... Buddha can hold flowers and smile, but also has the angry eyes of King Kong." Ji Ling sneered and looked at Dugulan: "Just leave, I am afraid of you, right?"

However, as the two of them said this, neither of them moved a muscle.

The spittle was flying everywhere, and he was already talking about life and death in a fight, but he was like a clay sculpture, unable to move a single step.

Just kidding, when is this? Who wants to fight?

"You are friendly." Just when the two of them were quarreling, an old voice sounded. An elegant-looking old man stepped on the clouds from the sky and landed in front of Xu Yangyi. He waved his hand very gracefully and handed over a jade box. He appeared in his hand and held it up to Xu Yangyi: "I am Zhong Anping in the Great Xia Dynasty, and I am known as Zhong Ge Lao. A few greetings are not respectful."

"I dare not accept salary without merit." Xu Yangyi declined with a smile. Already on guard.

Daxia Dynasty...Xiahou.

There are also Yin Jiu from the Tower of Babel, Shen Shenyang, the Pope of the Taiyi Sect of the state religion...

You can't go here.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm sorry." Zhong Anping didn't take it back and continued to smile: "This is the intention of our Daxia Dynasty. Fellow Taoist, please don't refuse."

"Hehehe, little friend, you must not accept it. How can the emperor's family be as comfortable as our sect's power? Yes, when you enter the dynasty, you enter the bureaucracy. We are seeking great perfection and freedom in our practice. But the dynasty is out of bounds.”

Ji Ling and Dugu Lan, who were at loggerheads just now, actually turned their heads and said.

Xu Yangyi pondered for a few seconds and then took it.

Now he can't have grudges with other forces. He is not the kind of arrogant person who thinks that rare things can be lived in.

Gently opening it, a golden light flew out, and everyone's eyes lit up. Several venerables raised their eyes and looked at Zhong Anping in astonishment.

Neither of them expected that the other party would actually take out such a precious thing.

No one knew that Zhong Anping brought two jade boxes.

The appearance is the same and equally crafted, but the contents are of two levels.

"A drop of Qiong Yue's milk." Zhong Anping smiled and said: "A small gift is not respectful. This thing can instantly restore all spiritual power to a dying person. If our Great Xia Dynasty did not dominate the west, it would not be possible in the Seven Realms. The Black Death Mountain among the Seven Forbidden Zones brings out this kind of thing.”

He twisted his beard and smiled: "In the entire west... no, in the entire Seven Realms, only our Great Xia Dynasty has this thing. A whole Qiongyue Pond can produce fifty bottles in a hundred years and will never be sold to the outside world. This drop is The emperor's kindness is so great that your Majesty personally sends it to you."

Many people gritted their teeth.

As expected of a member of the officialdom... He was so quiet about his self-promotion, and stepped on all the other forces along the way. Listen to how high-sounding others say? Isn’t this the Great Xia Dynasty that exists in heaven and on earth?

"Old man, you are good at deception." Before he could finish speaking, the fourth, fifth and sixth people all appeared on the stage, and... all of them were Yin Zun!

A boy with tall hair and a pale green robe was as skinny as firewood and his eyes were like ghosts. However, Xu Yangyi could feel that his spiritual power should be the strongest among all Yin Zuns.

The boy looked at the old man with an extremely unkind expression. Zhong Anping's expression changed several times, and in the end he did not dare to say anything. However, when the boy looked at Xu Yangyi, a spring-warming smile suddenly appeared on his terrifying and ghostly face.

Really don't know how.

"My dear friends, you have invited me." The boy said with a smile: "I am the Master Tiangu, the host of the Bixia Valley Dry Bone Temple, and the commander of the Southwest Tianniu Continent. I don't talk nonsense, I just want to tell you, what is Shura Zongbi? It’s simply unsightly to look at our withered bones.”

"Bold!!" Dugulan immediately gave up the quarrel with Ji Ling, turned around and shouted: "Master Tiangu, are you embarrassed to say this? Last time the Chain of Seven Realms was settled, our two sects were equally divided! At the same time, we were promoted to A-level power! Where do you get your confidence?”

"It's just that we suppressed it for thousands of years before." Master Tiangu snorted coldly: "The way to kill is to do whatever you want. I can make him ignore the taboos, can you!"

"Why can't we! Haha, where does a sect that has always been suppressed by our ratings get the confidence?"

The war broke out again and again, and just as the two Yin Lords were quarreling, a bearded man came up with a wine bottle, and took a deep look at Xu Yangyi: "I am a carefree and scattered person, with no way out. Pai, here you are, you are my personal disciple!”

"I don't have anything to give you, only the mantle of my Lord. And all my experiences about attacking Yin Lord, and even Taixu."

Xu Yangyi's heart suddenly moved.

These things are what he wants most.

However, Xiaoyao Sanren's background is too thin. He also discovered that all sects now have their own advantages, such as Xiaoyao Sanren, which will be of great help to him to supplement his knowledge and advance to the realm, but what about when he joins the Chain of Seven Realms in the future?

Go alone?

Another example is that the previous Master Tiangu, Dugulan, Ji Ling, Zhong Anping and others all made generous offers, but they kept silent about attacking the Yin Lord. Obviously, this is top secret information in the Seven Realms.

hard to decide.

At the scene, several Yin Lords were already quarreling with each other, and they didn’t care about their face at all. In the upper-level realm, what do you want to do with face? This is the person who can keep the sect safe for thousands of years! Especially... with this kind of killing god around, how much can the Seven Realms score increase? It is more reliable to attack the lower level, or the first level!

This person cannot be let go! Never let it go!

The other Nascent Souls did not speak. In fact, too many Nascent Souls had already started asking for instructions again.

No one expected that a monster above level A would appear, and the chips they brought... weren't enough!

What they brought was prepared for the extremely talented Nascent Soul, but... this person may have transcended the decision, this... is unparalleled!

At this moment, the third line of words appeared.

This line of writing was so brilliant that all the Yin Lords turned their heads and looked at this line of writing in astonishment.

"There is more?" Lord Ji Ling was a little confused. The most important information, the most worth fighting for, has already come out, but there is still more?

He thought so, and everyone else thought so. This one is still behind the first-level realm. What on earth is this?

There was deathly silence all around. Under the gaze of everyone, the last line of words finally shined out.

"Year of practice: three hundred years."

"What!? is this possible...three hundred years of the late Nascent Soul!? No! There is one hundred years of plane travel! That is to say...that is to say...he...he was two hundred years old , is it already the mid-term peak?”

After a brief commotion, everyone looked at Xu Yangyi like a monster.

A thousand years... no, a genius who comes once in ten thousand years!

This kind of person... Only then did they realize how ridiculous the conditions they had just offered were!

In the late three hundred years, Yin Zun was almost at his peak! Even if he has a three-point confidence in the realm of Taixu, maybe... maybe he, he, can have a try at the legendary Dope realm!

This kind of person must not... must not be let go! !

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