
Chapter 958: Envoy from the Holy Land

The Immortal Mountain personally issued an imperial decree, and countless halos were added to him.

Xu Yangyi achieved the ascension that no one had been able to achieve in the past thousand years.

The scene was dead silent, and countless people looked at Xu Yangyi with bloodshot eyes, but no one dared to disobey the decree of the two legends.

"Junior understands." Xu Yangyi bowed deeply, and the woman's eyes paused on him for a few seconds, and suddenly said: "The Immortal Great Sage has another oral decree."

"Xu Feng, a cultivator from the Seventh Realm, is gifted, diligent in practice, and fearless of hardships. I grant him a Xinghe Order."

Zi... There was a sound of gasps at the scene. Everyone looked at each other, and the shock in their hearts could not be added.

"Thousands of years ago, Fairy Lingbo ascended to the A-level realm, with a natural spiritual root and the early stage of the Nascent Soul... The Lord of Guanghan Palace only had an imperial decree, no oral instructions..." Xiaoyao Sanren's eyes flickered: "Galaxy Order... This kind of thing... This is the first time I have seen a legend bestow it!"

"It's actually the Galaxy Order..." Ji Ling's eyes turned red, staring at the other party: "How could it be... How could such a high-standard thing be bestowed..."

The surrounding eyes instantly turned from red to hot, burning to Xu Yangyi felt a little uncomfortable. Just as he was about to speak, the envoy of Bu Laoshan looked at him without turning his eyes: "Beyond my Seven Realms, there are still large tracts of undeveloped territory. Any Galaxy Order contains the Great Sage's selection, and it definitely contains the starry sky of cultivation civilization."

She did not miss any change in Xu Yangyi's expression, but she failed, because Xu Yangyi's face did not change at all.

Did he really not know the value of this generous gift? Or was he too good at hiding? Or did he really understand the importance?

The lady didn't know, but she knew that the disciple of the Great Saint had transmitted a message that everything about this person must be reported in full.

"Junior, thank you." Xu Yangyi bowed again.

The lady's eyes flickered slightly, and she continued: "These starry skies are all extremely difficult to go to, otherwise they contain great dangers, or they cannot enter at all. However, whoever enters can mark it. As long as you can conquer this plane, then it will be under your command."

"Do you understand now?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were like lightning, and he was calm: "Thank you, Great Saint."

Can't see through...

The lady frowned slightly. Yes, she also knew that any ascended cultivator was an elite among the elites of the lower world, especially those who ascended to the Nascent Soul stage, which could be described as a monster, but this person was too monstrous... The monster was so monstrous that the Great Saint of Immortality opened one eye, and she still couldn't see through the task assigned to her.

Nodding, she kept all the images of this person in her heart, a golden light fell into Xu Yangyi's hands, and the sky blue lotus slowly closed and disappeared.

There was a dead silence all around.

Xu Yangyi's eyes swept across the crowd, and everyone's eyes trembled slightly. After a long time, several figures sighed and looked at the sky in a daze.


Extremely regretful.

The sharp blade dug into the heart, this peerless genius was so close to him, and he watched the imperial edict of the Bulao Mountain coming... If it were normal times, this would be great news for every sect, but now, they wished that there had never been a legend of the Bulao Mountain.

They can see it but can't eat it... It's better to never let them see it!

"Let's go..." An old man sighed and patted the shoulder of the middle-aged man beside him. The tone of his voice was so dejected that passers-by could hear it, and his voice was like a mourning: "Elder Chen, this trip is destined to be in vain. Fellow Daoist Xu has been branded with the mark of the Bulao Mountain. We... will not benefit from staying any longer."

"Yes..." Elder Chen sighed to the sky and put his hand on the other's shoulder: "We must drink three hundred cups at the meeting... Let's go, let's have a good gathering of the two elders."

"Yes, let's go. Well, that's right, let's go."

After a few seconds, the eyes of both of them turned cold.

They still maintained the previous posture, and no one moved.

"Why don't you leave?" The old man asked grimly.

"I want to ask this question too. Didn't you ask me to drink?"

"I will come later. What a coincidence, so does I."

No one left.

No one is stupid. The imperial edict just said it very clearly. It was Xu Feng himself, not Xu Feng's team!

Xu Feng has the mark of the Bulao Mountain, but the others don't!

Along with them... there are three men, one woman and one dog, who are also ascended monks! And they are all golden elixirs, with greater plasticity! Moreover, they are also Xu Feng's direct lineage!

Now, Xu Feng can actually accept the Galaxy Order, which makes the Unaging Great Sage look at him with a high opinion. Just relying on this, his men will definitely be in hot demand!

We can't get people?

It's okay.

But we can save the country in a roundabout way!

"This Taoist friend invites you." A nun-like woman walked out, swung her whisk, and looked at the tall and handsome Chu Zhaonan with peach blossoms in her eyes without concealing: "Our sect is happy Zen, and the Zen master Da Huanxi is already in the late Yin Zun period. There have always been more women than men in the sect. I would like to invite Taoist friends to ascend to paradise together."

"Of course, if Taoist friends are willing, the start-up capital of one million high-grade spiritual jades will be used as a starting capital, and at the same time, they will enter the sequence of true disciples."

Chu Zhaonan didn't speak, but glanced at Xu Yangyi.

"This is your choice." Xu Yangyi smiled, looking at the scroll in his hand thoughtfully. The last golden light of the woman turned into this thing: "I... I will go first."

"Brother! Brother Xu! Master!" Several voices sounded at the same time.

The last time we met, the other party just left?

Xu Yangyi turned around, suppressed the reluctance in his heart, gritted his teeth and said: "Anyway, we have to say goodbye, you... it's your business. I can't interfere anymore."

"After a long time, we will meet again. I don't believe... my friend, who can stand out in the lower world, will be indistinguishable in the upper world!"

"Three hundred years later, the Seven Realms Chain, I will wait for you!"

"Wangchen, Mao Baer, ​​let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Yuanying spiritual power wrapped, and only Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan were left at the scene.

Ji Ling's eyes flashed, and he disappeared silently. At the scene, everyone was stunned, and then their eyes looked at the remaining two more passionately.

As I said, those who can come here to recruit must have emotional intelligence and IQ above the standard line. The scene just now made them change some of their ideas immediately.

Not a direct line...

But a brother!

This... is simply... simply too good!

"My friend is polite." Tiangu Shangren took a step forward, looking directly at Zhao Ziqi without concealing his eyes. Behind him, there were already a group of demons dancing, and the gate of death opened.

However, there was no hostility, it was purely a scene of life and death.

"My friend, you saw it too." Master Tiangu's eyes gleamed: "Just now, I was thinking that even if you can't take it down, you must take it down!"

"I feel... the extremely pure life and death spiritual power fluctuations on you. Come on, come to me, I will immediately accept you as my true disciple!"

"Who dares to stop me? I will see you in the fighting field! No second words!"

"Haha, ridiculous. Tiangu, who are you trying to scare? I am honored as the elder of the Great Xia Dynasty. Senior Tiangu, you are scaring the younger generation like this, I am afraid Xiahou will not sit idly by, right?"

For a while, layers of relationships hit Master Tiangu, and the figures of various forces rushed to Zhao Ziqi in an instant. Some of them were Yin Zun, and some had a jade slip burning in front of them, staring at Zhao Ziqi. As long as Tiangu made a condition, they dared to make a higher condition immediately.

"You..." Tiangu's eyes were green, he didn't lie, it seemed that he was trying to dig Xu Yangyi, because Xu Yangyi's strength was too amazing, even a blind man had to dig. But the one he really paid attention to was definitely Zhao Ziqi.

It fits perfectly...

The fluctuation between life and death, the Four Illuminating Treasures of the Dry Bone Temple has a successor! It has been shelved for three thousand years, and now it can finally shine!

Back then... the Dry Bone Temple had produced the peak of Taixu! The Four Illuminating Treasures that no one in later generations has ever been able to cultivate!

Zhao Ziqi was still in a daze, and a huge force suddenly rolled him up, and a green light rushed out amid the howling of ghosts and wolves.

"How dare you! Tiangu, this venerable respects you as a fellow Yin venerable, and you are so shameless to this venerable! You snatched people on the Ascension Platform! Do you really think that there is no one in our Zixia Pavilion!!"

At the moment when the green light rose into the sky, three rays of light rushed into the sky. Immediately afterwards, more than ten Yuanying-level rays of light rushed up.

The rest did not leave, but everyone looked at Chu Zhaonan.

"I am a physical cultivator." The naked gaze made him a little scared, and he spoke out immediately.

Unexpectedly, it would have been better if he hadn't said this. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's eyes lit up.

"That couldn't be better!" A bald man with a red body came out and bowed deeply: "Daoyou, this Zhenjun sincerely invites you to join the sect on behalf of the Vajra Dao!"

"Two million spiritual jades! True disciples! And the biochemical Yin-Yang Pool for tempering the body and the Purgatory Demon Cave are at your disposal!"

Xu Yangyi didn't know everything that happened later.

He left for two reasons. First, he didn't want anyone to know where he was going. Second...

He didn't want to experience this scene.

It's better to leave.

He has confidence in his friend. Chu Zhaonan was on par with him that day. If it weren't for his Qi Hai being destroyed, he would definitely be above the Golden Core now. Zhao Ziqi's physique is extremely special, and he is not afraid of people who don't know the goods.

As a man, since he chose to come here, he believed that no one would come here in vain. Although no one said it, as a man, he knew that no one would be willing to grow up under his wings.

If an eagle wants to fly, it must first untie its chains.

So, no matter how much he didn't want to, no matter whether he was a person again, he chose to let go, and the other party should understand.

However... some things are afraid of people who know the value of them.

For example, the dog biting his hand and hanging in the air, like the murderer of his father.

"Let me go!" Biting Xu Yangyi's hand, Mao Baer screamed: "I saw the Beast Taming Sect! Let me go!"

"What do you want to do?" Wang Chen never liked Mao Baer, ​​the immortal monster who ate and slept, and said calmly: "Master, it is useless in the upper realm, it will only drag us down. If it wants to go to the Beast Taming Sect, let it go."

Mao Baer immediately gave the other party a look that said "you still understand me" and barked: "Did you hear me! Why do you care about me! I'm tired of eating meat! I want to change to a lighter taste! I want to eat vegetarian! Vegetarian!"

Xu Yangyi was silent for a long time and said: "The vegetarian you are talking about...are those spirit beasts of the Beast Taming Sect?"

"That's called Coffee Mate..." Mao Baer blushed strangely: "You don't understand...I heard the sound of my heartbeat, I saw the destination of my soul...I...Wang!!"

It said too much, and after it opened its mouth, it fell straight down, spinning in 360 postures in the air.

Xu Yangyi sighed and was about to reach out his hand, but suddenly, he took a breath and rose several thousand meters in a solemn manner.

Just below him, in the layers of white clouds, endless golden light shone through, just like the Five Finger Mountain of Tathagata Buddha. A 30,000 to 40,000-meter-high golden giant hand slowly emerged from the layers of clouds, and Mao Baer sat in the palm with a horrified face.

Golden light is everywhere, the Buddha Kingdom is in the palm of your hand.

Yin Zun!

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