
Chapter 959: Transaction? No

The golden palm seemed to contain countless galaxies, with golden lights flowing and golden lotuses blooming. No matter how Xu Yangyi tried to hide, he was always in the center of the palm.

"Damn it..." The spiritual power was used up all over the body, and just when the Asura phase was about to explode, the golden palm exploded. In just a few seconds, the area around him was trapped by countless golden lights.

"Amitabha." A gentle chant, like a morning bell, resounded throughout the world. With the sound of a wooden fish hitting the alms bowl, a figure slowly walked out of the golden light.

"Venerable Ji Ling?" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes, and his heart had been raised to twelve thousand points of vigilance.

"Master?" Wang Chen also used his spiritual energy, but asked in confusion: "What is this?"

"This guy has no good intentions." Xu Yangyi's eyes were extremely cautious: "This is a magical power to seal the surrounding space, and... just now the world was turned upside down, that was a deterrent."

Wang Chen pursed his lips, he couldn't read the other party's mind from a single action.

"As expected of the Ascension Master, I am ashamed." Ji Ling's figure slowly flashed, still with a compassionate face, and clasped his hands together and said: "Donor, you and I are predestined, I will give you a future."

Xu Yangyi did not speak, Ji Ling did not care, and smiled: "You are new to the Seventh Realm, there must be many things you don't understand. I can solve your doubts, and... I can give you a magic weapon, no matter how far away, as long as you call, I will be there in an instant, not blocked by any space blockade, and not broken by any magical power."

Still did not speak, this is not the Ascension Platform, there is no love without reason.

Ji Ling slightly raised his drooping eyelids and said lightly: "Donor, are you not tempted?"

"Junior only knows that if there is no reward without effort, junior will not feel at ease." Xu Yangyi was also calm. At this moment, facing this big monk, he only felt that the hair on his body was standing up, and a long-lost mood called tension was boiling in his blood. Let every cell be in a fully activated state.

Very strong...

Very strong, stronger than anyone he has ever seen! Except those Taixu.

"So, in order to reassure the donor, I have a deal here." Ji Ling finally looked at him: "Don't make a move."

Don't make a move?

Xu Yangyi's eyes were slightly stern. What kind of weird condition is this.

"In the next half an hour, I will use this magic weapon in exchange for your not making a move." Ji Ling said word by word: "The name of Tianya Haijiao Temple comes from the end of the world, and the end of the world is just a stone's throw away. As long as we want, we can appear anywhere in the seven realms. Daoist friends, don't doubt it."

Even Wang Chen could hear something wrong.

This is no longer a deal.

This is a hidden threat.

Xu Yangyi's breathing slowed down. What was on someone's mind?

Did he discover his innate spiritual treasure? Discovered that he was from Earth?

No, if it was the former, the other party would kill him silently. If it was the latter, he would definitely invite himself to join the other party with all his strength.

"What exactly does the senior want?" he said in a deep voice.

"Her." Ji Ling smiled slightly and pointed to the void fifty meters behind Xu Yangyi: "I only want her. If you don't make a move within half an hour, I will accept your favor."

"A favor from a Yin Zun, my friend, please consider it carefully."

With this finger, the void gently fluctuated, and a figure that made Xu Yangyi slightly stunned suddenly appeared in the air.

Su Xingyao!

She didn't stay where she was, but followed him!

"If the senior wants her to join the sect, you can negotiate." Wang Chen pondered. But before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi interrupted him coldly: "Master belongs to the empty sect, where did the female disciple come from?"

"Then who is the senior?"

Xu Yangyi was silent, and he remembered the origin of Su Xingyao.

Life and Death Coffin...

That's right...that's it...Su Xingyao was originally a living coffin with a broken soul. Because the two lacked communication for a long time, Xu Yangyi did everything he could, but he missed this point.

And this point was now bitten by a shark.

In an instant, he was thinking about a thousand things. Should Su Xingyao be protected? It seemed that Ji Ling did not dare to do anything to him. After all, he had just won the favor of a certain great sage, and he was not so rampant yet.

If he helped, he would immediately make an unknown enemy of Tianya Haijiao Temple. If he did not help, once Su Xingyao was caught, it would be possible to infer his origins... No, even if the three words "Zhenwu Realm" were leaked, he would definitely be discovered!

The stargazer had reminded several times with great caution that there were absolutely no cultivators from the Zhenwu Immortal Realm and the Bugui Immortal Realm in the Seven Realms, and the consequences could be imagined.

"Sorry." After a long time, Xu Yangyi raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Let me decline."

Ji Ling was slightly stunned, and then his smile became a little cold: "Is there no possibility of negotiation?"

"Sorry." Xu Yangyi took a step forward in Su Xingyao's somewhat stunned eyes, and this time he looked directly into the eyes of the Venerable Ji Ling: "No!"


Death-like silence.

Not only Wangchen, but also Mao Baer who was hiding behind Wangchen, even Xu Yangyi himself, his heart was beating like a drum.

"Is that so..." After a few seconds, Ji Ling sighed and nodded slightly: "Then..."

"Excuse me."

As soon as the voice fell, a golden lotus pond suddenly appeared under everyone, and the hundred-meter space was getting bigger and bigger! They were getting smaller and smaller. In less than five seconds, they were already in a golden ocean of tens of thousands of meters.

Ji Ling had disappeared, and the golden lotuses were swaying. Everyone leaned back to back. Everyone knew what this was.


Ji Ling attacked them!

"The Buddha said..." A distant voice came from infinite distance: "Thousands of lamps are not as good as one lamp of the heart."

"Pounce!!" As these words fell, thunder thundered in the sky! Wang Chen and Mao Baer all spurted out a mouthful of blood. Even Su Xingyao and Xu Yangyi's faces turned slightly pale.

It was like the power of the universe swaying through their skin, piercing into their muscles, and confusing all their spiritual powers. The spiritual power surged, almost breaking out of the body!

This is the power of Yin Zun!

One word can be the law of the world!

"Shu la la..." As these words fell, the boundless golden lotuses from all directions lit up a little Buddha fire. The fire light swayed within tens of thousands of meters, and the Buddha state was eternal.

"Boom!!" There was a loud noise, and a thousand-meter-tall golden Buddha rose from the sea with a bang, his eyes slightly lowered, and he held a flower and smiled.


"Sumi mustard seeds."

There was no nonsense. Ji Ling also knew that time was equally tense. The next second, a giant golden hand covered the sky and shot towards everyone.

At the moment when his palm pressed down, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the Asura phase roared out. Asura versus Buddha, one big and one small, but it was like the imprisoned Sun Wukong challenging Tathagata Buddha.

Under the palm, there are thousands of black lights, but this time, all the black lights are suppressed by the giant palm!

"You are only in the late Nascent Soul stage."

"Leap-level counter-attacks are commonplace for genius monks. However, I am a solid mid-level Yin Zun, surpassing you by a big realm and a small realm. You have no chance of overturning the world in my hands."


"Boom!!" With these three big words, the sky thundered, the Buddha subdued the demon, and in the bright golden light, Xu Yangyi was pressed down by someone for the first time and could not stand up.

All four arms exerted all their strength, completely relying on the strength of physical cultivation, to resist the giant palm of golden light.

"Kakaka!" The skeleton wailed overwhelmed in an instant. The veins on his forehead bulged and he remained silent.

Next to her, Su Xingyao quickly formed seals with her hands. With a brushing sound, a ray of moonlight rose sharply, and a bright moon loomed in her hands.

"Fifth of a hundred solutions." In the moonlight, Su Xingyao raised her cold eyes, without a trace of warmth. Thousands of moonlight reflected her like a fairy on a moonlit night: "Dark Moon!"

The brilliance went straight up to the ninth level of the sky, and a shadow of the moon suddenly appeared on the back of the golden palm. The next second, a group of demons danced wildly under the moonlight, and a bright moon burst out of the golden palm and rushed out.

"Immortal mantra?!" In the sky, a scream of extreme fear and excitement came from the giant statue of Buddha. However, immediately after, the moonlight disappeared in an instant, the infinite golden lotus swayed, and the Buddha fire in the lotus rose up quietly, forming behind the Buddha. A fire wheel.

"Boom!" This time the pressure was several times more intense than before! Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly widened. If he was carrying Mount Tai just now, what he was holding on to at this moment was...


"Pop!" Asura Xiang's hands broke in unison. The hot Buddha light almost melted him. At this moment, a piece of golden light burst out from under his palm, and the soul guard roared out and turned into a piece of paper around him. Golden river.

The pressure quietly eased, but... Venerable Ji Ling's emotionless voice sounded again: "The earthworm shakes the tree."

"Boom!!!" This time, there is not only golden light in the Buddha's light, but also countless red lotuses of karma. The Buddha clears karma, and lotuses grow in thousands of miles. Just now it was the world, and now it is the sun!

"Deal or not!!" A voice like thunder echoed around, shocking his heart. Xu Yangyi was not afraid, but only had a desire in his heart.

Desire for power.

He was greeted with a smile just now, but turned merciless the next moment. It wasn't that he had done anything wrong.

Just because it's not strong enough.

If there had not been the edict from Burao Mountain just now, I am afraid that Venerable Ji Ling would have taken full action now, leaving no way for him to survive.

"Say!!!" The shocking roar resounded in the sky again, and Buddha smiled with a smile on his face. At this moment, King Kong glared angrily, and the words finally made his skin crack, and countless blood stains began to appear on his body.

However, suddenly, a faint voice sounded through the battle group: "Venerable Ji Ling?"

"How dare you bully the small by calling yourself Yin Lord?"

Thousands of blue lights, above the Buddha's head, the continuous green aura formed an boundless green mountain, carrying the Buddha's exclamation, pressing down on the Buddha's head!

"Of the mountains..."

"Brush..." The last word annihilated the infinite golden light. The thousand-meter-large golden Buddha was directly suppressed by the mountains, and the pressure on Xu Yangyi's head disappeared. The soul guard screamed and flew into his body, but he already felt that the four hands were no longer his.

Not a trace of strength.

There were stars in front of him. Looking around, there was no shadow of Lord Ji Ling at all, only another person.

A young man was playing with a jade box and looking at Xu Yangyi with interest.

Yin Zun!

The vibrations of spiritual energy around him told Xu Yangyi that this person... was also a Yin Lord!

And...even stronger than Lord Ji Ling!

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