
Chapter 960: A World of Great Conflict

There are all kinds of people.

Some have a fiery temperament, which can be ignited at a touch, while others are approachable and have a spring breeze on their faces. But the person in front of him is a combination of spring and winter.

He is said to be indifferent, but there is a spring smile on the corner of his mouth, which makes people feel drunk in the spring breeze.

He is said to be enthusiastic, but he has white hair and white clothes, and the coldness in his eyes can almost be turned into substance.

No one knows how he combines coldness and heat. He is such a completely contradictory existence.

"Thank you." Xu Yangyi took out a pill and swallowed it. After meditating for a few minutes, he bowed deeply. Just as he was about to speak, the man still said lightly: "If you want to say that the mountains and rivers will not change, and there will be great rewards in the future, then there is no need."

"It's just a matter of convenience. It's not a thank you."

The plain words, but they touched Xu Yangyi's sensitive heart like a needle.

Just now, it seemed that the Yuanying on the Ascension Platform did not respect Yin Zun too much. In fact, it was just because the forces behind those Yuanying were too strong, and they beat the dog for the sake of the owner.

It turned out that he was so weak that he didn't need the other party's thanks, nor did he care to need them.

"What's your name, senior?" He asked calmly, suppressing his surging emotions.

"You are really interesting." The man looked at him for a second longer, and didn't answer at all: "A cultivator below the A-level didn't kneel immediately when he saw a sect above the A-level. If you were a dragon, this would be nothing. But with your current strength, you dare to bargain with the Venerable Ji Ling?"

Wang Chen didn't speak, and he felt his face burning. However, he heard the fists of the master beside him clenched and crackling.

After building the foundation, Xu Yangyi had never suffered such disrespect!

The master who stamped his feet on the earth and shook the earth three times, now he was bullied by shrimps when he was in shallow water, and bullied by dogs when he was in the plain.

The loss and anger, even the person next to him could feel it.

"I was very interested when I heard Master say that a genius had ascended to heaven. I was even more curious when the legend of Bulao Mountain looked at me with a high regard. What kind of person could cause the legend to be so surprised?" The man didn't care about Xu Yangyi's mood at all, or rather, he didn't need to care.

"Unfortunately, the legend is also old... I am a little disappointed."

He glanced at Xu Yangyi, and held the jade box in his hand in place without interest. There was no sign of handing it over, and his figure slowly dissipated.

"Name?" Xu Yangyi asked for the second time with a normal expression.

No one answered.

There was only a trace of horse on the snow.

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, and looked at the sky calmly.

This was a show of strength from the cultivators in the upper realm.

At this moment, his heart suddenly sobered up. The enthusiasm that was praised to the sky on the ascending platform just now was completely cleared by this cold water.

The upper realm has never been peaceful, but it is blocked by false prosperity and the intricate power map.

The gap exists everywhere. Just like unfairness, because the world has never been fair.

"That's great." He suddenly laughed in front of Wang Chen's astonished eyes: "This is still the familiar world."

"A world where people eat each other, but it's just a little bigger."

"I... I really like this place a little bit."

"Master... you don't want to... um..." Before Wang Chen finished speaking, Mao Ba Er had already covered his mouth with his dog paw and dragged him to the back.

"What are you doing!" Wang Chen turned his head and looked at the bitch fiercely: "Don't you know how the master feels?"

"Of course I know." Mao Baer gave him a look that said "you are still too young", and stood proudly in the air, with the west wind blowing his dog hair all over his body, like a wolf god, and said in a grim tone: "I am too familiar with this kid. If he finds that he can't fight him in person, he will definitely remember it in his heart and take revenge in ten years. He is so black-hearted."

Wang Chen nodded thoughtfully, and Mao Baer ignored him and said slowly: "Dog life, lonely as snow, because I know everyone too well. Because I got a prophet card..."

Wang Chen's face suddenly darkened, and his eyes flashed with several scenes of humanely destroying this bitch, and finally sneered: "It would be better if you could stop your wind movement."

"Oh? Really?" Mao Baer immediately stopped the wind movement, and the west wind stopped, and the turbulent dog hair stopped, still the familiar Husky.

"Wouldn't it be better this way?"

Wang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to it, and his eyes turned to the jade box. He looked at Xu Yangyi's face, which did not change at all. He moved his lips a few times before saying, "Master, can I get it for you?"

This is a shame.

The shame is that he was unwilling to report other people's names, obviously thinking that the so-called genius is just like this. Moreover, this is a gift, but it was left there and not given to him at all.

Because he felt that he was not worthy.

With a few actions and a few implied meanings, the other party had expressed it clearly. The arrogance and pride of the favored son of heaven are like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, and every sword is cold.

"You don't have to care too much." Su Xingyao suddenly spoke: "He just practiced for a while earlier than you."

Unexpectedly, Xu Yangyi took the jade box in his hand with a casual move as if nothing had happened.

"Why should I care?"

He played with the jade box and said calmly: "There were so many geniuses that day, competing for the great way, but I was the only one who laughed at the end."

"You have fought once, so why are you afraid of the second time?"

"Well said." As soon as the voice fell, a voice suddenly sounded, and everyone was stunned. Xu Yangyi seemed to have let it go, and his brows relaxed: "Which senior is it again?"

"Oh? How do you know I am a senior?" The voice laughed.

"It's very simple." Xu Yangyi also smiled and replied: "The Nascent Soul can't be discovered by me, no."

Wang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

This kind of confidence... Master was not hit at all!

He really has the confidence to win the man just now!

Not now, but in the future.

There was silence around, and three seconds later, a light applause came: "Interesting... Very interesting."

"As expected of an ascended cultivator, he didn't lose his mind. I haven't seen a Nascent Soul that can stand firm under his momentum for many years."

The void cracked, without any strange phenomenon, and a young man with a folding fan in his hand walked out slowly.

The eyes are like stars, the face is like powder, the skin is as delicate as a woman. But the two sword eyebrows add a touch of heroism to him. He is dressed in green, like a good young man in the world.

I can't feel a trace of spiritual energy, not that there is no, but it is as vast as the sea and as bright as the stars. The whole person is wrapped in the other party's spiritual energy. There is no boundary, so there is naturally no feeling.

"Hello, senior." Xu Yangyi asked for the third time, neither arrogant nor humble, "Who is he?"

"This question is difficult." The young master tapped his palm with his folding fan and asked with interest, "Should I tell you or not?"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows calmly, and the young master smiled and said, "It's better for you not to know."

"But I can tell you three things."

"First, each of the five kings and two queens has a true disciple. This is not talented, but my master... seems to be a king." He smiled and arched his hands towards the west: "Second, this But it's a secret. "

Xu Yangyi's face was calm. The young master looked at him for a few seconds and sighed: "Boring, extremely boring." The fan was against his forehead. The face that could make a girl scream, his sword eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and he said sadly: "The second is... Venerable Kongxu has less than 300 years of life left."

"How is it?" He opened the fan with a "swish": "If you can solve my problem, I will give you a gift from your master. If you can't solve it, then..."

The picture of a beauty on the fan closed with a swish, and the aura of Yin Zun spread like thousands of swords, and the sky was buzzing.

"Then, I'm afraid this young master will be unhappy."

"You..." Wang Chen was about to say something, but Xu Yangyi stopped him with a wave of his hand.

This is not Earth.

Be patient.

He didn't learn things on Earth, but he learned them here.

This is not a talent, but an instinct to compete for the great way.

"It's very simple." He smiled.

"Oh?" The young master was surprised: "I'd like to hear more about it."

Some things that were hard to figure out finally became clear. Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes, a flash of enlightenment flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Five kings and two queens are dead, so... someone must fill in."

"Yes, this is the iron rule of the seven realms. One king guards one realm, no exception." The young master smiled.

"Then, who will fill in?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyes, his expression was normal, looking at the young master and said: "Originally, it was you seven. If I guessed correctly, the senior just now should have a very high reputation. Is it the top three of you seven?"

The young master's smile paused slightly.

The bodhi seed spun rapidly, and Xu Yangyi said: "Originally, seven people were competing, and now I suddenly appeared and intervened. And there are still three hundred years, I..."

He pointed at himself, with great confidence in his voice: "I have only practiced for three hundred years."

"Three hundred years and four realms, I understand... Hahaha!" He suddenly laughed, without concealing it, and was very happy.

But the young master was no longer smiling.

"He's afraid of me." Xu Yangyi licked his lips and poked his chest with his thumb. The frustration he had just felt turned into a torrent and poured out from a small hole. He said coldly, "He wanted to break my heart and came here specially for three hundred years. He was afraid and worried! He was afraid that I would snatch the supreme throne of the Five Kings and Two Queens from him!"

Laughing up to the sky, he lowered his head and bowed his hands: "Thank you."

The young master looked at him deeply and exhaled after a long time: "It seems that I came here in vain."

"And Venerable Hanxue seems to have caused him a lot of trouble?"

Venerable Hanxue...

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly and engraved this name in his heart.

"Then, from now on, we are opponents." The young man opened his fan, covered his mouth, and chuckled: "The world of great strife is about to begin. The moment the Void Venerable fell, not only was the world he guarded in chaos, it would also usher in the weakest moment, and Taichu would definitely attack with all his strength. Because of the fall of one of the Five Kings, the Seven Realms Chain lost a corner. This is a rare opportunity in a thousand years."

Xu Yangyi's eyebrows moved slightly.

A very clever word.

Opponent, not enemy.

This word can be interpreted in many ways.

"Thirty-six lords, seventy-two smoke and dust, all fight for the only throne, not just us..." His eyes became colder and colder: "All the great sects, dynasties, top forces, the hidden Taixu, and five thousand Yinzun will all be crazy for the same goal. Just think about how tragic it is?"

"Can you guarantee that you can stay out of it?" He stared at Xu Yangyi's eyes, smiling: "Or will there be a time to break the waves and sail across the sea?"

Xu Yangyi also looked into his eyes: "It depends on how you define the word opponent."

"Also, who are you?"

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