
Chapter 961: Gambling Nature

He understood the other party's heart.

The other party came to find backup.

The fall of the five kings and two queens may be a secret that is not a secret. Three hundred years later, the great way will compete. If he wants to take the position of the five kings and two queens, this time is the best opportunity!


Three hundred years, is it really enough?

From the late stage of Yuanying to the middle stage of Yangsheng at least, and he must expand his own power. In three hundred years, he will build an iron bucket-like country, not completely relying on the sect. Only three hundred years... is it really enough?

He has no backing, no king to support him behind him. Unlike these geniuses, he started from scratch.

The young master looked at him deeply. No one needs to talk nonsense when a smart person speaks. This big chess game has been laid out, and the chess players have taken their seats. Three hundred years ago, they have already started to lay out their pieces.

The battle for the great way is for oneself and one's own power.

"It doesn't matter who I am." After a long time, the young master exhaled lightly, and his expression became serious: "For an alliance, it doesn't matter if you call me by a code name, the key is..."

"Is it worth it?" The two said almost in unison.

Four eyes met, and everyone saw the ambition in each other's eyes. At this moment, they went to the table to make a layout at the same time. Maybe Xu Yangyi is the weakest chess player at present, and can only join forces with other chess players. Or maybe, when only the black and white dragons are left, they will compete. However, now, you only need to understand one answer.

Is the other party worth your alliance?

Is it worth putting the trump card of impacting the five kings and the two queens in front of the other party?

Is it worth your trust?

"You are really interesting." After a few seconds, the young master retracted his gaze and said lightly: "A mere Nascent Soul, with no power behind him, dares to dream of the supreme position of the Five Kings and Two Queens."

"But I like it."

"Swish..." The folding fan was unfolded, and the young master smiled and said: "If you have no ambition, you are a mediocre person."

"A mediocre person can do nothing except disturb himself."

A green light flew into Xu Yangyi's hand. He took a look and found that it was a jade plate with nothing on it except a willow leaf.

"The rain of apricot blossoms wets my clothes, and the wind of willows blows on my face without chilling me." The figure of the young master slowly disappeared: "Go to Yangsheng first..."

"If you don't reach Yinzun or Yangsheng, you will never be qualified to participate in this chess game, because... even the weakest Yinzun is hard for you to deal with now."

"Five thousand Yinzun, tens of thousands of top forces, and Taichu's intervention, by then the seven realms will be full of smoke... Hehe, fellow Taoist, don't think that you can look down on the heroes just because you have high qualifications. This is not the lower realm. It is not a back garden that you can shake by stomping your feet. Even if you break your legs, if you don't reach Yinzun or Yangsheng, the seven realms will not have more or less of you."

"If you break into Yangsheng, this young master will personally apologize and invite you to the table. If you can't reach..."

The rest of the words have disappeared into the void.


Xu Yangyi quietly played with the jade card without saying a word.

"This should be able to investigate who the demon is." Mao Baer saw the awkward atmosphere and nudged Xu Yangyi with his fat body.

"Is it necessary?" Xu Yangyi threw the jade token into the storage ring and said calmly: "If you don't reach Yangsheng, what's the point of knowing it?"

"It will only add to your troubles."

The surroundings became quiet. Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the void. He didn't even look at what the two queens' meeting gifts were.

This young man told him a lot. There will definitely be a great struggle in three hundred years. However, if he has nothing, he can't bet on it.

"Power..." He looked down and put both jade boxes into the storage ring, looking at the jade slip that Bu Laoshan gave him. The fastest way to expand power... is to use this place as a springboard, and then embezzle the planes that have not been discovered, master one side, and then have a chance to participate in that great struggle.

Is the sect that Bu Laoshan has chosen for him suitable?

Do they have enough power to build momentum for himself? Assist him in his practice?

Everything, everything, returns to the origin here, that is, which power should he choose? Is this power strong enough?

He gently pressed the jade slip against his forehead. After a few seconds, his eyes flashed and turned into a black light. He swept up the rest of the people and rushed towards the east.

The upper sect, Tianjian Villa!

Located in the center of Xu Kunlun... Daxia Dynasty, Wanling Guiyi Sect, the center of Xuesa Country, a no-man's land!

It is also the only buffer zone for the three major forces to charge.

He has roughly understood the division of the levels of Xu Kunlun. He knows how strong the Daxia Dynasty is. A Xiahou can deter the plane. The other two major sects and dynasties that can form a three-kingdom hegemony with it are definitely not weak.

But Tianjian Villa can actually form a buffer zone in the center of the three sects, which is destined to be extraordinary.

However, he was very confused. His qualifications have been proven. But he did not enter any Taixu force, but entered here... Why?

Only the lower class can have Taixu. The middle class must have it.

Is Yang Sheng a strategic resource? In other words... is this related to Yang Sheng?

With a lot of questions and a vision for the future, he set foot on the teleportation array to Xu Kunlun.


A month later, Xu Yangyi stood in front of a mountain.

This was where Tianjian Villa was located, the Wanjian Sea.

At first he thought it was a sea, but when he got there he realized that every mountain here was big at the bottom and small at the top, with sharp peaks. And there were no trees at all, like a barren desert.

But he had no doubt that this was where Tianjian Villa was located, because right in front of him was a hundred-meter stone tablet with eight characters written in flying colors.

Mortals stop, Tianjian Villa!

Strong winds blew out from inside. He closed his eyes and felt it carefully, then murmured: "It's sword energy."

"Sword Qi?" Wangchen was stunned. He took out a magic formula with some disbelief, turned into a fire bird and sank into it, but was immediately crushed into pieces.

"The sword energy accumulated over thousands of years... is unrivaled in sharpness. Under the Nascent Soul... no, those with lower qualifications among the Nascent Soul cannot resist it at all." His spiritual energy was exposed all over his body, and a protective shield was formed: "Follow me. Walk."

Stepping into the door of life and death, eight characters completely separated the inside and outside. Suddenly, endless clanging sounds resounded outside his shield.

"Master...don't you use the jade slips from Burao Mountain?" Wangchen asked.

Xu Yangyi shook his head.

Walking in yourself and letting them see clearly what an ascended monk is is easier for people to remember than being appointed by the Immortal Mountain.

Three hundred years is not a long time, and he never wanted to hide it from the beginning.

Only by rising like a comet can we hope to participate in the great battle three hundred years from now.

Infinite sword energy hit his face, Xu Yangyi strolled in the courtyard, and said as he walked: "We are walking step by step. These days, we have become very clear that Tianjian Villa never goes out to recruit disciples."

"But they set up such a ferocious boundless sword array at the door, then they have only two ways to recruit disciples."

"First, recommendation. Only with recommendation can you enter here."

Su Xingyao's eyes flashed slightly, she couldn't figure out why Xu Yangyi said these here.

"The second thing is..." Xu Yangyi licked his lips: "They have many worlds, big and small!"

"Only in this way can we survive in the three-legged confrontation, and... didn't we ask the previous sect disciples? It has been seven hundred years since Tianjian Villa attacked the Class A sect. If they didn't have too many big and small thousand worlds, they Where did the monk come from? Why do you get a foothold?"

This was what really excited him.

Are there sufficient resources?…

So, let me get it!

When I become a Daozi sequence, these things will be the cornerstone for me to participate in future Dao competitions!

When the time comes...even if I push, you will probably push me up like crazy. Because...I gave you hope.

Step by step, there was no difficulty. After a thousand meters, a sculpture of a female cultivator holding a sword, about ten meters high, appeared in the fierce wind and rain of swords.

Here is a line of sky, and the sculpture blocks the entire canyon. The surrounding area is like the Gobi desert, majestic and majestic.

"Outsiders, are you sure you want to enter here?" Just when they were fifty meters closer, a mechanized voice suddenly came from the statue: "There is no turning back when you shoot your bow. Tianjian Villa refuses all mediocre people to enter. You have done well." Prepare."

"Assessment?" Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up slightly: "Of course."

As soon as he finished speaking, the statue of the woman suddenly lit up with a radiant light that reached the sky. In an instant, the sound of sword rain and wind whistling behind the woman more than doubled in an instant!

"There is no way to retreat." A female voice sounded again in the brilliance, and the huge sculpture had already moved away. Exposing the narrow passage in the center.

At the same time, there is a basin in the mountains. The ground is full of yellow sand, surrounded by Gobi. Only in the center is an oasis of 10,000 meters in size. On the Gobi Desert, there are countless caves. In front of each cave, a small sword is suspended. There are many trees, covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of meters!

There are tens of thousands of people deep in the Gobi!

Even further away, there is a huge flow of people, and there is actually a large urban agglomeration that looks like the Western Region of the Earth.

In the center of the oasis, a broken giant sword was stuck diagonally on the lake surface, deep into the bottom of the lake.

The giant sword was pitch black, but countless blue runes lingered on it. Suddenly, all the runes lit up together, and in front of each cave, the small sword automatically moved without wind!

"Buzz buzz..." All the small swords buzzed in unison, like thousands of swords making a pilgrimage. Then, with an inaudible swishing sound, countless sword lights shot into the sky.

"Someone broke into the sword forest?" The door of a rather large cave opened with a bang, and a figure flew out. He was stunned at first, and then he raised his fighting spirit and laughed loudly: "I really don't know whether to live or die, let me see, this wishful thinking How far can a person go!"

While speaking, the shadows of countless monks all flew out, and they all sat cross-legged in the air, looking at the oasis below with interest. The shadows of Xu Yangyi and his party were already reflected on the surface of the oasis lake.

"The market is open, the market is open!" A bald man shook a dice pot and flew around in the sky, shouting in a loud voice: "There are six levels in the sword forest. Let's bet, which level can he reach?"

"Bet ten pieces of spiritual jade, and you'll be done with it. Don't miss this opportunity, it won't come again!"

Before he finished speaking, countless spiritual jade flew up from the surroundings. Almost at the same time, each voice sounded, "Second level. No, this person easily passed the first level and should have stopped at the third level. The fifth level? Hahaha, Senior Brother Rao, our senior brother from Tianjian Villa has only reached the fourth level." Pass. The Master has already passed on the Three Kills of the Heavenly Sword to only one person. What will the Master give him?"

Everyone was talking, and then, in a cave a hundred meters wide, a young man with disheveled hair just opened his eyes and closed them again.

"Elder brother, don't you go and take a look?" The servant beside him laughed and said, "No one has entered the sword forest for two hundred years. Don't you appreciate such an interesting thing?"

Nothing happened.

After a few seconds, the senior brother moved his lips: "There's nothing interesting to see."

“Anyway, it’s impossible for him to be higher than this True Lord.”

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