
Chapter 962: Sword Forest

He didn't know that on the five highest peaks, which were almost weathered and riddled with holes, the five old men all opened their eyes.

"He's here. It's him... I feel the will of Bulao Mountain. What are you doing here? Yes, we didn't send anyone there, so why should we take over the ascended monks? Who is the person in Tianjian Villa that we have not raised? Why? There’s one more now?”

"Okay." A majestic voice interrupted them: "Take a good look."

"Brothers Mountain was sent to us, why else?" The voice snorted coldly: "It's been so many thousands of years... It was a legend from 30,000 years ago. Even the sect masters of all generations couldn't find it even if they searched all over the sect. Now the two legends still can’t let go. They think we are hiding them.”

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden lightning and thunder over the Tianjian Villa. Endless electric dragons were swimming in the air. The sky turned from white to black in just one second. Tens of thousands of thunder and lightning golden snakes danced wildly and entrenched themselves above the five peaks.

The sound stopped for an instant.

There are some taboos that cannot be touched, no matter whether there are people or not, the whispers in the world are as loud as thunder. The dark room is dark, and the eyes are like lightning.

Everyone knows that once the names of those two are mentioned, and the content is negative, it will immediately be like this...


No matter where you are in the seven realms, except the chain of the seven realms.

This is the power of legend, the power of unparalleled power.

Three minutes later, the dark clouds cleared. The majestic voice sounded again, and he suppressed his anger and snorted, grinding his teeth and said: "The legend from tens of thousands of years ago...if it is still there, it can indeed make the ten immortal bodies perfect and advance to Yangsheng. It can even break through perfection and reach transcendence. But then If you don’t take a look, do you think we have a Yangsheng?”

He looked coldly at the light curtain: "Year after year...this time there is another one! What about ascending to the lower realm...who in this sect is not one of the most amazing and talented people in other planes! Missing him? Him? Can we reach the sixth level or the seventh level?”

No one answered.

"Seventh level? Such a genius, Bu Laoshan is willing to leave us here?" The voice was flat. There was no welcome to Xu Yangyi, who was being fought to the death by the outside world. Instead, there was a hint of anger: "Taixu is always a genius, but genius is not necessarily It’s Taixu, what kind of genius have we not seen in so many years?”

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this.

All he knew was...easy, too easy.

The oncoming strong wind already carried a hint of golden aura, and the entire Gobi Desert was filled with bright golden light. However, it could not blow away his protective aura at all.

After a slow walk, we soon reached the bottom of the valley.

The entire Sword Wind Valley was like gourds strung together. The first valley had no effect on him, but at the entrance of the second valley, a sculpture of a white tiger stood here. The white tiger carried a sword on its back and shot out several meters of white light from its eyes. God is majestic.

"Outsiders..." White Tiger buzzed, and a majestic voice resounded in the air: "In the second valley of Jianfeng Valley, the sword wind is twice as strong as before. Every time it passes through one valley, the sword wind will be twice as violent. A total of seven Valley. There is no way out. If you don't go through, you will be buried in the sword forest. Are you ready?"

"Cliché." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly and said, "Let's go."

"as you wish."

A beam of snow-white light rushed into the air. At this moment, at the second mouth, the first beam of light turned into a female shadow, located in a straight line with the white tiger beam of light. With a loud buzzing sound, the small mountain pass suddenly opened.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The sword wind was like a tidal wave, like a demon that had been imprisoned for thousands of years. It rushed out from the sky in an instant, blowing the clothes of several people and making their beards and hair dance wildly. He squinted his eyes and felt it, then suddenly smiled and said, "It's a bit interesting."

Before anyone could speak, he said calmly: "What he said is twice as much as the previous Jianfeng Valley. If I guessed correctly, the third level is four times, the fourth level is eight times, and the fifth level is eight times. Pass, sixteen times. As for the last pass..."

His eyes finally flashed with interest: "Sixty-four times."

Mao Baer quickly hid behind his feet, while Wangchen was stunned for a long time, looking at his teacher in astonishment: "Six, sixty-four times?"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "After all, this is Kunlun. If it weren't for this, I would be worried that I would leave too fast, which would make them lose face and let me down..."

He didn't know that the moment he said these words, the entire Gobi Basin fell silent.

Everything of the group was projected into the oasis lake. This sentence made everyone look at the lake as if they were a ghost, until the sound of dice suddenly woke them up.

"Buy the deal and leave it to God." The bald man shook the dice tube and said with a smile: "Everyone, the odds are 1:4. Whether this fellow Taoist can pass the second level, as long as he puts down ten pieces of spiritual jade, maybe you can The harvest is only forty yuan..."

Before he finished speaking, Lingyu rained down from all directions and rushed into his dice tube with angry comments.

"Twenty low-grade spiritual jade! Buy him and lose!! Presumptuous! No one has ever spoken nonsense in front of my Tianjian Villa! Buy him and lose! Fifty low-grade spiritual jade! No one has reached the fourth level in many years, only the senior brother can do it I've been here! How can I be so disappointed with this sect as a challenger? How dare I say that I'll lose with him!"

An old man had disheveled white hair, but his eyes were as sharp as an eagle. With his skinny talons, he grabbed several pieces of spiritual jade and flew towards the big man. He sneered, "I can't pass the third level if I press him."

"Where did this ascended person come from? Do you really think that the third level is as easy as the first two levels? I don't know what to do."

The big man's dice tube was like a bottomless pit, containing all the spiritual jade. After the sound of rain playing pipa, everyone became quiet again. The entire Tianjian Villa stared at the lake with unkind eyes.

Whether you know it or not.

Provoking the sword trial at the entrance of Tianjian Villa, I really thought you were a Daluo Golden Immortal descended to earth!

A minute later, in the picture projected on the lake, the white tiger statue turned into a phantom and stood proudly in the sky. The challenge of the second valley of Sword Forest was officially launched.

Without any hesitation, Xu Yangyi stepped into the sky. At the same time, the Jianfeng Valley, which had been calm just now, suddenly became violent. The raging storm carried streaks of white light, like thousands of swords flying in the sky, shining brightly.

"Swipe!" Thousands of swords soared into the sky, gold and iron clashed. In an instant, the group of people was immediately swallowed up by the sea of ​​white light. In the Gobi Basin, there was silence for a few seconds before bursts of laughter broke out.

"Wonderful, really wonderful! Haha, this scene was interesting, but it ended too quickly. Stupid, beyond stupid! Did you think it was the first level? You dared to talk so eloquently in front of the Sword Forest Trial, but ended up getting slapped in the face."

Discussions arose one after another. Anyone who was exposed to twice the sword wind was extremely vigilant. Before the sword wind arrived, he was blown away by a layer of magic weapon or magical power. Who would have thought that this person was so trusting, but before he could use the magic weapon or supernatural power, he was already thousands of times away. Killed by a sword.

Compared with what he said before, it is really impossible not to make people laugh out loud.

"Ordinary people." The old man with disheveled white hair coldly snorted and stood up. At the same time, countless people soared into the air. For them, this was a show, a show called the Retribution of the World. Unfortunately, it's not exciting enough. Because this retribution was so fast that they had no time to enjoy it.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Everyone...wait..."

As soon as this voice fell, countless voices from all directions sounded at the same time, "Isn't it?! is this possible? Am I dazzled?"

The big man who placed bets was also among the people leaving. Hearing these words, he frowned and lowered his head, but at this glance, his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and he instantly stayed in place.

What did I see?

His face went from dull to shocked, and finally he opened his lips and pointed at the lake as if he was seeing a ghost, without saying a word.

There was silence at the scene.

not dead……

That group of people didn’t die!

Not dead, not terrible. In just these few seconds, he has already advanced 100 meters! At the same time...still hasn't unleashed a single magical move! Just rely on the protective aura and move forward!

The sword wind danced in the wild sand, and with every step they took, the crazy wind swords from all directions surged up like a sea tide, drowning them, but they could not be swallowed! After the sword roared, the sword wind seemed to have encountered an iron wall, wailing and spreading out in all directions.

"Sand..." A gust of wind blew across the Gobi Basin, carrying the sound of camel bells from distant towns. This Gobi desert was eerily quiet.

Three seconds later, there was a gasping sound, and countless people stood up instantly, staring at the lake as if they were pricked by needles.

On the lake, Xu Yangyi and his group were reflected as if they were on a spring outing, no... even like traveling, leisurely and leisurely, and even the dog jumped out to urinate!

But just like that, the sword wind roaring in the second valley couldn't even cut open the opponent's clothes!

Here comes the ruthless one...

I don't know how long it took before everyone exchanged their gazes blankly and saw the signal in each other's eyes.

Not to mention Nascent Soul, even Yin Zun will struggle to get here!

It’s not scary to walk through the Second Valley. Many people who come here have walked through the Second Valley. But the scary thing is... it's so easy, so relaxing. They have never seen anyone who walked through the Second Valley without using any protective magic weapon.

It was quiet, and then slight discussions rose and fell. After a few seconds, it finally turned into a heat wave of discussion, sweeping across the entire basin!

"Who is this fierce man!? From which plane did he come? This is the first time I have seen someone from the Second Sword Valley who does not use magic weapons or supernatural powers! This... this is simply unbelievable... Could it be that the Second Sword Valley doesn't use magic weapons or supernatural powers? Two Heavenly Sword Patriarchs? Hehehe, he has only passed the second level... No! He has not even passed the second level! Let alone the Heavenly Sword Patriarch, he can be crushed with just one finger. he!"

In the only cave where no one came out, the stone door was closed tightly, and two figures floated over like ghosts. They said in a deep voice: "Really don't come out to take a look? The people who came to the trial this time may be a little extraordinary."

The man with blond hair, known as the eldest brother, frowned slightly, as if he didn't bother to speak at all.

"He has entered the second level. He is extremely relaxed and has not even opened the protective magic weapon." Another voice said slowly.

"Only when he passes the third level can he be qualified for Ben Zhenjun to take a look." The senior brother didn't even raise his head and sneered: "Xiao Wusheng, Yin Tieyi, when did you two become so fussy? "

"There are many people who have passed the second level. Who can't pass here?"

A figure frowned and was about to say something when the senior brother said calmly: "It's not like there are people who pretend to be calm and use strong weapons to survive the second level and never reach the third level."

"It is precisely because their cultivation is weak and they have evil intentions in their hearts that they are just pretending in the simplest parts of the first and second levels in an attempt to get the approval of several elders. They were appointed in advance." He opened his eyes slightly and sneered: " Idiots are just dreaming. Weakness is weakness. The five elders have bright eyes. Even if he pretends to be fancy, he will not be able to pass the third level and will not be able to enter our Tianjian Villa. "


I mentioned three updates on Sunday before, but then I forgot about it ~ I encountered renovations again, so let’s start again

In addition, I hope everyone can subscribe to the genuine version. I am very sad if I do not live up to my expectations. I really pour cold water on it. I personally think that the current section is completely fine. Of course it is my own feeling.

This book started to collapse from the beginning, but I felt like I could feel my pulse in the last 400 pages. After it ascended, I felt like I could feel my pulse even more deeply, but my subscriptions kept falling...

I hope that friends who like this book will subscribe to the original version. Even the bus ticket is not enough for 15 cents or 180 cents a chapter~ but it can make the author feel warmer and devote himself to writing with greater enthusiasm.

Well... although I am full of enthusiasm now... because I have decided not to subscribe in half a year.

I'm afraid it will make me sad after seeing it, which will only increase my psychological burden.

You have to have a big heart to write a book, it’s really good

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