
Chapter 963: Breaking through! (I)

Everyone's eyes were focused on Jinghu Lake.

Everyone has a vague feeling in their hearts that this time, I am afraid that a real genius has arrived.

Unknown to everyone, Xu Yangyi, who had already attracted everyone's attention, had already walked to the gate of the Third Valley with ease and comfort.

Just as he entered within fifty meters of the third valley sculpture, the whistling sword wind behind him suddenly stopped, and amid the calm, ten meters of brilliance shot out from the eyes of the third sculpture in front of him.

In the thin line of sky, Xuanwu dances across the sea.

A Xuanwu prostrates on the ground, with blazing flames carved on stone in all directions. It is obviously a gray-white stone sculpture, but it makes people feel the indescribable terrifying heat above.

"Outsiders." The majestic voice resounded in my ears again: "The third valley of Sword Forest and Sword Wind Valley, the path of karma and fire, there is no exit, no advance, no retreat. Do you dare to try?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer immediately, but turned into a stream of light and flew to the Xuanwu statue, and gently touched it with his hand.

He had discovered two valleys ago that the sculpture could clearly sense the ferocity of the sword wind behind it.

As soon as "Boom" came into contact, a turbulent sea of ​​fire boiled in the spiritual consciousness. If the sword wind of the Second Valley is adaptable, then this is a complete transformation.


His eyes flickered, and he actually felt the power of the Five Elements behind the sword wind.

Sword cultivators are the purest monks. They can cultivate a single sword. Unlike other magic cultivators who have magical powers of this series, they use the power of the five elements to attach to the sword. The sword pills they finally condense also have this attribute. It can be said that for The Five Elements spiritual roots have the least dependence. The same is true for the first two levels, pure sword intention, ultimate sword intention. But why has everything changed in this level?

"Do you dare to try?" The voice of inquiry sounded for the second time. Xu Yangyi retracted his hand and said calmly: "Open."

In an instant, Xuanwu turned into a ray of green light and rose into the air, forming a straight line with the white tiger and the woman. The huge sculpture suddenly rose, and the third valley opened.

As soon as the "Brush" was opened, a scorching gust of wind spurted out from the sky, like Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace. With this strong wind, the Gobi desert that formed a thin line of sky turned black, and Mao Baer's hair became a little curled.

"Wow!" Mao Baer was startled. His plump body shrank behind Xu Yangyi, looking at the narrow passage in confusion: "This is the rhythm of dog meat hot pot! Isn't it the promised sword wind valley?" It’s the wrong script, right?”

Xu Yangyi looked at the passage with sharp eyes. The moment it opened, an unspeakable desire suddenly pulsed in his body.

The thirty-six large spiritual energy nodes that have been opened throughout the Void Spirit Immortal Body flickered slightly, as if there was an indescribable impulse for this place, urging him to enter inside.

"I'll take the road below myself."

After saying this, he turned into a black light and rushed into the Karma Fire Path.

"Boom" just as his whole body entered, his eyes suddenly changed. The desert disappeared, the sky disappeared, and in front of him was a road of karma and fire.

The pure sea of ​​fire jumped crazily and swept through his body like a snake. In less than half a second, he turned into a burning man.

"Drip, drop, drop!" In the Gobi Basin, the sect of Tianjian Villa, the sound of dice rang again. The big man shook the tube and shouted excitedly: "Buy the deal and leave. Let's settle down with destiny. Can this Taoist friend get out of the third valley and pay compensation?" The ratio is 1:4, don’t miss it if you pass by.”

His voice echoed on the quiet lake. No one placed a bet immediately. In the previous round, they had already paid dozens or hundreds of spiritual jade, and the opponent's magical powers and magic weapons were not used. They were already a little unsure about what the opponent could do. Have we gotten out of the third valley?

After a long time, the old man with shaggy hair snorted coldly, grabbed ten more pieces of spiritual jade, hesitated for a moment, and flew towards the big man in pain.

"Ten pieces of low-grade spiritual jade."

"Bet on him to lose"

"Oh" the big man accepted the spirit jade and turned his eyes: "Fellow Taoist is so sure."

"We all know that starting from the path of karma and fire, there are five sword wind valleys in the back. Each valley has a kind of spiritual energy attribute. Not to mention him, even the five elders have never walked through the fourth valley when they were Yuan Ying. He is a mere outsider. , How could He Dehe not see that he was surrounded by karma fire?" The old man gritted his teeth and looked at the lake, trying not to think about the spiritual jade he had just lost.

As soon as he finished speaking, a female voice sounded not far away: "The fire of karma will burn when touched and will never be extinguished. It will never stop until the target is burned to purity. However, there are many impurities in the human body. By the time the impurities are burned away, the person has already been refined. Turned into flying ashes. If the weak water path behind can be sustained by magic weapons, this karma fire path is absolutely no trick."

"The third valley is the dividing line of true transformation." The woman wore a veil, touched a storage ring on her jade hand, and three hundred pieces of spiritual jade emerged, rushing towards the bald man like a long river: "I bet three hundred low-grade spiritual jade , bet on him to lose.”

"It turns out to be the seventh princess of Bu Zhoujie. No wonder she is so wealthy." The big man shook the dice tube and laughed: "Princess Bu Zhou lost the bet on him. Is there any other Taoist friends who have placed bets?"

Someone took the lead, and after a few seconds of silence, in an instant, the spiritual jade boiled up again, turning into long rivers and entering the big Han dice tube.

"Thirty spirit jade, bet him and lose. Bet ten spirit jade, bet he win fifty and lose a hundred. If you bet him, he will fly back and be annihilated in the path of karma."

Countless noises started again, but the difference was that this time, a voice that overpowered Xu Yang Yiying finally appeared.

Although it is small and almost nonexistent, it does exist.

The path of karmic fire has truly become an alchemy furnace, with countless karmic fires flying around and forming a cocoon of flames, tightly wrapping Xu Yangyi inside.

No one knew that not only was he not hurt inside, but he was looking at his hand in astonishment.


Countless karma fire rushed into his pores, and the next second, he was immediately attracted by a thumb-sized flame in his dantian.

Looking inside, the Dantian has become a whirlpool, and countless seas of fire are rushing towards the whirlpool.

Innate spiritual treasure, Nanming Lihuo

No matter how fierce these karma flames are, how can they be compared to Nanming Lihuo, who was able to devour even the Heavenly Tribulation? How can this mere flame be an opponent?

If that was all, he was just glad that he could pass the third level. But it wasn't just that, just as the ten thousand spiritual fire rivers merged into the sea, lines unexpectedly surged out from around Nanming Lihuo, and at the same time, a clicking sound came from his whole body.

It was as if the chains of the seal were being untied layer by layer, and the lines spread wider and wider before he could see it clearly.

That's the Danding meridian

The King of the Eternal Alchemy Sutra was awakened bit by bit from the dark silence, and a fiery torrent rushed into his limbs and bones. Sometimes it was bright and sometimes dark, and he already felt a kind of seed breaking through the ground and sprouting.

"Is this the so-called unblocking?" Closing his eyes, outsiders had no idea that the Karma Fire Dao, which they feared like a tiger, was a release and a new life for Xu Yangyi.

"Fish intestines." He called softly: "Stargazer said about unsealing, you also said, Su Xingyao also said, in the hundreds of years of plane travel, I have heard you explain that the things that exceed the spiritual power of the lower world can be Supernatural powers will be automatically sealed by the will of the plane. When they reach the upper realm, they are like sharks kept in a fish tank and suddenly moved to the sea. Most of them will be unsealed immediately."

"Most of them are like this." Yuchang's extremely cautious voice was introduced into his spiritual consciousness. It was someone else's territory now, and they were cautious in everything they did: "But there are actually different situations."

"for example"

"For example, this magical power is regarded as the supreme magic in the upper world. Or, it is a fragment of some supreme magical power. Then, the will of the plane in the upper world will analyze it, which will take some time or opportunity."

After a pause, Yuchang continued: "Planes have wills. You have no doubt. It can be said that any plane will itself be a living thing after hundreds of millions of years. The will of the planes will be expressed in the form of world spirits, and the earth should also have it. World spirit, but I don’t know where it is.”

"These world spirits have thoughts connected to the entire plane. If the plane is compared to a supercomputer, it is the brain of the computer. As soon as you enter Kunlun, you will be noticed by the other party, and the other party will start to analyze. If your magical power is a plane If you can bear it, you will immediately change your fish tank to the sea. This is called unblocking.”

"If your magical power is troublesome even to the upper world, then the will of the plane will branch out and pay attention to you for a long time. Until the opportunity comes, or the computer has finished analyzing your magical power, the fish tank will be removed. I'm afraid it is now The opportunity has arrived.”

After hesitating for two seconds, he said in a deep voice: "There is another situation where the upper world spirit cannot analyze your magical power, and cannot distinguish the danger level and level. Therefore, it can only observe in secret until it approves it. Move you to the sea."

Xu Yangyi nodded. This is probably the reason why his magical power has not been unblocked for so long in Kunlun.

He couldn't feel any difference between the Void Spirit Immortal Body, the Eternal Alchemy King, and the one on Earth. After questioning the stargazers for a hundred years, the magical power after being unblocked will be the complete form of the magical power. However, another problem arises.

The King of the Eternal Alchemy Sutra may be said to be disapproved by the upper world, but what about the Void Spirit Immortal Body?

Why hasn’t it been unblocked?

This is something that has existed in the upper world for a long time. Now his ethereal immortal body simply multiplies his spiritual power. What will happen after it is unsealed? The upper world already knows why the will of the plane does not recognize his ethereal immortal body.

"I" he paused for a moment before speaking carefully: "I have the attention of the will of the plane."

"I don't know." Yuchang muttered: "I don't even know which situation you are in now, but you should understand it after the first magical power is unlocked."

Xu Yangyi stopped talking. After a few seconds of calmness, his whole body's spiritual power suddenly began to circulate, and the boundless karma fire around him suddenly rolled towards him.

In less than five seconds, flames from all directions surrounded him, and at this moment, amazing changes had already occurred in his body.

Torrents rushed into the limbs and bones. It was fire. The fire of Nanming Lihuo, after swallowing the karma, outputs streaks of flames. And in his meridians, little black things were burned by these flames and turned into The black smoke dissipated.

His spiritual consciousness stared at the meridians, but found that it was not black smoke at all. But there are countless talismans hidden in the black smoke

It was impossible to see it on earth, but now it was reduced to ashes in the Third Sword Wind Valley.

The shackles that imprisoned the giant were slowly torn apart, and a vague spiritual power that blended with the fish and water in the upper world began to permeate the third valley. Click Baidu to read the latest chapter of "The Strongest Monster" for free as soon as possible.

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