
Chapter 964: Breaking through! (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi continued to absorb the flames, but these flames did not harm him at all. With Nanming Lihuo in charge, even the karma from the upper world would not be invaded by any fire.

Time passed minute by minute, one hour, two hours... five hours passed, and he was still sitting here.

He had already felt a layer of film that he had never felt before. Although it was thin, it was extremely tough, enveloping him in a cage.

"This is the 'fish tank'." He realized something in his mind: "When I couldn't feel it, I thought that I and the upper world had been completely integrated after being washed with spiritual jade. Only when I really felt it did I realize that there was still a final layer of separation. ”

"If you don't break it, you will never be able to truly unite with the upper world."

"Boom!!" As he sucked in with all his strength, the entire third valley shook slightly, and then countless flames attacked crazily. Let this cocoon of flames grow bigger and brighter.

And the aura that is indistinguishable from the upper world and is burned by the karma is getting stronger and stronger.

Everyone in the Gobi Basin was stunned.

The seventh princess of Bu Zhoujie had already stood up, looking at the lake with dry lips.

At that time...she also passed the third level, but...not just her, everyone knew that no one dared to do this in the third level!

What exactly does he want to do by absorbing all the karma into himself?

"Is he crazy..." The old man with shaggy hair muttered to himself, staring at the lake. At this moment, he no longer thought about whether he could win the bet, because Xu Yangyi's move exceeded their expectations.

He began to be swallowed up by the flames of karma, and many people thought he was finished. The flames of karma will eat up nothing and will stop only when they are burned out. Even the Nascent Soul cannot escape the things that are stained. It is the nemesis of all monks below Yin Zun. But... it was still the same after half an hour, and still the same after an hour! Ten hours now...still like this!

There was no wind or karma in the entire valley. All the karma had been swallowed up by this monk and lingered around.

No one spoke, they all had expectations, but no one dared to say anything. Because it's too incredible.

This is cultivation...

Surprisingly, there are actually people practicing in the Sword Wind Valley used for trials! And it’s the Way of Karma Fire!

Not only them, there was also silence on the five weathered peaks in the Gobi Basin.

"He can walk through the Third Valley." An old voice said hoarsely: "Our Tianjian Villa can stand firmly in the land of disputes among the Three Kingdoms... The most important thing is the protection of the seven-layered sword forest. This was the original legend. The defensive formation set up by the Heavenly Sword Patriarch of Dubu Realm has been here for five thousand years... No one has ever gone through the seven reincarnations, and even the third valley is insignificant... This person... This person can actually practice in the Sword Forest!"

My mentality finally changed slightly.

It is undeniable that Third Valley can achieve this step without any difficulty for the opponent. The opponent's qualifications are already certain for the inner disciples. but……

"The chess pieces of the Bulao Mountain have really made a heavy move this time..." The majestic voice at first spoke with some complexity: "I really don't know which plane the person is... who can produce such a genius, he must be One of the ten most famous worlds under Bulao Mountain is now willing to be released for the sake of that legend..."

"Everyone, after walking through the Third Valley, you are an official disciple according to the rules. No one can challenge the Yin Lord of the Seven Valleys of Sword Forest. Do we really want to accept this trouble?"

"There's nothing we can do if we don't accept it." Another voice said coldly: "Rules are rules. Do you really want to offend Bulaoshan? Are you looking for death?"

There was silence. After a few seconds, a third voice said lightly: "It's hard for them to worry about them for so long..."

"Now that it's here, let's make peace with it. Regardless of whether it's the will of the Great Sage, or someone pulling the flag to pull the tiger's skin, the Holy Order of the Elderless Mountain is not something we can resist."

"Haha..." the old voice grinded his teeth in hatred: "Year after year, as long as physical cultivation is done, they are thrown at us. The ascended... local... legends from tens of thousands of years ago are still taken seriously, and they have never asked. Are we willing to treat our ancient sect of Tianjian Villa as the back garden of Bu Lao Mountain? How many sects of the Seven Realms dare to insult me ​​like this? !”

After saying this, he was still upset, with boundless hatred in his voice: "If the Patriarch of Tianjian is here, even the Immortal Sage and Palace Master Guanghan, none of them would dare to touch us in the slightest!"

"Be patient." When the third voice heard these words, there was also a hint of evil in his words: "The clay figurine also has three points of fire, but now is not the time for us to get angry. What I mean is, give him a direct message sequence."

There was a moment of silence.

You could hear the needle drop, and a few seconds later, the old voice spoke leisurely: "Killing with a borrowed knife, it's a pretty game."

No one in the entire Tianjian Villa knew the true thoughts of their sect leader and elder. The nearly 100,000 disciples all looked at the lake with twinkling eyes.

No one dared to make a sound, because on the lake, with a soft drink, the entire cocoon of Karma Fire exploded.

In the flames, a figure slowly walked out. Tall, black robed, low-key yet dignified, with black hair shawl and eyes like stars.

There is no sign of any karma being burned.

One person attracted the attention of 100,000 people. Xu Yangyi had no idea that on the lake, he had already reached the entrance of the fourth level!

Green Dragon Steps on the Cloud, this time... it's a stone sculpture a hundred meters high, completely blocking the sky at the third and fourth levels.

"Crash..." As the stone sculpture rose, black light shot in like a sharp arrow. After a full minute of dead silence, everyone almost stood up!


The fourth level is the weak water channel.

Five hundred years later, after the elder brother, someone finally challenged the weak water channel!

The senior brother who succeeded in the previous challenge was regarded as the number one disciple in the past five hundred years. If this person challenges again...

Everyone exchanged glances calmly, some excited, some worried. It’s more of a mixed bag of flavors.

Once successful, the sect's forces will surely undergo a major reshuffle! Big brother will usher in a real and absolutely powerful challenger!

This is not a simple challenge, this is the first secret confrontation between the current number one and the possible number one in the future. It’s a milestone for the new king!

What made them have mixed feelings was...this challenger, before joining the sect, had already slapped the mouths of all the monks in the sect without knowing it.

Tens of thousands of people gathered together to gamble, losing three games in a row, and not much spiritual jade was lost, but in this process... Just thinking about the fact that I am sure that the opponent will fall at the second level, or the third level, I can't help but blush.

It’s so embarrassing…

Tens of thousands of people were embarrassed together, and it was shameless to talk about this kind of thing.

At this moment, four hundred pieces of sparkling spiritual jade flew up and fell into the man's dice tube like a long river. The seventh princess said lightly: "Four hundred pieces of middle-grade spiritual jade."

As soon as she finished speaking, she gritted her teeth in a voice that hinted at anger: "He loses!!"

Zi... There was a gasp, four hundred middle-grade spiritual jade... What a big deal, many people exchanged glances. It seems that the Seventh Princess has also been really angry after losing three games in a row. Don't look at it. She will never be reconciled until Xu Yangyi falls!

As a princess, she would never recognize this kind of humiliation and silent slap.

"Fifty mid-grade!" The white-haired old man finally gritted his teeth. With a wave of his hand, a piece of spiritual jade that was far more brilliant than the lower-grade spiritual jade flew towards the bald man. He gritted his teeth and said, "He will definitely lose the fourth level!"

The two took the lead, and suddenly, pieces of spiritual jade appeared. "Ten middle-grade spiritual stones! If you buy him, he will lose! It's ridiculous. I really think that no one in my Tianjian Villa can deny it! A mere monk who has not joined the sect has defeated us several times in a row. This I, Gu Yunzi, can’t swallow it! Thirty middle grade! Twenty middle grade, I’ll lose!”

Amid the commotion, suddenly, a ray of white light penetrated the crowd, and an object flew out from a corner with a loud bang, and was firmly fixed in the air.

"Kara...Kara..." Countless cracks spread in the void. The roaring noise from all directions suddenly fell silent.

This is a jade box that was thrown out.

With such force, the void was shattered, just like a brick smashed into glass, calming all the ripples.

"Three thousand middle-grade spiritual stones." A calm voice appeared in the Gobi Basin, without a trace of fireworks, as calm as snow and as aloof as a pine tree.

Everyone's eyes flashed, and at least one tenth of the people immediately bowed deeply towards the still unopened cave with great respect.

"If you buy him, he loses."

The bald man calmed down his frivolous expression, bowed his hands solemnly, and went to the jade box in person. When he picked it up and took a look, his eyes immediately revealed something meaningful.

It seemed like a casual throw, but he was the only one who saw that on the bottom of the jade box, spider web patterns spread and pieces of jade fell off.

This is not smashed.

This was grasped in the hands in anger.

He glanced at the cave a little vaguely, and finally... couldn't help it anymore?

Facing the challenge of the new king, did the old owner finally feel a sense of crisis?

He calmly put the jade box into the dice tube. He smiled again and gently shook the magic weapon. However, after a few words flashed on the dice tube, he was so frightened that he almost jumped!

"Who bought him and won!?" He exclaimed, looking at his magic weapon with wide eyes. Some of the thoughts I had about Senior Brother just now were wiped out in an instant.

On it... it was clearly written: Lose, 73,000 people. Win... twenty-two thousand people!

Odds of 1 to 5…

If he really loses, he will go completely crazy! Absolutely bankrupt!

The middle-grade spiritual stones are quite a lot for him, but... there are dozens of middle-grade spiritual stones for each of the more than 20,000 people, which adds up to more than 100,000! Plus odds of one to five...

His forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and doubts suddenly arose.

"Did you win by buying him? No, I also lost by buying it. Could it be you, fellow Taoist? No, I am devoted to the sect. How could I let a monk who has not joined the sect show off to me at the door? I bought it too. If he loses, who bought him to win?”

The wind has changed...

The voices that came and went were all saying that Xu Yangyi was losing. The bald man just wants to jump and scold his mother. Is it true that there are more than 20,000 people?

He didn't dare to say anything. He could only pray again and again in his heart, staring at the lake. The palms of my vest were covered in cold sweat.

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