
Chapter 966: Breaking through! (IV)

Strength is always the first condition for people to recognize you.

From the beginning of entering the first valley, all the elders decided to kill with a borrowed knife. Now, the sect master actually spoke and asked them to take another look.

The change of attitude and the tilt of the balance are not based on others, but only on his own strength.

Everyone in Tianjian Villa stared at the lake. It has been more than a day, but no one left.

Another day, after Xu Yangyi meditated for more than ten hours, the fifth level, the Dead Wood Path, was broken! !

The next day, twenty hours later, the sixth level, the Sharp Gold Path was broken again! !

There was no shock, because it was numb. In the Gobi Basin, every cultivator stared at the lake like a wooden chicken.

Too fierce...

Four days and six levels, seven reincarnations, someone actually broke directly to the last one!

Never before...

In a thousand years, no one has reached the fifth level. The strongest senior brother only completed the fourth level and shook his head and sighed in front of the fifth level. But this is already the best person in Tianjian Villa in a thousand years. Now, someone has broken through six levels in a row!

At the sixth level, they finally saw Xu Yangyi's magic weapon, a long river like a golden river, the sharp gold path, and thousands of swords flying into the air. However, all the spiritual swords that penetrated into his radius of 100 meters slowed down strangely, and finally, they were eliminated one by one by him.

No one felt relieved, but their expressions became more solemn. He used the magic weapon only at the sixth level. How terrible this person is!

There was a dead silence at the scene, and everyone's eyes turned to the man who was like a snowy mountain.

There was no reaction, just like the vast sea in the world, which could not cause the change of the mountain. He just sat there quietly, like the eternal ice and snow. But there was a coldness in his eyes.

No one could see that his hands in his long sleeves were already clenched and creaking.

Damn... Damn the lower world bitch!

His family background was brilliant, and the direction of heaven just happened to be the carrier of Kaiyang Immortal Body. Just one step... the last step! Once he reaches Yangsheng, he will be one of the thirty most important people in the Seven Realms. Although there are very few Yangshengs in the past years, he can be counted on one hand, but... he is qualified to make the challenge.

Relying on his family background and rumors, he found Tianjian Villa. He finally reached the position of the first Daozi, but now this person who intercepted him in the middle of the way came out!

His eyes were as cold as ice, and he lowered his eyelids. No one could see the surging murderous intent in his heart.


At the entrance of the seventh level, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. It seemed that he only used magic weapons, but in fact, the virtual spirit immortal body had been used to the extreme, and the soul guard was also taken out. For physical cultivation, this is basically equivalent to all the trump cards of defense.

Only he knew that this Six Sword Wind Valley was not easy to pass.

But the harvest was also huge. At this moment, his internal organs, flesh, tendons and bones all bloomed with a crystal white light, like jade. Between breaths, every breath can affect the golden apple, unlimitedly expanding the range of spiritual energy intake and exhalation, speed, this kind of practice speed is almost twice as fast as before!

The accumulation of strength, the golden apple, and the King of the Eternal Pill Sutra exerted their strength at the same time. He couldn't wait to see the real unsealing.

Unfortunately, it was still a little short.

He could feel that the barrier that prevented him from perfectly integrating with Xu Kunlun was on the verge of collapse, and only the last bit would make it completely rupture.

At that time, it was himself, the truly perfect self, the completely unsealed self!

Jiang Taigong's King of the Eternal Pill Sutra, the top ten immortal bodies recognized by the seven realms, an apple produced by the Eden Tree... After the foundation was consolidated, it was time for him to impact Yang Sheng.

The seventh checkpoint was very strange.

It was a snake.

A... towering, magnificent and magnificent giant snake.

Around it, there were endless stars, and the snake could not see its figure clearly, which actually reminded him of Quetzalcoatl.

"Outsider." Behind him, the woman, the flame, the black tortoise, the white tiger, the red bird, the blue dragon, six phantoms lined up in a straight line in the sky. Just like the previous six levels, the giant snake's eyes flashed with brilliance: "Level 7, Hou Tu Dao, 62 times sword wind, enter but not exit, advance but not retreat, are you... willing to enter?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer immediately, but thought about his trump card in his heart.

After a few seconds, he raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Open the door."

"Swish!!" The green light sank into the sky, and the seventh giant snake shadow flashed in the air, accompanied by a cry of surprise from the Gobi Basin in the distance. The last test of the Sword Wind Valley that had never been opened in five thousand years was opened with a bang.

Take a deep breath, Xu Yangyi rushed in suddenly.

At the moment of entering, without any hesitation, he formed a seal with both hands, and a strange armor appeared on his body.

Dense forest fights numerous stars!

This is his last trump card for defense. According to reason, 64 times sword energy should have been enough to crush the half-step Yin Zun, but he did not. Yang Sheng ** was already more than ten times higher than Yin Zun. After being tempered by the levels ahead, he was not turned into ashes the moment he entered.

"Boom boom boom..." At the same time, the two mountain walls roared loudly, and the entire seventh level was covered with hundreds of meters of yellow sand. In an instant, an infinite force pulled him to the center of the desert.

The next second...

Sand burial!

The overwhelming yellow sand formed a terrifying tornado, and he was in the center of the tornado. In all directions, the yellow sand formed a sand wall hundreds of meters thick, which fell towards him with all its strength!

His pupils suddenly contracted, and he felt... This palm was almost as powerful as the palm of the Ji Ling Venerable that day!

Ashura opened his eyes with all his strength, and after a muffled groan, his figure was swallowed by the endless yellow sand, and a huge yellow sand ball rotated in the seventh valley.

He was in the yellow sand, and his whole body seemed to be crushed by a huge mountain. He uttered a whine, and the place that had been tempered was tempered again. And it was not gentle at all, but a kind of huge force contraction, as if he was a sponge, and this yellow sand giant hand was going to squeeze out all the water in his body.

The situation inside could not be seen from the outside, but everyone stood up at this moment. In the Gobi Basin, everyone stared at the lake, and their breathing seemed inaudible.

The Seventh Princess stood up, the old man with untied hair stood up, and even the eldest brother couldn't help but stand up.

Sixty-four times the sword wind, Hou Tu said, no one has entered for five thousand years, and now someone has finally come in, what is the result? At this moment, everyone forgot how much money this person had lost by breaking through six levels, and how much his power would change once he entered the sect, and just simply and nervously looked at the yellow sand ball.

Not only them, but also the five elders on the five major peaks, their eyes were also fiery. This last step was related to the tilt of the balance in their hearts, and no one dared not to look sideways.

Xu Yangyi had no idea that he had been seen through. In the sand ball, the boundless pressure was like a tsunami and a landslide. If he was distracted for a moment, he would really be crushed into a meat paste!

He tried his best to resist the crazy pressure from all directions, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing. It was as if thousands of swords pierced his heart in his meridians, scraping off the remaining residue in his body bit by bit. The feeling of scraping bones to heal wounds was enough to drive him crazy even if he was a physical cultivator.

"Hold on!" Just as his arm joints were creaking, Yuchang's loud shout suddenly reached his ears: "You... are about to be unsealed!"

"Stay one more second, and you will gain a lot! As long as you are unsealed, this layer of Houtu can't seal you!"

Sweat dripped from his head, and he gritted his teeth and drew out a trace of spiritual power to look inside.

At one glance, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his body was almost turned upside down!

The Nanming Lihuo was beating, and red spiritual energy passed through his limbs and bones. At the same time, these spiritual energies passed through the spiritual energy nodes of the virtual immortal body for the first time!

Originally, these spiritual energy nodes were beyond the Eternal Pill Sutra King, and all the meridians made a circle here. If you have to make a metaphor, the spiritual energy nodes are urban gardens. In order not to destroy this garden, the meridians built a series of viaducts around it and passed around it.

But now, the urban planning, the viaduct collapsed, and finally merged with the entire urban garden, forming a complete puzzle!

The red spiritual energy was difficult to derive, as if competing with the virtual immortal body for territory, but the Nanming Lihuo was the innate spiritual flame of the earth, and it had swallowed so many karmic fires before. The current firepower was so huge that it was almost inexhaustible! The waves of fire continued to provide endless spiritual power for the meridians. Finally, all thirty-six major nodes were penetrated by a trace of meridians.

"Boom!!" At this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes went black and he entered a mysterious realm.

In front of him, the stars were shining and the Milky Way was gorgeous. There were nine stars in the sky, but at the last "bead," when the sun slowly turned around, even he couldn't help but gasp.

That wasn't the sun...

It was a phantom statue!

His face couldn't be seen clearly, his whole body was curled up, his hands were on his knees, and his whole body was green. His whole body was blocked by chains, and the thirty-six stars were shining slowly, but there was still a large area of ​​stars that had not been opened.

It was clear, but no matter how he looked at it, Xu Yangyi felt that it was in a fantasy of reality and illusion. It was like a flower in the mirror, a moon in the water, close in front of him, but out of reach.

"Boy!" Just as he was lost in thought, Yuchang's voice came down like thunder and lightning: "Quick! This is the real virtual immortal body! The complete ten immortal bodies!"

"Listen to me, I once held it in the hands of Zhuan Zhu and other cultivators of the previous Ten Thousand Worlds War. Their strength was at least Yin Zun! Taixu also had Zhang Daoling, Jiang Taigong and several others. They once said that the essence of any immortal body is a unique race in the universe! This race has only one person, and it is a single lineage, perhaps it is a star beast!"

"From their **, the cultivators discovered the cultivation method of the ten immortal bodies, and the most important part of it is visualization!"

"The larger the sect, the more detailed the visualization map... and yours... I'm afraid it has exceeded the visualization map! This... I'm afraid it's the original appearance of the star beast or that clan!"

"Remember it, your chance of rushing into Yangsheng will increase greatly! Be sure to remember it!"

Is this the real body of the virtual immortal body?

Xu Yangyi looked at the nine stars spinning in this world in astonishment. What kind of person could be so talented that he could deduce the method of cultivating the Void Spirit Immortal Body from such a monster?

But now is not the time for such things. He used all his spiritual consciousness to scan the whole body of the blue giant. With the Dan Ling who had a photographic memory, as long as he remembered it, it would be forever!

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