
Chapter 967: The Immortal Body That Never Appeared

Just after Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness scan, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

"Senior Yuchang, are you sure it is the Void Spirit Immortal Body?"

"I am sure that I have seen the visualization of these immortal bodies once, and it is no different from it. Its posture is because it has not been unsealed. Your 'sea' has not yet been opened, but it is already close before your eyes! Once it is Unblocking is the complete visualization of the immortal body!”

"No!" Xu Yangyi shook his head: "This... is not just a virtual spirit immortal body!"

"See with your spiritual sense, not your eyes."

There was silence, and after a few seconds, the sound of Yuchang taking a breath came: "What... what on earth is going on?"

"Is this the real reason why your magical powers haven't been unlocked?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak. In his eyes, it was indeed the cyan giant statue as huge as a planet, but what was even more terrifying was...

A giant cyan statue with a giant golden cauldron surrounding it!

King of the Eternal Alchemy Sutra!

Refining the Immortal Body with the Alchemy Cauldron!

This alchemy cauldron cannot be seen with the eyes. It can only be seen with the spiritual sense. It is all made of golden dotted lines. However, a little flame jumps in the center, telling everyone that it is not a dazzling thing.

"Could it be your body, the Void Spirit Immortal Body and the Eternal Alchemy King have merged into one? So, if you want to unseal them, you have to unseal them together? This kind of change has caused the seven world spirits to not recognize you. Won't you remove your 'fish tank? '" Even Yuchang shook his head in astonishment at this moment: "I have lived for thousands of years, but I have never heard that the immortal body and the martial arts can be integrated... This, this is too weird. !”

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and every bit of the earth was completely remembered.

The King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra is a method of breathing spiritual energy, and it does not conflict with the physical training of the Void Spirit Immortal Body. After all, even physical training must have techniques to train spiritual energy, otherwise the Seven Valleys Wind Sword will never be able to be withstood by ordinary people.

This is like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. They are both mother rivers, but they never cross. All his magical powers are built on this. The Eternal Alchemy King and the Void Spirit Immortal Body cannot be unsealed, and other magical powers that rely on spiritual energy and the body cannot be improved either. Now in a semi-unblocked state, he already knows that the magical powers and techniques that have been unblocked will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes! The strange and terrifying speed at which he breathes out spiritual energy is proof of this. do these two become one?

He did not rush to visualize. If he got the wrong visualization map, the consequences would be disastrous. It would be equivalent to constructing a wrong world view for his own cultivation path.

He recalled his experience in detail.

One minute, two minutes... half an hour later, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he said with great certainty: "Sealing the Gods Knot!!"

That's right...

This must be it!

The God-Sealing Knot is born on the host and awakens his own demon body. Xu Fangyuan's original intention was to raise the gu so that his demon body and Nanhua Butterfly Mother's demon body could compete for a body. If he won, his strength would be even higher. On the first floor, if you lose, don't have to make the same mistake as the lampkeeper.

It changed his body. He was originally a pure human race, but after the battle of Dongtian Paradise in Fengshenjie, he didn't even know who he was anymore.

Wolfsbane, the god-killing demon, finally defeated the larvae of the Nanhua butterfly mother. It formed a weird shape like Cordyceps sinensis, maybe... all the nodes were already buried when he was building the foundation.

Although he felt something different in the Void Spirit Immortal Body afterwards, his realm at that time could not explore these at all, and he did not even know about it in the worlds big and small.

Xiaoqing's gift, Nanhua Butterfly Mother's fight, Jiang Taigong's skills, the ancient god-killing monster, the two Taixu, Taigong Wang may be Taixu or even alone, plus this terrifying bloodline awakening, finally formed Today’s inextricable knot!

"Immortal body is still immortal body...but...what kind of immortal body is this?" Xu Yangyi's eyes twitched a little: "Or is it no longer considered immortal body?"

"No matter what, it can't get out of your body. Unless you take away the body and rebuild it. But you also know the dangers of taking away the body." Yuchang sighed: "For today's plan, you should remember this thing. , whether it is useful or not, it is always closely related to your body.”

Xu Yangyi nodded and closed his eyes. Two hours later, the recording was completed.

"Actually... maybe there is a way..." He murmured: "When I killed Liu Mingyang, I entered Jiang Taigong's space. If I can enter again, maybe... I can figure it out completely."

Then he sighed.

The gap between the lower realm and the upper realm is really as big as the rivers and seas.

Without reaching the upper realm, seeing the vastness of the sea, and experiencing the more refined spiritual energy, he would never have imagined that there was such a big problem in his body. This immortal body is not called an immortal body, and its exercises are not called exercises. What is it?

Just after he recorded the entire visualization, this space finally made a clicking sound.

Pieces of dark starry sky fell off, revealing the hazy area behind it. At the same time, chains rattled on the entire cyan colossus.

"Dang...dang..." All the chains were broken, and the colossus seemed to tremble slightly, and then the entire starry sky began to collapse.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes gently. From the moment the chain broke, he felt a terrifying power spurting out from deep within his body, instantly impacting every pore of his body.

That is the detachment of the soul, a qualitative change in power.

In the body, thirty-six spiritual energy nodes rotated crazily, greedily devouring the spiritual energy of the seven realms, and streaks of cyan brilliance burst out from the spiritual energy nodes!

"Crack..." Outside, a vortex appeared on the extremely solid sand ball for the first time, followed by the second, the third... the thirty-sixth!

Rays of green light shot out from the vortex crazily, piercing the sky, and the seventh Sword Wind Valley Hou Tu Dao was full of green and dazzling.


Gobi Basin, five major peaks.

There was silence, and everyone was extremely entangled in their hearts.

Is this person from the Immortal Mountain? Or is he really the next ascended monk? Why did the Immortal Mountain choose him? And he was chosen to come here?

There is no coincidence in the world, often a misunderstanding, followed by a series of misunderstandings.

"Everyone..." The voice of the sect master sounded, with a hint of hoarseness, and at the same time there was a suppressed excitement: "What if... he really passed the seventh valley that no one has passed for five thousand years?"

No one spoke, this decision was too important, and it even affected the safety of the sect thousands of years later, so no one dared to express their opinions easily.

After a long time, the sect master sighed and said, "Let's vote."

"Cultivator Xu Feng is extremely talented and has broken through six sword wind valleys. How to treat him after joining the sect and what position to give him will be decided by vote." He paused and said solemnly, "Everyone, no matter what, you must not delay the opportunity for the rise of Tianjian Villa because of a little speculation. No one can bear this responsibility!"

"It takes hundreds of years to observe a person. We can give him the first sequence of Daozi, or we can cancel it. I suggest... treat him as an ascended cultivator now, and then... later."

No one objected. Just when the vote was about to begin, suddenly, the light curtain in front of everyone's eyes flashed. Then, a thousand feet of green light burst out!

"This is..." The sect master paused, and then took a breath of cold air: "Unseal?!"

"It's really unseal..." The old woman's voice was also extremely surprised: "But... how can the unseal be so powerful?!"

Not only them, at this moment, in the Gobi Basin, tens of thousands of cultivators in Tianjian Villa were all stunned.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..." The world was buzzing, and endless green light spots suddenly appeared from a radius of one million meters, condensing madly in the sky, turning into a brilliant green ocean.

"My God..." The old man with untied hair looked at the sky, and then looked at the lake below. On the lake, the scenery of the green light in the sand ball of hundreds of meters was reflected.

The seventh level, broken!

At the same time, the situation in Tianjian Villa changed!

There is no connection between them?

Who would believe it!

The eldest brother stood up, and the wind blew up, ruffling his white hair. No one could see him, and his hands in his black robe were clenched and clacking.

It was too grand...

Who is this?

He was also a local genius, and the family behind him was even more famous. Even he had only passed the fourth level, and now... there was actually a peerless demon who broke through seven levels!

Such a grand appearance scene, firmly suppressing himself. He had already seen that countless spiritual light spots gathered into a vortex of spiritual light, and something was looming in it.

"Ten immortal bodies..." His teeth were grinding. He also had one of the ten immortal bodies, so he certainly understood what this was.

Lower world cultivators, the ten immortal bodies are unsealed!

And this vision... must be great!

"How is it possible... a mere lower world... a lower world cultivator as humble as an ant... can actually cultivate one of the immortal bodies to great perfection!"

His face was calm, and the murderous intent in his eyes was fleeting. After a few seconds, he was completely calm.

"How much resources are needed to achieve the Yangsheng realm... You, a native of the lower world, will never understand."

"This True Lord has gone through thousands of hardships and returned from the Seven Realms Chain, and only then was he honored as the first in the Daozi sequence. The second and third Daozi can't compare with this True Lord at all. At this time, you actually appeared?"

"People who threaten this True Lord... have no need to live."

"Boom!!!" As soon as he finished his thought, a green light of ten thousand meters in radius shot into the lake, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

Like the projected lake surface, it became a pool of green light at this moment, with boundless green light gushing out, and a green giant statue slowly rising from the ten thousand feet of green light.

"This is... Daozu... This is... This is... the virtual spirit immortal body?! This person... is the virtual spirit immortal body?! How could it be..."

The discussion was as small as an ant, at least in front of the ten thousand feet of green light of this immortal body phantom, not even an ant.

The phantom of the giant statue was looming, and everyone saw it. In the center of the phantom, a black-robed figure stepped on the void and looked at everyone calmly.

He was alone, but like a pillar supporting the sky, everyone around the lake in the air retreated at the same time.

It was him... He passed seven levels in a row, walked through the Sword Wind Valley that no one had walked through for five thousand years, and broke into the main sect of Tianjian Mountain Villa.

It was also him... The virtual spirit immortal body was perfected. The person who wanted to say something at first couldn't say a word under such power.

But everyone knows that things are going to change...

When the new king and the old master meet, Tianjian Villa will never be peaceful!

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