
Chapter 968: The First Daozi

No one spoke.

Green light filled the sky, and all the monks by the lake retreated tens of meters silently when they saw the rising giant statue.

Starting from the center, it slowly spread until the entire crowd dispersed in a ring. Within ten minutes, there was no one around Xu Yangyi for a kilometer.

The senior brother had his hands behind his back, his eyes were like snow, and his heart was filled with rage.

This is a shock.

A person who had not yet joined the sect and whose elders had not yet given him status was so shocked that no one in the entire Tianjian Villa dared to say a word.

I don't know how many people retreated silently from him, but he was standing here. The other monks who usually thought he was like a god, not many people saw him at this moment.

"This is Tianjian Villa?" Xu Yangyi looked at everything around him, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Hello, brothers and sisters."

Still silent.

It took a few seconds for someone to react. Starting from one person, it spread like a tide. I don't know how many people raised their hands. "Hello, junior brother. No one has broken Qigu for five thousand years. Junior brother, I have grown an eye today. I don't know what the truth is." The one who has reached the highest level will be the master. Junior brother, he can bear our respect."


The old disciples of Tianjian Villa were completely impressed by the Qidagu sect entrance test. No one dared to show off to the senior disciples.

At this moment, a ray of light flashed in the sky, and a figure flew from the lonely peak. The sound was like a loud bell: "Xu Feng, a monk from the lower realm, has outstanding talent and a strong Taoist heart. After review by the five elders of Tianjian, he has determined the first order of Taoism. "

With one sentence, the whole place was in an uproar!

"What?! The first among Taoists? Isn't that right... He was the first among Taoists when he first joined the sect? This, where does this put senior brother? Objection! Using talent to make Taoists, this was something that happened before Wan Nianqing!"

"Third Elder." The old man with shaggy hair was stunned for a few seconds, stepped out of the crowd, half-knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "No matter how outstanding your talent is, you must observe the mind and understand the Tao. If the Five Elders of Tianjian set the sequence of Tao in this way, is it right? Hasty?"

There was a flood of discussion, and the figures in the sky were like mountains, not moving at all.

This is an old woman.

He has chicken skin and black hair, a black robe with golden lotus patterns blooming on the robe, a snake-head walking stick, sparse white hair on his head, and a golden phoenix walking through it, as if it will fall off at any time.

"Third Elder, Senior Brother has made many contributions to the sect and earned thousands of points in the Chain of Seven Realms. He has been in the sect for three hundred years, and the opinion of the Council of Elders... I think this junior feels a little inappropriate." The seventh princess also said He walked out, half-kneeling on the ground and said.

The old woman glanced at everyone indifferently, and the next second, a fierce spiritual energy like a torrent of steel, completely unlike a woman's generation, burst out from the old woman's body!

If the volcano bursts, if the giant wakes up. Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly became sharp. He could see that this old woman... was actually a physical practitioner!

It's unknown how much power is hidden under the seemingly skinny body. The spiritual power of the Xusheng realm swept through the air, making his clothes flutter.

"Very strong." Yuchang's voice sounded in his mind: "Maybe not as good as you, but her body refining technique is unique. The purity of her body is even higher than yours."

The spiritual energy was like a knife, creating a circular shock wave visible to the naked eye, and suddenly rushed out, leaving everyone around in silence.

"Do you still have any questions?" The third elder glanced at the whole place. As far as his eyes could see, everyone was half-kneeling until they fell on the only person who was not kneeling. Senior brother.

When a Taoist disciple meets an elder, he does not need to salute.

"Huh?" The third elder stared at the man with white hair and eyebrows as white as snow, and asked in a nasal voice.


I don’t know how many people’s eyes have fallen on the senior brother, it’s so embarrassing... When others just joined the sect, they lost the throne of the Taoist sequence, and hundreds of years of contributions were turned over like paper. And it was in front of the entire sect, and in front of his own opponent!

"No...there is..." The senior brother almost squeezed out these words through his teeth. The hands behind his back made a crackling sound, and the veins were exposed.

No one can bear this invisible slap on the face.

"That's good." The third elder breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes passed over the senior brother and Xu Yangyi with infinite complexity: "Daozi is just a title. If you are dissatisfied, just fight and grab it! The history of our Tianjian Villa, You know our style, and you also know it. Now that you have decided to join this Gu basin, don’t say anything about it.”

"Any unwillingness is because you are not strong enough. I won't be surprised if any of you becomes the number one Taoist disciple in the end. As long as you can sit up and sit firmly."

The senior brother's eyes were twitching with his head lowered, and he had endless murderous intent.

Xu Yangyi looked calm and nodded slightly.

"Follow me." The third elder glanced at Xu Yangyi coldly, turned into a stream of light and flew away. Xu Yangyi slightly cupped his hands towards the senior brother and followed closely.

The eldest brother stood proudly like a snow-capped mountain with his hands behind his back, without returning the courtesy.

The building was empty, and the ups and downs of discussion went from insignificant to gradually boiling over. Finally, the entire Tianjian Villa sect was in an uproar!

I don't know how many people's eyes fell on that figure. This big change happened so fast that I didn't expect it. At this moment, thousands of rays of sunlight burst out from behind Senior Brother, and a 100-meter-high sun slowly rose.

The rising sun rises in the east and illuminates thousands of miles.

The discussion that had just started was immediately suppressed. The eldest brother did not look back and said calmly: "How do I usually treat you?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, he continued: "I have never wronged anyone, right? Isn't it true that Lord Benzhen has wronged anyone? If anyone wants to stand on his side, don't blame Lord Benzhen for being rude when he surrenders!"

He turned his head and swept his eyes over everyone, cold as a knife: "I have worked hard in Tianjian Villa for four hundred years. Who dares to come and pick peaches now? Don't say I am not happy..."

He paused and said meaningfully: "The Kunlun Song family will not be happy either."

As soon as the voice fell, he turned into a golden light and flew into his own cave.

In the silent crowd, everyone's eyes were flickering. What was more unexpected than Li Daozi was that the new king and the old master were tit-for-tat right away, without any easing period. The undercurrent was surging. The eldest brother had already thrown such a cruel word. The day when the two sides fought blood... I am afraid it is not far away.

Countless people left in silence. They needed to consider and choose. On one side was the eldest brother who was deeply rooted and backed by a big tree, and on the other side was a peerless demon who had passed seven levels in a row. If one stood on the wrong side, he might usher in the great reckoning after the other side ascended the throne.

"You are not leaving?" An old man was about to leave and looked at the gray-haired old man beside him. The old man shook his head and suddenly whispered: "Don't you think... this bet is very interesting?"

"Shut up!" The old man covered his mouth in fear: "We, the Jindan Zhenren, are nothing in front of Senior Brother Song and the new king! Betting? Senior Brother Song has been in Tianjian Villa for hundreds of years, who doesn't give him face? Not to mention the Song family behind him..." The white-haired old man gently pulled down his hand, smiling like a wolf: "Of course I know..."

"But I dare to suppress this Master Xu Feng." His eyes were like fire: "Song Ziyu, he doesn't have the fate of a Taoist, but he has the disease of a Taoist. Do you really think he can cover the sky with one hand in Tianjian Villa? If this is true, then why did Master Xu get the first sequence of Taoist this time?"

"He can't cover it up. It's just that the Elders' Council didn't have better seedlings before. You said Master Xu's Taoism is unclear and human nature is not discerning. I don't believe you Do you know that the Song family behind Brother Song would be so simple? " It seems savvy, but it is not as savvy as I think. He took a step. "The voice did not fall, and he also turned into a flowing away, leaving only the old man who was thinking about. Big...

Very big, a desert with many isolated peaks, forming an endless stone forest.

This desert is about the size of a sub-provincial capital on Earth, and it is boundless. In the stone forest, there are five highest peaks, which are riddled with holes. The wind blowing through them is like the howling of ghosts and wolves.

It is surrounded by a basin, and there is an oasis in the center. In the Gobi Basin, countless caves stand like beehives. But what shocked him was not this. When he flew out of the basin... There was a green leaf outside, and buildings that seemed to be in Persian style were located around. There were many trees and trees, and it was extremely prosperous. You can even see countless mortals riding camels and other unknown spirit beasts running around.

There are countless floating boats in the sky transporting goods, and the entire city surrounds the central basin. The city is so big that it is almost the same as a province on Earth!

He once again had a clear understanding of the hugeness of the Seven Realms.

At this moment, the light in front suddenly dropped, and he immediately followed.

The third elder fell into a tall tower, which was magnificent and full of exotic style. At the top, countless light blue tulle fluttered in the wind. When the light fell, the third elder had already sat on the tiger-skin chair in the center.

The bright red carpet, the maids around all knelt down without saying a word, the third elder waved his hand, and they filed out, looking at Xu Yangyi who fell, with complex expressions in their eyes, without saying a word.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, and stood there calmly. Listening to the third elder's hand tapping on the armrest for a long time, the withered nails and the white jade armrest made a clattering sound. After a full ten minutes, the third elder took the lead in speaking.

"As a Taoist, do you have anything to say?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head.

"You don't have any?" The third elder picked up the teacup, took a sip, and suddenly his eyes were like lightning, staring at Xu Yangyi: "Well, you can listen carefully to what I say next."

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