
Chapter 969: The Name of the Heavenly Sword (I)

Xu Yangyi bowed slightly, but couldn't help but talk to Yuchang in his mind: "I don't know her, do I?"


"During this journey, we have not interacted with any cultivating forces, right?"


He withdrew his gaze. How did he draw this picture of bitterness and hatred between himself and the other party?

Not knowing what he was thinking, the third elder withdrew his gaze and blew on the teacup gently: "Thirty-three thousand years ago, under your feet was the place where a single monk stood."

One sentence made Xu Yangyi stunned.

"He is the Patriarch of Heavenly Sword." The third elder's voice was filled with emotion as he murmured: "If he were here, Tianjian Villa would definitely be at the top of Class A, why would it be wasted between Class A and Class B."

The jade lid gently tapped the teacup. After a few seconds, the third elder said calmly: "Thirty thousand years ago, he ascended and left, leaving a mark in the history of the Seven Realms. Because..."

She turned her head and stared into Xu Yangyi's eyes, not missing a single moment: "He is the last flying immortal."

"Since him, no one has become an immortal, and it is getting harder and harder to achieve Yang Sage, and the carrier is getting harder and harder to find, so much so that now there are as many Yang Sages as Taixu."

The two looked at each other. The third elder first said that this was Doppo's place, and then asked in a stern voice, just to break Xu Yangyi's heart and see what he was thinking and whose side he was on.

However, she didn't see it.

After going through so many trials on earth, Xu Yangyi would not be called Wolfsbane if she was recognized by someone with similar strength.

Looking back with some disappointment, the third elder became more vigilant and continued: "These are the history of Tianjian Villa. In these 30,000 years, the Great Xia Dynasty rose, the All Souls Guiyi Sect rose, and the Bloody Sect With the rise of the country, the three parties formed a horn, sandwiching our sect in the middle. If they hadn't been concerned about the name of the founder of Tianjian, they would have joined forces to attack. "

"They thought that any flying immortal would leave some backup, but they were wrong..." She stood up and looked at the sky with some worry: "No, the founder of Tianjian didn't leave anything behind, he just ascended."

Another temptation.

Xu Yangyi sneered in his heart. If he asked, "Is it true?" he bet that the Third Elder would suddenly change his expression.

The third elder glanced at him calmly and continued: "All the turning points came from three thousand years ago. You don't know... At that time, the emperor and the queen were fighting, the twin stars were shining, and the entire seven realms were affected by those two people. . One inch of realm and one inch of blood, these two peerless geniuses have truly reached the top of the Seven Realms step by step."

"The twin stars of the North and South shock the heavens and the world. Do you know... who they are?"

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment and said calmly: "But two legends?"

Ordinary words, but like acupuncture, unknown fire rushed up towards his attitude.

There is no fear at all, and there is not much awe when mentioning the two legends and the Heavenly Sword Patriarch. Is this because I am confident?

Suppressing the anger in his heart, the third elder said coldly: "Yes, it's them. But... after they reached the top, they couldn't fly to the immortal! A thousand years ago, the two legends sent out all their direct descendants to search for the flying immortal in the seven realms. The clues finally...our Tianjian Villa fell into his eyes."

"From that time on, Bulao Mountain was the main force and Guanghan Palace was the auxiliary. Every few hundred years... they would send their own people, maybe some kind of 'ascended monks', maybe some kind of 'genius monks.' A basket full of Piles...never...never asked us if we needed it!"

The third elder's voice became fierce: "No one dares to resist the two legends! They tell us, and we can only continue! We know that the other party's motives are impure, but we can only watch helplessly! Even the sect leader has to give them a good look. ! We even need to allocate the resources we have to the seeds to these cancers!”

Talking about her heartache, she suddenly paused her crutches, and the long-suppressed anger turned into a flood and hit the surrounding areas, but was stopped by the protective magic circle arranged around her.

She stared at Xu Yangyi, as if she wanted to see through him: "Two great saints, their birthdays only happen once every five hundred years. We... haven't made a pilgrimage in more than a thousand years."

Xu Yangyi looked at her calmly, finally clarifying the context in his heart.

Why don't you want to see me?

Why do I receive treatment that is not equal to my talent when I am so talented?

The root lies here.

Where is Tianjian Villa? That was where the last flying immortal was. Now, the two legends seemed to have left them untouched, but they had just deprived them of what they regarded as life.


The two of them are not flying immortals, but they are people at the top of the Seven Realms. They treat the flying immortal heritage like this and refuse it even if they are given. Tianjian Villa has endured this tone for thousands of years. He is exactly the immortal saint. Point, how could the other party have a good face?

He suddenly understood the style of Tianjian Villa.

But understanding does not mean accepting.

"Not only that, it is getting more and more difficult for Tianjian Villa to recruit monks. This is not a natural disaster, this is man-made!" The third elder grinded his teeth and said: "As long as the two great saints tilt their heads just a little, who dares to send good seeds to us? ! This is to fight against the Great Sage! Their reputation has shrouded the Seven Realms for more than three thousand years, and the commander of the Void Army has never dared to attack the Seven Realms completely because he was afraid of them. "

There was a touch of sadness on her face: "We... are slowly declining like this. Boiling a frog in warm water is such a cruel method."

"However, although the Heavenly Sword Patriarch did not leave behind a magic weapon to protect the sect, he left behind a large amount of wealth." When she said this, her voice finally became brighter: "That is a whole twenty great thousand worlds! All our disciples are From these places!”

She glanced at Xu Yangyi: "You are an ascendant, and they are also ascendants. Only if we are sure, will we personally pick them up."

"Ignorance." Before Xu Yangyi could speak, Yuchang sneered in his mind: "If the definition of an ascended person is so simple, it is impossible for the Seven Realms to value an ascended person so much."

"Don't talk about others, let's just talk about you, how did you ascend? You met the Lord in the lower world, the Emperor of Hades, the war of all realms, the Tower of Babel, the Tower of Holy Sword, the Demon God's Skeleton... that's Kill them step by step! Even if they ascend in the end, it’s all Tengebar’s true form that comes. Compared with you, they are just like flowers in a greenhouse.”

Xu Yangyi lowered his head, with a proud smile on his lips.

Yes...his experience was really rough enough, but it also tempered his absolutely tough character. Combat intuition, confidence, and determination are all at their peak. Just based on the other people he saw in Tianjian Villa?

To put it bluntly, the empty Yang Sage in front of him was still no match for him.

He had just been baptized by Jianfeng Qigu, and he hadn't had time to digest it yet.

"Is it funny?" A cold light flashed in the eyes of the third elder: "Or do you think Tianjian Villa has not reached the first level yet, and it is making people laugh?"

"Respect is mutual." Xu Yangyi finally spoke, looking into the third elder's eyes without hesitation: "If you don't give me respect, why should I respect you? Do you really think that I must be your sect?"

"You!!" The third elder suddenly stood up, and the spiritual power of the empty Yang Sage burst out. However, just as it rose, an overwhelming amount of spiritual power came over from the opposite side.

She felt a sudden chill in her heart, and at the moment when the two sides' spiritual energies were confronting each other, she felt a sudden heart palpitation.

At this moment, she seemed to see a door to hell opening, the feeling of killing everything... the bloody sea of ​​corpses, which caused the spiritual energy in her whole body to riot involuntarily.

When encountering representatives of higher-order food chains, defense has become instinctive.

Suddenly, the spiritual energy that made her heart palpitate suddenly disappeared. She was shocked all over, her chest heaved violently, and she looked at the man in front of her with a hint of disbelief, his eyes lowered and his hands behind his back. him?

She couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it, she would rather believe that she felt wrong just now.

I have been a Nascent Soul for many years, grew up in the physical cultivation sect, and have been through the chain of seven realms... I was actually suppressed by a monk from the lower realm who had just ascended?

"Elder, please continue." Xu Yangyi said with a smile. He believed in a truth: forbearance cannot win the respect of everyone. Forbearance without explosion is cowardice.

The third elder looked at him for a long time. The moment just now was too fast, and the moment passed by. She didn't want to believe it, but she was not sure. With extremely complicated mood, she chose to escape.

"Each of them is the proud son of heaven from all walks of life, but here, in this special place, we do not practice step by step like other sects. Instead, we practice as mercenaries!"

In the strange atmosphere, it seemed as if what happened just now had never happened. The third elder coughed and continued: "No matter who the three major forces are, they can pay to hire us. This allows us to keep this family land."

Xu Yangyi finally gained some interest.

"The three major forces were given instructions by the two great saints and wanted to devour our ancestral land. However, as mercenaries, our strength is much higher than that of the monks of other sects, and no one is willing to destroy us. As a single force, if they start a full-scale war with us, they will not be killed or seriously injured. "

The third elder continued: "So, here, nothing is fixed, nothing is unchanging. If you want to be a Taoist, then I said, go fight, go grab! Once you are firmly seated, our resources "

After calming down, the third elder looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes, but still couldn't see anything.

She sighed secretly in her heart. It was not that she was stupid for speaking like this, but that they did not dare to offend the two great saints, and the two great saints did not dare to do anything. It is hard to say anywhere about the orthodoxy of the Flying Immortal. The two great sages have already come to this point. If there is no hope for the Flying Immortal, what they want is a posthumous reputation.

The other party wouldn't do such a stupid thing. Once you do it, not only will your reputation be ruined, but the real big deal will be to make the forces under your command feel disheartened and go elsewhere.

Just imagine, who would dare to work under a great sage who destroyed the Feixian lineage just because of a "possibility"?

She was using another method, hoping to tell the Great Sage the dissatisfaction and difficulties of Tianjian Villa through Xu Yangyi's mouth, and to tell the Great Sage that the founder of Tianjian Villa had indeed left nothing behind.

The premise is that if the Great Sage will believe it.

"Because of this 'possibility,' they don't even dare to do anything to the Great Sage's men. They can only beg again and again..." A flash of light flashed in Xu Yangyi's lowered eyes: "Strength... without strength, just like now. Tianjian Villa can do nothing but plead.”

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