
Chapter 970: The Name of the Heavenly Sword (II)

Although during the plane travel, we know how complicated the forces of the seven realms are, and even the two great saints dare not say that they control everything.

You have your sect-protecting sacred weapon, and I have my country-protecting spiritual treasure. Moreover, they also face Taichu, the enemy of all realms. This unique ecological environment has caused everything in the seven realms.

However, he did not expect that even the first sect he entered would have such deep water. The history can be traced back tens of thousands of years.

"This is the history of our Tianjian Villa." The third elder showed a look of fatigue on his face and waved his hand: "This is something that every entry disciple must know. Except for the Taoist sequence, no one can come here to listen to this. The sect ceremony has been passed. Also, I will tell you that this place is called Ando Country. If you, as a Taoist, have achieved great achievements after thirty years of examination, you will have the right to use the world."

"In the Taoist sequence, you can see that Yin Zun does not kneel, and there are two Yin Zuns in our sect. The entire Xu Kunlun has an infinite radius, and our four forces are the main ones, and it is the center of Xu Kunlun."

From beginning to end, I never asked which side Xu Yangyi was from, but every word was hammered home.

Her eyes never left Xu Yangyi, but he was like a deep lake, and she couldn't see through it at all. Coupled with the sudden feeling before, she felt an inexplicable irritation in her heart.

Anxious, uneasy, it was an eventful day, and it rained all night when the house was leaking. She finally couldn't help but said calmly: "Do you have anything to say?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and a file flew over.

The third elder did not answer, and sat on his seat like an old tree. After a long time, he raised his head, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his words: "The information should be complete, right?"

The chess pieces of Bulao Mountain should at least be decent in appearance.

"Everything you want to know is inside." Xu Yangyi's voice became colder after one after another, even with unprovoked malice. "I advise you to take a look, otherwise... I'm afraid you will regret it."

"Ha..." The third elder sneered, grabbed it, and looked at it while suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Xu Feng, late Nascent Soul, three hundred years old..." As soon as she took a look, she closed her eyes and exhaled a breath of disgust: "Okay, I've finished reading, take it back."

Three hundred years of the late Nascent Soul period...

Is this really another legend?

Sure enough, it was a fake ascension... In order to make this sect fall in love, they started to lie about their age, but due to Bulaoshan's face, they couldn't verify it... The game between power and power is far from as simple as being king with your fist. There are too many things to worry about, even if it is as strong as the Everlasting Mountain, it would not dare to eat this descendant of the flying immortal in one bite.

Xu Yangyi's face turned cold, he took a step forward and looked directly into the other person's eyes: "We are both at the Nascent Soul realm, fellow Taoist, let me remind you one last time."

"Look at the final signature."

With a dull face, the third elder once again unfolded the file that was wrinkled by the sudden anger, glanced at the signature, and raised his head habitually: "After reading, go to the sect to report..."

The words stopped abruptly here.

She maintained this position, sitting on the spot like a puppet. Three seconds later, she stood up with a groan.

The crumpled file was spread out in front of him at this moment, holding both ends with both hands, like an imperial edict. His old body was shaking so hard that he couldn't even believe his eyes.

"Xu Feng..." She couldn't help but couldn't control her mouth at all, and read out in a hoarse voice: "Practice years...three hundred years...Celestial Spiritual Root, Domain Armor...the completion of the Void Spirit Immortal Body... Late stage of Nascent Soul..."

"The signature is... Ascension Platform?"

"There is no Bulaoshan Ascension Platform!? But the Xukunlun Ascension Platform!?"

Her voice was trembling. It was just three words. She just glanced at it and let it go immediately. Now when she looked carefully, she saw that these were two completely different things!

As powerful as the Immortal Great Sage, he has already built an ascension platform belonging to his subordinate plane, but... there is only one ascension platform in Kunlun!

Is this a genuine ascended monk? !

"Have you finished reading?" Xu Yangyi stretched out his hand indifferently: "Give it to me. I am going to ask the other sects who were waiting for me in Kunlun Xu, maybe they haven't left yet."

Before her hand even touched the file, she brushed it and the third elder shrank it in front of her chest. She looked at Xu Yangyi warily, as if holding her heart. Even if the heart belonged to someone else, she was not allowed to touch it.

"No..." Her eyes were extremely complicated, with vigilance, anxiety, ecstasy, and regret. The four emotions converged into an indescribable river. The expression on her face seemed to be crying or smiling, and she waved her hands repeatedly: "Let me take a good look..."

After saying that, he actually turned around, his spiritual consciousness finally let go, and he inspected the mark of the Kunlun Ascension Platform inch by inch.

Hmm...the imprint is correct...

Hmm...every word is correct...

But... after the entire identity scroll was connected, there were only three words left in her mind.

Too fake!

This resume was so exaggerated that she couldn't believe it!

Three hundred years of the late Nascent Soul, the Armor Realm, the Heavenly Spiritual Root... Is this, is this the third legend coming out? !

A few minutes later, she tried her best to put a smile on her face, but she couldn't smile at all. She was covered in cold sweat, and her withered face kept smiling bitterly, as if a ghost was crying: "Fellow Taoist... this... is this true?"

There were mixed feelings in her heart, and Xu Yangyi didn't even bother to answer such low-level questions. She just stared at the other person blankly, opening her mouth several times but unable to say a word.

Tianjian Villa made the stupidest mistake.

Where can I go with such qualifications? How could it belong to another force? If they really belong, such people will never appear unless they are at the level of saint!

She could already guess how many people were trying to rob the Ascension Platform. Now that Bulaoshan had appointed the other party to come here, they actually pushed others away?

Her face seemed to be crying or smiling for a few seconds. Her legs softened and she was about to kneel down.

This really startled Xu Yangyi, and his spiritual energy immediately rushed out to support him. Yuchang sneered: "Kneel down, just kneel down, it is considered responsible. She knew that their stupid decision was irreversible, so she could only kneel down and beg for mercy. . Hahaha... Little guy, your qualifications are truly a monster. It’s not you she’s kneeling on, but your three hundred years of Heavenly Spiritual Roots and the First Realm.”

"Isn't it still me?" Xu Yangyi smiled and waved his hand, and the previous depression in his heart disappeared. The other party had expressed his stance like this, what else could he say?

"Fellow Taoist...forgive me, forgive me." The third elder was about to kneel down, with tears streaming down his face, and said in a trembling voice: "How many years...thousands of years...we have finally welcomed a person with no family or sect. A true genius!”

"We were wrong...we had preconceptions. For thousands of years, so-called geniuses come to our sect every few hundred years with the 'Proof of Ascension' from the Immortal Mountain. We...we really didn't expect it! I'm neglecting you... …Rong Laoshen will apologize to you on behalf of the elders of the sect.”

After saying that, he was about to kneel down again. Xu Yangyi's scalp felt numb, so he supported the other person and said immediately: "No, let's go back..."

Give me more benefits, such as... the plane below you and so on...

However, the right interruption came: "From now on, we will be a family."

The third elder suddenly stood up, looking like he was still crying.

Probably because the change was too fast, she herself felt a little unnatural. Her old face turned red and she coughed dryly. Then she wiped off a storage ring without hesitation and solemnly stuffed it into Xu Yangyi's hand: "Fellow Taoist, I'd like to apologize for this small gift." …”

She glanced at the ring with great reluctance: "Holy Spirit Pill... It is made by Master Yuan Ling, the great master of Dan Dao, where all spirits return to one sect. It can cleanse the meridians and cut the marrow once... It is one of the top ten pills for Impact Yang Sheng." There are only thirty pills of this panacea in the entire sect.”

Of course Xu Yangyi accepted it unceremoniously.

Seeing him accept it, the third elder breathed a sigh of relief. Spring blossoms were already blooming in his heart. However, he still held the file in his hand and had no intention of returning it to Xu Yangyi.

"We still need to do a final verification on this file." She said with a guilty conscience, not daring to look into Xu Yangyi's eyes.

Not verification.

Instead, use every possibility, even the smallest possibility, to keep the other person.

The other party can go to the ascension platform to reopen the identity file at any time, but... what if the other party is too lazy to run? I just ascended and there is no Lingyu sitting in the long-distance teleportation circle, right?

One more point of possibility is one point of possibility. If you are disrespectful, you must seize every opportunity.

"Watch the tea!" She said immediately before Xu Yangyi could speak.

Suddenly, a lady in the late stage of foundation building came out of the air and placed a cup of fragrant tea in front of Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi took a look and saw that it was the kind that Stargazer had given him.

A brocade stool and a mahogany case appeared at the same time. It took Xu Yangyi so long to sit down.

He did not feel embarrassed, but he believed that after this experience, the sect would be "deeply impressed" by him.

"After I return, I will report it to the sect immediately. Once the true identity is verified, you will immediately enter the first sequence of Daozi inspection." The third elder said immediately after he sat down.

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed with light.

The Taozi before was just a title, but now, I am afraid it is the real Taoist.

"Fellow Daoist, but... I'll tell you the truth. Daozi is the heir to the next sect master. It's very important. The observation time is fifty years..." She suppressed the ecstasy in her heart and pretended to look at Xu Yangyi calmly, for fear of the other party. Somewhat disgusted.

Xu Yangyi picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "A horse's power is known from a distance, and a person's heart is revealed over time."

"Good." The third elder breathed a sigh of relief. There was no problem with Xu Yangyi's talent taking over as the first Taoist disciple, but whether he could sit firmly still depended on his character and Taoist heart.

For a sect in the Seven Realms that can last for thousands or tens of thousands of years, one sect leader can protect the safety of hundreds of thousands of people for thousands of years. This is a heavy responsibility. Even if he is talented enough to make the third elder scream, he does not dare to agree.

After a pause, the third elder's face was completely calm. Where Xu Yangyi did not see it, he wiped his sweaty palms: "Fellow Taoist, if you really want to take over as Taoist Master, you still have a big mountain to overcome."

"Elder brother?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "He is no match for me."

"But he has been in the sect for more than three hundred years." The third elder became completely serious and said in a deep voice: " these thousands of years, you don't really think that only Bulao Mountain will send people here, do you?"

She smiled bitterly: "As long as the Great Sage tilts his head, the people below will follow suit. And... it's not just one person who is interested in the secrets of our Tianjian Villa."

"What secret?" Xu Yangyi finally asked.

"It's the Flying Immortal Legacy of the Heavenly Sword Patriarch." The third elder sneered: "You think you are right, but if you don't have it, you don't have it."

"However, as long as they think there is, you will be sad at this level."

She came closer and lowered her voice: "Have you ever heard of the Kunlun Song family?"

There is only one goal this month, and the number of votes at the end of the month starts with 2. Fellow Taoists, I ask for assists and assists! Assist! !

Ask for five kills! Asking for ace! Please squirt him~!

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