
Chapter 971: Heavenly Sword Master

"The layout of the seven realms, two saints and seven kings, three palaces and four palaces, but these are too far away from us. Each plane is extremely huge, and in each plane, there are some behemoths that are relentlessly impacting The throne. The Kunlun Song family is the most powerful force in Kunlun."

"Three hundred years later, Lord Kong died. You should also know... This senior brother Song Ziyu has been here and never left. Why do you think he is? What is he looking for?"

She looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "You... think he will tolerate you?"

Xu Yangyi held the teacup and said nothing.

If the other person is interested, that's fine. If not... then I don't mind giving him a ride.

On the road to the great road, those who are capable will go up, those who are mediocre will give way, and those who are mediocre will go down. Where can we stand on a higher mountain without fighting?

Ever since he came to the upper world, he had never thought of hiding his edge.

Seeing his calm expression, the third elder keenly caught the murderous intent in the other person's eyes. She mused: "Your competition... actually has a winner and loser. We never knew whether he was a direct lineage or a branch of the Song family. He has never mentioned it. No matter which one he comes from, such a monk must have many protective treasures and have various strange magical powers."

"If you can't kill him once, then his fangs will definitely come to you next time. And it is impossible for us to participate in your fight."

Xu Yangyi nodded. The third elder spoke straightforwardly, and he preferred this style.

If he wins, the other party is indeed of extraordinary origin. Once the Song family raises an army to investigate, with his qualifications, the Song family will only use this as a threat to win over him, and the crime will not lead to death. But once they intervene, the nature will be different. They can advance, attack, retreat or defend. This is the way for large sects to survive.

"Give me a chance." He said calmly.

The third elder's eyes lit up, and then he thought of something. He leaned forward a little with his thin body, and said in a trembling voice: "You...fellow also want to participate in the great battle three hundred years from now?"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "A true disciple of the king has already approached me."

The third elder stood up, his chest rising and falling violently. He paced back and forth in the room for a long time before he said in a deep voice: "From today on, you should hide these words deep in your heart and bury them in your heart. No one can say them."

"You... have never seen a real world of great conflict. Three thousand years ago, twin stars shone together, emperors and empresses competed, one from the south and the other from the north, so that the entire seven realms trembled. All the Yin and Yang saints were prostrate in the two legends. At the foot, in the end...even Taixu had to take a stand. Fellow Taoist, believe me, the seven realms have been intertwined for nearly a hundred thousand years, the sects are in conflict, and the avenues are competing... Once this huge machine wakes up from its slumber, then what will happen? Every step of the crisis, the feeling of walking on thin ice... is enough to eliminate 99% of the monks in the first hundred years."

"Only the remaining 10% can have a chance of attacking the throne of the Five Kings and Two Queens." She looked at Xu Yangyi with twinkling eyes: "There are still three hundred years, not too long nor too short. Before that, there must be those real heavenly beings. Once you reveal that you have this intention, even if it is just a budding threat, you will receive some 'attention' that you never want to receive."

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded. This was a sign of a deeper friendship. The other party was testing him, and he was also testing the sect's attitude.

The third elder paused and said in a deep voice: "But...if you pass the test, still have this idea, and are strong enough, no matter what, we will do our best to push you up!"

"I will report this matter to the sect. In addition..."

She pursed her lips and said, "Just follow me."

She carefully took out a jade pendant, and cast a hazy green light on it. Suddenly, the jade pendant flashed with infinite brilliance, and the light became bigger and bigger until it formed a golden door.

The third elder walked in first, followed by Xu Yangyi.

There was a slight rotation in front of my eyes, which was the effect of the teleportation circle. The white light gradually blurred the charming eyes, and when he opened them again, he had come to a strange place.

A continent.

It is about 10,000 meters in size, with undulating hills, a patch of green grass on the ground, a gravel road, and peach trees on both sides. A black-tiled building in the center is hidden among the layers of peach blossoms.

What surprised him was that this continent was suspended in the endless void, with no stars around it. There was only this 10,000-meter continent in the entire space.

"I lied to you when I said that the Patriarch of Heavenly Sword didn't leave anything behind." The third elder said solemnly: "He left this place... an independent plane that was torn out, and any second-level sect can't , all have this kind of plane as the sect’s last refuge.”

"But Tianjian Villa is not."

She walked slowly with Xu Yangyi and said softly: "Any true Taoist, elder or sect leader will come here. This is not a secret. There is no secret here, but... only when you come here can you be... Acknowledged Taoist competitor."

She took a deep look at Xu Yangyi: "Song Ziyu has never been here."

A few minutes later, the sight suddenly opened up. An ancient Taoist temple stood in the peach blossom forest, with blue bricks and black tiles, green leaves and peach blossoms, which gave it a deep Zen feel.

At the door, a four-legged cauldron was burning with hundreds of incense candles. The third elder looked at the cauldron in a daze: "Go."

Xu Yangyi nodded, picked up three incense candles and walked into the Taoist temple. There is a golden futon inside. Opposite the futon, black and yellow curtains hang down, simple and elegant, and three rows of desks stand like a mountain. On each row, there is a memorial tablet.

Ancestral hall.

Here is the ancestral hall of the successive sect masters of Tianjian Villa.

On the highest sect, there are three animals enshrined, as well as various tributes. There is only one spiritual stele, which is larger than the other stele. It is pure black and has four large characters written on it with silver hooks and iron paintings: Patriarch of the Heavenly Sword. .

On the wall behind the three-row desk, a painting about one meter long and half meter wide hangs there. However, it was blank.

The third elder stood at the door and said slowly: "Three feet above your head, there must be a god. The one on the painting is the founder of the sect, the Heavenly Sword Patriarch. Come. Put up a stick of incense."

Xu Yangyi lifted up his black robe, knelt on the futon, held the incense above his head, and made his first wish when he came to the upper world.

"If you can put me on the throne in three hundred years, I will protect you for a thousand years."

First prayer.

Just when the first prayer fell, morning bells and evening drums seemed to ring in my ears, and a melodious sigh seemed to come across the years.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

Very mysterious.

The moment he bowed down, Xu Yangyi entered a mysterious state, calm as a lake, as if he was in concentration. And this sigh, spanning countless years, threw a stone into the lake and disturbed the spring water.

Where to go in heaven and on earth, when old love and new dreams come.

Right in front of him, the blank scroll of Master Tianjian was shining with golden light, and the Buddha Kingdom in his palm enveloped him within a meter square inch. At the same time, an illusory figure finally appeared on the scroll.

"Wake up!!" Just when Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, a loud shout suddenly sounded in his mind, as loud as thunder, completely breaking the peaceful lake surface.

His whole body trembled slightly, and his eyes became clear again. He gasped like a drowning person, gasping for air, looking at this blank ancient painting with cold sweat on his head.

"There's something weird about this painting!" Yuchang gritted his teeth and said, "It's harmless... but it can reveal all your hidden things! This is the final test of Tianjian Villa! That old immortal..."

The talisman in his right hand shone brightly, and before Xu Yangyi could control it, the fish intestines were already suspended in the air, facing the third elder outside with a murderous aura.

However, before he could fly out, he felt a hand covered in cold sweat holding him.

"No need..." Xu Yangyi stood up weakly. This painting... is too scary. It should be higher than the Lingbao! A few seconds of peace made him feel like he had walked between yin and yang. Whose magic weapon has such terrifying power?

Is this the relic of the monk known as the Flying Immortal?

He wiped the cold sweat from his head and raised his chin towards the third elder. Only then did Yuchang realize that the third elder at the door was like a clay sculpture, standing there with his hand raised like a puppet.

"Time stops!?" Yuchang exclaimed: "This... this is impossible... Although I don't know much about the realm, I have heard that time and space are the two highest realms! This... "

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi raised his hand to interrupt him. He fell into deep thought.

Just now, it seemed as if a void eye had opened in the void, looking at itself indifferently, from top to bottom, inside to outside.

But... very familiar...

I don’t know why, but this feeling is very familiar!

He couldn't tell where it was, but he was sure he had heard that sigh, he had definitely heard it! However, after searching, it was like a spring dream last night, with no trace.

"This is impossible." He stared at the painting: "I have a photographic memory. I can remember anything after seeing it once. I bet I heard that sigh just now. But where is it? ...But I still can’t remember it!”

"This feeling... is also very familiar, absolutely... I have experienced it somewhere... but why can't the elixir spirit with a photographic memory remember it?"

"Is there something weird about this scene, or is there something in this scene?"

Just before his thoughts came to an end, the entire crack in the void began to tremble, as if a giant awakened from the universe, crossed tens of billions of light years, came here, and hit the crack torn apart by the Heavenly Sword Patriarch.

"Crash..." Before the two of them could scream in surprise, the entire 10,000-meter-long land suddenly shattered, and a giant hand of cyan aura appeared silently from the universe, covering the sky and the earth for countless miles in radius, staining the sky. Make a piece of green. Like the Tathagata's five-finger mountain, they are in the palm of their hands.

"This is..." The shock was so great that Yuchang didn't even know what to say. At this moment, the ancient painting shone brightly, and a figure was finally outlined on it.

That was a demon cultivator dressed in linen.

The snake head and human body are obviously nondescript, and the painting style is simple freehand. In his eyes, it seems to stand proudly in the universe and ask the sky.

Indescribable majesty.

The entire land shattered, leaving only a dozen meters of the ancestral hall. In the darkness, two huge cyan eyes shone leisurely.

"You came……"

"You finally came here..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire ancestral hall burst into infinite golden light, like the sun rising up in the sky.

All the spiritual monuments disappeared without a trace, and the high platform, curtains, and ground all turned into a style that Xu Yangyi had seen and so had Yuchang!

The bronze, fish and human carvings were mixed, similar to Egypt, but Dan Ling, who had a photographic memory, immediately reminded him that this was not Egypt!

"The ruins of the Aztec civilization..." A bright light suddenly flashed in Xu Yangyi's mind, and he looked up in shock.


Everything is understood...

"You are..." He looked at the painting of the snake-headed monk floating in front of his eyes, at himself standing on the giant green palm, and at the huge eyes in the distance.

This scene is exactly the same as in the Tower of Babel.

There is only one person who can do this, stop time, transform space, and is familiar with it, and is not allowed to find it at all.

He took a deep breath, and this time, he knelt on one knee and bowed his hands and said: "Greetings to the ancestor of Tianjian."

"Senior Quetzalcoatl!"

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