
Chapter 972: God's True Name

Endless golden light emanated from all directions of the ancestral hall. The table turned into a stone table in the golden light, with a strong ancient earth foreign style, exaggerated human figures, complex carvings, old bronze utensils, and strokes full of charm. The golden light quietly flashed around. After a few minutes, the entire Tianjian ancestral hall had become an altar in the style of Aztec civilization.

The origin of Quetzalcoatl cannot be verified, but it has always been the patron god of this civilization.

It was pitch black all around, with two huge balls of light, a green palm of tens of thousands of miles, and a howling wind in the crack torn by the god. The solemn, murderous, and solemn atmosphere made this place like the residence of the gods.

"Descendants of the Unreturning World, you finally have someone here..." Quetzalcoatl's voice slowly said: "Come to... this unimaginable place."

"Is this the spiritual consciousness it left behind?" Yuchang took a breath of cold air: "Unbelievable... According to Tianjian Villa, 30,000 years ago, Tianjian's ancestor flew to heaven, and this spiritual consciousness... stayed in this crack without any spiritual energy for 30,000 years?!"

Without waiting for their reaction, Quetzalcoatl's voice sounded again: "Many people have asked me what cultivation is."

"I told him that ** is cultivation."

"In order to be more powerful, or even distant immortality, eternal life. In order to wake up and hold power in the world, and lie drunk on the lap of a beauty. This is the origin of all creatures' cultivation."

"But for these **, they will stop, they will be satisfied. They will stop without higher pursuits, because these are not enough to support them to the end. So, they will never reach the top."

In the void, two huge lights flickered, Xu Yangyi seemed to be face to face with this ancient creature, and every word of the other party caused waves in his heart.

"Only if he truly pursues, the law will reward him with eternal life." Quetzalcoatl continued, "Only if he understands what he wants, he will see perfection."

"In my great foresight, I saw your hazy figure, but I can't see your future. You should understand your pursuit, why you practice. For whom you practice."

Xu Yangyi sighed, knowing that the other party couldn't see it, but this sentence completely resonated with him.


For whom?

Looking around the dark universe, he was filled with emotion. But this emotion was only a moment. After a few seconds, he said in a deep voice: "I... want to go to the end of the universe and see the truth of everything."

These two short sentences contain infinite determination and confidence.

This is not **, nor is it ambition, but the most basic human desire for knowledge and instinct.

As if hearing his words, the remaining spiritual consciousness of Quetzalcoatl flashed:

After countless light years and countless years, it seems that the other party really understands himself.

The huge palm and pupils shook lightly. Quetzalcoatl's voice became hazy: "You understand, so I give it to you. The laws of the universe are always fair. As the bearer of the Seed of Chaos, you should get these."

"Seed of Chaos?" Xu Yangyi murmured. It was the first time he knew the name of the seed in his chest.

"The Great Precognition has shown your heroic spirit. What you lack most now is information, so I will give you three pieces of information and three rewards."

"First, there are cultivators from the World of No Return in the Seven Realms."

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed.

The Seven Realms are a typical example of the lower realms overthrowing the upper realms. The two major immortal realms are their heart disease. In this case, there are cultivators from the World of No Return ascending?

Zhang Sanfeng didn't even... Who is it? Who can be more outstanding than the other party?

"They are hiding themselves, and you need their help." The huge palm radiated blue light: "The destined person who can carry the seed of Chaos, I will give you another talisman."

"Swish..." Blue light diffused into his chest, and the voice of Quetzalcoatl slowly said: "There is only one chance in a lifetime, the blessing of the gods. When you have no choice, you can call me, remember my real name: Ketsalkoatl Quetzalcoatl."

Any god has a real name, and only by calling its real name can you get a response.

"This talisman can call each other when you meet. However, its call is made up of my spiritual consciousness, and my body cannot cross the boundary between immortals and mortals, so it can only keep you safe under the void."

"Second, here are seven keys."

"You may not understand this sentence now, but as your status improves, you will understand... Child, I know you have asked many people in the world of no return whether there are immortals, and you should have got the answer. If you want to find the trace of immortals, you must remember this sentence."

"Seven realms, seven keys. They exist in the eternal fog, on the other side of truth and falsehood. Those things that people see but turn a blind eye to, they... are there."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and he kept these words firmly in his heart.

"Third..." Its voice became smaller and smaller, and its giant green hands and eyes also began to fade. Its spiritual consciousness of tens of thousands of years finally couldn't hold on: "This Tianjian Villa, which I founded, hides a story..."

"A can never imagine, and I can't tell it because of the rules..."

"Swish..." The sky was full of green light, and the illusion began to collapse. The last words of Quetzalcoatl came out: "Remember, protect the seed of Chaos. Even if you don't need it now, you will definitely need it in the future..."

The green light filled the sky and turned into endless green clouds.

The voice disappeared completely, but there was silence on the altar.

"What a monster..." Yu Chang sighed and said, "Every word he said carries great opportunities and secrets. If you really want to see the true face of the universe, you must not forget today's opportunity. This is an enlightenment that many people cannot ask for. A few dozen words, quality is more important than quantity."

Xu Yangyi nodded, and the fog that had been suppressed in his heart surged again.


Why did Quetzalcoatl do this to him?

Is he familiar with him?

No, but the other party helped him twice. The first time, his attitude was quite convenient, and this time, he was really helping.

"The difference in attitude before and after comes from his foresight, and it is more likely..." He closed his eyes and touched his chest.

There, the Seed of Chaos has merged with the heart and beats slowly.

"It should be is the real core."

"What's the point of thinking about these?" Yu Chang poured cold water on him: "Which of his words can you understand?"

"That's right." Xu Yangyi smiled with his eyes open: "So, go to Yangsheng first. This is a shortcut to the secrets of the Seven Realms without going to Taixu."

Yu Chang smiled: "Good."

"If you don't reach the realm or the status, everything you think about is a daydream."

Xu Yangyi also smiled freely: "Then first, let me see what is hidden in the Tianjian Villa created by this senior. It can even make this ancient creature specially propose it."

As if sensing his emotions, green light shone in all directions, and in an instant, the ancestral hall of Tianjian Villa was restored again.

Time turns again. At the door, the third elder was stunned for a moment, and his figure finally moved, looking at Xu Yangyi with great satisfaction: "Have you finished burning incense?"

Xu Yangyi looked directly into the other person's eyes. After a few seconds, he was sure that the other person had not felt any changes here at all, and nodded lightly.

"Let's go." The third elder made a gesture of invitation: "I will give you an answer within two days."


Two days later, the whole sect was shocked.

If it was a verbal announcement two days ago, on this day, a thunderous voice rang out from all the five peaks.

"Xu Feng, a cultivator from Tianjian Villa, is talented and respects his teacher. He is appointed as the first Daozi. The leader of the four sects' competition."

Short words, like a boulder thrown into the lake, set off countless ripples.

In the largest cave, the eldest senior brother Song Ziyu with white hair and eyebrows looked at the top of his head with cold eyes. It was obviously as cold as snow, but at this moment it made people feel as hot as fire.

Three hundred years of hard work...

Because of this sentence, it was beaten back to its original form!

The first Daozi, this word is far from being as simple as a noun, and it also includes the tilt of various sect resources. He slipped from the first to the second in an instant, and his face was gone, and his substance was gone.

"Xu Feng..." He gritted his teeth, and the voice of a trapped beast echoed in the cave: "You are here to pick peaches... No matter who you are, you will die!"

"Why get angry?" A feminine voice sounded in the cave: "Does the family know?"

The eldest brother took a few deep breaths, stood up, and waved his hand gently. A white light filled the cave, soft and transparent.

The white marble floor and jade chairs are extremely luxurious. Many famous talismans are engraved around, making the spiritual energy here terrifyingly rich.

He sat down on the chair with a gloomy face, tapping the armrest with his fingers: "No."

"If I can't even take down a mere ascended monk, how can I ask for support from my family?"

"You have to save face." The feminine voice was a little unhappy: "He has broken through seven valleys, and his qualifications are definitely better than yours. Please ask the family's priest to come and kill him with a knife, this is the only way to eliminate the trouble forever..."

"Shut up!" Song Ziyu stood up suddenly like a wounded tiger, gritted his teeth and said: "Do you know... how much does it cost to send a priest? If I am not at the end of my rope, can I ask for it? One time is enough to empty my savings of hundreds of years!"

"What's more... if I still need to ask the family for my training, how will others see me! What qualifications do I have to compete for the throne three hundred years later?! You are naive!!"

The voice shook the whole cave and the feminine voice stopped talking, leaving only the murderous aura in the room.

"Then what are you going to do?" After a long time, the feminine voice said without comment.

Song Ziyu suddenly smiled: "Here is Daozi's first-order cave."

"If he wants to sit, he has to come and get it."

He sat on the jade chair again and sneered: "I will sit here and wait for him."

"I want to see how he can drive me out."

"Don't forget, in our Tianjian Villa, the capable ones are always on top, the average ones are given way, and the mediocre ones are down." He slowly stroked the armrest of the jade chair, and a very cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Even if the old immortals in the sect think highly of him, he can't occupy Daozi's first cave, and he dare not change the sect's rules."

"If he can't occupy it, he doesn't deserve the name."

A cold murderous aura permeated the entire cave like a poisonous snake. His white hair danced without wind, and he said coldly from between his teeth: "From the beginning, I want him to know the gap between us."

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