
Chapter 973: Letter of surrender (I)

He was furious in the cave, but more people were moved by this sentence.

In an ordinary cave, a middle-aged man was practicing. Suddenly, a small sword flashed at the door. He frowned and woke up from his practice. He waved his hand and the door opened suddenly.

"Fellow Daoist Wang." A cultivator said in a deep voice: "Confirmed... Just now the sect issued an order to appoint fellow Daoist Xu as the first Daozi. Leader of the four sects' competition."

The middle-aged man stood up suddenly, his eyes blazing.

"Where is the eldest brother?" Even he couldn't help but tremble when he mentioned this name.

For three hundred years, no one could break the spell of the eldest brother. The power behind him and his talent were enough to suppress others.

"He didn't show up, but he will definitely not accept it."

"Okay... okay!" The man paced around the room for a few times and gritted his teeth and said, "We have been suppressed by him for a hundred years. This stubborn guy... now he finally has a chance to come out!"

"But you must be careful. He has been running this place for more than three hundred years, and there are many people standing on his side. Especially..." He sighed, "Compared with the Kunlun Song family, we are like fireflies compared to the bright moon. Xu Zhenjun can ignore him, he has talent here. After destroying the eldest brother, the Song family may have to win him over. But we are different..."

Three or four people at the door looked at him, and he pondered for a moment: "Once Xu Zhenjun's heart is cold, it will be useless even if we surrender."

"There are about 10,000 people standing on the opposite side of the eldest brother, and there are 40,000 to 50,000 centrists. He has at least more than 30,000 people under his command. We... can't be impatient."

In another cave, ten people were gathered together, and the topic was also today's decree.

"Fellow Daoist Xu has made a great success. There are about a thousand Yuanying in the sect. Although our Ten Heavenly Sword Friends are not the strongest, they are definitely not mediocre. Fellow Daoist Xu will definitely be very pleased with our pledge of allegiance."

"Don't be so impatient. Fellow Daoist Xu's character is unclear. Let's wait and see. I second the proposal. Fellow Daoist Xu and the eldest brother are like planes colliding. There will definitely be a big battle. It depends on when the fuse is lit. That's right, you can get a glimpse of the leopard by looking at his first action. Did the eldest brother take any action?"

"No." A woman in palace dress said in a deep voice: "Now... Wuhui Cave is closing. There is no place to fight. He is waiting... waiting for the four sects competition in five years."

"After the four sects competition, Wuhui Cave will open. He will definitely start from here."

The leading man nodded: "Let's wait and see. Five years... is just a blink of an eye for us. Besides, aren't there many people leading the way for us now?"

At the entrance of Xu Yangyi's temporary cave, hundreds of Jindan were sitting cross-legged in the air.

No one left. They were all people who had been bullied by the eldest brother in the past. When they heard that the order had been implemented, they didn't care about anything else and waited here first.

It's like playing cards. If you have a trump card in your hand, you won't panic, just like the Ten Friends of Tianjian before. As a Yuanying, you will be valued if you surrender to the other party at any time. But they can't.

Among them, there are Jindan and most of the foundation building. Everyone stared at the cave entrance. Just wait for the cave door to open and submit their surrender.

Although compared with the power of the eldest brother, they are just a drizzle, but... it is timely rain.

However, the door has never been opened since it was closed.

Without knowing the situation outside, Xu Yangyi is in the cave at this moment, counting his gains.

The spiritual energy in the cave is very weak. The temporary cave can only be lived in by the foundation building realm at most. But he doesn't need spiritual energy.

A thumb-sized pill hovered in front of him, which was the Holy Spirit Pill given to him by the third elder.

He didn't swallow it, and the spiritual energy in his body was transported away. In his mind, a huge virtual immortal body visualization picture was slowly turning.

"Calm your mind and calm your breath, and unite your body with the Tao." Yu Chang's voice was filled with a melodious Zen meaning: "Turn yourself into an immortal body, and feel the connection between the visualization map. Any practice method with a visualization map is like this."

Xu Yangyi did not answer. Because he was entering a mysterious state of mind at this moment, like a ripple in the lake. Yu Chang's words were the stones that caused ripples, but his spiritual world was peaceful.

With his spiritual consciousness immersed, he seemed to have come to the magnificent universe. After the nine stars were connected, the cauldron refined the immortal body. With each rotation of the huge immortal body like a planet, circles of ripples spread in the spiritual world.

He sat cross-legged behind the nine stars, like the tenth star.

Practice, step by step. The state of mind, the use of spiritual energy, and the understanding of the body must be synchronized with the realm, otherwise it is easy to cause high expectations and low skills.

Jianfeng Qigu got the visualization map, and the third elder gave him the Holy Spirit Pill. It is more important to consolidate his own foundation than to fight with the eldest brother.

If you are eager for quick success, you will destroy yourself.

As he immersed himself in the visualization of spiritual consciousness, he sensitively felt that the immortal body in his body was becoming more and more full. With each rotation of the giant statue, a power that nourished his bones and blood was strangely flowing into his body.

"Your immortal body... is actually very empty." Yu Chang taught earnestly: "I don't know how you practiced to perfection, but there is a fatal flaw. Because you have never seen the visualization diagram of the virtual immortal body, its function is simply to increase your spiritual power. Now the increase is 32 times, however, any immortal body has its most unique side, but you can't use it at all."

"It's like a building, it has a magnificent appearance, but there is no one inside. The building is still a building, it can only play the role of a building, but it can't play its real use."

"I once heard that the Void Spirit Immortal Body is known as the most difficult immortal body, the top ten immortal bodies, and the most difficult among the ten sects. The value of this trip to Sword Wind Valley has made up for the last piece of it for you."

Xu Yangyi listened to it and flowed into his heart, but on the surface he was unmoved. He just guided his spiritual consciousness to rotate synchronously with the giant statue, looking for opportunities.

This is a long process and a patient process.

He was neither impatient nor impatient, searching up and down this road with no end in sight.


The sky is filled with rain.

Countless raindrops fell on the lake, causing ripples all over the lake, like a layer of tulle between heaven and earth. Behind the tulle, there was a beautiful picture.

"Ha..." At the entrance of Xu Yangyi's temporary cave, a monk in the late stage of foundation building sighed, stood up silently, glanced at the closed cave door with disappointment, and walked away.

This is already the seventh month since Tianjian Villa issued the order.

The entrance was full of guests and friends at first, but now it is empty. After all, no one would waste their practice time to gamble on an unknown.

People's hearts can become hot or cold.

"Senior, haven't you come out yet?" A child came riding on white clouds, bowed to Wangchen who was guarding the door, and said with a smile, "Master, please ask me again. Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist Wangchen."

"Not yet." Wangchen politely raised his hands and said, "I will inform the commander when I come out."

"You haven't come out for seven whole months?" At this moment, a high-pitched voice came from not far away and snorted coldly: "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Xu knows that the temporary cave residence only has the right to live in for half a year. After half a year, if there is no The cave is uninhabitable."

As soon as he finished speaking, layers of rain curtains were avoided, and a fat figure stepped into the void, followed by ten children. The space under your feet shrank rapidly, and with just one step, you arrived at the door. Shrink into an inch!

Nascent Soul realm!

"I've met the true king!" The dozen or so people left at the door immediately stood up and bowed respectfully.

Without letting them get up, the fat Yuanying glanced at the closed stone door: "Let me ask you, did Fellow Daoist Xu really not come out even once?"

"Hui Zhenjun, no." Wangchen half-knelt on the ground and spoke cautiously: "Master has told me to retreat and not to let anyone disturb me."

"What a big air." The fat Yuanying sneered: "Situ Kong, the master of the internal affairs hall of this true king, if it hadn't been for today's investigation, I wouldn't have known that the famous Taoist first line actually occupied a dilapidated cave and was reluctant to leave. . The sect is not a welfare institution. It clearly has caves but still invades others. Does Fellow Daoist Xu know how many foundation-building monks there are without caves?”

Everyone's eyes jumped.

Every word is like a sword, every word must be about the sect, and every word must be about the sect's rules. They immediately know...

Take action.

It comes suddenly, but it is not sudden. Any layout starts from small steps, linking one link after another, and finally forms a nine-link chain that is difficult to break. It is too easy to be alarmed by big things. Only by starting from small things can murderous intentions be detected silently.

Senior Brother's aggressive move finally broke out after a lapse of seven months from a liquidation in the Internal Affairs Hall.

The sky became dead in an instant, and only the sound of falling raindrops could be heard. Situ Kong bowed his hand in a polite manner: "For the sake of Daozi, Lord Benzhen tolerated it for a month longer. The cave of fellow Taoist is naturally Daozi's cave, but I don't know if I dare not go there. Is it because I am afraid? Or is it because I am afraid?" "Escape in the name of practice."

There was no answer, and there was silence in the stone gate.

"Hmph." Situ Kong flicked his long sleeves: "The purpose of our Tianjian Villa is that the capable will prevail and the mediocre will give way. If you don't dare to fight, if you don't fight, you won't dare to go if you have a family. The cave of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also It’s not for free, children.”

"Yes." The ten boys behind him replied in unison.

"Open the door." Situ Kong waved his hand, and a cloud flew over and turned into a cloud seat. He sat on the throne and waved his hand: "Check."

"'Please' this Taoist come out and see if there is any damage. According to the rules, pay ten times the amount."

No one around spoke.

Seven months of seclusion has become a symbol of Xu Feng's fear of conflict with his senior brother in the eyes of many people. However, the other party did not give up, but pushed further and now he came to the door!

There is an inspection item in the sect rules, but this has never been carried out for monks, let alone Taoism. If Xu Yangyi, who was the Nascent Soul and the first Taoist disciple, was kicked out like this, it would be like stepping on his face and peeing on him.

What do people who are ready to surrender think?

What do people on the sidelines think?

Everyone looked at the cave in silence.

Facing the extended fangs of the elder brother, is it a fight? Is it and? Is it Jean?

"Senior!" Wangchen said anxiously: "Master is in retreat, please don't disturb him! You also know that once the retreat is disturbed..."

Before he finished speaking, a spiritual energy pinched his chin and made him raise his head. Look directly into Situ Kong's cold eyes.

"Your master's rules are the rules?"

"Are Benzhen-Jun's rules not rules?"

"Is your master more powerful, or is it the rules of Tianjian Villa?" He snorted coldly, and with a flick of his hand, Wangchen was thrown hundreds of meters away without any resistance. Situ Kong said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Xu, you give me face by yourself. Don't ask me to ask for sect regulations. It's not me who has the final say whether I will give you this Taoist face."

3 updates on Sunday, I hope the number of monthly votes at the end of this month will be 2... Thank you all! Please help! Calling on fellow Taoists from all walks of life to help

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