
Chapter 974: Letter of Submission (Part 2)

"Boom!" Wangchen hit the mountain. Situ Kong's men showed no mercy. Suddenly, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

In the rain curtain, I don’t know how many people are watching this scene with their spiritual consciousness.

"What do you do?" On top of the five peaks, the five spiritual consciousnesses communicated again: "Watch?"

"Of course." The sect leader said slowly: "The purpose of this sect cannot be changed. It is also a good time to observe his character and Taoist heart."

After a pause, he said with a hint of suppressed excitement: "If it is certain, this person... can revitalize our sect for thousands of years!"

"The edge of a sword is sharpened. For the sake of the revitalization of the sect, we must not get carried away when we see extremely qualified people."

In all the caves, everyone who is impressed by the senior brother or dissatisfied with him is looking here.

"It's up to the owner to beat a dog. Senior Situ relied on his senior brother to beat the dog in front of Xu Daozi's door. It's really majestic." In a cave, the seventh princess leisurely picked up a spirit fruit and sneered: "But That’s fine.”

"Xu Daozi has never taken action since he joined the sect. The only third elder who has seen him kept silent. I also want to know what his strength is."

"If this Taoist disciple of our sect falls into the hands of a fake master who only talks about it but does not practice it, then he will lose the prestige of the descendants of Feixian."

In another cave, the Ten Friends of Heavenly Sword also looked at this place intently, and they all knew it. The eldest brother is very thoughtful. Now that he has decided to start, then... the battle for the Heavenly Sword has begun.

From front to back, the opponent must have made arrangements, and a series of difficulties are waiting for the opponent. Even they are worried about this Taoist who has not yet come forward.

"Senior." Wangchen flew up from the mountain, gritted his teeth to hold back the surge of blood in his heart, and said with cupped hands: "Master is indeed in retreat..."

Before he finished speaking, he was speechless.

Situ Kong casually drew a magic formula, and Wangchen was speechless. He glanced at the other party coldly: "You yell and scream in front of me, you don't know your dignity, you really resemble your master."

"Fifty palms and mouths."

As the last word disappeared, Wangchen's hand couldn't help but move, and he slapped himself in the face.


The loud sound was extremely clear in the rain, and no one around him dared to dissuade him.

This is a move that completely breaks their faces. If they dare to step forward, they are standing on the opposite side of their senior brother. However... now that Xu Yangyi has closed the door to thank guests, how can they dare to step forward?

As soon as the slap fell, five finger prints suddenly appeared on Wangchen's face, and his eyes instantly filled with murderous intent. On earth, he was also a hero. He thanked Xu Yangyi because the other party kept his promise. He was just a mortal, but the other party actually kept his original promise, which made him decide to follow him.

He can bow to his master, but that doesn't mean he has to kneel down to these people.

"Are you dissatisfied?" Situ Kong keenly caught his fleeting gaze and sneered: "Ben Zhenjun is also in the late Yuan Ying stage, and is in the same realm as your master. Today, I will punish and teach you on behalf of my teacher. How do you write the words "Be a human being with your tail between your legs?"

"Pah!" Another slap hit Wangchen's face again. Wangchen had murderous intent in his heart, but he didn't have the strength, so he could only bear it with gritted teeth.

The door is still not open.

"Law enforcement team." Situ Kong probably also felt that it was too boring to humiliate a monk who had just gained the golden elixir, so he said calmly: "Take it back to the torture hall and give you a hundred sticks."

"Brush!" Following his words, a golden light flashed across the sky. Before anyone arrived, the pressure of three Nascent Souls had already enveloped the sky.

Three late Nascent Souls!

"Zi..." The boy who was waiting before gasped and wanted to leave immediately. Just as they started, Situ Kong's voice came over faintly: "No one is allowed to leave."

All the monks around who wanted to leave this place of right and wrong stopped.

"I..." The boy was almost crying. Everyone could see how well prepared the senior brother was. The sect's rules came first and the law enforcement team came behind. Once Xu Yangyi shrinks his head, he is disobeying the sect's order. No matter what the law enforcement team does, Everyone will take action. To stand out... In today's battle, they are obviously planning to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, and Xu Yangyi is that chicken.

Shock all double-minded monks. Tell the entire Tianjian Villa who is the true king here!

"You are the boy of Fellow Daoist Zhao, right?" Situ Kong said coldly: "Today, everyone will bear witness."

"Let's see if it's me who violates the sect's rules, or there's someone else who is arrogant and ignores the sect's rules!"

"Hall Master Situ?" Followed by the golden light that filled the sky, the Nascent Soul cultivator who led the law enforcement team smiled slightly: "What a coincidence, is there something wrong?"

It's a coincidence, it's a coincidence.

"This son disrespected his elders and disobeyed the sect's orders. He also asked fellow Taoist Wang to take action and was taken to the torture hall for trial. Afterwards, he was thrown into the Black Wind Cliff and faced the wall for fifty years." Situ Kong said, stroking his fingers gently.

"Really?" A tall and thin monk next to the leader said, "But I don't know whose subordinate he is?"

"The current Taoist Master Xu Dazhen, who has just taken office seven months ago, dares not to leave his house and dare not return home." Situ Kong looked at the closed mountain gate and sneered: "Little guy, why are you doing this? It’s really embarrassing for you to be a errand.”

Wangchen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "It's not your turn to care about who I work for."

"Presumptuous." The tall and thin monk sneered: "Who gave you the courage? Dare you to be arrogant in front of the backbone of Nascent Soul?"

"Come here. When you get to the execution hall, Ben Zhenjun will naturally help you improve your memory."

A giant golden hand grabbed Wangchen like a chicken. Wangchen took a deep breath and closed his eyes.


Master, you still haven’t come out yet?

Am I so insignificant in your heart?

Or have you completely lost the blood of the lower world after reaching the upper realm?

If that's the case, I... won't follow you anymore.

Everyone watched this scene, looking for opportunities first and enforcing the law later. Even if the elders wanted to intervene in the whole process, it would be unreasonable. But... if Wangchen was captured like this, Xu Yangyi's path to becoming a Taoist would be declared over.

If he couldn't even protect his companions who ascended, how could he protect others?

Who dared to believe it?

"Boom boom boom..." The giant hand was overwhelming, and there was no trace of spiritual energy in front of Xu Yangyi's cave. The rolling waves hit the closed master's door layer by layer. Situ Kong and the three Yuanyings seemed relaxed, but in fact they were all staring at the master's door.

On the five peaks, the five elders looked more serious.

In the cave of the seventh princess, she had already stood up and squinted at this decisive palm.

There were also countless people, all watching here.

Just when the giant hand was about to grab Wangchen, suddenly, a ray of light shot straight into the sky, and a green giant shadow rose dimly in the light, bells and chimes rang, and immortal music burst out.

"This is..." Situ Kong's eyes tightened: "Is it a sign of the true success of the virtual spirit immortal body? But... he gave up?"

Before he finished thinking, an extremely cold and murderous voice resounded around: "Okay."

"Very good."

"You really don't know whether you will live or die if you can make me give up the breakthrough and come out to clean you up."

The last four words, like a big bell, rang in everyone's ears. Those below the Nascent Soul stage were all shocked. The next second, a blue-black light, like a holy sword that cut through the sky, rushed out from the crack of the door!

He made a move...

Xu Zhenjun finally made a move!

The tall and thin monk's eyes flashed, and the next second the golden giant hand suddenly increased its strength, vowing to crush Wangchen into pieces.

"Who dares to move my people?"

"Boom!!" However, at the moment of contact with the golden hand, it suddenly turned into black air all over the sky. A black giant palm, with a radius of one kilometer, grabbed up from below, like a devil reaching out, and then the golden giant hand broke with a sound!

"Shua La La!" The golden and black shock wave ravaged the whole place, and the terrifying wind blew everyone around and flew out. Situ Kong stood up suddenly with a sneer on his face, and a token with streamer rushed straight into the sky: "The current Taoist Xu Feng disobeyed the sect order! Where is the law enforcement team! Arrest him!!"

"Don't leave any one alive!!"

"Shua Shu Shu Shu!" The streamer just rose into the air, and in an instant, hundreds of streamers rose at the same time from all directions. This invisible net, as Xu Yangyi did not hesitate to save Wang Chen, was finally fully opened!

"The Suzaku Team of the Law Enforcement Hall is here. Who dares to disobey the sect's order and fight in private? Someone attacked the Law Enforcement Team? How dare you! The Xuanwu Team of the Law Enforcement Hall is here. Who dares to cause trouble in Tianjian Villa?"

A series of magnificent voices rang out, and hundreds of golden elixir auras instantly filled the sky, among which there were at least seven or eight Yuanying-level auras. Two long sighs came from the horizon, and the auras of two Yuanying Great Perfection turned into half a sky of blue clouds. Two voices helplessly said, "Captain of the Law Enforcement Hall, Guhe Zhenjun, Daozi, please show mercy. Deputy Captain of the Law Enforcement Hall, Chenmeng Zhenjun, please don't act lightly."

With hundreds of golden lights rising, the matter finally became a big deal as the eldest brother wished. The two centrist law enforcement captains could no longer stay out of it.

It's not about right or wrong, but different positions.

"At Tianjian Villa, only the law enforcement team can use magical powers. Others... no one can." Situ Kong sneered as he looked at everything in front of him, as well as the two rays of light in the sky and the thousands of law enforcement team members behind him, with a murderous smile on his face: "Violators... will be beaten with a stick for 500 times and face the wall on the Black Wind Cliff for 100 years."

Amid the howling wind and the surge of golden and black light, he patted his sleeves and retired: "Xu Daozi, let's see you later."

At this moment, everyone in the audience exclaimed in unison, and they almost jumped up in fright.

Time seemed to slow down.

Situ Kong felt something flying past him from the side, and then he turned his head to look.

There was a crazy wind wave in his ears, and there was a stunning figure. Unfortunately, this figure was flying backwards, and at the same time, this person's face was full of disbelief.

Everyone's head moved with his body shape, and the Jindan foundation-building cultivators who were blown away looked at the tall and thin monk with their mouths wide open, staring at the gate, flying backwards for thousands of meters like a marble, and disappearing at the end of the sky.

Time goes by again.

Situ Kong suddenly turned his head, his face showing surprise, which then turned into shock, and then... he stepped back several steps, and the spiritual energy in his body surged wildly!

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