
Chapter 975: Letter of Submission (Part 3)

"Boom, boom, boom!" Underfoot, a field of howling ghosts and wolves was fully opened, but at the same time, two major fields around him were opened at the same time.

He glanced in surprise and found that the other two team leaders were looking at him in astonishment.

The realm opened... and with almost no thought, their hearts suddenly turned from the blazing heat to a cold state. This is an instinctive reaction when facing a high-level predator. At that moment, they almost feel that this enemy is unable to compete.

Slap a law enforcement captain away with one palm... This kind of strength...

Shaking his head violently, all the nerves in Situ Kong's body suddenly tightened. At the same time, his figure was like a wild goose, and he flew back quickly, shouting: "Taoist Xu Feng, disobey the sect's order! Injure the law enforcement captain! You should be expelled according to the sect's rules." Go out to the wall! Witness the whole sect!”

His voice was like thunder and could be heard clearly within tens of thousands of meters.

The matter is over, there is no need to stay here, especially... It was like a huge storm suddenly rising on the lake just now, and that feeling of panic lingered in his heart like a devil.

However, the next second, his expression froze.

It wasn't just him... everyone around him took a breath. Black flames surged into the sky from all directions. Then, countless branch-like barbs appeared from the void, sealing everyone tightly in the surrounding area. Within three thousand meters!

Black prison, devil's table. It is completely isolated from the law enforcement team coming from outside. No one can enter from the outside and no one can leave from the inside.

"Xu Feng..." Situ Kong was covered in cold sweat. He had successfully retired, but he had no intention of fighting with the opponent: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't you want to disobey the law? You are treasonous and unethical! As a Taoist disciple, what face do you have to stay in the sect!"

It still sounded like thunder, but this time there was a hint of trembling in the thunder, and the look was fierce and the heart was soft, to strengthen his courage.

There was no answer. Situ Kong breathed a long sigh of relief, wiped the sweat on his robe, and said in a hissing voice: "The state has national rules, and every family has its own laws. If I understand your mistake, you will immediately tie your hands and go to the execution hall to plead guilty." , we also respect you and will not escort you over..."

At the moment when these words fell, the void flickered in all directions. Dead trees emerged from the void and criss-crossed. In less than a few seconds, they formed a giant palm of dead trees, covered with barbs, and suddenly moved towards Situ Kong. Catch the top of the head.

For a second, this space was silent.

Situ Kong was stunned.

The law enforcement team who were surrounded by the restricted area were stunned.

The Jindan people around who couldn't get out were stunned.

No one expected that once a strong wind blew on the calm lake surface, it would be as quiet as a virgin and as active as a stray rabbit, and then there would be a raging wave like the ocean.

I didn’t even bother to talk about the situation, so I just took action.

"How presumptuous!! As a Taoist, how can you put the majesty of the sect on you!" While Situ Kong was stunned, two voices beside him burst out, a feather fan and a dagger rushed into the sky with a majestic divine light. , turned into a goshawk and a white crane, and pounced directly on the giant hand.


This is a provocation to the law enforcement team, as well as to the Internal Affairs Hall and Senior Brother.

Don't take them seriously at all?

"You are looking for death!" A law enforcement captain said with murderous intent in his eyes: "Do you really think you can fight against the entire law enforcement team by yourself?! If you fall into our hands, no matter what you do, you will definitely be exposed in all kinds of ways!"

The director flew across the sky, shining for thousands of miles, and the goshawk and white crane rose in the wind. In an instant, they were hundreds of meters in size. The moment the three came into contact, the eyes of the two law enforcement captains suddenly widened, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

In the eyes of disbelief, the two magic weapons turned into dots of spiritual light while wailing, without any blocking effect, they were instantly wiped out! "This..." Facing the giant palm above their heads, the two people just said a word in a daze. The next second, the strong wind pressed down by the thousand-meter giant hand set off a frenzy. The two law enforcement Nascent Souls did not even hum, and were directly hit by Blow hundreds of meters away.

Everyone's eyes followed the mechanical head and turned around, looking at the two figures flying upside down in shock.

" the leader of the law enforcement team, the True Lord?" A mid-Jindan mid-level man said in a daze, but no one answered him.

No one could believe that the leader of the law enforcement team, who was usually known as the strong man of the sect, could not take a single move.

But... Situ Kong didn't have such a leisurely mind. His face was ferocious, and the two Nascent Souls were knocked away without any resistance. He was left alone, with veins pulsing on his forehead and his clothes soaked with sweat.

"This kind of..." The teeth were clattering, and with one move, within the realm, in the palm of the Buddha's hand, a world of its own was created.

He actually felt like the ruins of Kunlun were collapsing in front of him!

"This... this kind of damn..." His arms were already cracking under the load, and he suddenly shouted: "Break it for Ben Zhenjun!!"

"Boom!!" Above his head, the sky collapsed, and the blue aura around him rolled up. However, his expression changed immediately, and he was knocked down to the eighteenth level of hell with a scream.

The sky is rolled up with beaded curtains, half of the Milky Way sky, the blue light in the sky is full of dead trees, the giant palms are pressed down without any suspense, the space is broken layer by layer, the murderous intention rising into the sky, the overwhelming cultivation, covering the sky and the sun, blocking Situ Kong's vision in everything.

"No!!!" The exclamation suddenly fell, and the two true monarchs, Guhe and Chenmeng, were shocked. If Situ Kong was really killed, the leader of the Internal Affairs Hall, no matter who he was, must be expelled from the sect. Door.

"Stop! Daozi think twice!!"

However, they were unable to break through this realm at all.

Within the restraint, Situ Kong was quickly suppressed and fell. He was completely panicked. The strong wind blew past his ears, his pupils were tightened, and his heart was in a mess.

This guy really wants to kill himself!

Isn't he afraid? Isn't he worried about the revenge of the senior brother? He is the head of Tianjian Villa! How can he do this?

Drops of cold sweat flowed down his forehead, and thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind. Why is the law enforcement team so vulnerable? Doesn't he usually claim to be in the top ten of the sect? Why is this guy so bold?

"Boom boom boom!" He gritted his teeth and stared at the giant palm, thinking that the other party would slow down at the last moment. He didn't dare to kill a head of the internal affairs hall, absolutely not!

However, it didn't happen.

In the pupil, the palm made of dead wood became clearer and clearer, and the palm lines were clearly visible. Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters!

Fifty meters!

Situ Kong heard the sound of his heart defense breaking.

"Daoyou, stop!" Just when the giant palm fell thirty meters, he finally couldn't help screaming, like a duck with a pinched throat: "Daoyou... show mercy..."


The huge palm stopped above Situ Kong's head, and the sky below sank slightly. Situ Kong groaned, and the blood in his body surged wildly.

It was too scary...

The wind pressure alone made him unable to move. At this moment... he felt like a rabbit under a tiger. The tiger stroked the rabbit's head with its paws, which was a joke.

"You know how to be afraid too?"

Xu Yangyi's calm and mocking voice resounded through the air, making the world dead silent.

Situ Kong trembled and dared not speak. The other party didn't even open the door. With just one move, he overwhelmed the four Yuanying! One Yuanying was knocked away and disappeared, two were blown aside and couldn't intervene at all, and he himself... was like a cat playing with a mouse, sweating all over his forehead.

That was the fear of surviving a disaster.

Everyone around, you look at me, I look at you, no matter who it is, all opened their mouths and looked at this scene in shock.

Four Yuanyings were repelled with one blow!

This... How could this be done!

In the Seventh Princess's Cave, the Seventh Princess stood up suddenly. The exquisite utensils in her hands fell to the ground because she stood up too violently. She had never heard of it in the jingling sound, but her spiritual consciousness suddenly fluctuated, as crazy as a storm.

"Am I seeing things?" After a few seconds, she widened her eyes and trembled, "There are five captains of the law enforcement team... He defeated three of them! And Situ Kong, the hall master?!"

"Is he a Yuanying or a Yin Zun?!"

In the cave of the Ten Friends of the Heavenly Sword, everyone stood up in shock, stood up silently, opened their mouths, shook their heads, and looked at all this in disbelief.

They knew how strong the law enforcement team was, but now they were like flies, four of them were slapped?

At first, I thought I surrendered and took the initiative, but the feeling disappeared with this slap. Instead, there was a suppressed excitement, a kind of madness in silence.

They didn't know where it came from, because it was just the human instinct to obey the strong.

"This kind of strength..." One of the Ten Friends swallowed his saliva dryly: "In the same realm... I'm afraid that if you can't say that he is invincible, he is on par with the Daozi of the Nine True and Nine Difficult Sect, right?"

"Big Brother... I'm afraid you've hit a wall this time..."

In the largest cave, Big Brother sat on the central jade chair, tapping the armrests with his slender fingers, feeling the hundreds of spiritual powers that suddenly rose from Xu Yangyi's direction, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

"You want to compete with this True Lord for the position of Daozi?"

"You are worthy?"

"As long as he makes a move, he's done." Below him, eight Nascent Soul cultivators were sitting cross-legged in the void, and the worst one was also in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. And most of them were wearing a jade badge.

Some were a sword, some were a book, and some were a pill. Only the hall master could wear this badge.

Above the hall master were the elders, which meant... In the eight major departments of the entire Tianjian Villa, at least four or five elders stood on the side of Big Brother.

In the past, there were no competitors. When the real competitors appeared, they could not withdraw after hundreds of years of entanglement of interests.

"If he doesn't take action, it's no different from being finished." The elder of the Punishment Hall with a sword on his chest sneered: "The sect has a rule that private fights are resolved by the Punishment Hall. Isn't the Punishment Hall the one that has the final say?"

"Once he falls into my hands... there are sect rules, unless he can kill all the Yuanying of the sect alone, otherwise..."

At this moment, a sudden wave of fluctuations came from the space, and everyone's brows moved slightly, which was a sign of action.

The eldest brother looked normal, his spiritual consciousness rolled out wildly, and there was a comfortable smile on the corner of his mouth. He was looking forward to seeing the other party bow his head. Here, he is the king. Any new king is not considered a king without his approval. Even the sect can't do that!

However, this smile froze.

"This..." He suddenly opened his eyes, held the handrail tightly and stood up, looking straight at the periphery, motionless like a machine.

Not only him, but everyone around him stood up at the same time with a gasp, their mouths wide open, everyone's face was shocked.

What on earth is going on?

Such a tight net, but it can't catch him? He was hit by this big fish and a hole was made, but he was still unharmed?

"Is this... the true strength of Lian Po Qi Gu?" The elders of the Punishment Hall all raised their heads, and their hands that were pulling their beards were shaking: "One palm of the four Yuanying... Is this the reincarnation of the ancestor?!"

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