
Chapter 976: Breaking the Dao Heart

The entire Tianjian Villa was in a dead silence.

Those who were paying attention to this place, those who were neutral, those who were from the faction of the eldest brother, and those who wanted to surrender, all looked at this place in amazement.

Daozi Xu Feng was very low-key, so low-key that after becoming the first in the Daozi ranking, he did not go to grab the cave of the first Daozi, but chose to go into seclusion.

Admittedly, it was just a cave, but it represented the dignity of the Daozi.

He did not move, and no one dared to express his opinion. Today, the eldest brother suddenly showed his fangs, but he did not expect that the slap in the face would come so quickly and so fiercely.

Not only was there silence in the eldest brother's cave, but others did not dare to say a word.

At the entrance of Xu Yangyi's cave, Wang Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and pursed his lips fiercely. The master finally took action. It was not that he ignored him, but he was indeed in seclusion, and even gave up the time to impact the real great success for him. Just for this, he admired it very much.

The master could do this for his disciples, what else could he ask for?

The huge palm flashed with black light and slowly raised above Situ Kong's head.

Situ Kong breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn't dare to kill himself... Why didn't he hold on for a few more seconds? He should have thought, where does the other party get the courage to not give the senior brother a little face?

His legs were weak and he was sweating all over. However, before he could take a breath, the giant palm above his head condensed into a fist in the flashing black light, and then...

raised his index finger at him.

Situ Kong's pupils were occupied by this index finger, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.

The other party didn't let him go at all!

He understood... He understood the other party's mood, and at this moment, the strange mood was connected. Daozi didn't spare him, but thought that it was too easy to suppress him with a slap, and... he didn't deserve it.

"This is..." Outside the ban, Chen Meng and Guhe were both stunned.

What a tough Daozi...

What a ruthless Xu Feng!

If you provoke him, don't think about peace. Since you dare to come, you must be mentally prepared to receive Daozi's anger.

"Let's..." Chen Meng opened his mouth, but found his voice hoarse, and coughed lightly: "Are you still going in?"

Guhe stared blankly at Xu Yangyi's cave, which had not been opened yet, and said hoarsely after a long time: "Do you dare..."

Before he finished speaking, the index finger in the field pressed down towards Situ Kong without any warning.

"You!!!" With a scream, Situ Kong's soul was gone, and his whole body of spiritual power exploded, but after contacting that finger, it was like spring sun melting snow, and there was no resistance at all, and he was directly pressed down.

In an extremely humiliating state, it was the posture of a person crushing a mosquito.

Wang Chen took a deep breath, and a surge of blood rushed up in his heart, staring at this picture.

This is the master venting his anger for himself!

The other party has admitted defeat. In the position of the master, the best choice is to expose this section.

But the other party did not.

As he said, who dares to touch his people?

Use actions to correct his name!

Situ Kong screamed wildly, and layers of black light and blue light emanated from the place where his fingers met like the tide. He was desperately resisting and had no time to say a word. Compared with his arrogance just now, it was a world of difference.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the finger fell down without a pause.

Damn... Damn!!

Under the finger, Situ Kong's eyes were about to burst. He had practiced for 600 years, was in the Nascent Soul stage, and was the head of the Internal Affairs Hall. Anyone who saw him had to smile and salute, calling him the head of the Situ Hall. Now, he was treated as a fly in front of a small cave, and was beaten to dust in such a humiliating manner!

Hatred only flashed by, because another feeling called fear was madly devouring his heart.

Unable to stop...

Absolutely unstoppable!

Only by personal contact can you feel the strength of Xu Feng! It's not that the law enforcement team is useless, but that the opponent's strength is too beyond imagination!

"This kind of monster..." His eyes were red, and he mobilized all his magic weapons, spiritual energy, and magical powers, forming a thousand-meter blue tide around him, but under one finger, it collapsed layer by layer.

The gorgeous fireworks like rain proved the unparalleled strength of the same realm.

A perfect foil.

There are still three hundred meters of ground...

In just one or two seconds, it seemed like a year or two had passed for him. If the other party didn't stop when he landed, he would immediately fall here!

"Stop... Stop..." In the interlaced black and blue light, Situ Kong's extremely terrified voice finally sounded: "Stop... Stop!!"

No one paid attention.

Instead, the finger force was even stronger! This time, the whole finger was illusory for a while, and then a thousand feet of black light burst out from the gap between the dead wood, like a golden hoop, and fell down with a bang!

"Stop! Stop!!!" Situ Kong's soul flew away, no longer caring about a trace of face, screaming like crazy: "Xu Feng! Xu Daozi! Stop! Stop!!"

Kakaka! As the space was broken, everyone saw that Situ Kong under his finger was really like a fly, one hundred meters, fifty meters, and thirty meters away from the ground!

Situ Kong was crazy.

Really crazy.

He had never felt death so close to him. The great fear made him completely collapse. He screamed desperately: "Daozi, stop! Please! Please! Stop! Spare my life!!"

"I admit my fault! I admit my fault! It was me who provoked, I abused my power! It was me who mobilized the law enforcement team without order! It was me, it was all me!!"

"Please spare my life, Daozi!!"

His mind was blank, and now he had only one thought, which was to survive.

No matter what, he didn't want to die! He couldn't die in such humiliation!

"Shua..." As these three sentences were shouted, the fingers stopped abruptly.

At this moment, Situ Kong was only three meters away from the ground.

His heavy clothes were soaked with sweat. In just a few seconds, his frightened white hair suddenly grew, and his face was haggard. Only his two eyes were wide open and blood red, indicating that he was still alive.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his fingers pressed lightly, and with a bang, he was pressed into the ground.

"Boom..." In the Gobi Basin, a circle of yellow sand shock waves rose. People can kill flies with just one finger.

"You asked me to stop, so I stopped?" Xu Yangyi's voice sounded slowly: "Have you ever stopped when my apprentice asked you to stop?"

"If apologies are useful, what's the point of practicing?"

The huge palm flashed with black light, and finally slowly disappeared, revealing Situ Kong, who was spitting blood from his mouth, crawling on the ground like a dead tree, lying on the ground like a defeated dog, with a dull expression, white hair, and shaking all over.

He is not dead yet.

The last blow did not use too much power. However, the feeling of being on the verge of death, the torture to the heart, almost broke his heart.

The entrance of the stone cave finally opened slowly. The three thousand meters of ban outside disappeared at the same time.

Hundreds of Jindan, Guhe, Chenmeng, and the other three law enforcement captains around not only did not step forward, but took a step back. They looked at the person coming out with great fear.


A real monster.

No one dared to call for his arrest. The previous momentum was as if it had never existed and disappeared.

Xu Yangyi glanced around lightly, and no one dared to look at him.

"Stand up." He looked at the dozens of meters big pit on the ground, and Situ Kong who was like a dead bamboo in it, and said coldly: "Apologize."

Situ Kong trembled all over. At this moment, his mind was blank. Only Xu Yangyi's voice could penetrate this almost broken mind.

Frightened and terrified, he had deeply planted a fear of this trusting Taoist. From now on, it would be impossible for him to be an enemy of Xu Yangyi. This sense of fear even far exceeded the interest entanglement with the eldest brother.

"Situ Kong is finished." Gu He looked at Situ Kong, sighed, and shook his head: "The Dao heart is broken. If he completely obeys Xu Daozi, he may still be promoted to Yin Zun. If he goes against the Dao... As long as Xu Daozi is alive, he will not make any progress."

"No matter what, he will be a slave for life, and no contract is required. This Xu Daozi... has a strong murderous intention."

"If you provoke him, you will either surrender completely or be killed. Song Ziyu... I'm afraid you have provoked someone you shouldn't have provoked this time..."

Xu Yangyi's figure slowly floated out, and with a wave of his hand, the surrounding spiritual light Condensed, forming an invisible chair, he gently threw off his robe, sat on it, and looked down at Situ Kong expressionlessly: "Didn't you hear it?"

"Yes..." Situ Kong was stunned, like a puppet, struggling to stand up, his gorgeous clothes were now covered with dust, but he didn't dare to wipe it off, and bowed deeply: "Yes... I was wrong..."

"I shouldn't have believed the words of villains, everything is my fault..."

"Did you admit your mistakes to me?" Xu Yangyi showed no mercy. At this point, if he didn't kill the chicken to scare the monkey, he would be the chicken killed.

"Think about it carefully, who should you admit your mistakes to."

Situ Kong trembled, and then looked at Wang Chen with a complicated expression.

The other party also looked straight into his eyes.

In his heart like a dry well, Situ Kong finally had a little emotional fluctuation.


Let him admit his mistakes to a mere Jindan early stage!

Who does he think he is!

If it weren't for you behind him, even if I crushed him to death with one finger, he wouldn't be able to fart!

"Remember your attitude when you apologize." Just when his mood was just fluctuating, that cold voice sounded again. In an instant, it was like a devil's hand that cut off all the signs of fluctuation.

The next second, everyone opened their mouths wide and looked at Situ Kong, the elder of the Internal Affairs Hall, in shock. He arched his hands and bowed to the bottom. He didn't dare to stand up at all. His voice was trembling: "Old man... Situ Kong, I admit my mistake to you..."

Wang Chen bit his lips tightly. He knew... He always knew that the master was not easy to mess with. At first, he thought that the master would be patient in the upper realm, but he didn't. Instead, he was stronger than the earth!

A Yuanying admitted his mistake to Jindan?

Or hundreds of Jindan, several Yuanying?

He never thought about it. When did he want to slap Situ Kong in the face? But, he was not strong enough.

However, the master helped him fight, but he never thought that in this situation, Situ Kong, who was in a high position and had great power, could actually admit his mistake to himself.

Hundreds of people around looked at Situ Kong's bow with extremely complicated expressions.

They knew that after this bow, Situ Kong would be completely finished. His reputation of hundreds of years was ruined, and he became a laughing stock among the Nascent Souls. Moreover, his Dao Heart was broken, and it was almost impossible for him to be an enemy of Daozi.

Who could have imagined... the head of the Internal Affairs Hall who was so arrogant more than an hour ago, would be like this now?

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