
Chapter 977: Debt Collection

"It's going to change..." the boy bit his lips and murmured, looking around calmly.

Countless eyes met, and the cultivator who was still stunned before had a hint of forbearing ecstasy on his face.

I don't know how many people looked at the cave of the eldest brother.

Elder brother, I know you are also looking here, are you... scared?

Want to kill a chicken to scare the monkey, your great helper, the arrogant head of the Internal Affairs Hall, Situ Kong, was forced to bow and apologize to Jindan in front of everyone, and his Tao heart was broken. Are you... scared?

Four Yuanying were knocked away with one palm, and the law enforcement team was all the top 20 cultivators in the sect who took turns to serve. Except for Yin Zun, who can do this without leaving the door?

Are you... scared?

There was a heartbeat like a drum in the silence. After a few seconds, the boy suddenly knelt down and bowed his hands and said: "Welcome the Taoist to come out of retreat!"

This voice seemed to remind everyone. Dozens of golden elixirs waiting in front of this cave, pushing the golden mountain to topple the jade pillars, all knelt down one by one, sincere and excited, and shouted hoarsely, "Welcome Daozi! From now on, follow the lead of Xu Daozi! Congratulations to Daozi on his great magical powers! From now on, he will rise straight to the sky!"

The cheers were like thunder, shaking the sky.

It was Daozi, not the "current" Daozi, nor Xu Daozi.

Only Daozi.

Only recognize one person.

Outside the restriction, the two Zhenjun looked at each other, smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

Terrible... This Xu Daozi's decisiveness, perseverance, and judgment of the situation are definitely better than the previous Daozi. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, Tianjian Villa...I'm afraid it will be in chaos soon.

Xu Yangyi nodded and motioned everyone to stand up. Turning his head and looking at Wangchen: "Are you satisfied?"

"If you say it's not enough, then Master will help you post a death notice and ask him to meet on the fighting stage."

As soon as everyone stood up, the fire in their hearts burned again.

Being so partial to his own disciple, it seems that he is definitely not a heartless person.

This time, I am afraid that he has really chosen the right master. He will no longer be used as a gun, and will never be forced by the eldest brother again.

Situ Kong trembled all over. Before Wang Chen spoke, he suddenly knelt down, touched his forehead to the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "Please forgive me... Daoist Wang Chen, the adults will not remember the villain's fault."

Wang Chen stared at him intently.

He wanted to cut off the other person's head with a knife, but the situation did not allow it, and he had to avenge this hatred himself!

As a subordinate of such a powerful Xu Zhenjun, the first-ranked and only disciple of Daozi, he could not be cowardly.

"I..." He just opened his mouth and found that he was hoarse. He took a deep breath and half-knelt on the ground: "I will listen to the master's decision."

Xu Yangyi nodded and looked at Situ Kong with disdain: "Then... get up."

"Yes..." Situ Kong no longer had a trace of resistance. He trembled and cramped several times but did not stand up.

He was really scared.

"You all heard it." He looked around, at the hundreds of people and five Jindans surrounding the cave, and said lightly: "Situ Kong was deceived by villains and abused his power for personal gain. Is there any doubt?"

No one dared to answer.

He swept his eyes over everyone, and all the law enforcement teams took another step back.

No one dared to look at each other.

Guhe and Chenmeng, the two neutral captains, looked at Xu Yangyi deeply, and bowed their hands sincerely, saying: "We will report this matter to the Elders Council truthfully. As for the result, everything depends on the decision of the Elders Council."

I used to think that this person was cowardly?

Choose to retreat to avoid the big brother who is in the limelight and avoid his edge?


This the kind of person who hides in the bag and will show his edge sooner or later! Definitely not worrying!

"That's natural." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly. From the attitude of the third elder, he knew that Tianjian Villa had long disliked Song Ziyu.

There is no absolute fairness in the world. The so-called fairness is a condition that must be discussed under strength.

Xu Yangyi stood up, flashed to Wangchen, and helped him up with his own hands: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Nothing." Wangchen gritted his teeth, held back the urge in his heart, and tried to speak in a tone that did not change.

"It is my honor to be Master's disciple..."

"Don't blame Master for not killing him?" Xu Yangyi smiled.

"No..." Wangchen pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: "I am willing to avenge this hatred myself. I know that Master gave me this opportunity."

"Good." Xu Yangyi looked at Situ Kong, who was still struggling in the sky, as if he had lost his strength and fell into the mortal world, with a calm look: "You are talented. In the last days of the earth, you can reach the foundation building stage without the guidance of a famous teacher. His Tao heart has been broken. If you still can't kill him... you are not worthy of being my disciple."

"Maybe decades, maybe a hundred years, when you really surpass him..." He paused: "I will teach you my unique skills."


As if no one was around, he walked leisurely in the garden. Wherever he passed, everyone made way for him with burning eyes. As he and Wangchen walked further and further away, the ban shattered. He finally came face to face with the law enforcement team.

"Huh?" He glanced at the law enforcement team blocking his way, and everyone shuddered and silently moved aside.

"Daoyou." Just as he walked out of the crowd, Guhe suddenly spoke behind him: "What are you going to do?"

"Where are you going?" Xu Yangyi looked at the two of them strangely and smiled: "Of course, I'm going to get back what belongs to me."

Zi... This sentence was like a thunderclap, and everyone gasped.

What belongs to him?

Daozi Cave!

The Daoist temple of Daozi's identity, a representation, a proof.

He is going to face his senior brother!

"From my previous experiences, I have come to a conclusion." Xu Yangyi smiled slowly and said: "Eliminate evil."

"But after beating a dog, the evil master is still there, so I have to beat him."

Chenmeng Zhenjun's eyes flickered and he said calmly: "What if the evil master doesn't want to be beaten?"

"That's not up to him." Xu Yangyi laughed loudly and turned into black light and flew towards the largest cave.

If you only beat a dog and don't teach the person who allowed the dog to hurt others, how can you calm the anger in his heart?

Despite his calm demeanor, someone was bullying him, and he still swallowed his anger?

He was never like that.

Senior Brother's cave is as quiet as death.

Everyone looked at the senior brother in the center. Song Ziyu's snowy face had an extremely ferocious expression.

"This..." He was holding a wine glass. Perhaps he didn't even notice that the jade wine glass clicked in his hand. A second later, it shattered.

"This... uneducated evil beast from the lower world!"

"The one who laughs last is the ultimate winner, endure the calm for a while, and take a step back to open up the world." A feminine voice sounded in his mind.

"Get out!!!" Song Ziyu gritted his teeth and suddenly unleashed his spiritual power. A storm suddenly arose in the luxuriously decorated room, and jade utensils were thrown all over the floor.

Not satisfied...

The other party is actually not satisfied with this! How dare you come to claim his cave!

This is his, Daozi Cave Mansion is his. It has been three hundred years since he joined the sect, one hundred years since Daozi, but he has to give it away after only one hundred years?

"You guys are talking!!" He turned his head and looked at the hall masters in the room with ashen faces: "How much benefit did you get from the Song family's trade? Now every clay and wood sculpture, Ben Zhenjun's past benefits have been swallowed up by you. What’s up?”

No one dared to speak.

That palm really chilled them to the core. With the palm of the palm, the Four Yuan Yings could not come out of the door and no one could be seen. No one blamed Situ Kongdao for being heartbroken. If they were present, it would probably be even worse.

"Okay...very good." Song Ziyu's lips were trembling with anger. He single-handedly singled out the entire law enforcement team, and now they came to his door. Even before they met him, he was completely frightened and no one dared to speak? !

"I want to have a few words with that evildoer." He said in a deep voice, suppressing the furious flames in his heart.


The distance of one million meters is not far for Nascent Soul, and in the blink of an eye, it is already half way.

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared around Xu Yangyi, and only he could hear it: "Go back, Ben Zhenjun will give you a cave mansion second only to Daozi Mansion! One hundred thousand middle-grade spiritual jade, only... within five years Don’t shake my position as a Taoist disciple.”

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Song Ziyu?"

"I was arrogant but respectful, don't you think it's too late to beg for mercy now?"

"Ha... Is this true king afraid of you, an ascended monk?" Song Ziyu's voice was full of anger, and he tried his best to hold it back, but still showed a trace: "Fellow Taoist, I remind you that in this ruins of Kunlun, there is no Song family yet. Inaccessible places.”

After hundreds of years of hard work... suddenly a peach picker appeared, and everyone was furious.

The most important thing is that this kind of anger cannot be relieved. The opponent is like a big mountain, and the palm is like a chasm in front of him.

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "It's a pity that you can't even enter the top ten of the Song family's Taoist sequence. Whether you can be ranked in the Taoist sequence is still a question."


"How do I know?" Xu Yangyi sneered: "If the Taoist disciples of the Song family are trash like you, how can they become the top strength in Kunlun?"


Deathly silence.

After a long time, Song Ziyu sneered and said: "Very good."

The voice suddenly disappeared, and a sneer appeared on Xu Yangyi's lips.

There is a reason why he will never give up his position as Taoist.

Quetzalcoatl said that he hid a story in Tianjian Villa. The prerequisite for knowing what this is is to enter the core level of Tianjian Villa.

As his figure passed by, one after another figures flew out of the cave, some with livid faces, others with excited expressions.

All eyes were focused on this figure.

There are more and more people, and the battle between the two Taoists will definitely change the structure of the middle and lower levels of Tianjian Villa. The former Taoist Song Ziyu has laid a trap, but the current Taoist Xu Feng has defeated all the methods and now comes to kill him.

Everyone wants to see how the former Daozi ends up.

Soon, Xu Yangyi was standing at the door of the largest cave. And as long as you feel it, you can feel that the spiritual consciousness here has condensed into a sea, with thousands of threads.

A place where tens of thousands of people focus their attention.

"Knock on the door." Xu Yangyi nodded to Wangchen.

"Yes." Wangchen cupped his hands and said, "What if they attack the disciples?"

"Do they dare?" Xu Yangyi did not hide his voice at all. Today, here, at this moment, he will change the king's flag on the top of the mountain and tell everyone that this piece of sky now has the surname Xu.

Not named Song!

Again, once he reached the upper realm, he had no intention of hiding his edge.

Whether the tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, or whether it is a single tree towering into the sky, it can break through the wind and waves.

Everything depends on the monk’s true intention.


Hey... I'm thirty~ It seems that this month has to start with 3 again...

This book has been improved in two places. The first one is after returning from Kaiyun Realm. You can compare the before and after, and the level has been significantly improved. In the front, I am still figuring out how to write fantasy, but in the back I am a little more familiar.

The second one is that after the ascension, the difference before and after is not small, but it is a natural result. After all, I have written 3 million words, and the author should also ascend~haha

In view of my ascension, there is no reason to ask for monthly tickets, haha, but I heard that there will be double on the 15th? I don’t know...

I still say that I hope the beginning of the end of the month is 2. I hope that the Taoist friends who support this book will subscribe to the genuine version and vote for the monster~Or... wait until the 15th to see?

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