
Chapter 978: The Dog in the Water

On the five peaks, the five elders of the sect watched all this with sharp eyes.

No one interrupted, and no one used any sect rules to explain. After a few seconds, the voice of the sect master was heard: "He is decisive in killing, worthy of being a cultivator who ascended from the lower realm."

"If he still swallows his anger, it will be a waste of such good qualifications." The third elder's eyes were fiery: "Sect Master, I suggest that most of the permissions be opened to him immediately. For such a seedling, if the cultivation is delayed for one more day, I am afraid that he will have less belonging to the sect!"

"Don't worry." The voice of the sect master was also excited, but much more mature and steady: "During his retreat, we have checked his ascension route. There is no problem. It is indeed the route of Feiliuhai. However, we have not met him yet, at least we need to talk to him first."

"If there is really no problem..." The sect master took a deep breath, and his words were fiery and full of confidence: "Then... I will teach him personally. In this sect, only this saint has this qualification."

No one knew the decision of the sect elder, but now about 50% of the people have all walked out of the cave, and in this rainy weather, they silently watched everything outside Daozi's cave.

"Interesting, really interesting." The Seventh Princess sat on a golden waist sedan chair, looking at the Taoist cave with a twinkling gaze: "Song Ziyu bullied others by taking advantage of his power, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face by someone else. Now the other party is coming to kill us, how will this end?"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Xu Yangyi seemed not to see it. Wang Chen stepped forward, and a spiritual consciousness flew into the small sword hanging in front of the cave: "Daozi Xu Feng, please come out and see the former Taoist Song."

A Taoist, a former Taoist, everyone's face twitched without a sound.

This was the first time the two had fought, but whoever won might be defeated, because this time it was so decisive that neither side left room for the other. Everyone knew that the root of the grass must be removed.

The small sword flickered, indicating that there was someone inside. But no one came to open the door.

Wang Chen input the second spiritual consciousness, and finally, the huge stone door opened with a click. A white-haired old man floated out.

"So it's Fellow Daoist Xu." The old man glanced at him calmly: "I wonder what Daozi Xu wants to see Fellow Daoist Song for."

"It's a meeting, not a request." The old man's Yuanying spiritual power fluctuated, and Xu Yangyi walked out slowly: "Daozi's cave was lent to Fellow Daoist Song for more than half a year. Now I want to move in and ask him to move out."

"What a coincidence." The old man sneered and flicked his sleeves: "Fellow Daoist Song is out for training and is not in the cave. There are still a lot of Fellow Daoist Song's training items in the cave. Why don't you wait a little longer?"

"In addition, I am Bai, the head of the Punishment Hall. I heard that someone wantonly injured the law enforcement team of the Punishment Hall and disregarded the majesty of the sect. This head is also very surprised. I wonder if Xu Daozi knows it?"

The door of the cave was opened, and this sentence made everyone stunned, and then the spiritual consciousness swept, and they were all stunned.

No one!

Really no one!

In the entire Daozi Cave, there was no one except Bai!

"Run away?" Everyone who was waiting to see a good show was stunned: "Big Brother actually deserted the battlefield?"

Pairs of eyes suddenly widened. They still couldn't believe it. After another look with their spiritual sense, it was true!

The night pearls were still there, the snow-white monster skin carpet, the luxuriously decorated furniture, the visualization pictures hanging on the wall, the quiet incense, everything was there, but... there was no one!

The whole place was silent.

No one expected the result. The former Taoist Song Ziyu, who had set off such a big storm, did not overwhelm him. When the other party came to collect the debt, he just ran away barefoot, and he didn't have time to pack up his collection of hundreds of years. Not to mention that the quiet incense that had not been burned out was worth thousands of low-grade spiritual jades, and the visualization pictures hanging on the wall were even more valuable.

You can imagine how anxious the other party ran!

In order to prevent Xu Yangyi from blocking the door, and in order not to lose this last bit of face, she forcibly pulled out an excuse of going out for training. It was an extremely ugly gesture to cover one's ears and steal the bell. Anyway, he didn't see it, and he couldn't hear what was said behind his back.

"Really ran away?" The Seventh Princess scanned it four or five times with her spiritual sense, and finally stood up in disbelief, staring blankly at the door that symbolized the identity of the Taoist. After a few seconds, she raised her head and laughed.


"Coward! Such a useless man!"

"Oh my... I am laughing to death. For hundreds of years, he has been backed by the Song family and bullied the Tianjian Villa. I thought he was so capable, but when he met a real ruthless person, he dared not fart. Haha... No, it's not enough, is it not embarrassing enough? It's better to have a big fight at the door, and still be like a man."

Her silver bell-like laughter was like igniting the fuse called "When the wall falls, everyone pushes it down", and a low voice of discussion rang out from all directions, and then it became louder and more fierce.

A few seconds later, a raging tide had formed.

The eldest brother who led the lower-level forces in Xiongba Tianjian Villa retreated without a fight, and did not even have time to take away the things, fearing that he would be caught up. Such an ugly appearance simply overturned everyone's understanding.

"Hahaha! Ran away! Ran away!" A foundation-building cultivator laughed up to the sky, then lowered his head and vented his anger: "Just because I am unwilling to pay half of the sect's spiritual jade every year, I have never received elixirs in the Alchemy Hall since then! I have been sent to the Punishment Hall four times! Song Ziyu... run well! Run well! Hahaha!"

"You are just like that!"

The Ten Friends of Tianjian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and their expressions were a little frozen. At this moment, the whole basin was full of people, and they didn't expect the other party to be so cowardly, or... so wise.

He lost face, but preserved his strength. As long as he could beat Xu Yangyi one day, or... Xu Yangyi "died an untimely death," then he would definitely return "in due time" and sit firmly on the position of Daozi again.

It's just... wise, but... but does he really not care about the memorial archway he has established for three hundred years?

He raised it high, slapped it hard in the face, and now he escaped easily. Can his faction survive in Tianjian Villa?

"Song Ziyu is finished." Among the ten friends, a female Yuanying smiled bitterly and shook her head: "His reputation has been ruined, his dignity has been lost, how can he be so... so irresponsible?"

"It's not that there is no way, but there is no way." The old man beside him shook his head and said: "All this is based on Xu Daozi's palm. It's too strong... A head-on confrontation is a dead end. He dare not let his Dao heart be broken. He can only choose this most faceless method."

"Well done! Well done! Go and experience! As long as Xu Daozi is here, do you dare to come back? Hahaha, this is the most undignified Daozi I have ever seen. I used to think that the eldest brother was so strong, but it's just so-so, just so-so. Haha, I'm afraid that the eldest brother will never dare to come back again? Check! Check immediately to see when the sect registered the entry and exit of Senior Brother Song left? Yes! Invite him back quickly, how can our Tianjian Villa be without Senior Brother Song?"

On the five peaks, the sect master was also stunned.

The space for spiritual communication was silent. After a few seconds, the leader shouted angrily: "Shame on you!"

"The path of cultivation is to cultivate the way of humanity and the way of heaven, and go against heaven. Now you turn around and leave when you see danger. You don't know how to take grain from the fire. Such a waste has been the first for three hundred years!"

"I blush for you who choose the Daozi!"

There was a commotion, and tens of thousands of people were watching this drama. The ** had just passed, and everyone thought there would be a second **, but others were scared and ran away directly. The neutral faction was unhappy. The supporters had planned to fight to the death, but the leader still ran away. Only the opposition cheered loudly.

Outside the valley, a man in a cloak suddenly turned back, his eyes were bloodshot.

Under the cloak, with white hair and white eyebrows, it was the senior brother who was "in training", the former Daozi.

Every cheer was like a loud slap in his face. There was regret and pain in his heart, but more of it was resentment.

He will never forget that an hour ago, he was still the senior brother who was high above him, and an hour later, he had to go to "train" and avoid his sharp edge.

With his heart bleeding, he gritted his teeth and flew behind him.

"What are you doing!!" As soon as he flew up, a black area around his body rushed out crazily, quickly forming a black ball that wrapped him inside, and a feminine voice appeared in the air: "Go back to die!"

"Even if I die, it's better than running away shamelessly like this!!" Song Ziyu's eyes were red, his beard and hair were all over his body, and his cloak fluttered without wind, like an eagle with its wings spread out: "Get out!!"

Before he finished speaking, a golden light suddenly appeared in front of him.

In the golden light, an extremely old jade plaque with a Taoist charm was floating up and down, and the carving of a lion opening its mouth, in the center, a big Song character, was flying like a dragon and a phoenix.

Song Ziyu was suddenly startled, then gritted his teeth and retracted his hand, but his fists were clenched so tightly that they made a cracking sound.

Too embarrassing...

A dog that has lost its home, a dog that has fallen into the water...No matter how I describe myself now, it is not an exaggeration!

"It seems that you finally remember your mission." The feminine voice breathed a sigh of relief: "Zi Yu, although I grew up with you, please don't forget that I am still the observer of the Song family. I volunteered to come here to assist you."

"Assist, do you understand? I'm not asking you to die!"

"Can't you see Xu Feng's strength? There are almost no rivals among the Yuanying! The Taoist sons of the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect are not necessarily stronger than him! Four Yuanyings in one palm, have you seen this kind of monster? I bet that his chance of rushing to Yangsheng is probably the highest in history!"

"Then let me endure it like this?!" Song Ziyu shouted angrily, and his cloak was raised: "If I don't kill this man, I swear I will not be a human being! "

"I want him to know... if he offends the Song family, he will have no way to go up to heaven and no way to go down to the earth."

"Then you enter the Daozi sequence!" The voice shouted angrily: "How many times have I said that a little impatience will ruin a big plan! Those who can be killed from the lower world are all monsters, and you insist on doing it! The result is that you are counterattacked by the other party with overwhelming force..."

"Enough! ! "

Silence, after a few seconds, the voice sighed: "Let's go."

"Leave Tianjian Villa first."

"Then... what about Daozi Cave Mansion?" Song Ziyu finally calmed down, tightened his cloak, like a poisonous snake in the dark, and took a last look at the cheering Tianjian Villa, and turned into a stream of light and flew away.

The voice did not speak.

"I ask you what to do with the cave mansion!" Song Ziyu gritted his teeth and said: "If the family knows... the opening location of one of the seven keys fell into the hands of others, the Censor will come to peel my skin in person!"

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