
Chapter 979: True Lord Benlei



He couldn't find it... His voice was a little uncertain: This matter... is a legend in itself. No one can be sure. The ancestor exhausted all his energy and said that it was 'possibly' here. If the Tianjian Patriarch left anything, it could only be there. He... a lower world cultivator without a sect, how could there be a virtual saint to deduce for him? He couldn't know.

I mean just in case. Song Ziyu's eyes flickered. When he talked about this, he hid in the shadows and couldn't help lowering his voice: I paid such a high price to get the three Daozi to send me here. It took more than a hundred years to ascend to the position of Daozi. In the last hundred years, I begged and persuaded the sect to set Daozi's cave there.

The Central Plains Censor already knew about this...

You told him? ! His voice suddenly became louder, and he trembled with anger: Song Ziyu... you... you...

Now is not the time to talk about these. How could I have thought that Xu Feng would come so quickly! Song Ziyu pulled his cloak guiltily: I'm asking, what to do, aren't you here to assist me? Didn't I listen to you in the past?

The voice was silent for a few seconds, and when he spoke again, with a voice of regret, he gritted his teeth and said: It might be a good thing.

The Central Plains Censor, the Yin Zun 'Ghost Face Monk' E Sha Senior, has killed countless evils. If he sees Xu Feng occupying the magpie's nest, what do you think he will do?

Song Ziyu's eyes lit up, and a smile full of murderous intent appeared at the corner of his mouth.

However, you can't put all your hopes here. The most important thing is... If you want to enter the world of great struggle three hundred years later, you must rely on something. Your lineage is too weak, and the three Daozi is the direct lineage. You can only enter the Daozi first, pretend to be flattering, and develop secretly. Once the Censor knows that your mission has failed, even if he takes it back in the end, you will have nothing to do.

Moreover, no matter how strong Senior E Sha is, he dare not force his way into the mountain gate of the descendants of Feixian. In the end, you still have to take action.

Five years.

In the five years, he will definitely be assigned a task, and you must seize every opportunity. Even if it fails... Five years later, in the four sects' competition, Xu Feng will be the leader. As long as you can kill him at that time, everything will be over. Aren't you still one of the Daozi? Just go out for 'training'.

Song Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief, finally away from the sphere of influence of Tianjian Villa.


Tianjian Villa, Daozi Cave.

Xu Yangyi stood at the entrance of the cave, about to step in. Bai waved his long sleeves, and a wind wall blocked him in front of him.

Do you really want to stand up for him? Xu Yangyi's expression did not move, and he said in a voice that only two people could hear: Let me save your face.

Bai gritted his teeth, and his heavy clothes were already soaked with sweat.

How could he not know that Xu Yangyi's strength was terrible?

Four Yuanying in one palm, this kind of strength... is no longer terrible.

However, he had taken too many benefits from the Song family, and had long been inseparable from the Song family and Song Ziyu's lineage. And he was the last one left by Song Ziyu.

That can't be said. Bai Yangtian sighed and gritted his teeth and said: Fellow Daoist Song's training, how to deal with the cave is still up to the sect.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in the sky, and then... a breath of flesh and blood that Xu Yangyi had never felt before, which was as real as a substance, appeared between heaven and earth.

It was a scene he had never seen before. Every spiritual energy was extremely refined, as if it appeared with a person's breathing. A golden light column between heaven and earth spread and soared into the sky. In the light column, a Vajra phantom was looming.

Although it was blurry, it seemed that a hand and a kick could cause the mountains and rivers to collapse.

This is... He was stunned and took a deep breath: Yang Sheng? !   This is the Yang Sheng of which there are only thirty people in the entire Seven Realms? !

Yang Sheng, the whole body is perfect and leak-free, and it has become a leak-free body. The body is a world of its own, and heaven and man are one.

Any Yangsheng has a prerequisite.

A perfect immortal body!

Just when he was still in doubt, the people around him knelt down one by one, and suddenly, the whole sky was filled with a heartfelt and deafening cheer: Welcome to the Sect Master! !

The Sect Master of Tianjian Villa has arrived!

Xu Yangyi did not kneel. As the first Daozi, he could see the Sect Master without kneeling.

No need for courtesy. The Sect Master said lightly, his eyes seemed indifferent, and fell on Xu Yangyi, like a magnet, and could never be taken off.

In the past seven months, Xu Yangyi was in seclusion, and Tianjian Villa almost investigated the other party's details clearly.

Ascension trajectory, no problem.

Qualification, no problem.

Connection with other forces, no!

The hands behind his back were already twisted excitedly. He didn't know what Bu Laoshan was singing again, but... even if it was a poison to quench thirst, he admitted it!

This person... poisoned his generation, and Tianjian Villa could keep safe for a thousand years!

So... His eyes flickered and fell on Bai who was kneeling on the ground.

Let me remove some obstacles for you.

Genius, you should be treated like a genius.

Bai. His voice was calm, but like thunder: Are you going backwards as you live?


The sect rules that whoever is the first Daozi can obtain the 'Dongxuan Mansion. ' Do you think the sect rules are false?

The power of Yang Sheng, the great sound is silent, one person opens his mouth, and thunder surges in all directions, and the sea is vast.

That is the manifestation of the physical evolution to the extreme.

Sect Master... Bai closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said what Song Ziyu wanted him to say: Song Daozi did not violate the sect rules, so he was disqualified as a Daozi, right...


Bai sweated profusely.

He knew that Song Ziyu wanted this Daozi qualification. As long as he was still a member of Tianjian Villa, he would have a chance to make a comeback in the future.

At this moment, even he felt that Song Ziyu was so obsessed with the qualification of a Daozi that it was a bit weird.

The waiting process was the most painful. After a few seconds, the sect master said lightly: The sect did not cancel his qualification.

Bai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When did you become so loyal? The sect master looked at Bai sarcastically: I have heard many people say that you are a dog of Song Ziyu. I still don’t believe that someone under the sect can avoid the sect elders and execute privately. Now it seems that I am too confident.

Everyone was silent and looked at Bai as if they were looking at a dead person.


A Yangsheng’s golden words have announced the other party’s death sentence. At the same time, it also shows the attitude of the sect.

There is nothing wrong with going against Xu Feng.

This is the attitude of the sect.

The world has really changed... The Seventh Princess sighed and became more respectful.

Go to the Punishment Hall to receive the punishment, 100 strokes of the cane, facing the wall for ten years. Do you obey?

Junior... obey. Bai almost hated Song Ziyu to death. If he knew that Song Ziyu's words would bring such a big consequence, he would definitely invite Xu Yangyi in!

After dealing with the last thing, the master looked at Xu Yangyi again, with a color in his eyes that could even be called kind.

You have been in seclusion for half a year, and your virtual spirit body is close to perfection. However, in order to save your apprentice, you interrupted it yourself. Your sincerity and friendship are commendable. As long as you have no problem visualizing the picture, it will take only one month to achieve perfection again. In two months, the sect's big class, I will teach it myself, you must come.

Yes! Xu Yangyi bowed.

I don't know how many people are jealous.

Yang Sheng's personal guidance... I almost said it!

Can you have some shame! Can you consider the feelings of others! Wasn't it last year that the physical training class was held? This year, it should be Yin Zun's turn, okay! You keep saying the sect rules, which one have you implemented!

However, there was silence.

Only a fool would object.

I see that you are decisive in killing and acting vigorously, so I give you the Taoist name "Ben Lei". From now on, Taoist Xu Feng will be called Ben Lei Zhenjun. Thunder comes from the sky, it is immeasurable, powerful, and will kill anyone who touches it. The power of heaven is unpredictable. Can you?

Thank you, Sect Master.

The father-in-law looked at his son-in-law and was more and more satisfied. The Sect Master suppressed his excitement. If he had such a son, maybe... three hundred years later, he really had the hope of going to the place of great contention to fight and completely rewrite the fate of Tianjian Villa.

As a Taoist, this sect should give a thank you gift. He smiled and raised his hand: The way of physical cultivation requires assistance. If you are not a Yang Saint, you cannot be called leak-free. It can still be broken by some magical powers. You are the carrier of the virtual spirit immortal body. When I was invited by the King of the Sea to explore an ancient cave, I got a precious magic weapon that matched the virtual spirit immortal body. It's only a step away from opening the spirit, now, let's treat it as a gift.

It's not a big deal to have red eyes once, but now it's a second time?

Even the Seventh Princess, who was backed by the plane, had red eyes at this time.

The cave explored with the Sea King... must be the Taixu Realm!

And the magic weapons left in the Taixu Realm are definitely not mediocre!

Wait... Why didn't the eldest brother win the first sequence of Daozi a hundred years ago without this rule?

So you just made it up?

Good. Seeing Xu Yangyi accept a storage ring, the sect master smiled and disappeared in the air.

In silence, everyone's eyes turned to Xu Yangyi.

The upstart has reached the top.

Now you don't submit your letter of surrender, and don't see the upstart's policy, when will you?

Let's go. Xu Yangyi smiled, stepped into the cave, and said to Wangchen behind him: No need to close the door.

The cave is luxurious. It must be said that although Song Ziyu's cultivation is not top-notch, his taste is really good.

Obviously, it is extremely luxurious, but when you look at it together, you will feel elegant and luxurious, not vulgar at all.

The white crane holds the stove, and the incense of tranquility lingers, filling the room with fragrance. I don't know what kind of wooden screen it is, it is thick and finely carved. The Luohan bed in the center is made of pure jade, snow-white, without a trace of mixed colors. Dragon head armrests, Pixiu backrest. Extremely luxurious.

Every other place is embellished to the extreme. The palace lanterns above the head are carved with gold and jade, plus a square of snow-white carpet, and the towering monster head is facing the door, which is luxurious and majestic.

Not bad. Xu Yangyi was quite satisfied, stroking the armrest and smiled: The most important thing is that the spiritual energy is sufficient, which is stronger than the best spirit gathering array in Feiliu Sea Realm. This can withstand my breathing.

Of course. As soon as the voice fell, three laughs sounded at the door at the same time: This is the Taoist Cave. Although it has only been more than a hundred years since the roll call, the spiritual energy is indeed the most concentrated in the whole sect except for the five major peaks.

Xu Yangyi smiled and turned his head. When the new king ascends the throne, someone must submit a letter of surrender.

Tianjian Villa has only one king.

My nickname is the Seventh Princess, Yu Liuli. A woman bowed gracefully, and two old men in long robes laughed and bowed: I am the head of the Gongfa Hall, Ma Xingkong. I am the Ten Friends of Tianjian, and I am ashamed to be the first, Han Qiusong.

I came to see Daozi.



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