
Chapter 980: Harvest

Xu Yangyi waved his hand: "Please sit down. I just came here. I don't have any spiritual tea or spiritual fruit. I'm sorry for bothering you."

"What are you talking about, Daozi?" Yu Liuli looked 28 years old. She was wearing a thin gauze, but you couldn't see clearly inside. She had a slender waist and a perfect S-shaped figure. She should have been charming, but she had a pure round face. This greeting and blessing did not show any coquettishness, but was dignified and elegant, rich and graceful.

"How can a guest not bring a gift and let the host spend money?" In one sentence, Xu Yangyi's unprepared embarrassment was revealed, which made people feel very comfortable. Xu Yangyi couldn't help but look at her more.

It's not a rush.

He already had Angel in his heart, and he was not easily moved. There was also a stunning Su Xingyao next to him. It was just an appreciation for capable women.

As Yu Liuli clapped her hands lightly, two rows of ladies came in, with excellent qualifications. Each person put a cup of spiritual tea on the table, Yingying bowed, and withdrew again.

"Not bad." Xu Yangyi picked it up and smelled it. The fragrance was fragrant. Although it was not as good as that of the stargazer, it was not far away.

"This is the royal tribute of Buzhou Realm." Yu Liuli slightly retracted her smile and said meaningfully: "Tianjian Villa is a mercenary. I believe the third elder has already told you. Mercenaries naturally have to deal with all parties and need all kinds of top magic weapons and elixirs to enrich themselves."

"Someone has to take care of these trivial matters." She offered both hands to Xu Yangyi: "This palace has the support of Buzhou World, and the logistics are convenient. I am ashamed to be the head of Wanbao Hall. In the future, please take care of me, Brother Xu."

A head handed over his letter of surrender.

Xu Yangyi looked at her for a few seconds, took the tea and took a sip, Yu Liuli breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and sat down.

The other two were not far behind. Ma Xingkong was a Yuanying cultivator with an ordinary face. He smiled and bowed: "The Gongfa Hall, as the name suggests, I won't say much. With Xu Daozi's status, all levels can be visited. And Xu Daozi's disciples, as long as they want to go, except for the top level, just need to tell me. I'll say hello when I get back."

Han Qiusong smiled and said: "To be honest, all halls and Yuanying cultivators are middle-level, below Yuanying, they are lower-level, only Daozi and the five elders are upper-level. I am the representative of the neutral faction. Before Xu Daozi came, Song Ziyu did all kinds of evil and deceived his superiors and subordinates. We have long wanted someone to replace him."

When the wall falls, everyone pushes it. Everyone knows the way to survive. Just like when Song Ziyu was here, no one dared to make trouble no matter how dissatisfied he was. Because there is no other choice.

As for the future?

Both sides are groping and testing. It's too early to talk about these now. After practicing until now, the cannon fodder has long died, and there is no mediocre hand who can reach the Yuanying.

After chatting for half an hour, Wang Chen sent everyone out. Although he was in the foundation building stage, no one dared not to salute, and he returned the salute respectfully.

"Master. Do you believe them?" Wang Chen asked after sending everyone away.

"It has nothing to do with whether I believe it or not." Xu Yangyi sipped the spiritual tea and said slowly: "Any sect is a small world. If you want to survive here and live well, you must abide by the laws of the world. You pack up, I will let the other two come."

He sent a spiritual consciousness to the others. During this period, Su Xingyao and Mao Bayi lived in a Yuanying cave. Now, they can finally get together.

The two arrived soon, and Mao Bayi's eyes were straight when he saw this cave.

"Oh my god..." As soon as it came in, it jumped onto the Arhat bed at lightning speed, picked up the teacup that Xu Yangyi had just drunk and took a sip, narrowed its eyes, and showed a satisfied expression: "Dog life... should be like this..."

"Live in the best cave, drink the best tea, brew the strongest..."

It glanced at Su Xingyao and stopped talking at the right time: "Anyway, isn't it time to pay back the debt?"

"Pay back! Pay back the debt?" Xu Yangyi and Wang Chen were stunned when they heard this, and Wang Chen was so angry that he said it out loud. Even Su Xingyao raised her eyebrows and looked at the vicious dog with some surprise.

"Bold lunatic!" Mao Baer paused for a moment and said angrily: "I raised you with my own hands! Why, you don't recognize me now that you are strong enough?"

It was too righteous, leaving everyone speechless.

"What's wrong with you?" Xu Yangyi sneered.

"Tsk tsk... So, we lack communication." The Husky stroked the teacup anthropomorphically, and sighed: "Have you ever thought about the feelings of an empty-nest old dog? When you were out there being affectionate, did you ever think of me standing alone in the cold west wind, messy?"

Su Xingyao raised her eyebrows slightly. She understood what these adjectives and verbs meant, but this way of pairing... she couldn't keep up.

"Thanksgivg, understand? Be grateful! You should be grateful to your guardian! Be grateful!"

It looked at Xu Yangyi dimly: "So, you should meet my request."

Wang Chen was speechless.

I have never seen such a shameless dog!

He actually made it up! There is no flaw in the logic!

Xu Yangyi looked at it for a long time, until its fur stood up, and then he smiled and said, "Spiritual Beast Hall?"

"I knew we had an incredible telepathy!" Mao Baer's eyes lit up when he heard these three words, and he stood up from the Arhat bed with a bark, his mung bean-sized eyes flashing, "Following you will not only make no money, but also be life-threatening. I want to have a carefree time, take a 400-year annual leave? Let me pursue my sunset love?"

Xu Yangyi sneered, "No."

"Mr. Xu! I'm warning you! I have a lot of nude photos of you! Do you want to be an internet celebrity? Do you want me to photoshop the Tianjian Villa nude photos?" Mao Baer was furious. Just as he was glaring at him, a finger pointed at his forehead.

"This is to allow you to enjoy yourself for a while longer." Xu Yangyi's face was full of righteousness: "In the upper realm, there are more dangers. Although the spiritual energy is rich, what you cultivate is the realm and the heart of Tao. If your state of mind cannot keep up with the realm, it is also difficult to advance. And it is likely to lead to the birth of inner demons."


Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi poked his finger into its fur. Mao Baer looked at his finger angrily, his eyes facing each other.

"What do you mean? Do you think four hundred years is a long time? At least you have to advance to the Great Void. You can't be so short-sighted. Once you advance to the Great Void, even the Beast Taming Sect will have to curry favor with you. And you have thousands of years to enjoy it. You can change from Pekingese to Tibetan Mastiff. **The days are short and the days are long. From now on, the king will not attend the court early. Do you think you are short-sighted?"

Mao Baer was stunned.

Wang Chen was also stunned.

"It seems... that's right." Mao Baer was obsessed with fantasy and couldn't extricate himself.

"Think about it, thousands of years of ups and downs." Xu Yangyi persuaded: "You can't be a four-hundred-year-old loser. You have to be a noble dog, a pure dog, a moral dog, a dog that is free from vulgarity, a dog that is beneficial to the people... a dog of the Seven Realms Spirit Beast Hall. In this way, your cultivation will not be in vain."

The avenue is invisible and pierces the soul. Mao Baer was stunned.

The grand plan of being embraced by both sides unfolded in front of him, saliva flowed down his tongue, and he said blankly: "Why does this sentence sound familiar."

Xu Yangyi looked at the other party who was already struggling between "the bitterness of life" and "cultivating desperately", and calmly sipped his tea: "It's familiar, I will explain your voice."

Su Xingyao looked at Mao Baer with pity in her eyes.

Wang Chen looked at the master in astonishment, there is such a thing?

Ignoring it no longer, Xu Yangyi looked at the other two: "In the future, Wang Chen and Mao Baer will practice here, I will fight for a good cave for Su Xingyao, or do you have other places to go?"

"Don't worry about me." Su Xingyao stood up calmly, as relaxed as in the snow, isolated: "I'm afraid there will be no time to meet in the future, you and I are even."

After saying this, she turned into a stream of light and flew away.

"Master... don't keep her?" Wang Chen asked.

"It's troublesome, it's better not to stay around." Xu Yangyi looked normal: "Am I familiar with her?"

Wang Chen was speechless. The road to ascension lasted for a hundred years, and everyone had been together for a hundred years, but if you want to say familiar, Su Xingyao has said no more than a hundred sentences from beginning to end. And she never took the initiative to talk to Xu Yangyi. Even a blind man can see that the relationship between the two is definitely not good.

"Especially such a big trouble..." Xu Yangyi looked at Su Xingyao's leaving figure, shook his head, and waved his hand, and three jade boxes appeared on the table.

Two of them were red, and the center of the left jade box was carved with thousands of mountains, like freehand painting. Cracks spread from above, and the center was covered with cold snow.

"Venerable Hanxue..." A trace of undetectable murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he began to count his gains in the upper realm.

A total of three jade boxes and a Holy Spirit Pill from the third elder were harvested. Impacting the virtual spirit immortal body is more of a combination of spirit and flesh. He did not use the Holy Spirit Pill.

Suppressing the fluctuations in his heart, he gently opened the jade box. Suddenly, a red cloud flew away, and the whole cave was filled with red mist in an instant. A very refined aura made people's pores relax.

"What is this?" Wang Chen took a breath. In the center of the box, there was a drop of blood-red water. It looked like jade but not jade, red and transparent.

As if to answer his question, a piece of golden handwriting immediately appeared in the air: Three-life Water.

"It is extremely close to the source of all waters. Only within 10,000 meters around the source of all waters can three-life water appear. This thing is the main material of the body-refining holy medicine 'Da Mo Luo Dan'."

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and covered the box and put it into the storage ring.

This is a gift from the Lord of the Mountains, a gift from Taixu. Although he didn't know what Da Mo Luo Dan was, it was called a body-refining holy medicine by Taixu, and it was definitely an ordinary product.

He looked at another box.

On this box, there was a stone-carved snake pattern, which was ordinary. But he didn't despise her at all.

Snake Mother!

One of the two queens of the Ten Thousand Snakes Palace!

"That young man is the direct disciple of the Snake Mother..." He narrowed his eyes. The disciple of the Snake Mother wanted to form an alliance with him? Bet on him?

Of course, if he wanted to check the other party's identity now, he would know it immediately. But he didn't want to.

If he didn't reach Yang Sheng, knowing so much would only add to his troubles.

He gently opened the box, and a red light flashed. Unlike before, it made all the pores open, but this red light made people feel cold in their hearts.

In a moment, the red light converged.

At the bottom of the box, there was a claw-shaped magic weapon.

It was not the claw of an animal, but... like an insect. It seemed to be a part cut off from some insect monster.

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