
Chapter 981: The Immortal Dream Disappears (I)

"Quite rare." Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows. The moment the claw appeared in its complete form, the surrounding space was illusory, as if he had entered an illusion. Even though Xu Yangyi was so determined, it took him half a second to react.

Half a second is enough for countless changes to occur in a life-and-death battle of the same level, especially for a pure physical practitioner like him who doesn't need a pinch at all. It can be said that half a second can make the difference between life and death.

"Brush..." A green font flashed "Unnamed Claw, the claw is nameless. It was a relic of the Taixu monk thousands of years ago and was obtained by the Snake Mother. This Taixu cultivation base is extremely terrifying and is proficient in illusions. The Snake Mother and Jiehai King joined forces to Invite the top yin and yang saints from all directions to obtain this thing."

"This object is located in a cave, but it seems to exist in a dream, mixed with a thousand-meter meteor. It cannot be obtained by those who have great supernatural powers. It should be a demon cultivator of Taixu, which allows the wearer to master an illusion. However, it has It is something from thousands of years ago. Each time it is activated, it can only last for one stick of incense, but it must be cultivated for one day."

"Illusion magic belongs to the spiritual power. The spiritual power is the most difficult to prevent for physical cultivation. It is the only weakness of physical cultivation. This thing is of great benefit to the Yin Lord."

Xu Yangyi was reading that line of words carefully, when suddenly, the Phantom's voice sounded faintly: "Dad...this thing looks so familiar."

He always blushed, always forgetting the existence of this thing. Who told the other party to eat and sleep? Now he is completely treated as a pet, and he will never show up in front of everyone.

Any status must be earned by yourself. If you don’t strive for it, you won’t blame others for being forgotten.

The reason why he was blushing a little was that after all... the phantom was suffering with him.

"What?" he said softly.

"I don't know..." Phantom Rouju said: "It just feels very familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere."

Xu Yangyi smiled, buckled the jade box and put it into the storage ring, and looked at the jade box in the center.

"Yang Sheng's magic weapon, don't let me down..." He pursed his lips and opened the jade box.

A piece of white light roared out, and inside the box, a palm-sized piece of armor shone brightly.

At the moment when the white light spreads, in all directions, there are endless butterflies fluttering their wings, colorful, and people seem to be intoxicated by this beautiful scenery and unable to extricate themselves.

"Another magic weapon for spiritual consciousness?" He was stunned, and with a move of his hand, Xiaojia floated in front of him: "It's defensive, and the nameless claw is offensive, so both are complete..."

He suddenly fell silent. After waiting for a few seconds, Wangchen finally said, "Master, what's wrong?"

"No..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered fiercely. With a wave of his hand, the nameless claw he had just put in flew out and said to Wangchen: "Take a look."

Wangchen took a closer look and was stunned: "This is..."

"This is..." A surprised voice came from beside him, and Mao Baer came over at some point, equally surprised.

Is this dog still serious?

Wangchen asked doubtfully: "You know?"

"I don't know." Mao Baer rolled his eyes at him: "Seeing you so surprised, I came here to express that I am as surprised as you. Otherwise, wouldn't it make me look very unsociable?"


Feeling the murderous intention rising in Wangchen's heart, Xu Yangyi coughed lightly: "They were taken from the same thing."

Yes, the armor and claws are both insect-like carapace, and the patterns on them are exactly the same.

"Naturally shedding his skin and becoming a magic weapon of Taixu?" Wangchen shook his head in disbelief: "This senior demon cultivator is probably at least at the level of five kings and two queens."

"I know what this is." Mao Baer said solemnly. Wangchen didn't know how to repent: "Are you sure?"

"Pocket Monster! Bad Butterfly!!" The two cats stood up and spoke righteously.

A few seconds later, the figure of a dog flew onto the Arhat's bed. This time it was Xu Yangyi who moved his hand.

It's too much to bear, no need to bear it any longer.

Xu Yangyi turned his head and stared at the two magic weapons. This time he didn't need to be reminded by the phantom, and he felt they were very familiar.

It was as if... I had actually seen this thing hundreds of years ago.

Where is it……

In his mind, the elixir of photographic memory was running at full speed. Five minutes later, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he touched the storage ring with his hand, and a mask immediately appeared.

The material is exactly the same as the two, the same pattern, the same carapace.

"Green-winged ghost face." Before the surprised Wangchen could ask, Xu Yangyi's face became extremely serious: "I know what this is."

"This object was obtained by my teacher in a small world called Kaiyun Realm, and the owner of this object once visited there. Indeed...she is an extremely terrifying monster and a demon cultivator. Then The claws are called Red Flame Dark Claws, the armor is called Guiyi Xuanjia, and the three are collectively called Nanhua Imperial Treasure."

There was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, whether he missed the Kaiyun Realm or the Earth: "This is a set of combined treasures. It is specially designed to deal with illusions and spiritual consciousness. And its owner, Nanhua Butterfly Mother, can travel between dreams and spiritual consciousness. It’s just that the Green Wing Ghost Face can only target the foundation stage, but I didn’t expect the latter two to be able to target Nascent Soul.”

Nanhua butterfly mother?

Wangchen heard this name for the first time, and after a while he tasted it and said, "That senior... has been here?"

"This is what I am cautious about." Xu Yangyi's face was as dark as water, and his spiritual energy was released. He closed the door of the cave with a wave of his hand and said word by word: "This senior is in the Taixu realm. What she has experienced Everything is a dream, and the dreams she creates are no different from the real world. Now that I think about it, it should be her domain."

"But no matter how she travels, she needs a channel, a base point, which is the dream itself. Everything she constructs is based on the original dream." He raised his chin towards the three magic weapons floating in the air: "You don't know, that small world itself is a huge dream, and only she can come and go freely. I now think that the meteor that the Snake Mother and the King and Queen of the Sea World went to was probably a dream."

"First, she has never been to Xu Kunlun. Because she has been pressed under the Death Valley of Kunlun Mountain for thousands of years. Second, thousands of years later, she is just a cave, how can she stop the king and queen who are also Taixu? The seal has long lost its spiritual power!"

Wang Chen listened attentively, and after a few seconds, he shook suddenly.

He knew what was wrong!

If this is the illusion set up by the Butterfly Mother, and the Butterfly Mother herself travels based on dreams, then...

Whose dream is this?

Whose dream became this base point? Whose dream made a hole in the Nanhua Butterfly Mother? And the illusory Meteor Cave in it took the king and queen so much effort to open it?

"Legend... Strange?" He took a deep breath.

"I don't know." Xu Yangyi said solemnly: "It may be... even above the legend..."

"Above the legend?" Mao Baer was also stunned: "Aren't the two legends the highest in the seven realms?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak. But a voice sounded leisurely: "They may be the strongest now, but they are definitely not the strongest in history."

Yuchang's figure finally appeared, and he looked at Nanhua Yubao in shock, looking directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "Maybe... it's the kind of thing you have been pursuing."

Yuchang Sword Spirit, many people in Qingcheng Mountain have seen it, Wangchen immediately bowed and saluted, and Mao Baer was rare not to be mean.

Xu Yangyi nodded. He finally understood the meaning of what Quetzalcoatl said to him.

Go and see those things that have been seen but never seen...

What you are pursuing is there.

In the Earth era, he asked many people if there were immortals.

Quetzalcoatl told him that there were indeed immortals here, not to confirm, but to tell him the exact location!

Maybe it's not an immortal, but an immortal trace. Traces left by creatures once called "immortals"!

And the imperial treasure of Nanhua Butterfly Mother added the final note.

Only when the immortal dreamed and Nanhua Butterfly Mother accidentally traveled into it, could she use such a terrifying dream as the basis to lay a cave that would still be broken by a king and a queen thousands of years later!

"Immortal dream..." His eyes flickered slightly, but at this moment, three treasures burst into a room full of golden light. If the door was not closed, this light would be enough to illuminate the entire Tianjian Villa!

The three treasures were densely arranged in the three positions, rotating rapidly, and as the light shone, it illuminated everyone so that they couldn't open their eyes. After a few seconds, a butterfly-like, crystal-clear, palm-sized molt appeared in the white light.

The molt of Nanhua Butterfly Mother!

At this moment, the phantom in his dantian screamed with extreme excitement, rushed out like crazy, and swallowed the whole molt in one mouthful.

The next second, the infinite blue light was like a dream, and the azure gauze curtain filled the entire cave. Countless blue spiritual light threads rushed from all directions. In less than a few seconds, the phantom was entangled into a half-meter-long blue light cocoon.

"Ba, Ba Da Butterfree transformed?!" Mao Ba Er was so scared that he covered his mouth and shouted.

No one expected that the phantom, who had always been treated as a pet, would get such an opportunity and actually start an impossible evolution in the upper world!

"Everyone has their own opportunities..." Yu Chang looked at it in astonishment for a few seconds, shook his head and sighed.

"It's not certain whether it's an opportunity!" Xu Yangyi suddenly shouted: "Look around!"

Everyone looked over, and at a glance, even Yu Chang took a breath of cold air.

"This... What on earth is this?!"

The whole cave was like faded oil paint. As the blue light river rushed, it actually appeared... a series of incredible pictures.

Like the bottom of a kaleidoscope. Some were an old man who had just sat on the platform, and the next second he regained his youth. Some are young women marrying their dream husbands. Some are young men passing the imperial examinations... Each picture is different, and each is in a different area, with no correlation at all.

"Is this... a dream?" Mao Baer jumped up and hid beside Xu Yangyi's feet. Yu Chang stared for a long time, shook his head and said, "It's not a dream..."

"It's an extremely clever illusion. This kind of illusion... even makes Taixu who enters here unable to detect it, and makes Yang Sheng feel that he is here every day... Who set up this illusion?"

"What is it covering up?"

Xu Yangyi stared at the surroundings, and suddenly said, "Wangchen, go to the place where the sect's classics are collected immediately, and bring all the related classics of this sect in the past."

"Remember, especially the classics about Daozi Cave Mansion, don't miss a single one!"

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